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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:25am-3:56am MSK

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well, it’s no secret to everyone that now there is minimally invasive surgery ahead, namely laparoscopic, thoracoscopic surgery, but they have a basic composition, that is, this is knitting, sewing, and of course, the student, starting there from the second, third year, they must master this technique step by step , so that later in real practice, when they encounter such a problem, they will be able... to correctly perform this manipulation, thanks to this opportunity to learn by performing such manipulations, students acquire not only practical skill, but it also makes it possible to subsequently apply this in scientific practice, having already mastered the technology, i think they can come up with some kind of their own, even an operational method, well, everything happens, it’s not for nothing that even the same schoolboy came up with it, of course,
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thanks to his development, our students write scientific papers, and those who are very promising and want to continue their studies, and they enter graduate school, those who remain in the departments continue their scientific activities, and of course, we take the most promising ones into our a council of young scientists who uh... its main task is to develop scientific potential, a scientist is not someone who only does science, he is a person who has his own civic position, he is a person who is engaged in educational work, he is a person multifaceted, we are proud that our university became the first medical university to create a school for young scientists, we give them basic knowledge for...
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we even have at this stage a request from clinical institutions, from the republican scientific and practical center, from a university clinic, they are ready to accept also participation in this school, it will be online. i am often asked the question, where do ideas come from? ideas are not something that you sit over some textbook on an article and think, think, think, think, here you have...
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your own, the most important thing, as we say in science, you can’t give up, because if you cooled down, you have to warm up a little again in order to move forward, for a very long time we have had problems in belarus - this is compression hosiery, that when a person gets a burn, especially one that manifests itself as scars, he needs to wear a special clothes, a special sleeve, a special blouse, depending on where it appeared.
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treatment, because when you have treated, the medical effectiveness of your treatment of these patients is very inverse, they will be able to get it , it is important to see what will happen in 6 months, in a year, you need. i was born in the city of mosty, the city is located in the grodno region, it is a city famous for its suspension bridge that runs
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across the nemon river, my parents are ordinary people, not government employees, namely... in our country, in medicine, precisely as a student, i always wanted to be a prosecutor, i don’t know why, but i wanted to, maybe it’s
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just some kind of children’s games, that there are robbers, and there are good policemen, we look for them, we find them, we identify them, maybe some illusions for today. .. day i say that we know nothing more than to provide assistance, to treat, so this is very, well, probably important, in some ways it makes us stronger, in some ways it makes us vulnerable. i am married, i have two boys, one is 13 years old, in just a month and a half he will be 14, the youngest is 7 years old, my wife is natalya, also a doctor, we are classmates, we met at the university, she is also an associate professor of the department of internal medicine, every person should do something, as a student i played very often for the university
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within the framework, well, basically all my young life, although, i’m probably still young, i played football, so one of my hobbies is tourism, this is the stage of education, this is the stage of education, not even to say that this is scientific
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development, this is the stage of life, what is happiness, happiness is, of course, a philosophical moment, well, for me, what happiness is, it’s probably like... but we know more, sometimes i fall asleep, i think through my head what to do tomorrow for surgery, how to do it, get up earlier to look at a book, how best to move it, what
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there is nothing to be done there, this is a certain life, this is a certain stage of life, and i will say that many people say, and many people leave medicine, why, someone psychologically cannot withstand such a pace and... because you want it, you don’t want it, you still give a piece of yourself, and at the expense of this living with this with this family, you become a person. somewhere, a little bit more professionally, you understand what you are doing with more restraint, but at the same moment when you are treating, the more, the more people, you become more stable in the profession, i always want to say one thing to our patients and their parents that medicine is just one of the things we do. but they must believe in god, believe in a miracle, because sometimes medicine, from the outside, seems that it
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cannot help anymore, but then sometimes a miracle comes, so believe, believe in god, and he, of course, will be with you.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? natalya, why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions, perhaps share something, suggest some ways, in particular. getting into our most wonderful university. are you ready for children to sometimes ask
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awkward questions? of course, i'm a mother. promise to tell only the truth? i will try very hard. good luck then. today we have visiting the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, natalya korchevskaya. natalia, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly introduce yourself. time has passed. hello, my name is natalya vladimirovna korchevskaya, i was born in minsk quite a long time ago, in 1972 year. now i work as the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts and a professor at the department of theory of history
