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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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in the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel. good morning belarus. good ranitsa belarus, good morning country. good morning, dear new friends. on tv channels belarus
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1 satellite belarus 24. we meet you, as we promised yesterday, mariana murenkova and anna quiloria. we inform you that today is april 16, 6:00 on the clock. eh, spring is inexorably moving towards summer. and today, by the way, is april 16, world voice day. yes, yes, just such a day. and it is curious that the creators of this holiday were not singers at all, but otolaryngologists. i love this word. they are ear -throats. yes, back in 1999, of course, this was done so that we once again paid attention to the most important communication tool for each of us , took care of the vocal cords, today i will only talk like this, because it’s voice day, remember, friends say that i have a beautiful baritone treble, where is the quote from, i can’t remember the novel so quickly, in fact, at first glance it may seem that this day is not particularly remarkable. well, well, actually, the voice -
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this is our unique instrument, they say that 100% and the same voice as yours simply does not exist anywhere in the world, although tell the parodists and artificial intelligence about this, everything is possible in the modern world, in any case, work on your instrument, and take care of it in the eyes of other people, you will look more confident, more respectable, and even more significant, more significant, yes, because the voice always attracts your interlocutor, wins you over, and today is an excellent reason to take care of your vocal ligaments, for example, to sing something, for example, leave it to professionals, friends, wake up, music is on our air, love it.
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the rain is swaying, thick, variable, raindrops are knocking on your window, today the dream has passed by, but... and tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet it, i need to be sad, my whole life is ahead, my whole life is ahead, hope and wait, as in the field is dew, like a star in the sky, like a star in the sky, like an endless sea. cheerful
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surf, let them be with you, with you forever, forever, big dream big love, don’t be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope.
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you have to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and move on. there is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, your whole life is ahead, hope and wait, hope. belarus on macedonka 9, how serious you are, it’s morning, people are waking up, you have to smile. we smile and wave, friends, and tell you what we will talk about on our broadcast today. basilfolia, gallanthus and even
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red-listed daffodils. and what else happened to bloom earlier than the flowering period, we learn from the colorful story of anna ganju in the botanical central garden. a man who changed the world, let's get acquainted with the biography of the prose writer, playwright, literary scholar kuzma cherny. we’ll also find out how the one who makes our country’s mornings good starts his day. ksenia shedlovskaya, chemical technologist, new hero of our regular profession column. spring is outside the window, and that means the summer season, in fact, our shop will tell you how to choose the right skewers, an indispensable attribute of any picnic. motorist. and pedestrians, beware, the season of segways and electric scooters has started, alisa boyarskikh will tell you what rules everyone who chooses to move around the city using a personal mobility device must follow. a high-quality summer vacation for a child is a guarantee of good health and good performance in the school year. what
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every parent should know when choosing a children's summer camp, learned from the story of our correspondent. a hot topic, be sure not to miss everyone who has children, this is how you approach... under the guidance of an expert, we will look at our voices for psychological impact, how the power of the voice can influence communication, we will talk in the third part of our program, so don’t switch, there will be a lot of useful life hacks, well, the final chord
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of today’s broadcast will be a new composition called white lilac by irina romanovskaya at the concert venue of the good ranti belarus program, logical, right? yes, we told you everything. so don’t switch, it’s not still 3 hours of broadcasting, yes no, and you i thought we were ending on this note, this was such a small spoiler for the three-hour live broadcast, i urge you not to blink, not to switch, to watch us carefully, and most importantly, to smile and wake up in a good mood, anatoriy moiseev, our food blogger, is trying so hard, so that your spring mood from a gastronomic point of view is wonderful, that i came up with an interesting dessert, look, it needs berries custard, good morning, today for breakfast we are preparing a sweet and delicate dessert with custard, and to double pleasure, let's dilute it with bright berry sourness. to prepare, we need frozen berries, starch, milk, sugar,
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eggs, flour, butter and vanillin. let's start with the berries. i have cherries today. you don’t even have to defrost it, put the cherries in a saucepan, add sugar to it, pour in a couple of tablespoons of water, mix everything and bring to a boil, then add starch and cook for another 3 minutes, set to cool, and in the meantime prepare the cream in a bowl blender, place the eggs, add sugar and mix well until the sugar is completely dissolved, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and beat again, heat the milk in a saucepan,
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pour in the egg mixture and mix all the ingredients well with a whisk, cook the cream , stirring constantly until it thickens at the end. add butter, beat the hot finished cream with a whisk to make it fluffy, thanks to this it will turn out to be a smooth , homogeneous structure, let... the cream cool , begin to form the dessert, lay out in layers in bowls or glasses, a layer of cream, then a layer of berries, make layers too thin it’s not worth it, there won’t be the necessary contrast of flavors, put the finished dessert in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour, when you try it, scoop up both layers with a spoon and i... a good
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day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. good iron doesn't rust, great hockey player. doesn't get boring. the harsh metallurgical goon seriously aimed at the laurels of the belarusian hockey capital. the local metallurgist is racing towards a third straight national title. in the final series of the cup the woodworkers lead the president against brest with a score of 3:0. and today the winner can be determined. the fourth match in the city above the bug will begin at 20:00. the live broadcast will be carried out by the belarus 5 tv channel. and the day before, narodnaya gazeta journalists studied the pre-start schedules and looked into the zhlobin hockey school. the diet boom is sweeping social networks.
