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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 15, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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state, anti-sanctions strategy of minsk and moscow, space program, details of negotiations between lukashenko and putin in the kremlin. parliament has been formed, it’s a busy time for a new team of people’s representatives. the new belarusian parliament is a new milestone, including party development in belarus. this is not the time to put the programs of political parties above the interests of the entire state. we understand perfectly well that there is a war going on against our country. ready number. promising ideas for the benefit of belarusian brains in skolkovo, and russian startups in minsk technopark. scientific personnel, engineering schools, humanities, which together allow us to move faster and achieve the necessary results in a shorter time. clear contours of the university of the union state and common views on personnel training. a new frontier for belarus as a space
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power marina vasilevskaya returned to her homeland; the whole country was waiting for this meeting with trepidation. warm hugs, tears of joy, words of gratitude and admiration. the belarusians warmly welcomed their famous countrywoman. no less warm welcome awaited the first cosmonaut, and now also a hero of belarus in the palace of independence. he presented the gold star to the belarusian woman, who recently returned from the iss.
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for the hero of belarus and an astronaut certificate. vasilevskaya marina vitalievna, cosmonaut of the republic of belarus. that very moment when emotions took over, strong and imperturbable, not a single muscle flinched on vasilevskaya’s face, even when the first delayed launch happened, then two days of travel to orbit, docking, scientific work, return to earth, the most difficult test is over, now you can let loose the feelings are, of course, incredibly pleasant; it is a great honor for me to be here. i
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understand it perfectly, i am happy to receive such a high award from the president of the republic of belarus, i just probably still can’t believe it, of course, i dedicate the space flight to my native belarus, to my beloved belarusians who supported me, marina vasilevskaya is not only the first cosmonaut of the sovereign country, but also a hero of belarus, she had a character from childhood, her parents will tell you, despite the fact that her daughter was already... worried, she is very responsible person, good, kind, hardworking, we are proud of her, she has been achieving this since childhood, today was brave, there are some interesting memories in the schumacher car , why i became a flight attendant in the airline company belo avia, i liked it a lot. the sky,
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well, then they suggested it, i decided, okay, why not try to fly above the clouds, to the parents of the astronauts, vasilevskaya and her backup anastasia lenkova, special thanks from the head of state and a letter of gratitude, linkova herself, cosmonaut certificate number two and gratitude president of belarus. the team that helped make the historic flight was honored at the independence palace. this flight marked the president of belarus as a new level of participation of the sovereign republic in space programs and a new level of alliance relations between minsk and moscow. state flags deployed at an altitude of more than 400 km from the ground became a symbol of the fraternal ties of the two peoples. if someone blurts out there, especially abroad, and thinks that well, how come lukashenko threw marina into space, we don’t need that.
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we need this, we are a space country. if if there was no space development in belarus , no one would have talked to us, no one would have offered us anything. let our girls fly into space, we know how to do a lot for space, in the coming years we will launch the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians, we are making it into space with a destructive capacity of 25-30 cm, this is high technology, the highest, that’s why nuclear energy , space, biotechnology, our biotechnology.
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we are working on the production of satellites together with the russians, now manned flights, i persuaded vladimir vladimirovich that we and we will continue to work together. the fact that the first belarusian cosmonaut flew into space is outwardly only a manifestation of our joint
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activity, although, of course, this activity is not limited to this. now , without space, it is impossible to solve a single effective problem on earth; this is increasing defense capability. these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point a finger, everywhere there is an application to space technologies, the astronauts will share, they feel good, rehabilitation is going according to schedule, space is still a dream, this is my job, let’s just say, as far as i know, for the 20th, maybe the seventh year, another expedition is planned, but this is not certain yet, that is, i am staying. i will undergo medical examinations if i need to prepare for a flight. you feel euphoria, calmness, because all actions are very slow, it’s like you find yourself in weightlessness, and of course, it fascinates with its incomprehensibility, what is happening to yours, and of course, when you
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see our beautiful land, but it seems what it is fantastic. the first cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya, and russian cosmonauts, oleg navitsky and sergei prokopyev. vladimir putin awarded the order of gagarin. minsk and moscow have space plans in all directions. the allies are coordinating actions on...
