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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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will continue to publish a review of criminal and emergency incidents, victoria radevich monitored the situation. he started correspondence with teenagers, gained their trust, and then cynically took advantage of this trust. a twenty-nine-year-old resident of gomel came under police suspicion for distributing child pornography, and a criminal case was opened. according to the ministry of internal affairs, the young man came into virtual contact with girls aged 12-15. years convinced them to send him their intimate photos or videos. i saved the relevant content to my phone, and the gadget was inspected by operatives. behind he transferred porn content to victims from 15 to 20 rubles. the defendant has been detained, and work continues to establish all the facts of his criminal activities. currently , more than ten victims are known. what have you done now? folders.
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a resident of minsk, who worked as a pawnbroker for a virtual drug shop, chose to cooperate with the police. he was caught red-handed in borisov, where he was performing another task for a curator. now the person involved in the criminal case, it was initiated under the article of drug sales, faces a term of up to 15 years in prison. and this drug article in the biography of a thirty-three-year-old man, as the ministry of internal affairs said, this is not the first. now law enforcement officers are checking the detainee for involvement in other similar crimes. do you have anything with you? yes, what is there? smertov, which one? and...
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two corruption cases in the agro-industrial sector were immediately uncovered by bp operatives in the grodno region, criminal cases were opened on both facts. according to preliminary data from the ministry of internal affairs, we are talking about receiving bribes totaling more than 35 thousand rubles. as the audit showed, the leaders of two agricultural enterprises of the grodno region, which ones have not yet been specified, received gratitude for six months, starting last october, for resolving issues related to choosing the right supplier. one of the bribe takers, in order to conceal the crime, immediately converted funds in banking institutions, but even using such a sophisticated method, he was unable to avoid liability. the suspects have been detained and face up to 10 years in prison; additional episodes of their criminal activity are currently being established. a resident of minsk wanted to please his wife with jewelry, but imagine his disappointment when he realized that the gift was lost, he had to ask for... with
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the help of a detective. in a conversation with them, the applicant will tell you that jewelry, the cost of which is 400 rubles. i accidentally defended them on the bus; when i came back for them, i didn’t find them. based on recordings from a video surveillance camera , investigators found out that another passenger, an unemployed forty-eight-year-old man, had taken other people’s belongings. by the time the police arrived , he had managed to hand over the jewelry to a pawnshop, and spent the money he received on his own. in fact a criminal case has been opened for the theft. an accident involving a pedestrian happened the day before in the capital on sharongovicha street. the arrival was caught on the dashcam, the recording was published in gi. according to preliminary information, the driver of the honda, at a prohibitory traffic light, drove into an intersection and a pedestrian crossing where a forty-one-year-old woman was walking; the light was already green for her; the injured victim was taken to the hospital for examination. a resident of the nesvezhsky district can celebrate her second birthday from her own burning house; rescuers got her out in time. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire in her home began to break out. the day before, around noon, while
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driving to the place of the call , information was received about the possible presence of a person inside, so upon arrival , reconnaissance was carried out, the situation, the doors were broken, the doors were locked, a fire protection unit was formed, dense smoke was created inside the house, minimal visibility in the room measuring 5x4, a person was found, the owner was lying on a bed in a burning room, rescuers pulled her out through the window and handed her over to a team of doctors, after their examination the woman was hospitalized. and in polotsk , emergencies ministry soldiers helped a child get out of a stool where his head was stuck. the rescuers did not need any special tools; while they unscrewed the parts of the stool using improvised means, the baby sat patiently in his mother’s arms. the special operation was more than successful; the little hostage was not injured. this was a zona x project. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus 1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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hello to everyone who, just like me, considers april the most controversial month, after all, there are april rains, april heat, and sometimes snow falls. on the air wow news and i, nastya rutskaya, are your guide to the world of diverse positive news. turn on the tv louder, right now i’ll tell you and show you. why applicants from russia will now be able to study for free at higher educational institutions in belarus without passing a centralized exam. what does the map of our country sound like? spring, fashion, art, how are these three? the words met on the podium of the national beauty school, our mobile phones will tell correspondents. for the first time, applicants from russia will be able to enter universities in belarus on a budget based on the results of the unified state exam. 125 specialties from various higher