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everyone who is not too lazy acts as a guru. gullible consumers frantically boast about one diet or another, and to make up for the deficiency of nutrients, they use dozens of miraculous additives scientists urge not to buy dietary supplements, but to build your diet wisely. in their opinion, we can get all the nutrients and microelements necessary for a healthy person from ordinary ones. products. the range of quality products from belarusian producers allows you to create a balanced menu for every taste, and at the same time save the family budget. republic correspondents looked into the problem. april is the best time for an active cycling movement with the global 30 days on a bike campaign. in every point of the earth people are different ages and professions, in some cases even their pets, actively use bicycles as... means of transportation, physical activity and moral pleasure. the essence of the action is simple:
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throughout april you need at least a couple of meters, but be sure to turn the pedals around their working axis once a day, regardless of the cold, rain or scorching sun. sb bai is for a healthy lifestyle, and therefore the publication’s journalists joined the action and pedaled all 30 days of april. old-timers say that stork is in the village of mikhalki. local residents the only sad thing is that the houses built by storks on power line supports are unsafe both for the birds themselves and for people. gomel power engineers began solving the problem a year and a half ago: they installed special structures for nests on poles, and then the banner correspondents observed how this happened. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for
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you around the clock, do not switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watching the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental.
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sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air. watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. good morning country. maryana
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morenkova, anna quilloria continue to celebrate this tuesday, and although it’s not entirely obvious, because it’s only me in the frame, maryana vasilievna is there somewhere, and if she’s somewhere there, then you know, she’ll be there soon weather forecast, yes, maryana vasilievna, yes, anna valerievna, i will continue in your own rhythm, and so says the weather forecast bureau, during the day up to +12 in our minsk region, in brest up to +13, +10, +12 v vitebsk region in gomel up to +16. the highest figures for today in the republic are +10 +12 in the grodno region, in mogilev +11 +13, what is the typical precipitation everywhere? yes, friends, and of course i don’t want to upset you, but this whole week will be like this, even in some places the temperatures will be lower and at night they still promise frosts that it will come, well, as
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they say, we’ll wait and see, after all- however, weather forecasters tell us that an accurate weather forecast is possible. the news is just for you. yes, the minguri executive committee was told about the launch of a special chatbot, by communicating with which you can report improperly parked rental scooters and other violations related to this type of transport. this innovation was introduced so that sharing companies could quickly respond to customer wishes. it is also reported that operators of sharing companies will soon be
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asked to refine the software and strengthen control over users, including the introduction of blocking penalties. company and you ride there until your first offense, then they block you there and it seems to me that they should come up with something in this direction so that violators are punished, this is how you interrupted my life hack, as it were, i will share with the audience, advice. friends, excuse me, in addition to parking rules, do not forget about the rules of movement and personal mobility devices, olesya boyarsky will tell you more about this in her story. spring has arrived, which means that in the city you can increasingly see people who prefer personal mobility devices instead of cars. however, do not
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forget about the rules of movement on them. electric scooters, hoverboards, segways, unicycles, all of this refers to personal mobility devices that are driven by an engine and are intended for individual or shared use by pedestrians, respectively, under paragraph 174 of the road code, when using a personal mobility device, it is allowed to move along a bicycle path, and in the absence along the sidewalk, pedestrian path or shoulder, without creating an obstacle to the movement of other pedestrians. intersection. means of personal mobility, one should not forget about the speed limit, no more than 25 km/h, for example, the same unicycles or electric scooters
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are capable of quickly accelerating in the event of a collision with an obstacle or other road users. in 2023 , 12 accidents occurred in the city of minsk, in which pedestrians using personal mobility devices were injured. three accidents occurred due to the fault of spm users. most accidents are caused by drivers who did not notice a pedestrian when turning left or right, at a regulated pedestrian crossing, or when leaving a yard territories. as part of preventive raids, traffic police officers stop cyclists and text message operators. reminding them about the rules of the road, you know how to use such a device, yes, if there is no equipped place for transportation, that is...