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they drove themselves into a corner, well, yes, when they refused
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negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the opposite country, to a certain extent , a battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, they refused negotiations and now we are in a rather difficult situation, our goal is not to put everyone in a difficult position, we are on the contrary, we are ready to work constructively, but... but no imposition on us of any position that is not based on reality, of course , it can’t be, what i’m getting at is that i absolutely support the position of the current russian leadership, your position on the peace process in this conflict, i absolutely support it, today there is everything to sit down and negotiate, if overseas they want to talk about peace, then in ukraine this voice will be heard on... the western borders , you have a situation, a difficult situation, what worries me most is the policy of the polish leadership,
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why do they need this confrontation, and the lithuanians, latvians, firstly, are throwing dozens of corpses across the border, a certain number are going there migrants, they throw them out, they built a fence, they throw the fence at our border, now the snow has melted, they are naked, the corpses are lying right on the border with afghanistan. they told circles,
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they have enough of their own problems, they still lacked someone , this is nonsense, needed by the ruling ones, as before such plans that we want to capture someone in order to justify our expenses for the war in ukraine, that’s all it’s worth, well, yes, expenses, first of all expenses, this is the main reason why... why is it inflated this theme. lukashenko will reveal the details of the four-hour negotiations the next day in a conversation with journalists. so economic problems affected us, but not much. on monday , the prime ministers of belarus and russia will meet and make all the necessary decisions. the most important issue is safety. at the invitation of your colleagues lukashenko met with members of the russian security council. did you ask the belarusian leader’s opinion about the situation in ukraine and zelensky’s powers? alexander lukashenko is convinced today. it’s time to sit down at the negotiating table and come to an agreement, there is only one principle,
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putin is great in this regard, he does not deviate from his previous statements, the documents are there, they were initialed by both the russian and ukrainian sides, let’s return to these documents and from this we will dance, or we will stop on the principles laid down in the documents, what is wrong, right, and therefore very good. for ukraine and the ukrainian curators to make a decision, it must be made, as i understand it, the president of russia is...
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the russian country, the question, i fully support, because i was initially in this process, the achievement of the period of the presidency of alexander lukashenko is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them.
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macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are roaming european society; in these conditions, the emphasis is on military force. we are all standing on the threshold, god forbid, big collective war. and that’s why our president is right when he says that a lot can depend on how we behave. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series
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of films, pearls of belarusian cinema. and of course, an online trip around... in our an amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24.7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. the formation of the parliament has been completed in belarus, and a busy time is coming for the new team of elected representatives. deputies of the lower and upper houses have already held their first meeting. parliamentarians have a lot of work ahead of them. what topics will be key for the parliamentary corps and whether they will become a reason for heated debate in the oval hall. we will learn about the upcoming work of the parliament first-hand, we will talk with
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guest of our program, deputy chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the national assembly. to the head of the rvd of the largest frundensky district of minsk. he completed his service in the internal affairs bodies with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. in 2016 he ran for... deputies, taking second place in the number of votes, in 2019 he was elected as a deputy of the seventh convocation of the national assembly of the republic of belarus in 2024 of the eighth convocation. in 2020, he took part in the presidential election race, but at the start he withdrew his candidacy, supporting the current head of state, deputy chairman of the standing commission on international affairs
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of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, member of the commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union. usa, canada and switzerland, awarded medals for impeccable service of the third degree for labor merits. oleg sergeevich, we are meeting at a time when topics, events, news, well, simply compete with each other in their significance. first space, now the statement of the president of belarus in moscow during his visit, journalists, as always , attack lukashenko for 2 days in a row right at the stairs with a million questions.
