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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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vladimirovna, we have such a rule, the last word is always with the hero, sum up the conversation that took place. and what is very important in art is a sense of partnership. and i would like to wish all our children that they always understand that in the big sense of the word, we are all a big, big team, even if we may not know each other, but someday we will find out, we must do everything together, well, really our life is better, the life of our country is better. rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts natalya korchevskaya is a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. watch in the next episode! winner of
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the third season of the factorby show daniil savene. does being called a person with disabilities offend you? would you be able to give up everything you have in exchange for vision? if i close my eyes now and try to walk, i will fall. do you often fall? a song can change the world, for example... stop war or violence? how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? can i hug you? 100 questions for an adult: but even you can’t help, and your darkness, to me alone, is absolutely, completely useless.
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls, thereby...
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while his peers dreamed of becoming pilots in childhood, he dreamed of becoming an inventor, i , while still at a tender age, came across a book about kulibin, and there i saw him wooden watches, besides wooden watches he has a lot. but the wooden watch
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stuck in my soul the most. having become an adult, he chose a completely different profession for himself. a telecommunications engineer, but he didn’t forget about his childhood dream; at the age of 30, he finally created his first wooden watch. you can’t take a metal watch and copy it in wood, because wood requires its own approach, and if there’s a tooth in a metal watch, there may be small, thin, i can’t leave it in a tree. here for 35 years now he has been creating unique works that combine the author's idea, the skill of a watchmaker, the art of a woodcutter, why kuku, and not just ku, then i remembered
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this famous film by kenzadza, and decided to make a watch in the form of a papilazi. andrey martenek, a unique master from derzhinsk, is a man for whom a watch is more than just a mechanism that keeps time. each of his works is a real art object with its own idea, philosophy and tribute to the traditions of the old masters.
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how many paintings, books, films have been written and filmed? about time, how many incredible theories are devoted to it, time beckons scientists. the ball rolls out and is lifted back using a lifting mechanism. the congref watch, named after its inventor, the english engineer of the early 19th
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century, william kangreve, also works on balls, but on a completely different principle. the ball rolls along the snake when it reaches the end, the platform. there is also a watch of a real sea captain, which is based on the sixstand navigation device, this watch works once an hour in this way, the steering wheel makes one revolution, instead of fighting, the steering wheel simply makes one revolution in... but you won’t find the classic wall clock with a cuckoo here, but you will see their unusual interpretation, why cuckoo, and not just once, that’s when i remembered this famous movie pinzadza, well
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and decided to make a watch in the form of papillation. you can hang around each exhibit of this small exhibition not for a minute or two, but until you understand the operating principle of each clock mechanism, where all the parts are made of wood, and even when the author puts in its watches, the quartz movement still leaves the wooden mechanics open. andrei mikhailovich realized long ago that there is something fascinating in the way gears work, how their teeth flawlessly cling to each other.
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in the derzhinsky regional center of folk art culture, where andrei mikhailovich works and where most of his works are exhibited throughout. on the walls in the hallways and...
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the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite that we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this. thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we should...
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the bush is right here in the yard, how far is it, well, just like that, just meters away, so that, yes, it is opposite the house, today we will walk through real swamps, so in the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty meters away, those who are not initiated, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, a manor, an estate, but in fact it is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life,
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the year project i am from the village, watch on the tv channel belarus 24. andrei mikhailovich has long been an accomplished professional in his business, a real luminary,
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thirty-five years of experience, more than a hundred original large clocks made of wood and about a thousand small ones, each work is a unique combination of the author’s idea, skillful wood carving and precise mechanics, but it never occurred to him to leave his small regional house of culture and to move to the capital, he himself admits, his colleagues...