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the scooter needs to reduce the speed at the pedestrian crossing to the speed of a pedestrian, ride them for more than 20 km per hour it is prohibited, it is not necessary to drive on them on the sidewalk, you need specially taken cases when you are old enough. remember, before leaving the vehicle on the street you need to check the condition of the brake system. light alarm, battery charge and make sure the steering wheel and wheels are in good condition. also observe personal safety measures. to ensure personal safety on personal mobility devices , it is recommended to use protective equipment such as a helmet, leg guards and knee pads. be careful on the roads, follow the traffic rules, then you will protect yourself and others from unpleasant consequences.
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they say carpaccio was named after himself carpaccio, a renaissance painter named vittorio, in whose paintings all shades of red predominated, well, our culinary picture will be no less bright, although we propose to prepare karpacchia from a product devoid of red color, champignons. let's complement the dish with mussel kebab. olives, arugula, olives, lemon, sun-dried tomatoes. these gastronomic colors will turn your dish into a real work of art. so, thinly slice the champignons. the thickness of the pieces should not exceed 2 mm. you don’t have to peel the mushrooms, otherwise there will be slices. better to keep in shape. for children under 7 years old, it is better to replace champignons with some vegetables. place the champignons in a wide container and prepare the marinade.
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add salt, pepper, and dried provençal herbs to the olive oil. chop the garlic and parsley leaves, squeeze the juice from half a lemon and also add to the marinade. mix the resulting dressing, pour over the champignon slices, leave them for 15-20 minutes at room temperature. then turn it over and let it sit a little longer, and while we’re working on the mussels, sprinkle them with lemon juice and add a little salt, pepper, provençal herbs , olive oil, mix and leave to marinate for about 15 minutes. to make the mussels soft when frying, you need to blanch them first, pour boiling water directly into the marinade after a couple of minutes, when the water has cooled to room temperature, you can... form kebabs. thread cherry tomatoes, blanched mussels and olives onto a wooden skewer. finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes. using a cooking ring, place
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the champignon carpaccio on a serving plate. top with sun-dried tomatoes and arugula, add some olives and grated parmesan. at the very last moment, to serve them piping hot, fry the mussel skewers. grease a grill pan with vegetable oil and fry under. 30 seconds on each side. place the steaming kebabs next to the mushroom carpaccio, add a couple of mint leaves and enjoy the aromas of the sea, forest, freshness and summer. bon appetit.
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new day on belarus tv channels 1 of the belarus24 satellites, we continue to welcome you, maryana morenkova and anna quiloria, we inform you today april 16 is tuesday, it seems to me that on world voice day we should somehow maneuver our voice and announce us in different keys, you understand, i want to turn on the soprano, let’s continue our broadcast in the company
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of foreign ones. .. let's continue, i agree, a new discovery in pompeii, they found a room decorated with mythological scenes from the trojan war, the find has already been called one of the most amazing discoveries ever made at excavations in southern italy. a room 6 m wide, 15 m long was found in a former private house on viadinola, this is the longest street of the ancient city. the black walls are decorated with frescoes that depict heroes and deities. among them, in addition to the beautiful helen and paris, even. you can recognize princess kassandra, i don’t know from what photographs you can of course recognize princess kassandra, but probably from the description, she, by the way, as you know, had the gift of foresight, and then a hundred people note the high artistic level of the painting and believe that this room was most likely used for banquets, the mythological characters depicted on the walls were supposed to entertain guests during the feast and give them topics for conversation, beautiful, what a beauty, yes, we never tire
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of talking about it, but in my opinion...