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on the contrary, we already know this, they don’t give us good advice when they give us advice, we must always listen, because the west wants, and after the collapse of the ussr, no one wanted there to be 15 independent, strong republics, they wanted them to stand on their knees, and it is desirable that there is still a war around russia, so the more ukrainians hear the president’s statement, if they did what lukashenko says, if they did what lukashenko spoke in 1914. what he said after the start of the svo, there wouldn’t be so many graves and so many ukrainians wouldn’t be driven to slaughter, as for the advice that he gave
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to the president, they are absolutely, firstly, honest, secondly, truthful, and thirdly, for a long time you already need to understand that the only ones who want peace for ukraine are belarus and russia, for one simple reason, we live next door, we want there to be peace there, so that there will be no war, what...
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to say that the four parties have become parliamentary, completely new conditions for work, a new stage of development, and the party that i lead, also for the first time in history, is now represented not only by the leader in elections in single-mandate constituencies, and not according to party lists, this distinguishes us from the russian federation, that is, we have a union state , but in russia there are elections based on party lists, a mixed system, half of the deputies, and we have elections only in single-mandate constituencies, this is also a feature, but... you know, all party leaders, all party deputies understand perfectly well that now is not the time to put programs political parties are above the interests of the entire
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state, we understand perfectly well that there is a war going on in relation to our country, a hybrid war is going on in relation to the union state and there should be no contradictions, i see the same thing in the state duma, there will be disputes, discussions, i would like this named, but within the framework of a civilizational approach - this is the first, second, we are very many...
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there are senators there, so that their voice on the world stage sounds brighter, louder, so that our statements are heard, well, let’s take, for example, a statement on terrorism, fight against terrorism, counter-terrorism measures, this is what we need to do so that it does not remain on paper, not in the news on the belarus 1 tv channel or on the belros belarus 24 tv channel, but so that it really sounds all over the world, the voice of belarus already sounds brighter. what the leader
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of russia, vladimir putin, says is repeated in many countries of the world, this position is now, it is popular, we saw what support belarus and russia have, because the west is in shock, they wanted to isolate, they thought that they would receive it will turn out to turn away the whole world, no it turned out that we have the majority, 80% of the world's population lives precisely in those countries that do not support, let alone sanctions, they do not support this approach of the west in relation not only to belarus and... i to many countries of the world. the second point, which is very important, is that we do not refuse to participate in many international platforms. the west would really like it if we didn’t speak at the un or speak somewhere else. no, our voice will be heard there, whether they like it or not. we perform there, we find support there many countries. yes, so far international structures are not working as they should. international law has been trampled upon in many ways, but
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this is exactly what ours is like.
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to the house of representatives of the draft law on the suspension of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, that this is happening, how would you evaluate such a step? there is only one goal: we do not want war, it would seem that we are coming out of a document that limited the spread of conventional weapons in europe, so that there is no war, i will explain why: we understand perfectly well that we are not nato will attack, it will not attack...
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it will enter the territory of our country, but 1 cm of the border, you will all be destroyed. the president of russia also clearly said that an attack on belarus is an attack on russia, and this is not a military defense system. we will respond with all available forces and means. and this is precisely aimed at the world. we don’t need other people’s territories, the president of belarus has spoken about this more than once. russia has never needed foreign territories. we do not threaten anyone, we will never attack this vilnius, poland, these are all
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fairy tales. so we understand what they are for they come up with provocations to justify their aggression against us, potential, and aggression and financial expenses, so we are now doing everything to prevent this, we are becoming stronger, this is the only recipe, to prevent a big war, another resonant topic of this week, official representative of mitrossia maria zakharova stated that ukrainians are asking russia to return children seized from the eu, data was announced according to which 220 were seized in the eu. five children, let's listen, they refer to certain political circumstances, okay, right, zelensky does not need the children of ukraine, zelensky needs money in order to then either send the children of ukraine to their graves or force them to pay these debts, but the truth is that ukrainian embassies abroad will not tell ukrainian citizens this, they
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are doing important things. they continue to beg for weapons and money and continue to recruit all sorts of extremist tourist representatives, so to speak, so that they join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. how can you comment on this, how much is the fate of children worth today? you you know, the worst thing is that they want to send almost everyone to the front to use women, children, and disabled people, in fact, this didn’t start yesterday, at the beginning of ukraine all its enterprises were taken away, the west took it, they took the land, they took it away.
