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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the rhythmic gymnastics world cup in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard, worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk. it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work. i think the game wasn't bad, just a little. enough
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everything is over, we also have to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was hard every game, the opponent plays like this, as much as you allow him, you allow him to take the initiative, you allow him to use his chances, he always plays like this, all this is in sports projects. thanks to government support , several state programs in the field of oncology have been carried out to re-equip our system, we we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything we could wish for. the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defending the homeland?
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it’s clear now, god knows, the snow has melted from the damp earth, the blessings of the road have fallen, the storms of revelry, the sun is warmer , the ice is worn away, the snow is falling , the gloom of the last springs upon us, the sun is gone apparently, geese dziki. the krychatka, the spackling on the oak tree is spreading, the cranes are clanging wildly, and the winter has disappeared like smoke, the greener meadow of the king is like hell pain our native land began to sink.
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for me, dance, in one word, is life. i hear the music and i already see the dance. i see the movement, i see the costumes, we try to show the essence of the zest in every dance with the children, when the viewer comes into the hall enjoys the beauty of the dance, the grace of the girls who gracefully dance, he doesn’t even know what’s behind it, it’s a huge amount of work, it’s work to the point of tears, these are wounds on the legs, but the viewer should not see anything... this, choreography, you know, this is a form of art where you can create with everything, face, arms, legs, you can show life with your body, you can show everything, and this is a language that everyone in the world understands, the main wealth is children,
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it is children who charge us with life, and life is... for some it is small, for others... it’s quite big, you don’t just work for the audience, but you work for your soul, i didn’t start dancing at an early age, but somewhere around the age of 14, i joined a group that changed my whole consciousness, it was a dream about creating a team, an ensemble, i came to the school director and simply said, i want to create, create, i i’m ready... to teach children on a charitable basis, and the school director said: “please recruit a group.” we didn’t start working in a ballet class, it was the nineties, we started working on the concrete floor of the school, under 1, 2, 3, there was no musical accompaniment,
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but we were happy, the children were on fire, and their eyes were shining, somehow walking since school, i asked the guys, guys, tell me, is it easy to reach ... everything that shines in the sky, guys, no, it’s difficult, listen to me, it’s easy, the main thing is to believe in it, let’s call ours collective, our ensemble zorochka, and since we live in polesie, polesie zorochka, that ’s how polesie zorochka was born, which is already more than 35 years old, you know, they tell her, they can do a dance at night, she will think at night, she’ll call me, writes on viber and... we bring it all to life, then we show it all to the stage. i have never seen such a person who is involved in his work around the clock, who cares about his work. i really like her attitude towards children, it’s family
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-like; here in finger zorochka they don’t teach only dancing, they teach life here, and i think this is the most important thing, to be needed. this is japan, a corner of japan, all the concerts that were held in japan with the money we earned, medical equipment was purchased for our country, that is, we gave a number of charity concerts. you can also say about our victory in hollywood, where we earned four gold medals, it was simply a triumph. the children worked until they fainted,
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the spectators, the jury members shouted, bravo, belarus, bravo, how proud were our children? with delight they brought this wealth to belarus, they will pass on to the next generation that they represented our country, and this is pride, this is patriotism and this is the future of our country. hello everyone, my good news, news, today we received messages that you work in the theater. you work, you are invited to moscow, wow, yes, you are invited to perform in minsk, and this is very pleasant, you are great, i also work in the education department for more than 35 years, and
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the best children of the city, through a competition , entered the team that called farby polesye, parents. bring their little ones children are a little clumsy, but at the same time they and we understand that every child needs to be engaged, this helps the child develop physically. this gives the child confidence when they go on stage, this develops the vestibular apparatus, this is the child’s reaction, so we adults always support and know that the child must be given such a path, and if we teachers also interest the child, create an incentive, then believe me, in the end, a strong personality and a future star will come out, every person... an adult has his own childhood, perhaps for me it was a little, to say, tough,
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difficult, and even as a child i realized that i want to be very, very needed, in my life i will never pass by an abandoned kitten, a puppy, past children’s tears, past old people, i will not pass past someone's pain, hello our dears, what great satisfaction do you receive? when you can do something for the elderly, for the lonely, when you can create a holiday for them, because they are lonely people so looking forward to this, it is so important for them that someone pays attention to them, says something kind word, we really organize such holidays for our teams if she promised or she owes no reason why she didn’t do it. no, she is a mother for more than one thousand children, she will feed everyone, take pity on everyone,
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any schoolchild can envy her activity, because her energy is enough for more than a dozen people and children. we often take part in the orphanage program. why is this so important to me? you know, as a child i had to see the life of an orphanage . i saw a 5-year-old boy who came up to me. asked: are you my mother, i was terrified, what to answer? years passed, i became an adult, at one charity event, i wrote poetry: a woman passed by, hope appeared in the heart of a little child again, because a miracle awaits his little soul, or maybe after all she, his dear mother, went, his heart skips a beat in it, and the woman left a long time ago, don’t pass people by, don’t rush, life is complicated. how does the forgotten thing await you and me in the orphanage, child's soul?