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open some calendar and see what interesting things happened there that day in different years, for example, in 1889 the amazing charlie chaplin was born, that same little tramp, like this is his first, one of the first characters who became famous throughout the world, so look, today is a great occasion, i understand that this is not my thing cinema may not be interesting to everyone, but there is a sufficient amount on the internet, and along with titles, with music, you can watch, for example, the lights of the big one. city, a great painting by charlie chaplin or a parisian woman or a circus, i actually adore it, because it is some other kind of art, when without words you can convey all the tragedy, with the help of slapstick comedy, for example, as charlie chaplin did or pantami , in general, let's remember that, in fact, this is the kind of person who knew how to cheer up everyone, it seems to me, at the same time, he was a very sad person in the frame, just look at the director a screenwriter of his own works, and what
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a hard life he had, because he... started working practically there at the age of 7 or 8 ; his father died early, then his mother died early, but at the same time, the man was able to to become, well, a symbol of a smile, probably, if this is said without prejudice to the whole world, he has three oscars in his piggy bank, these long-awaited golden statuettes that everyone now wants to receive, he received them already there at the very beginning of the century, so to speak, in the beginning of the century, friends, and in general, of course, the topic people who have ever changed the world in their own way, we want to pro... kuzma cherny was born in 1900 in the village of borki, slutsky district, studied at the nesvezh teachers’ seminary, and then in 1923 entered the literary department of the pedagogical faculty of the belarusian state
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university , joined. to the literary association molodnyak first published his stories in the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia. a couple of years later he published two collections of works, stories and silver of life. a year later, three more collections of stories, and then first novel - sister. due to illness, kuzma cherny left his studies and soon began working in the editorial office of the newspaper belorusskaya derevnya. one by one, his novels and plays were published. the writer became chairman of the literary. unity of uzvysh and editor-in-chief of the magazine of the same name. in the early thirties, cherny made a statement about his intention to write the history of the belarusian people in artistic images. as a result , the novel the third generation, the plays irinka and batkovshchina, and the story lyuba lukyayanskaya appeared. in 1938 the writer was arrested on trumped-up charges, released from prison a few months later, but with seriously compromised health. nevertheless
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, in... years cherny managed to write three novels and a literary study of novaya zemlya kolos. these manuscripts were burned in the first days of the war. while in evacuation, kuzma cherny published almost daily. articles and pieces, wrote several more novels, novellas and short stories. after the liberation of belarus, the writer returned to minsk, but in november 1944 he died after a stroke. he became the founder of the novel genre in national literature. he was one of the organizers of the belarusian writers' union, translated the works of pushkin, ostrovsky, gogol, gashik and others into belarusian. kuzma cherny is a writer who changed the world of belarusian literature. isn’t this a reason to re-read some of the works of kuzma cherny, not only for schoolchildren, by the way, like this, you heard our advice, good morning, country, once again we welcome you all, friends, well, let’s continue our virtual journey through the news reports, maryana
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vasilyevna, the transition and so, the news about which we tell you every year in the spring and admire it endlessly, this very famous blue forest has reappeared in belgium, as the halerbos nature reserve is called, not far from brussels because of the geocinths, the blue forest acquires a special charm at dawn, at this time the area is enveloped in the morning dawn, and the thick fog further emphasizes its mysterious atmosphere. at the same time, the aroma of flowers is strongest, naturally at dawn, in the morning, and usually this beauty lasts up to 2 weeks, so all tourists from all over the world they only have time to arrive there, but in fact, i was there too. there is no huge infrastructure, it’s cold, but it’s a geocite, yes, there are no parking lots, but you can admire and look there, that’s the beauty, that there are no parking lots, so that you walk there, it’s even forbidden to stand off