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and the president also spoke on this topic, by the way, while in moscow, he was asked how you feel about the fact that women are being mobilized, and he was very clearly pained in his soul, because he really worries about this topic, he said: well how wild it is when a woman who should fly into space, who must raise children, she is forced into the army, so that she will die for the sake of someone’s interests and money. let’s return to integration-building matters, you are not only a belarusian deputy, but also the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia, what issues are on the agenda of the union deputies today, are these agendas similar.
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of course, we will continue to unify legislation and make sure that our ministries and departments in russia and belarus can work even more efficiently. of course, the economy, without which nothing is possible there will be, there will also be new bills in this direction, and in general there is no sphere of life of a person living in belarus or russia that the deputies of the union parliament will not deal with or are not already dealing with, and the rhythm has been set very seriously and quickly. i want to note an interesting point that the newly elected belarusian parliament of the eighth convocation did not sway, there was no preparatory stage, literally from the first day, from the first day, as the deputies gathered, fruitful, painstaking work began
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aimed at strengthening belarus and strengthening the union state, the same applies to the parliamentary meeting, so that belarusian women, among other things, have the opportunity to fly into space and raise the children of the meeting. live calmly, live calmly and enjoy life and spring. thank you very much, deputy chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus oleg gaidukevich was in our studio. this is belarus main, further in the program. belarus-donbass, new format of relations, breakthrough of allied science, introductory innovations companies universities. film number one about partisan, filming starts this summer. let's go back to the studio. in a few minutes. the work of industrial organization, prospects for product quality issues. this week
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, the president of belarus convened a large meeting on the state of the industry development tasks. the last few years have seen a steady increase in production volumes. last year, the industry produced record exports over the past decade. by the way, while the meeting of the president of belarus was going on, the russian leader received the head of bashkartastan, where he plans to create machine tool cluster. vladimir putin praised the reliability of belarusian equipment, quote. you can buy in belarus, it’s reliable there. of course, such statements are binding; it is important to justify trust, especially since 90% of belarusian industrial products today go to the russian market. and we are implementing many import substitution programs together with russia. and here are some quotes. everyone has heard about the annual message
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of the president of russia, he announced that by the thirtieth year the constituent entities of the federation should receive about 40,000 buses, trolleybuses, trams, electric buses and money has been allocated for this. the task of the belarusian industry is to provide connection. our products must be of high quality in all characteristics and parameters. today it is very difficult to compete on price with chinese manufacturers, although it is necessary, we are not going anywhere. well, that means you have to take it solely by the quality of the product and... by providing
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the service necessary for the consumer, we must reach approximately the japanese level of quality. belarus, donbass, new format of relations. regions were created by workers groups in various areas of cooperation. industry is one of the key components of economic partnership at the bilateral level. currently, the parties are establishing and strengthening business contacts.
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and this work is already ongoing, that is , after this, if we take the economic component, economic interaction, the chairman of the government of the donetsk people's republic was already in the republic in connection with a worker there and there was an opportunity to look at the enterprises, make some assessment and write down some kind of road map, but there were representatives of enterprises with business missions. on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, who could look and make certain assessments for themselves, maybe look at some sites, well, this also applies to the development of production sites for elevators, that this is in demand, but for us it is very important and there are already developments here, there are belarusian investors who are developing in the agro-industrial sector, by the way, predominantly, this is precisely the mariupol direction, well, unconditionally is that interaction is cultural...