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life itself gives me inspiration, it’s everything that happens next to us, it’s memories of childhood, it’s life. the present and the future, these are children, this is the world that surrounds us, there are a lot of talents in our country, it is we... who must help the child find his right path, because our future lies behind the children, our belarus stands behind the children.
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the belarusian economy is experiencing gdp growth dynamics in the green zone. drivers industry and trade, let me remind you that at the end of the twenty-third year, the growth of industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade, a third leader was added, this is agriculture. export potential of belarus presented in uzbekistan, the usfood exhibition in tashkent brought together almost. also included were germany, turkey, russia, and china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle; it was impossible to tear yourself away from the screens; it seemed that at that moment the vanison was beating in the hearts of all belarusians. marina vasilevskaya was chosen for the main crew from several thousand applicants. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the barrier in bialowieš.
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belovezhskaya pushcha, it is expected that the mission report and its recommendations, the world committee unesco will consider heritage in july at the forty -sixth session in new delhi. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the program events on thursdays on the belarus tv channel. 24 only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, a high city, as according to chronicles this place was called since the 15th century, and a landmark. there’s a lot here, i’ll try to tell you about them all, it’s high, and we’re starting to get acquainted and setting off on an exciting journey. by the way, there used to be several units in the city, water, unfortunately, a little later even electric mills appeared. and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind
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the scenes, but assured that sometimes during church services large wings appear in the chapel. to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. the road between sina and shklov is very picturesque in places and looks like an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii. there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared in this place thanks to idwiga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you haven’t visited sino if you haven’t tried the spring water. people come for her from neighboring districts and villages. they believe it has healing powers. watch the program cities of belarus on tv channel belarus 24. tv channel belarus 24 presents. food has never been simple. at all times, people wanted to eat deliciously and live well. a project that will show the diversity of belarusian cuisine. now the world will
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change. divided into before and after. ear it’s cooked in chicken broth, but in belarus this recipe has been preserved, it’s a hunter’s recipe. duck in a pomirski pot resembles a rich, thick soup, because there is a lot of fat, and also acquaints the viewer with the history and traditions of a particular area. the stove was what a medieval stove looked like, a ceramic, brick-lined box on which... a fire was built, but a large metal sheet was placed on top. in the 18th century, baron, gypsy baron, jan martinkiewicz built an estate for himself in the world and even rode around this estate and the surrounding area on a gilded carriage. we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country; the project includes food anywhere. there are
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dishes that you definitely haven’t tried anywhere in the immediate area, and maybe in the whole of belarus. watch every sunday on our tv channel. we are propagandists, what do we propagate? state course? yes, this is the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes. sovereignty and independence of belarus? yes, of course. the head of state has emphasized many times that power is for him. this is service to the people and welfare, by welfare we mean peace and security from our lack of war to calm on our streets in peacetime, thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, modern schools, decent hospitals, smart kindergartens and much more. am i happy with what we
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did, what we built, i’m happy, i’m sure you are happy too, we built it to the best of our ability. as best we could we were sincere about this construction, our generation must do everything so that the new generation that comes to power moves carefully, without breaking anything, will the new generation succeed, probably not, but the main thing for the president now is that they do not end up in a disaster, because that after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error, the propaganda project, watch on the belarus tv channel, the 24 tv news agency presents in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. pramyslovs babruisk uzbegatsiya yashche adnykh prudennyhstvom, new
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garbarny kombіnat. on the right is a fee for uladzimir paley and i am ready for production. the gray one has the most powerful planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign
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. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of the patryman patrymans of the pachyn delegate of the 25th zezd of the cpsu peradava shvachki maryi pleskai. yes tractor k-700. the release of a new product of cardan shafts was given to czeslav kazimiravich bagenskaya persha at the factory with the highest marks. yakasts.