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the path there, so we protect this forest, yes, but i’ll tell you, we talk about this forest every year, but it seems to me that every belarusian forest is the same in the spring. eat, eat in the norochansky reserve, in particular to the blue lakes, there is an amazing eco-trail, it is also not recommended to go anywhere right or left from the path, because they really, really protect the ecosystem of this forest itself. well, we invite you to move on to even more belarusian news, i would say central belarusian central botanical, probably, and it can be an excellent option for family time. a trip to the central botanical garden of the national academy of sciences of belarus, if suddenly you are from minsk or planning to come to minsk, it seems to me that this is a central place, central a botanical garden that everyone should visit, because there is indescribable beauty there, friends, what flowers in the capital’s
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botanical garden are worth paying attention to, what you can admire, including which red book plants, our correspondent anna gandzhor found out. good morning, today we are in the central botanical garden, by the way, the largest center for the conservation of plant biodiversity, it was opened in 1932, and in 2024 we are ready to see how the primroses bloomed. primroses symbolize spring and give hope for the best. some of the most famous are snowdrops. for botanists, they have only one name - holanthus. and people call snowdrops all the first flowers that bloom in the forest after winter. hibernation, galanthus, spring flowers, crocuses have already bloomed, exiles are finishing flowering, but a new wave of other spring-flowering plants has arrived, among them wonderful primroses, uh, which include varieties from our garden,
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obtained in our garden. this primrose has been listed in the red book of belarus since 1981; it is a very valuable plant, contains a lot of vitamin c, which makes it an excellent remedy for colds. cough. in ancient times, many peoples considered primroses to be the golden keys that unlocked the doors to warm weather in the spring. in total, we have more than 100 species of spring-flowering plants - this does not count daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths. we recommend much of what blooms here in spring for urban landscaping. these are perennial plants that are self-sustaining, that is, they spread without human help. and i would really like to see them in our parks. few people know. what in the botanical garden, a very rare species of primroses grows from the red book, equicarp basilista, it belongs to the group of ephemeroids, that is, it grows and blooms only during the period when there is no foliage on the trees. the flowering of the same-carp vasilistnikov lasts one and a half to two months, then the leaves
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die off and the plant remains in the soil, but you can also enjoy the beautiful daffodils that are familiar to everyone in the garden. the collection includes 437 varieties, including varieties selected by the botanical garden. and these are varieties such as luntik, moonlight, flashlight, moth, these varieties were bred breeders, curator of our daffodil collection. the planting of daffodils usually begins in mid-april, but this year, due to the warm spring weather, the flowers began to bloom from the beginning of the month. you can look at this beauty before the may holidays, and we remind you that most belarusian primroses are listed in the red book, picking them is strictly prohibited, and for violation you face a fine of 50 basic units.
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“we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that grows with its roots upward. approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted and using the method of exceptional planting, which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not achieve, we managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history, a real puzzle for us. as time travelers, this is a name or outline, in the place where we found it in this in these in this area, it is called cheesepanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seven, it is not a decoration, it is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire
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to touch the belarusian culture personally, and it is also mandatory that when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners, they had already placed a crust on them, it was believed that everything good that was in the old house will definitely go to the new house, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. forget-me-not can be sung just like that, it’s so beautiful, hello to alexander shimlevich, yes, we tell him, we just listened to him. well , we remind you once again that it’s already april 16 on the calendar, today anna quilori and maryana morenkova welcome you to an amazing beautiful tuesday, despite the fact that the temperatures are falling, it’s raining, everything is still blooming, spring is coming and summer is coming, spring is on its way , but in the meantime in thailand, you know what they did, they celebrated sonk kran or the local new year, it is celebrated in the hottest month year, so the country has adopted the tradition of pouring cold water on everyone you meet with wishes of happiness, health and prosperity without the threat of getting paid. thais believe that water washes away everything bad.