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on the one hand, on the other hand, there is
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still something to be finalized, there is something else that we would like to see taken into account in this bill, and we are preparing, at least we are currently working on additional changes that will give more more advantages for investors, potential investors, will become attractive, then there is the donbass development corporation, which now acts as a single window for all enterprises, investors, and which provides, say, support services, that is an advantage, of course, preferential conditions there in the system.
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narrow enterprises or entrepreneurs participate, yes, of course you can, that is, the conditions here are simple, the investor will either need to register an enterprise here, or open a branch of the enterprise, which also allows you to become a participant in the free economic zone and enjoy the benefits and privileges that exist, therefore useful, potentially beneficial, even taking into account the risks, so welcome, we will try to create all the necessary conditions in order... so that entrepreneurs can develop here, and so that business can develop here, we are interested in this. when belarusians can come and relax on the azov sea in mariupol, i think we will be able to fully invite and open our doors after the end of hostilities. we will have something
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to show, it will be important for children to learn, well, if it is to combine sanatorium treatment with a good warm one. useful azov sea plus a museum component, well, plus a patriotic one direction, there will be a lot of places here for obvious reasons on the territory of donbass, of course this will be an attractive place for tourism, thank you very much, the union state has already made its scientific breakthrough, 28 programs in outline. our cooperation in the fields of microelectronics, space, agro-industrial complex. meanwhile, everything has already gone far beyond the boundaries of paper. belarusian scientists are exploring russian open spaces. the russian silicon valley, skolkovo, awaits our brains. our reporter lidiya zablotskaya collected scientific facts from the moscow media fields. and again the battle of minds and knowledge continues.
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the technological revolution is rewiring the world. in the brain race, the winner is those who can adapt and think strategically. the union state realized this in time; the level of technological development is a decisive factor in the independence of any country. and now the silver lining for young people is full of opportunities. we understand that the challenges that our industrialists from two countries now face require personnel, personnel, scientific personnel, engineering schools, humanitarian knowledge, which together allow move faster and achieve the desired results in a shorter time. belarusians succeed in knowledge and increase it, sharing it with their russian brothers, there is constant cooperation with the russian academy of sciences, they are working on extremely relevant things, for example, they are developing ceramic implants for restoring defects in bone tissue. medical ceramics, as it were , is a current direction, so we try to keep up with the world, let’s say, science,
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develop technologies, develop materials, this is promising first of all, and the first market that we can... those who do not actually work in the technical and technological fields, and humanists, even if there are very few of them, have visited, looked at the achievements, the real achievements of modern russia on the foundation, including the groundwork and preserved competencies and traditions in soviet science, both fundamental and applied. the fields
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of the russia exhibition at vdnkh are inspiring, and this is at least for the promising industry pavilions, rosatom and gas presentations. minsk city technopark, state committee on science and technology of belarus interacts with the vitebsk region, from new partners and bellekprom and cooperate without playing with one goal. a number of belarusian companies that become participants in the project. russian companies, including our participants, they work with the minsk city technopark, which are also interested in entering the belarusian market, they understand perfectly well that there should be support
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from executive authorities in belarus, support for development institutions, they must create new jobs locally. consider it unique production of belarusian-russian projects that will change the world. the era of sanctions brought scientists of the two countries closer together, the result is a scientific breakthrough. now, under the patronage of the russian academy of sciences, a unified research infrastructure is being formed. mega science class. the largest expensive complex will also be available to belarusian scientists. meanwhile, the academy of sciences of belarus, together with ros-cosmos, is developing a multi-satellite constellation. it will be able to provide remote sensing data of the earth's surface in full. work in the field of microelectronics and photonics is developing successfully; this is the most important thing, it is practically the infrastructure of our development, it is the basis for work in the field of artificial intelligence. it's shared. research related to climate change, well, among other things, these are social sciences, these are