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following these mottos, the abbotniks of ab'yadnanny pramen practiced. and the yakasts lay in hell shtepshchytsy ramualda rows and hell zazyazhchytsy. trade and new industrial cooperation projects are the main topic of negotiations between the prime ministers of belarus and russia. the 1:1 meeting preceded the broader negotiations. this year in 2 months
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mutual trade has already increased by 2.8%. and this is in addition to the high base of last year, when trade turnover exceeded $53 billion. today it is important to maintain the momentum and launch new projects, in particular on the agenda in moscow, cooperation in aircraft manufacturing and the creation of a joint aircraft. among the issues discussed are also cooperation in tank building, gas prices for belarus since 1926, and oil supplies to refineries. large-scale modernization continues at the minsk gear plant. in particular , the forging and press industry will soon be noticeably updated production. the line will become completely robotic. smart machines will make the packages, and this will allow for optimal redistribution of personnel, increase production volumes and reduce health risks for workers. at the moment this one is new. the section that we are about to launch will receive a result and will receive life at our plant, as diversification of not only exports, not
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diversification of sales there, but diversification of our production, that is, we will receive a finished product not in the form of a component, but a finished product, then whether it will be a gearbox, then whether it will be a gearbox, the key attention to the quality of the products produced, the capacity of the plant allows for the complete process of... manufacturing from the receipt of rolled metal to the output of the finished product. belgospischeprom enterprises continue the strategy of entering new markets, which started in 2023. then they managed to gain a foothold in africa and began supplies to somalia, burkinofasso, ganna and equatorial guinea. this year, in the first quarter, we managed to increase product exports by more than 25%. our presence in china is also growing, but the key task remains saturation of the domestic market. manufacturers do.
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there are all sorts of activities to popularize and naturally bring your products as close as possible to a specific end consumer. to promote its products, belgospischeprom launched the “let’s grow together” project. for two months , opinion leaders on social networks will share with subscribers the secrets of producing their favorite delicacies. fermented milk products for space are being created by scientists from the belarusian academy of sciences. cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya conducted a series biotechnological experiments on board the iss. which were aimed at storing samples of probiotic strains, lactic acid organisms and bifidobacteria under space flight conditions. for now, we can tentatively say that
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the ripening process took place at the same time... at the same time, microorganisms remain on the nutrient media and microscope stages. firstly, this makes it possible, even in the distant future, for our cosmonauts to consume a fermented milk product, which, firstly, has a pure fermented milk taste, second, it contains the required amount of microorganisms, which ensures the maintenance of the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract, and the third is that these microorganisms... during his 12 days on the iss, the belarusian cosmonaut managed to accomplish everything that was in the scientific program, it was developed jointly national academy of sciences of belarus, roscosmos and russian academy of sciences. the republican cleanup will be held in belarus on april 20, the corresponding decree was signed by the prime minister. cash earned that day will go to the gomel regional executive committee for the reconstruction of the memorial complex
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to child victims. it is located in the zhlobin district of the brez regional executive committee to create a republican center for the patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. 30% of the proceeds will be used for the reconstruction and restoration of memorial complexes of places of military and military glory located in the regions of the country in the capital. makeevka, mariupol, kherson region , another res of humanitarian aid from belarus. the kits have been sent. social facilities, a maternity hospital, a hospital, kindergartens, public organizations, clergy institutions in belarus and simply caring people collected food, hygiene products, wheelchairs, medicines, and toys for babies. part of the humanitarian aid was delivered to the pupils of a public organization for disabled children by their parents, dolphins and the step forward charity organization. help to belarus is not limited to supplies humanitarian kits, on the initiative
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of a charitable foundation. this is the main thing about belarus on the bely ros tv channel, in the studio of veronika buta, hello! a new level of participation in the space programs of sovereign belarus and a new level of alliance relations, if someone blurts out there, especially abroad, and you think that well, how did this lukashenko throw marina into space, we don’t need that, we need that, we
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space country. the whole country waited with trepidation; marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus. and celebrations in russia on the day cosmonautics, results of the mission to the iss, plans for a new conquest of space heights. space plans in all directions, safety a priority, minsk.
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promising ideas for the benefit of belarusian brains in skolkovo, and russian startups in the minsk technopark. scientific personnel, engineering schools, humanities, which together allow us to move faster and achieve the necessary results in a shorter time. clear contours of the university of the union state and common views on personnel training.


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