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not only local residents, but also tourists enjoy participating in water activities. this time , about 500,000 guests came to celebrate the dream. the beginning of the calendar year in thailand corresponds to the international standard, but summer is calculated from the moment of buddha's passing into nirvana, which occurred 543 years before the birth of christ. so thus, the country is now 2567 bc... in 1888, sunkhran was the only new year celebrated in the kingdom. the date of celebration differed from year to year, as it was determined using astrological calculations. nowadays, thai new year has become a colorful festival with many cultural events attracting tourists from all over the world. and of course it’s warm there, firstly, this is the asian sense of time, because even in japanese cinema, there is such a concept: the japanese sense of time, they live somehow they move in their own way. in their own way, that’s why they admire the cherry blossoms, they celebrate the new year
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in their own way, they slow down a little, they slow down a little, and why are you so surprised that happiness is poured with water, if only someone dared me, even in the hottest month, here so just pour cold water on, i can’t vouch for myself, weren’t you in yerevan in july, there is such a tradition there, it’s called vardavar, they pour water on everyone, they rejoice, because they say that whoever is lucky enough to actually be doused with water will be lucky in life, right? we continue to broadcast other belarusian news. in the capital of our country , the site for holding events near the sports palace has been updated, and by the way, anyone can already walk along the modernized territory. another good news for the residents of minsk will be that the chalet trading houses on the site of the sports complex, we have all seen them, will now be open not only during the festive festivities, but all
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year round, i would like to say that 25 of these same houses are promised to open already by may 9, then their further. opening hours, souvenirs, handmade, delicacies from different parts of the world, which is not presented at the capital's sports palace, if you have not been there, be sure to go and choose what you like, it is simply impossible to get around this place, because you are here you walk a kilometer away, this smell of barbecue attracts you, you also heard it, and you were also attracted, just like, friends, in fact , in order to enjoy an outdoor grill , you don’t have to wait for the may holidays, because the weather is good, weather forecasters they promise, although of course... not tomorrow, but still, and not even after the day after tomorrow, but still in april. therefore, gather your friends, plan a date for a joint outdoor recreation, and our kupilka section will tell you how to choose an indispensable attribute of any picnic, i am now hinting at skewers. today we are choosing skewers, because for preparing barbecue, not only the grill
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and meat are important, but also the components. some people like to cook this dish on a grill, others prefer a more classic version on skewers, we’ll tell you what parameters... you need to choose: a high-quality skewer is made of stainless steel, it does not react with the product and does not oxidize, there are also wooden skewers made of bamboo, on the one hand they are more practical, since they are light, inexpensive, but on the other hand they are not as durable as metal ones , because they burn out over time and before purchasing, study the thickness of the blade so that it does not bend under the weight of raw food, you need to take... models with a thickness of at least 2 mm, pay attention to the width of the blade: for each dish you can select different skewers, for meat , a one and a half centimeter skewer is generally chosen, for yours you can also use it, for lula-kebabs you can have a width of up to 4 cm, and we also have double skewers, the length of the skewers
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can range from 30 cm to a meter, it is primarily should correspond to the size of the barbecue, the length of the skewer depends on... the number of pieces of meat, they need to be strung tightly enough so that the edges of the skewer do not char, but not too much, otherwise the kebab will be baked and not fried, and the skewers should be flexible, but so that didn't bend the suspension of the meat, and in terms of processing, the skewer should be smooth, without gaps, too, so as not to injure yourself, check the material of the handle, plastic handles are not durable, they can melt, metal ones heat up, you need to use oven mitts, the optimal option... wooden ones are considered , they have good thermal insulation properties and are durable quality purchases.
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total. one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 year, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well , there were many bosses himself, but kizhivatov was in charge, you’re not mistaken, what kind of sport did old khatabych from the film become a fan of? football, let it be, football, of course, is the correct answer, here gather the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s, zubor, yes, find the belarusian football club, on the left ,
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right, right, right - this is the correct answer, football club naftan, look, we are setting off on an expedition through the depths of our country, we are going there as best we can and inform others. things will happen again and again at the past palesse. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. we are with you in ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 centuries. residents. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here.
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their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk through the forest, hard work.