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humanities, after all, we grew up from the same country, from the same world, we have values, they are very close, i think it is very important to pay a lot of attention to these issues, time is passing and you shouldn’t ignore it attention to the growing future of the union state, for the first time russian applicants... just need to pass the unified state exam to enter belarusian universities, and this without leaving russia. we have reserved 1.0 free places. thus, russian applicants can count on 125 specialties in medical, pedagogical, engineering and technical profiles. but, of course, we are waiting for the best, the score threshold has already been set at 70. in the meantime, soon, already in the second quarter, a joint meeting of the board of the ministry of education of belarus and mino. science of the russian federation. one of the issues on the agenda is the development of the concept of a new network university. first of all, we are talking
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about concentrating on training those personnel, unique personnel, for whom our high-tech industries are most in demand today. therefore, here we are not talking about some kind of mass training of students, we are talking about isolating those scientific priorities for which today we need master’s students, candidates, doctors of sciences, first of all, personnel of higher scientific qualifications. that is, this is not a repetition or a branch of the belarusian-russian university, the new university is focused on the strategy of creating a unified scientific and technological space. let me remind you that the strategy was signed within the framework of the supreme state council. soon we will see clearer outlines of the union state university. additional trains from moscow and st. petersburg to minsk, brest and polotsk scheduled for the may holidays. the film about partisan number one is scheduled to start filming kabatka minaya in august. the main thing, briefly further in the program.
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a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis was held in minsk. it was attended by heads and representatives of diplomatic departments of belarus, russia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan and armenia. in addition to summing up the results of cooperation over the past year, an exchange of views on current issues on the international agenda. states, and this is unshakable and no one has ever questioned it, but at the same time our organization is a commonwealth, namely this allowed us to always find compromises
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and build a common unifying agenda on a whole range of issues for the development of our community, for the benefit of our countries and peoples, a creative agenda, an agenda that is related to economic development, to solving a number of social and humanitarian problems, and of course the problem security, which we are also talking about today... also began to more actively use this platform for business meetings, meetings at the level of chambers of commerce and industry, they
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naturally give results specifically for segment of medium and small enterprises. who do not always have information about the opportunities that are opening up in one or another russian region, therefore, with a number of regions, we agreed that we will gather from 50 to 70 companies on the site of our pavilion and hold joint cooperation meetings so that they can cooperate and get to know each other, we are united by people, we are united by the absence of borders, we are united by the integration that existed back in soviet times.
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belarusian railway on may holidays appointed 96 additional trains that will run in interregional and international traffic from april 26 to may 15, so together with russian railways an additional 16 trains were appointed from moscow and st. petersburg to minsk, grodno, brest and polotsk. ticket sales are already open for the may holidays; more than 100 thousand travel documents have been sold. work on assigning additional trains to public transport continues. with increased demand for travel, it is possible to include additional cars in trains already scheduled trains. the film about partisan number one starts filming kabatika minaj in august. the initiator of the creation of the new film was people's artist of russia igor ugolnikov. he is also the founder of the voenfilm film studio and the producer of the film brez fortress.
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the russian side will provide military equipment for cameramen and artists. the third film crew will be replenished by belarusian specialists; filming will take place not only in belarus, but on the site of the mostkino cinema park in the war film studios. the history of the partisan movement in belarus will be shown through drama minay shmyrev, the people's avenger and the father of children killed by the germans. partisan number one died 60 years ago. it rang like drops. the minsk spring has come to belarus. the annual music festival brings together music lovers for the thirty-ninth time, symphonic works, chamber concerts, pop classics, repertoire for every taste. meeting place: belarusian state philharmonic society. on stage there are both famous artists and young ones, including from russia. our film crew met with the rising stars.
