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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue. belarus and russia will engage in serial
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production of aircraft. the prime ministers signed a whole package of documents on union cooperation in moscow. let's roll up our sleeves throughout the country for the benefit of our homeland. april 20 republican cleanup day. belarus and africa are strengthening mutually beneficial dialogue. the foreign minister discusses joint projects in algeria. belarus and russia will create a joint aircraft, an agreement on cooperation in the field aviation agreement was signed in moscow today; negotiations between the prime ministers of the two countries took place in the russian capital, as roman golovchin noted.
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despite sanctions pressure, trade and economic cooperation between belarus and russia is developing successfully, mutual trade turnover increased by 6.5%, exceeding $53 billion. nevertheless, it is necessary to clearly agree on the issues of import substitution. to do this, it is important to strengthen the technical sovereignty of our countries, create reasonable localization of joint products and the product itself. one example is the aviation sector. belarus and russia participate in production. we decided to sign with you to organize , quite recently, a comprehensive program of cooperation in the field of aircraft manufacturing between and the agreement that today will be the republic of belarus and the russian federation, serial production of a twin-engine aircraft in the interests of national security and technological sovereignty of belarus and russia, and, what is very interesting, we have found a form in which russia and belarus are actually on a parity basis. invest
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in this project and, accordingly, will to be also joint owners of the product that will be created during the implementation of this important project, property, in the twenty-third year we again set another record, record figures for mutual trade - this is 4.200 billion russian rubles or almost 150 billion belarusian rubles. we are accelerating the implementation of twenty-five joint projects in the field of industrial cooperation, increasing the export of belarusian goods to foreign markets using russian transport infrastructure, but in the past year, in particular, transit traffic more than doubled compared to the twenty-second year, respectively, to 20 million tons. as a result of the negotiations, the parties signed several cooperation agreements, this concerns the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures. the document will simplify the work of business and open up the opportunity for belarusian enterprises to participate. government procurement. in addition,
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a set of measures to stimulate investment activity was approved. the process is mutual. it will help create new joint ventures and production, strengthening trade and economic relations. republican subbotnik will be held in belarus on april 20. the corresponding decree was signed by the government. the funds earned on this day will go to the gomel regional executive committee for the reconstruction of the memorial complex to child victims of war in the zhlobin region. brez regional executive committee to create a republican center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brez fortress. 30% of the proceeds will be used for reconstruction restoration of memorial complexes of places of military and military glory in the regions and the capital. our memory and gratitude for the heroic deeds will never fade. today is exactly 80 days before the main national holiday of independence day. on the website on social networks on
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the youtube channel belarus1, a special project of the internet broadcasting directorate starts 80 days before. on the official internet resources of belteleradiocompany. we will talk about the significant events that took place before the liberation of minsk, about the cities that courageously won the soviet war, about villages that are no longer on the map, about the cruel, punitive operations of the nazis about the heroes whose names the streets are named today, colleagues will show the war as the participants in those terrible events remember it, with pain, tears, fear, betrayal and true heroism.
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the similarity of positions on most pressing issues, including the same views on the need for a more just world order, is unacceptable. belarus and algeria confirm. today the head of mid-belarus held negotiations with the chairman of the national people's assembly of algeria, brahim bougali. priority is given to promising cooperation projects, primarily in the agro-industrial, food, engineering and public utilities sectors. parties. they also discussed cooperation in the field of science and technology, education and tourism: high praise for the quality of belarusian ones.
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they will not be able to understand that a different time has come,
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africa is being reborn, south america is being reborn, fascist regimes are already fading into history, who remains the fascists, our westerners. friends, so, so i think that if there had been no nato, there would have been no war in ukraine. then in ninety-nine, the only president who flew in to support yugoslavia was alexander lukashenko. and today the serbs remember this strong act. about the bombings, their radioactive trace, about nato policy today and about the attitude towards belarus. watch the current interview on tonight's broadcast. an explosion of emotions, members of the georgian parliament came to blows during a discussion of a bill on the transparency of foreign influence. first, the executive secretary of the ruling georgian dream party, who came up with the initiative for the law on foreign agents, was mercilessly interrupted. he persistently called for an end to the sabotage, but
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opponents began calling the speaker russian agents. in response to the argument that similar laws apply not only in russia, but in other countries, degrees of severity. gunmen shot dead a family who had gathered for a birthday party. chicago is rapidly becoming one of the most dangerous cities on the planet. with a population of 2.5 million, there are about 700 murders a year. the usa was hit by another
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wave of the drug epidemic. why is it called a national disaster? who made billions from someone else's misfortune? and why the war with datura remains a failure. inaction of the state, cynical pr of politicians and open-air hangouts, how cities are turning into heroin ghettos, we will tell you in clear politics, watch today after the panorama.