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gears, where would we be without them, by the way, music, lighting, and, of course, the beloved prototypes for each doll were real people, colleagues andrei mikhailov. in the cultural center, children especially like to guess in the dancing characters those who have them in their lessons or master classes. and in the round dance, look what kind of girls we have. the round dance is spinning, and daria alexandrovna, let’s find her, with a jug, with a jug, that’s right, the dolls for the bog were created by one craftswoman, straw figurines for watches, cheerful village, another, each of the works in the vremya vytinanka collection also has its own co-author. i liked the vytinanka for a long time, but
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i thought for a very long time about how to implement it in a watch, just take the vytinanka and insert the mechanism into it, it was not interesting. vytinanka, straw, dolls in national belarusian costumes, in many of andrei martynyuk’s works there is a reference to authentic belarusian crafts, and this despite the fact that... the master himself, originally from kazakhstan , moved to belarus in his youth. traction our hero recalls that he had a passion for drawing since childhood, but he didn’t have the right teacher nearby. when he grew up, he went into a technical profession, he worked for many years as a telecommunications engineer, was well versed in technology and electronics, but his childhood dream
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still overtook him one day. in general, this is a childhood dream, even when i was still there. at a tender age i came across a book about kulibin, and there i saw his wooden watch, besides wooden watches, he has a lot of metal and generally various products, but the wooden watch fell in love with me the most soul, i had to devote quite a lot of time to studying the general watchmaking business as such, well, it was already about 30 years ago when i made my first wooden watch. andrei mikhailovich finished them in almost 3 years, now i can finish them in 3 months, our hero jokes, and it’s not just a matter of experience, then there were neither modern machines, nor computer programs that would allow making accurate sketches, nor the internet with its lightning-fast responses to any question. i had to learn everything on my own, sitting for days in the then
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the largest lenin library and study the works of famous watchmakers in the reading room. and then, using trial error , adapt the acquired knowledge to working with wood. you can’t take a metal watch and copy it in wood, because wood requires its own approach, if in a metal watch there may be a small, thin tooth, then in wood i can’t do that, leave it, it simply simply won’t withstand it, it won’t work, so some components had to be redone many times... but with the advent of machine tools it's much simpler, of course. today, cnc machines and laser cutting make many stages of work easier and faster. all mechanics are created on the computer. for so many years, the master has already developed his own versions of mechanisms that he uses in different watches, but the concept, idea, design of each
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work, this creative process has not disappeared anywhere. just like 20 years ago. andrei mikhailovich can stay awake at night and hatch his next idea, and he still periodically faces the fact that potential buyers do not fully understand the complexity the complexity of his work. the main point is that my watch is not so much a watch, but an art object. i had a very interesting case, at one of the exhibitions, i was hanging my watch, a young man came up and asked how much it cost? i call him.
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wooden clock mechanisms, this work requires enormous patience, and this is precisely what is lacking in many who would like to engage in such creativity. andrei mikhailovich easily shares the secrets of his craft, does not hide anything and is ready to teach anyone what he can do. one day he even had students, but the experience was unsuccessful. i begin to tell, explain, show, in principle. you have to teach such a conditional watchmaker course first, and then show the work itself, they can’t stand it. about a week later they fade away, because they understand that this is too much time, they still need to dedicate themselves to this, all this is not as simple
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as it seems, it’s a pity, of course, you need patience, andrei martanyuk is often called the belarusian kulibin, although he is at the right time compare with famous masters of the renaissance, because the interests of this amazing... it cannot be limited by anything. andrey martanyuk’s unique watch keeps time in many countries of the world, in russia and france, the united arab emirates and switzerland. they surprise and delight. and bye friends and colleagues.
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so these are four gears and two arrows, that's it.
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who and how helps make our lives better ? what are scientists working on today? last december, user. our geostatistics information and analytical system has become available. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. technical conditions usually mean that if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used. that is, most often, specifications are used in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well. the most interesting facts: thus, in the second half of the 16th century , the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state
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jurisdiction, but alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court. see the science project nearby on our tv channel. karbyshev dmitry mikhailovich, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. the great patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grodno. on june 27 , the army headquarters was surrounded. in august
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1941, while trying to get out of encirclement, the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked for battle in the dnieper region. in an unconscious state he was captured. the nazis repeatedly tried to persuade karbyshev to commit treason, he... hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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we are propagandists, what we propagandize is the state course, yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three
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times yes. sovereignty and independence of belarus, and, naturally, the head of state emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and well-being, by well-being, we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i pleased that we...
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are more than a statistical error. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. each of the heroes is special. this is unity, some kind of brotherhood, with the guys who were us, there were also few of us girls, we were the first group. and throughout history , there were only six girls at the faculty of internal troops who graduated, received equal education with men. each has its own unique story. father. my advice was to go and study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice , most people deal with family issues, when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love and attention to other people , what my parents invested in me, watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. yulia pertsova is on the air with you now. hello. belarus and russia will create a joint aircraft. an agreement on cooperation in the field of aviation was signed today in moscow. a delegation led by our prime minister in the capital of russia.


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