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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 1:30am-1:51am MSK

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and biological age, which has nothing to do with calendar years. rome is a woman, london is a teenager, a street child, paris is a man, a little over twenty, in love with a lady who is somewhat older than him. what about kobrin? it seems to me that the city has a feminine essence. try to describe it. polite, taciturn, but with an inner core, her own vision of the world, her own view of situations and people, for some reason sad, a little wary. it is quite possible that this image did not arise by chance, unlike others ancient cities of belarus, in kobrin there were many beautiful ladies who had a huge influence on historical processes. olga romanovna, the kobren princesses ulyana, anna theodora, anna jagielonka, and one queen of bonna, what is it worth, so come and open your own kobren.
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we are going on an expedition to the corners of our country, we are going there as soon as possible to get information about the world. things will happen again and again at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are jumping with you in ruzhany bra region. some of the largest palace complexes have 16-18 hundred years. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. this is either karagod or vayavod. karagodot, all the spectators are in full view, in front. one, two, three, they cleared up the ruckus. and we just sowed and sowed. and give new life to old traditions. i'm walking in a clear field, there
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's a lot of time with projects in advance on the tv channel belarus 244. the song of radzima is still standing, maybe everything will change, but it's not necessary. only this life will not last for hours, life will live forever, as it is, the bright folk word, monthly pumping on the grass. and let's live.
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great fox, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, and there is life.
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late in the autumn evening of 1934,
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the owner of the pharmacies, gabar, literally burst into komorka, where the new worker maria and her child were placed.
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this story was told from the rostrum at the extraordinary fifth session of the supreme soviet of the ussr in moscow by its delegate maria dijchuk, a member of the temporary administration of bialystok, who spoke about how she wandered around the corners with a small child, left as a widow, how she hunched over the pharmacist, then on the manufacturer, and also about how terrible it was to end up in the beryoza kartussky concentration camp,
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the soviet of the ussr adopted a historical document. law on the inclusion of western belarus into the ussr and its reunification with the bssr. newsreel footage preserved the genuine emotions of the delegates from the western regions of belarus. it is still impossible to imagine the state of people who survived the oppression and bullying of their owners. in the silence of the office of the empty government building, the chairman of the supreme council of the bssr nadezhda grigorievna grekova continued to work on documents.
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there are women from all regions of western belarus, stories were simply written down during trips, photographs of newspaper clippings, in them about what ordinary women had to experience during belop poland, arranging the materials in a certain sequence, grekova carefully wrote on the cover of the folder. materials about the fate of liberated women of liberated belarus. started january 1940 .
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a photo studio on sovetskaya street in minsk in... what smiling pioneers, can you imagine, in women’s voices, red square, and the people, workers happily going to factories.
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bssr, each reminded of the horrors of polish oppression. for klava tarasyuk, the beginning of october twenty-one became special, she will finally be able to attend school, a polish one, but nothing, the main thing is that she will be able to learn to read and write.
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lektsa! nadezhda grigorievna wrote on the folder in neat handwriting klavdia tarasyuk, chairman of the kozlovsky regional council. on the other
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she wrote: zhenya kaplan, director of the factory of the former manufacturer triling. brought out alexandra bakhta, head of planing production, first stakhanovka, the head of the workshop, now the manager, everyone is so energetic, enthusiastic about their work, how sometimes fate is unfair. what would have happened to all these women if everything had happened differently?
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the chairman of the supreme council, nadezhda grekova, had another meeting with a woman who could not be broken. no prison, no torture, good faith. since the early twenties she has been working underground. as secretary of the komsomol central committee and a member of the underground central committee of the communist party of western belarus, she actively carried out propaganda work, called on the disadvantaged in the rights of the population of belarusians, jews, ukrainians, to rise up to fight against the oppression of the pons. in a house on the outskirts of bialystok ,
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underground fighters, members of the communist party of western belarus, gathered in a safe house. among the participants, a member of the central committee of verakh armament, discussed the issue of strengthening security measures during campaigning among residents. in lunents, pinsk, we had to adhere to secrecy. security is all around. the meeting took place with the women in the laundry room under the pretext of surrendering the beatings. you need to go to the people more boldly, not be afraid of the rally, circling the elephant. brest showed that open meetings threaten arrests. a conventional signal from an underground worker who was watching from the outside what was happening around him. this meant one thing: a detachment of policemen was approaching. in january 1925.
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an open trial of 31 party members took place in brist. among them was verah weapon. the first prison term is 6 years. then the case was reviewed in the twenty-eighth and already during the process a new term - 8 years. and then there were letters released, where vera zakharovna told what the poles did to those who fought for their rights and freedom. all changed by the reunification of the belarusian lands. in 1940, verokoruzhie was actively involved in the work of restoring soviet power in western belarus. in the pinsk regional party committee, during
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nadezhda grekova’s next visit to the region, she had already discussed with her the chairman of the supreme council. the bssr had priority issues, there were many of them, then they could not even imagine what trials lay ahead for them, as well as the fact that vera zakharovna would very soon enter the fight against the fascist occupiers. secluded in the darkroom, elya berman was sorting through photographs taken recently in the studio. former farm workers. working women, peasant women, how changeable this life is, so a new history begins to be written for them.
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after thinking about something a little more, elya placed the photographs in an album, on which he wrote in large letters: “women of western belarus.” belarusians, on an equal basis with men , were included in the socio-economic processes of development of the region, many headed large industries, worked in party and komsomol organizations, and in local authorities authorities. by the beginning of 1941 , women already made up more than 20% of the management team.
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it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. what was the name of the peace treaty? provided soviet russia with a way out of the first world war. masha, what do you think? i chose option a, the treaty of brest-litovsk. the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently took our exams, everything is fresh, well done, smart. their larva, with an elongated body and lumpy skin, resembles a tiny alligator. name these beetles. we were also thinking here,
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we have several options, please, your guess. we had a cockchafer and... any adult, is it true that an adult normally has four canines? denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, travel. this is not only an acquaintance with history and sights, the volkovy river, which flows through volkovysk is one of the key points of support of this city, the actual wolf and


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