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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 6:15pm-6:51pm MSK

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ў brescia pachnezza ў 20:00. the steel football team is making progress in the country's leadership -1 vadzim skrypchanka's team is on the most important saturday for gomel. at the top of the tournament table are slavia and neman. footballers from mazyr 3:1 peramagli shakhtser, and grodzenski club - matsneyshi, which dnepr - 2:0. zhutinskaya torpedo. taxama 2:0 matsneyshaya for bate minsk sastuў brestska dynama 0:3. this year there is all the praise for the hackey president's cup final. parallel to the handballs ska sustranetstsa with myashkoў brestam at the final of the ukrainian championship, parallel team belarusian woman roaming supra of the race. this is your favorite football game, matches of the belarusian cup and the championship of the country. everything is geta.
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of this city, the wolf itself in translation is one of the key points of support of the slavic-baltic wolf's neck, from here there are also wolves. students of vsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the work et, which was painted by the artist in 1946, to the art gallery. travel is an opportunity to try. something new,
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string, motherwort, but this is the lapant, this is the first time i ’ve seen such a plant, well, this too, this heart plants here we have cardiovascular, so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author's reading, and of course, to join the unique folk art, lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles, and with two handles and beat it hard , i’m scared, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look at the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the century of rapid development of technology no longer surprises anyone that even food can be printed on a 3d printer, cutlets, chicken wings and even bread, i’m not a categorical conservative, but still, when it comes to bread, i’m more traditional. nowadays
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, baking production has reached an industrial scale, bakers compete for ideas, for who has the coolest equipment, and one incredible girl wanted to know how bread is made, and we could not refuse her. hi, i'm kylie from venisoli and i really love baking, and i absolutely adore belarusian bread. but i would like to know how you make suba bread. please tell me, you are from venezuela, how did you end up in belarus, because i fell in love 10 years ago, my husband met me in benezuela, and we met there, and he suggested to me, let ’s come to belarus, i think yes, let’s try it, it’s so romantic, but tell me what you’re interested in, what you do, i’m now shooting a video, i made video content, showing the belarusian culture, how different it is from ours, right? i’m also cooking,
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showing our gastronomy, denezuelan, listen, today is our day for you and an excursion to the factory where bread is produced will be very interesting, although tell me why you like baking, what? or are you cooking or baking something? here, baking is a special topic, because in venezuela there are small bakeries there, that is, they make bakeries there with their own hands, such large-scale large factories as in belarus, as i understand it, there are many of them, unfortunately we don’t have them, maybe maybe there is, but very little, today there will be plenty of content for you, believe me, there is a huge factory of bread, too, baked goods, too, god , of course it’s possible. let’s quickly run there, they’re already waiting for us, yes, let’s go, yes, great,
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yes, you already feel it, all that’s left is to approach closer to production right away, and how delicious it is, i see your eyes light up, come on faster, please, faster. so hurry up, listen, the venezuelans won’t be able to keep up with you, come on, i think there will be something as grandiose as you usually show in the film, that there are a lot of people on the set, everyone is working according to a schedule, just like a robot, ta-ta -ta-ta, yes, definitely, we are in the production of bread, so we need... to maintain sanitary conditions with you, maintain sanitary conditions, then i can’t argue, i assumed that when you need to go to this in such places, you need to get dressed, but i didn’t know that you also need to take off your jewelry, i wonder if i allow makeup or not?