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educational institutions of the republic of belarus will accept students from russia in 2024. for example, for the cybersecurity specialty you will need to pass an exam. state control committee of the grodno region, financial police of the region, children of employees, as well as veterans and public inspectors of the regional state control committee. by the way, this is not the first alley
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trees planted by region employees. 5 years ago, thanks to their efforts , a square and alley appeared in the center of grodna on kremkom street. this is the best thing that can be done for the city. well, now to the next news: repairs, painting of benches, shade canopies, changing cabins, gorodny beaches will be prepared for the new swimming season by may 1st. work to put in order places of mass recreation near the water is proceeding at an active pace. in the area of ​​specialist attention. four objects are city beaches on the neman river, central, in the forest parks pyshki and lososno, as well as on lake jubilee. before the start of the swimming season, control services once again check the readiness of the beaches and the quality of the work performed, only after this the recreation areas will be available to citizens, friends, we
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will once again say this phrase: is it really the swimming season already, i wanted to say, yes, only the new year we were waiting, it’s already the swimming season, it seems to me that the weather now seems to be not so pleasant, but last week it seemed to me that it’s already summer for another week, well, you know, valeria, the weather is such a thing, it will make you happy, so. sometimes it’s just capricious, sometimes, so it’s good, on to the next news: an exhibition has opened in the cultural center of the festival, which will not leave many indifferent, students of the state center for correctional and developmental education and rehabilitation of the city of grodno presented their creative works. the project was implemented as part of world autism awareness month. exhibition participants showed that together we can overcome stereotypes and support those who have faced with this difficult diagnosis. valeria, thank you very much for the selection of news, but we are in no hurry to say goodbye, because we know that there is
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more to the story. yes, thank you for this morning, but we have an interesting story. today we will talk about the open republican competitions in artistic gymnastics in memory of renald knysh, which took place in grodny. great, thank you, have a great day, have a great week. so, let's look at the promised plot. irina performs the exercise for patients. candidate master of sports in artistic gymnastics, a girl in this sport she has been training for 8 years, and participation in the grodno competitions is a great opportunity for her to show this year’s program. i strive to achieve master of sports, well, i want to make the program better and better than i do in competitions. i like to perform to show myself, what i can do, what i have improved. these competitions are not qualifying, but the renaldo knysh tournament provides other opportunities. after all, these are personal competitions, participants can remove the burden of responsibility and perform easily and freely,
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and each participant can try their new elements. we hope that this tournament will give us new olympic hopes and become a good springboard for future starts. the competition is hosted by grodno specialized children and youth school of the olympic reserve no. 3. 76 young gymnasts from 2008-2016.
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grodno is dedicated to the memory of the honored coach of the ussr rinaldo knsha, who trained several generations of champions, including two olympic champions. the eight strongest participants in the categories reached the finals of the competition: master of sports, candidate master of sports, the first and second adult category, where 16 sets of awards were played, what is normal life for belarusians, for others it may seem? real exoticism, here's lewis, i told you that this is the cultural
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capital of belarus, now you can play, you can meet people right on the street, it's a great ride, it was the first time i rode on such a carriage, i'm the only one like you, it's just amazing, you know , i have a feeling that i wasn’t riding a tram, but a train, but it’s easy to become one of our own... in a foreign country, you just have to get to know it history culture. ilya fimchepin bought this estate as a fairly accomplished, mature man, he was 48 years old, by this time he was really an incredibly famous artist, there was a forest not far from the village, people were afraid of him, they believed that evil spirits lived there, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits strength, over the door frame...
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i am belarusian, i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the pushchak dzikikh... hell to the century of yore, i am belarus, i am proud of this name, and to the good glory of belarus i know it's not for nothing that i'm from belarus. i’m happy that matsimov gave me, that i can feel the songs of my relatives from afar and close. i am a belarusian, and even though the world is too small, i will say, i will be born into a tribe of ungodly people, and i will not succumb to death.
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we wish everyone good morning on international voice day, and pay attention to those who have just joined us, we will talk about the voice, the unique gift of a person who uses these gifts, every day. yes, today we’ll talk about how to actually keep your voice healthy for many years, here’s how it said international voice day, with our guest, welcome to the studio of good ranitsa belarus, oh, attention. advisory clinic of the republican scientific and practical center for laryngology victoria glavneva victoria forgive us for all this is a very complicated name, this is probably the very first voice test that your patients undergo, yes, of course this happens, too
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, please tell us what complaints do patients most often come to you with, because well, we all know .