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and art of the same university. i am married, i have two children, they are already quite old, and i really love the place where i work, because i once came there myself many, many years ago, graduated from it and received, in general, an education and everything the best, i hope, is in me. that's probably all. you're done. 1 minute great, now questions from our audience, we have studio has 100 participants, each has their own question, let's see how quickly you can answer, are you ready? yes, then let's start: hello, my name is leo, what kind of family did you grow up in, how did your parents raise you, were you spoiled? well , being a fan is probably not about our family, i grew up in the family of a teacher, an english teacher, and also a teacher, well, big. from a coach in such a wonderful sport for which our country is famous for biathlon. papas, unfortunately, passed away
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quite a long time ago, well, in general, i’m glad, that his life’s work is developing and thriving, because once he was one of those, for which reason he seemed to be looking for a place to hold the first biathlon world championship, which was held in the then belarusian ussr, in general, he found famous raubichi, now just... well, far beyond its borders, in general there was no time to pamper, because in my time the children studied, the teachers worked 6 days a week, respectively, mom worked, and dad, accordingly, was busy, competition training camps , so my brother and i had no time moreover, by this time, by the time my parents came home from work, if dad was there, it was necessary to clean
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the apartment, well, of course we indulged, we went to the cinema, well, if this is considered pampering, but... we all knew that we had responsibilities and not it was a matter of poultry. what were you like as a teenager during adolescence? is this a difficult period for many? well, i don't think i was a difficult teenager, because as a teenager i was even busier than as a child, so i think it was quite convenient for my parents. i came home on time after rehearsal, did homework, went to bed and went to school, then back to rehearsal, and so on and so forth. that's why i was a decent teenager. natalie, you will have to turn 180°. red sector. how did you study at school? were you an excellent student? i was almost an excellent student, but all the time i was missing something. as a result, i graduated from school with a silver medal, but i
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was not really an excellent student. for example, i once had a b in drawing. somehow i missed it. patience to draw something, so i, you know, am not exactly an excellent student, but i studied well at the university, always an excellent student, do you think you have an excellent student complex in life? i think there is, i don’t know whether it’s good or not, sometimes it’s quite difficult, but this desire to do everything exclusively with the highest score, this is probably such a hyper-responsibility. you studied at the institute of culture, now you work as a rector, how has education changed during this time? has changed significantly, for example, the material and technical base, yes, if we studied, we, for example, had very few ballet halls, students’ physical education took place in such a small room, yes, some kind that
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the university had at that time, now are these wonderful conditions for getting an education in something? education became more standardized in some ways when we were studying, you know, we didn’t have such wide access as today’s students to the best venues in our country, i mean concerts and television, our guys are already working as assistant directors during their studies, this practice-orientation has increased significantly compared to the time when i was studying, again, when we graduated from... university, we, frankly speaking, didn’t really know whether we would whether our country needs us, now everyone seems to know that they are needed, and they need guys from their first year already, and many know, while studying in their early years, where they will work, how they plan the trajectory of their career, see themselves in 10 years -20 and so on further, then we hope that
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things have changed for the better, and we at least strive for better education. do you think we need a diploma with honors in our time? i have it really red, yes, then there were other forms, now it is blue, but the diploma is written in one sign, but why not, for many employers this is an indicator that the person additionally did some tasks, for example, for in order to get a top ten now, so i’m always in favor of, well, as i already said, doing something at the maximum level, tell me about your career growth, where did it all begin at university? it all started with the fact that 35 years ago you entered there, you entered it a little by accident, you studied, you studied well, i’ve already said that at the university i was an excellent student, i don’t have a single b in my transcript, i graduated, they offered me - means staying to study in graduate school, i
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stayed, then i became a teacher, then a senior teacher, then i... defended my dissertation, received the title and position of associate professor, and then i was offered to head dean's office, faculty, and i was dean for some time, then first vice-rector, then for some time i went to the government body, the ministry of culture, i worked then returned to my university as rector, it all starts in any case with the fact that you are somewhere ... you study and become a student, because if you are not a student, you will not be able to be this rector later. why do you think the university won't let you go? well, i think i have it. i love him, he loves me, and why should he let me go, this is a wonderful place where, like we say, culture lives, yes, there are young people there all the time, who