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oh, hello, hello, i'm at your production, today i brought a guest from venezuela, she is a blogger, a very active girl, i think that you will understand this during our filming, and therefore we need an eye to eye for her, where are we going, lead us , let's go to the beginning of production, kneading the dough, great, go ahead, the most top-notch. where it’s so noisy, and how cool it looks, like porridge, right? what do you think it is made from? bread? naturally flour, eggs, milk, in our
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recipe not all the components that you listed are there, our dough is prepared: flour, water, yeast, semi-finished product, sourdough, i think you don’t have it. such a semi-finished product, we ’ll look at it later, sourdough is some kind of living bacteria, and these are living bacteria, yes, yes, yes, and how much harmful bread you produce here, about ten, and 10, and we ’ll try everything today or no, let's try, we'll try, but you're already hungry, yes, you want to pinch the crust, yes, but here, what to do, kneading takes place in this machine dough, now you will participate in this, but first you will need to add dry potatoes. in the machine, and also mashed potatoes are added, this is apparently some kind of specific one, yes, this recipe requires mashed potatoes, yes, mashed potatoes, because where we are in belarus, belarus, i didn’t know that even you would add potato bread here potatoes are everywhere, i know that you are belarusians,
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you love potatoes, i know that there are a lot of recipes with potatoes, but this is the first time i have seen in my life, i didn’t think that too... they knead it with bones, mix it, constantly add some additional ingredients, what is your request as a bread lover? i would like to know why you don’t produce bread specifically for new year, christmas, trazhdentsevo bread, which
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will be at home for the new year, this is a good idea, indeed, we did not work in this direction, i just listened to the whistle, we we are preparing for the new year. especially the bread, there’s a lot inside, there’s gochina, there’s olives, let’s go, that’s it, but, unfortunately, you have no, we have other traditional holidays that are developed for. namely paska bakery products, yes, we bake easter cakes, but we need to think about the new year, yes, no need, but what do you find here? uh, here is the office of process engineers, now he is checking the quality of semi-finished products, let us check.
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what is your name? vladimir nikolaevich, vladimir nikolaevich. oh, very nice. what exactly are you checking here? i'm currently testing acid thermophilic starters. acidity of thermophilic starter, thermophilic. it consists of several starters, it serves as food for the fermentation starter, yeah, that is, for yeast, as food, to make it even better. all this began to work and there was fluffy bread, i can also become a technologist, well, it’s clear that i needed to impress our guest, i think i succeeded, let’s take 5 g 5 of the semi-finished product, that is, thermophilic leaven, wait 5.03, you see, there are three extra, even this is important, but imagine, we pour 50 g of distilled water, so you know what is distilled water? we begin
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to add in parts and grind until a homogeneous mass, please, with the second pestle, three, at this moment i thought a little like this, so why is this very juicy, when a uniform mass will be more accurately analyzed, you have done it all, you’re great, let’s add phenol phthaline, you see for... coloring, i stir, and you watch how it changes color, liquid, which means we will now see what its acidity is when it stops at a certain level of natrioage, there i have everything was so, i don’t know, it was as if some scientists were talking to me, as if i was in a chemistry lesson, that it was very difficult to understand, when i changed myself, then i just oh, what kind of magic is this, do you agree that it’s pale -pink, i agree, i agree. what the hell , oh, look, we multiply five and a half by
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two 11, this is a normal value, but for me it was just like adrenaline, because i honestly didn’t think that this was also done with bread, well, really it was just bomb, cool. kayla’s activity can be envied, she is interested in everything, absolutely everything, where everything falls, where everything rolls, goes, as it is mixed, can you help us work a little, yes, we can, come on, come on, today you do everything with your hands, i’m just watching, you see, even though the machine is in the way, it’s all, but you still need to work with your hands, oh, everything needs to go there, it’s hard. it’s hard, but what delicious bread it will be, it’s very difficult and
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hard, it sharpens so quickly, i think their arms are so strong, pumped up in a modern way, here’s kayla, i see how they’re taking it away, they’re looking at us, you can say hello there convey, from here then there, yes, yes, when we sent the dough to the dough-descent, he calls it scientifically correctly... i’m already looking further, some other shape is being given, and what kind into the cradles, through the stacker,
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through the stacker, and how many of them are here, we spend a ton in an hour bread, a ton in an hour, can you imagine how many people in belarus eat bread, i know you love bread, you always eat bread in the morning, in the evening, everywhere, always, according to statistics, every belarusian eats about 78 kg of bread a year, why i'm not surprised? well, only the morning, but not the evening, vova, snack, dinner, no, i know that. dough is divided into even pieces of about 20 kilos, but after baking the moisture is lost, of course, they all become exactly 950. what is the height, and he drives constantly, it’s amazing, that is, it turns out to be a carousel for bread, there are so many of them that i don’t i understand where
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to end, and i’ll tell you where it ends, if you look carefully at this closet, that is, it’s approximately. on two floors, my god, this is where he’s going, he’s on a transfer, on a transfer, a transfer, called a transfer, where am i, yes, it’s all going around, how many minutes does he pass here, here 55 minutes, 55 minutes everything, where then it falls into the oven and goes on for 40 minutes. let's see something else, how many products do you have? 167 items, it’s all here in your plant, therefore, that’s why such volumes, i’m stunned, i would like for my country to have such a factory or enterprise that also created so many products for our people, i can’t get enough of it we have.