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happened in a week, in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and
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lift your spirits, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24/7, watch it on our tv channel every friday evening. good morning belarus, good morning country, i i know you were waiting for this inclusion of ours,
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because now we will tell you everything about the weather, and maybe even more. maryana vasilievna, like tumysh, announce the weather for this morning, you promised so much, i’m thinking how to get out, we only have morning and daytime indicators, let’s start, in fact , i feel it, it will be frosty this week, i don’t know how , i can do this map. they promise in brest +1 +3 in vitebsk in gomel up to 4°c grodno 3:5 with a plus sign and 0 +2 we will have in mogilev. precipitation, as we predicted earlier, are expected in brest and grodno this morning. what about during the day? now we'll find out. anna valerievna, can i speak? thanks a lot. +10 +12 in the minsk region. from 13 +10 +12 in the vitebsk region in gomel to +16 - these are the highest synoptic indicators throughout the republic today to +12 in grodno
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to +13 in mogilev there are rains everywhere, beautiful, cold spring-april rains, now, as promised, a little bit of magic, so we have coffee grounds here, let’s see what will happen this week, there will be frost this week, minus two in some even regions, friends. don't commit my mistakes, don’t plant flowers while it’s too early, you, you understand that we have a live broadcast, i can’t influence my co-host in any way, she does what she wants, yes, well, rainy weather is, of course, not a reason frown, and today, by the way, is international voice day, you know, that’s why the capital’s zoo announced the start of a large-scale event, not without this, yes, every participant, my friends, what can they do, do you think, he can get an invitation ticket for a free ? visiting the zoo, but for a reason, not for beautiful voice, not for beautiful eyes, but for this you need to do what? ecology, creativity, children, you're talking about this, this is
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the name of the festival within which. young creators are invited to bring to paper their view of our wonderful world, this is how i see and how i draw, yes, the festival will end on may 18, before completing the creative task, the organizers recommend that participants carefully read the terms of the competition on the website of the minsk zoo. well, that's it, you know everything, now i would like a little retrospective. anna valerievna, come on let's remember your childhood, did you go to pioneer camps? and how? come on, tell me a hot story, i loved camp. children's, i just think i was ready there for all three shifts, which were sitting for three shifts, yes, yes, i was ready, well, really, it seems to me that i have never had such a thing where there were really three shifts, they asked you leave the camp, girl, take your things, go, school has already started, and september 1 is just around the corner, no, that’s how different we were, we didn’t have gadgets then, and we’re endlessly going somewhere they were running around, but what were you doing, except i’ll tell you that it was in the children’s camp that i
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learned the first thing to burn, the second to cut and saw. with a jigsaw, like that, third, launch a rocket, like that, maybe that’s why i went to baikanur, maybe these were the origins, it manifested itself in a children’s camp, please launch a rocket, and we made a special rocket there, there’s something... then there are already some classes of girls dancing, yes, i also learned to embroider in the camp and i learned to sew soft toys in the camp, you’re in some kind of specialized craft camp, no, it was just an ordinary camp , really, and also there - i had these amazing... competitions like miss camp, miss babayaga, by the way, guess which one i won, miss camp or miss babayaga, i’m even afraid to assume, friends, one of the other, but i had no doubt, it seems to me that you were taking away some kind of victory and crown, you know, we didn’t just talk about the camps, because our correspondent, matvey lichonok, took care to tell parents how to to properly prepare your child, what to plan for when he leaves, how
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to plan this childhood summer period in general. so look, if you want to send your child to the camp, hurry up, discounted vouchers are sold out instantly, they are recognized by the republican center for population health, at the moment vouchers for the first or second shift can no longer be found, they were sold out back in february. on january 1, 2004 , the first thing that changed was the length of stay in the camp, whereas previously , at least 18 years of age were sent to a 24-hour camp. days, then... today this period has been reduced to 15 days, the number of shifts in health camps has increased, in the summer season of 2024 almost all camps will operate in a five-shift mode, so there is still an opportunity to purchase vouchers for later shifts, many camps have already switched to electronic booking, you submit an online application, they answer you: if there are no places for the required shift, do not rush
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to get upset, often free vouchers appear unexpectedly. you just need to remember to follow the latest news. information about health camps in the city of minsk can be found on the website of the minsk city executive committee. here we go, the main page. the next transition of power, republican bodies and representation, minsk city administration of the republican center. useful information section list of health camps owned by. are enterprise organizations in the city of minsk. on the website you can find any information about the desired camp: number of available places, health regime, living conditions, as well as photos and reviews. how to get a ticket influenced by the category of citizen. there are two options: obtaining a permit at the place of work and through an official representative office, the first for working citizens, as well as for those who have children and are studying full-time,
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the second for individual entrepreneurs, notaries, individuals, payers. tax on professional income. i find out: does this person work or not? if he works, then i explain that he can apply to his place of work with an application, with a request for a ticket to a country camp, with the provision of a certificate of birth of a child. but this, if we are talking about the first shift, starting from the second, the working citizen must also provide a certificate of insecurity, a document that confirms that the child has not yet been to the camp on a discounted voucher with a reduction in price.
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now you know everything, these childishly happy children are happy, yes, but today we remind you of world voice day, we decided to celebrate this, especially for guests, so we’ll talk in the second part of our program with phoniatrist victoria golovneva, find out how keep your voice healthy long years. yes, my friends, please don’t go far from our screens, we will be back immediately after the news release, see you later.
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the tv news agency begins information morning tuesday.


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