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folk everyday scene, dressed in lush piano form, the thought of pyotr ilyevichaikovsky is one of his most performed works: a virtuoso piece, on a par with the works of chapin, liszt, schumann, in the repertoire of milena kirichenko, a student of the central music school of the moscow conservatory. fragile, tender, at 16 she is already an experienced artist. laureate.
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prestigious tchaikovsky and rachmanin competitions, the pianist is called a young star of the russian piano world. for me , music is my whole life, it’s natural, like breathing, just like going out on stage. without it i don't think to myself. the composer closest to me is sergei vasilyevich rachmanin. rachmanin's music contains such matter, such energy, that i cannot see or obtain anywhere.
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who are followers of this musical phenomenon, which is called and known throughout the world as the russian piano school. the artistic director of the belarusian state philharmonic society, yuri geldyuk , is one of the guardians of the russian musical heritage, pianist, graduate of the moscow conservatory, professor of the minsk academy of music. today his students work all over the world themselves are already passing on knowledge to the new generation. there is a concept in music of spirituality. there is the concept of excitement, and there is sound, it must be absolutely perfect in order for it to fall into the ears and souls
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of listeners. yuri nikolaevich is among the organizers of the concert life of belarus, thanks to him the philharmonic art has flourished in the country. back in eighty years, he came up with an image project that would give young performers a chance to express themselves. the idea turned into a large-scale one. i wanted it not only to be prague spring or budapest spring, i wanted there to be a minsk spring, and my colleagues from the ministry of culture and i simply wrote a note at one of the ministry meetings that it would be nice to make the belarusian autumn also a minsk spring, so the thirty-ninth festival is happily alive today , in general, it’s nice that then we... two programs will be dedicated to the liberation of belarus, the feat of the people, they will give a concert on the occasion of the centenary anniversary
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of the glinka music college, the entire festival bill includes almost 30 performances in a large the concert and small hall named after shirma welcomes both belarusian and russian performers. today the belgus philharmonic is a large academic holding, with about two dozen groups in its composition. regular participants in tours in russia, minsk reciprocates. each region of the russian federation tries to present the best, gubernatorial, largest groups, federal, municipal groups on our stage. i sometimes regret that our, our concert hall has only 690 seats, because those who want to visit our performance. there are many more dear guests, sometimes we have to do two concerts a day to satisfy the hunger of everyone who wants to attend the performance of the rostov
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symphony orchestra, the vladimir symphony orchestra, and soon we are expecting the russian folk siberian choir. the minsk spring will reign in the city for another month and a half, among the expected programs there will be a dedication to the classics of russian culture, pushkin and roman. spectators will be treated to a concert performance of the opera the tale of tsar saltan. they will appear on stage together with the leading orchestra of the philharmonic society students of the belarusian academy of music. the minsk spring will end along with the calendar spring. the final chord will sound on may 31st. this concludes our release. we will tell you about the main thing of belarus next sunday on the belarus tv channel. all the best.
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head game, a show where they fight not with the help of physical strength, let the strongest one win, in the fa cup match season. 22:23 between wrexham and sheffield united the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly what is its specificity? a show where the main thing is weapons and intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. name a city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. sarah.
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they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it? right meters away, so that, yes, it is opposite the house, today we will walk through real swamps, so through the swamp, which is near the house, which is again twenty an uninitiated man, seeing this building, will say that i don’t know, a castle, an estate, a place, but in fact this is a mill, this is a mill, the leader from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, guys, 40 minutes have already passed, no the fact that there are birds,
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it seems to me, not even a fly flew here, look, i don’t know who it is, what kind of bird it is, but it turned out, well, okay, it’s a brown-headed nut, blue, we don’t see any external blades at this mill, yes , the uninitiated may wonder how this mill actually works, and what it how it grinds, usually, usually the mill mechanisms froze in the winter and did not work, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round, the project is from the village, on the belarus 24 tv channel you can do a lot in 24 hours, in 7 days and more more. in our project you will learn about key dates , events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema.
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and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24:7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum it up together.


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