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in baranavichy, nine defendants were sentenced in a criminal case for participation in mass protests in august 1920; the defendants were drunk in the city center and blocked traffic transport and...
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food security, the lawmaking process and the role of every belarusian in it, work with youth, attracting personnel to rural areas, regional development, a wide range of topical issues were raised during the meeting of the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kachanova with the labor collective of glubokoye dairy - canning plant. an enterprise with more than half a century of history introduces modern approaches to production. it produces about 80 types of natural products.
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we will achieve great results , we will reach new frontiers,
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it is simply impossible to overestimate the possibility of such meetings, we need to be in teams more often, we need to meet with people, then make absolutely correct, verified decisions for this or that region or for the country as a whole, just like today, once again i was convinced that questions related to housing construction in small settlements are relevant, thank you very much for... it was held in a trusting atmosphere, people were able to ask absolutely any questions received comprehensive answers, and as communication showed, the workforce is committed to productive work so that there will always be quality products on the tables of belarusians. farmers have started planting potatoes, the soil already meets the standards, in the briz region almost 2,500 hectares were allocated for second grain, 70 of them in ruzhany agro. this season they decided to plant brice and queen anne here. they choose only elite seeds that are in demand and produce a rich harvest.
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in the fall he expects to receive about 400 centners per hectare. farmers in the southwestern region plan to complete planting the second crop by may 1. worked on cars, now on tractors. yeah, the planter is probably already in its eighth season, everything is probably going perfectly, as it should be, well, we love quality, of course, everything depends on the quality, then the shoots will be good, we know how to work with potatoes, we know how to grow them. we know how to store. for almost 10 days now we have had summer, june weather. and due to the moisture of the heat, we really had to increase the pace, teglich. works in russian plant growing, because now we see the development of our winter crops, even spring crops, they should be in this condition at the end of april. at the same time, the country's farmers sow spring corn, sugar beets and annual grasses. for 30 years, through their eyes, viewers have been watching the life of the belarusian army, they
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still occupy a leading position in the country in the production of military-style content, their thirtieth anniversary is today. celebrates voen tv. the television company’s staff congratulated the staff on this significant date. the president. thanks to the painstaking work, responsibility and high professionalism of its employees, noted alexander lukashenko. voentv already in the first years of work took a worthy place among the leading media in belarus. and today he actively participates in shaping the information agenda. promptly, reliably and efficiently covering important state events, military everyday life of the armed forces, including between.
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from historical chronicles to modern videos, today television companies are recruiting unique footage and extreme reports hundreds of thousands and millions of views. their content is available on youtube and in all popular social networks and instant messengers; they present their arsenal of disposition programs in form on our channel. what is she like at work as a war journalist and what makes her special in conditions when everything around him is heating up.
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my colleagues will talk about this on the evening broadcast of the panorama. the warmth in belarus has slowed down the pace of normal april on the streets. at the beginning of the week there will be rain in most parts of the country, the air temperature will not exceed 16°c. in the middle of the week it will become even colder, with the possibility of sleet and snow. ice gusty winds are in the forecast. the main bad weather is forecast for the second half of the week, when, according to preliminary data, a fairly powerful and extensive southern cyclone will leave the areas of odessa for the chernigov region. frontal sections associated with it already on thursday afternoon will cause stormy weather with rain, mostly rather windy northerly gusty winds. mixed precipitation , rain, sleet, and heavy precipitation in the east at night are expected across the country. snow cover may remain for a short time. at night in the morning is not excluded on bare roads. cold weather is also expected over the weekend, cloudy with
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some clearing, intermittent rain, and low temperatures possible at night. that's it for me. that’s it, tatyana korol will sum up the informational results of the day in the panorama at 9:00 pm. thank you for your attention and all the best.
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we will introduce you to people who have found theirs. vocation, in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences evseenku, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains for a specialist in this profile, we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work.
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all this did not happen in one go, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict guidance of our district and region,
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the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, firstly, the structure itself in the form of these sheds -shells, by keeping them in their same place, yes, but with global modernization, we will get to know people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important the organizers and overall ideological inspirers of this museum were the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we create miracles, yes, yes, yes, the mood is always good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, look at the project "quality mark" on our tv channel.
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