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are renewed every four, before 5 years, and you, next to them , must also somehow correspond to all this, this is very interesting, we have 3,000 people like you studying here a little older, yes, each of them is an individual, communicating with them is a special pleasure, we go overboard. you studied to be a choreographer, don’t you regret that now you have to direct instead of dance? no, i don’t regret it, because dancing, well, dancing is generally such a profession, short-term, yes, well, that is, you can dance for a long time, but still the limit comes, by this time experience comes, you can teach someone how to do it better, or create conditions for... the same guys who not only they study choreography in order for them to build their lives as a whole connected with this art, so i don’t regret it, but this is the type
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of art that still remains in you, allows you to maintain your health longer, to somehow run so actively, therefore, but i don’t regret it, i don’t regret anything, nothing really happens endless, yes it is. after all, it’s not a drama theater, where you can , relatively speaking, play different roles up to 100 years old, after all, choreography is the art of the young, i know that you used to work, well, teach at the institute of cultures, but tell me, you were strict teacher, but it seems to me that he is not, but as my students joked, this is natalie vladimirovna’s favorite phrase, okay, well done, but so far two, in fact, two, i... of course i rarely put it, well, after all, studying in higher education institution is different from studying at school, yes, there is sessions for which a student must
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prepare, thank god, i didn’t have one, so i did eight graduations as a teacher, there was no such thing that someone didn’t prepare for exams, for shows that take place every six months, and i had to give an unsatisfactory rating to classify a person as happiness. everything was fine with us, i hope, but was there such a thing that you did not allow students to take exams or sent them to retake them? well, it happened three times in my life with three people, i still remember it, it was the first, my first students, yes such was, did you allow students to copy, but here you can’t copy, i have a discipline that you can’t copy, you have to compose, with us you need to create something new every time, but please, if you want to copy, you can. the red sector is to the right. hello, i’m masha, and how are you different at work from yourself at home?
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it seems to me solely by appearance, but because at home i don’t go around in a suit, in another, well, in a tracksuit, and i don’t think that i’m some radically different person, well, of course i don’t sign documents houses. or something else, well, i don’t, you know, just like i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grimza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, i’m kidding, no, in fact i’m the same, and at home you also command , just like at the university, i don’t give much command, i somehow ask people or convince them to do something, so home, it seems to me, is not at all... teams at home, people live in order to have ok, so at home at work i’m also not very bossy, it seems to me that you are a strict
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mother, yes, i am a very loving mother, but strictly, i if you want, i’ll give you an example, once my boys and i, well, the whole family , were returning from a vacation; along the way there was one child, probably 12 years old, all the time... somehow he was not behaving very well, and my friends were listening there, listened to all this, he behaved very ugly towards his mother, towards his aunt, well, from the point of view of our family, then my eldest son turned to his youngest son, they are 9 years apart, looked, said so, in this place fedya, you and i would already be corpses, well, i don’t beat them, naturally, but they know unacceptable things, you can’t shout at adults, that is, you can always calmly decide something, so...
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i, of course, wish you all that you find your love the first time and for the rest of your life, perhaps this is a utopia , but i believe that someone is lucky, as i hope my husband is, do you believe in love at first sight? no, i believe in sympathy at first sight, but in love at first sight, well , it’s hard for me to believe, because love is such a very... multifaceted feeling that is not only about passion, so yes to sympathy i believe how you met your husband, i taught him, he was the head of the group in which i, as a young teacher, led a group of dance directors in staging dance performances, so when questions arise, he says: the question is not for me, i had a good teacher , so everything is fine there with the classic solution to the performances that
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he did. that’s why we also met at the university, it’s such a difficult story, but it ended very happily for us, and it continues, it’s not over, i hope. you are a public person, how do you choose your wardrobe? i come to the store, first i buy things, i mostly buy belarusian things, that’s all that i’m
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actually wearing. the whole belarusian conclusion is possible for shoes, although shoes too, then, because it’s appropriate at the moment, i choose things for myself for the occasion that suits me, i sew some things for myself, also from belarusian craftsmen, of course, has it changed your style when you became rector? yes, i didn’t wear makeup before, well, i didn’t use makeup off stage, now i’m getting older somehow... to improve yourself a little, well, a little more formal costumes have appeared, because when you work as a teacher of different choreographic disciplines, yes, you can come, relatively speaking, in balloon pants and swimsuits, well, i mean kind of gymnastics in order to show something to students, the rector is no longer so fun with this, therefore, depending on the relevance
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of a particular event. i choose what i need to wear, what is it like to be a female leader? well, you see, i'm not very i understand the difference between a woman leader and a male leader, yes, i have men under my command, including my deputies, not only women, but also men, but it seems to me that if you are a decent person, then it does not depend on whether you are a woman or a man , you need to behave normally, otherwise... i don’t know how men lead, i wasn’t one, so i lead as a woman, i try to resolve all issues peacefully, are you strict with teachers? well, probably yes, i am consistent, but on the other hand, well, the teachers are all adults, they do not understand the limits of their capabilities and their responsibilities, so many of them...


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