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i hear that some kind of hamster has started up next to me, it’s standing and eating, this is sesame food, so rich, it’s tangy, it feels strong, we will find such cookies mostly you... well, look, i packed a packet, ate a cookie, packed a packet, ate a cookie, yes, exactly the job that i need.
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do you like opiate cookies? this is unusual for me, because in venezuela they are considered dietary , but, nevertheless, we also make bread, so all bread is not available to everyone, because they are expensive, right? but our oatmeal cookies are the opposite, they are available to everyone, and i want to tell you that oatmeal cookies are, to be honest, the calling card of this factory, but why, because they are the most delicious, it was a huge discovery for me, when they were molding from a huge dough into small, small pieces, i
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first thought , that there will be some process ahead of rolling it out so that it is flatter, but no, they later explained to me how... it spreads itself and becomes flat, which we are used to seeing, hello, we have gone through the entire line and saw how my favorite cookies are made, i love it, i love it, you know what, i’ll tell you a secret, my wife loves oatmeal cookies so that they are hard, as she says, so that the tooth crumbles, yes, well , it needs to go through cooling, then this will be what it’s necessary, what she loves, now it’s still coming out of the oven a little. warm, it needs to cool down a little, at the moment there are cookies, they are with raisins, these are classic oatmeal cookies, and so we make an assortment, you eat, eat with pleasure, and in our assortment we make dried apricots, prunes, with we make it with peanuts, we make it with sesame seeds, we make it with slices of glaze, but don’t
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be surprised, we have a very large assortment, it’s not very tasty to eat. i don't want to read how long i sat down. let there be a secret between us, a lot, it’s called the gym, wait for me. yulia, i wanted to ask,
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your freedoms, everything works all the time, that’s right, how many tons of products? 140 tons per container, only bread, yes, bread and loaf, bakery bread, and you also pick bread that can be stored for, say, a year? we produce bread. we freeze it so that it it was like an export product, we supply bottons of bread, mainly to the russian federation, well, also america, israel, yes, it can be stored frozen for six months, after defrosting it retains all its properties, that’s when i didn’t know how to store bread, it turns out you can put it all in the freezer, that’s really good. our program lasts 26 minutes, but kaylana filmed for sure on
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10 rollers, she filmed, filmed, filmed, saying that i smell the angel’s grill, it smells like bread, i don’t know this, but now they say, so if that's the case, then i'll make a face like an angel, great, right? so, where are we now? this is a bread section, the product comes out of the oven, it’s hot enough, that’s why we have gloves, yes, 98° in the center of the crumb, let’s work, 98°, there’s boiling water there, pavel, i was just watching, that’s all, okay, calm down, go there, yes , yes, take it, take it. come on, when we took the hot bread, we put it in the trolleys, in these containers, i don’t know, it felt like you were picking up some child in your arms, though you were so afraid of dropping him,
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it’s so fragile, it’s very hot here, just like, the temperature here is good, but there the stoves are working constantly, you need to be in this atmosphere, i’m not used to such temperatures, so it was a bit difficult for me, well, probably about 70° . it was very hot there, listen, what kind of bread is this, i’ve never seen it, well, let me introduce you, it’s with sunflower seeds with... grain triangles of bread, this is the shape, i saw it for the first time, i’m only used to this round baguette, loaf but the triangle, i see you want to try,
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okay, come on, it’s like a watermelon, look, you can take it like this, yes, that’s right, i’ve always dreamed of doing this, you know? i closed the gestalt of childhood, i broke the bread in half and just stand there and eat it, only from the oven, pavel, but we can treat our operato, look at the petits, if you want, take it, try it, delicious, tasty, oh, i told you, you, to unfortunately, we can't offer a treat, huh. but it’s delicious for us, and we see here already rye bread, yes, yes, this is rye bread, but what is this? this is
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a metal detector, and that is, if it gets there metal, then we must immediately prevent these hits, you mean from all these machines that mixed, you never know something, like at the airport, when like at the airport, you won’t fit in, if they check you, i don’t want . if there is something metal there, will it beep or what? yes, the process will stop, a signal will occur, and we should already act according to the instructions, okay, watch each one, of course, personally , my wife loves bread most of all, i don’t know why, but i really like its special taste, we, to unfortunately, we can very rarely find compressed bread, again, it is unpopular, we prefer wheat, white. aha, everything is already cut up here,
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but at home we are used to only using a knife. i see that you are already sounding beautiful in half, but the weight should be 450 g for us, how much is 450, 450 g, well, now let’s try, quickly like this, they didn’t pour enough, they didn’t give me enough, i need to cook this, that’s it, yes, yes, and there’s still not enough, there’s still not enough, we add it from here, we get it, and we get it if. missing 440 won’t work, now i’ll try, i couldn’t do one pack when a woman is like this, since 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 they are already so trained, and i’m still trying to figure out how to do it correctly, it’s not my job, i wasn’t born for this, oh, she’s already doing so much, i still live a lot, oh
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god, it was me, i had a few moments, i was already nervous, i wanted to cry already, because i didn’t have time, i’m stressed now, so wait, oh, four, yes, well, cool, 450, 450, finally, let's do it. when they were already packing the bread, they were already quickly on the other side, there was one girl, just think that she was the only one who did this, hello, what’s your name, larisa, my name is kylie, today i’ll be your company, let’s get started, tell me how you did it correctly, three by eight, three stripes, that’s how very , yes, how long
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have you been working here, 5 years? sometimes yes, sometimes no, since how long have you been teaching like this , it shows quickly, with time, with experience, everything comes, as they say, friends, my back already hurts a little, yes, my back, especially when they’re already starting, i’m putting it down, no, that’s all , no, friends, the bread is packed, i put everything together, so bon appetit, we did everything for you with love, thank you, come on, well done, sir, yes, share your impressions
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of this day, first i want to. thank you for inviting me, because this is the first time in my life, i saw how i made bread and not just with my hands, but how it is produced, how so many people work, how difficult it is, i’m also a test worker, because when we rolled out this dough ourselves like this, the whole thing was difficult for me, so i simply admired you, yes, yes, friends, you already know how bread is made, huh? there is so much more to come, if you want to know everything about everything, do not hesitate to record a short video, send it to us, and together we will see how it is done.
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who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today?
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to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in the second half of the 16th century , the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state control, well, alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier to the highest court. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. tv news agency presents. access, we have no secrets from our people,
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from the baked loaf, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will not be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat...
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zahodni bukh, for anyone and yourself! zyamlya dzyakue shchodrym urajay, tsi maryli nekali kamunary ab buduchim? at home, the sunny day becomes more subdued than their wildest thoughts. only kalgasny lads with a high culture of agriculture
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may the villagers of baranavi region grow so richly. hanusa experimental station kalgasam will eliminate the michuryn methods of the rural gas reserve and grow new crops. over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus, neighboring countries, but also...


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