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we talked to you about the fact that a woman’s hormonal background certainly affects her voice, during menstruation, let’s say, the vocal folds swell, the larynx is a hormone-dependent organ, when the thyroid gland gets sick, sometimes a person doesn’t know about it yet, but the first symptom of this disease is hoarseness and he comes to the finia specialist, and we already refer before examinations
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after examination, and sometimes even very serious diseases are detected, are you talking about... a problem with the thyroid gland, hoarseness of voice, is this some kind of rare hoarseness, or does it already occur on a regular basis? at first it occurs periodically, then it occurs constantly and you start to think, yes, if this happens to you, you accidentally heard, you must definitely take thyroid hormones, now you can do this freely, go for an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, this is the necessary minimum that every person should do, well, ours girls, our women should visit a gynecologist. regularly, especially if any questions arise regarding the irregularity of menstruation, how everything is interconnected in the body, to be honest, i’m just in shock, for me this is some kind of discovery america, well, speaking of the voice, well, of course , all of us who work for makayonka 9, i think not only namukaenko 9, we know very well the road to the dry street, where the republican scientific and practical center is actually located, but this is mainly due to
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our coming to you due to the fact that you have been ill and then there is some kind of complication process, i’ll tell you about myself. always after any cold, even the smallest one, there is hoarseness, loss of voice, and so on. we talked to you behind the scenes, the first remedy is silence mode, but this is impossible, then what should we do? well, go to the ent doctor, yes, again, you should be silent when you have a cold. any cold means swelling of the vocal folds, and naturally, they suffer very much, become chafed, and become inflamed. if a person is not silent for a little while, at least 12 hours a day, the voice will... suffer, the vocal folds will be rubbed , and such a terrible disease for the vocal folds will arise as nodules, cracker's nodules, talker's nodules, nodules. singer or just nodules of the vocal folds - this is all one nosological unit, and how the nodules then manifest themselves in practice is, again, sepotsa there will be some kind of hoarseness, if at first
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we can help with conservative treatment and the nodules resolve, that is, they have a reversible reaction, if the patient has not walked for a very long time, did not pay attention to this hoarseness, the hoarseness increases, and hoarseness appears persistent, when... she comes to the doctor, she has to prescribe only surgical treatment, wow, it turns out that this could be fraught with danger, yes, of course, you definitely need to monitor this, well, we’ve already started talking, that you need to remain silent, it’s better not to whisper , and even better not listen to music and not listen to any voices at all, because the ligaments also work in this, of course, if a person walks around with headphones all day, 80% of the load is as if he himself sang for 10-12 hours, so this should be excluded. so this is my discovery number two, to be honest, returning to the cramp, we know many artists, wonderful performers, who have such a persistent cringe, how can you understand, it’s just a vocal technique, everything
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is fine, i just sing like that, and then i can is it good to talk, or is this some kind of problem, it is fraught with these knots and in the future of some kind, why do you need to know, if you like this artist in general, if you like his voice timbre, i think that there is no need to focus on this, i rather shift... suitable for them entered and worked in the field that they choose for their life, so great, everything is under supervision, let’s take a little time to move on to life hacks, so to speak, yes,
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it is a common opinion that before going on stage, for example, singing people or talking people , no need to eat nuts, honey, sweets, yes, seeds, everything that dries out our ligaments, i ’ll tell you from myself, i kind of eat, in principle, what you listed, but is it true? well, again , the structure, larynx, vocal folds, individually depends on the anatomy, on the tonsil, a piece of the palatine tonsils can end up there, sometimes a person has large seeds, some kind of nuts, in principle this can be prevented, then what do you recommend consuming before going out stage , those who perform in public, remember what it was like, they drank a chicken egg before the performance, yes, or an orange, they say you need eat, well, again, i repeat, everything is very... individual, if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, no oranges are needed at all, that is, there is no such one piece of advice, i would advise you not to eat 2
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hours before some concert, drink more liquid, the liquid is warm, it should not be irritating, if a person can tolerate honey, you can use chia with honey, you can have herbal tea, again, if a person likes chamomile tea, for example, something that soothes our mucous membranes and the main thing is not to drink. yes, because dairy causes, well, acidification body, increased mucus formation, and this can interfere with vocal performance. well, there are so many interesting things for us, our guest today told us. victoria, thank you very much, friends, we remind you that in our studio there was a doctor, otorina laryngologist, phoniatrist of the phoniatric department of the advisory clinic of the republican scientific and practical center, otorina laryngology, victoria golovneva. say that word again? otarina laryngology, we are yet. let's go train and rehearse, yes, pronounce your profession, yes, thank you very much for coming to us, but we are switching to our other also useful section, where our
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zoo experts every time dispel some myths, or vice versa. good morning, i’m ekaterina, a healthy eating expert, let’s discuss myths about the benefits of fiber. fiber is something made from grains, legumes and bran, so say health specialists and immediately change the topic: is it in vain, is fiber an important element in the diet or is it a myth? myth number one: fiber is something out of a package, which means it’s not very good for slimness. fiber is dietary fiber, which is not... its task to feed the microflora, responsible for intestinal health. yes, there is insoluble fiber from packets and soluble fiber. insoluble helps
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the passage of food through the food supply. system, normalizes intestinal function and relieves constipation. the best option would be soluble fiber, that is, natural. it is found in leafy greens and non-starchy vegetables, so feel free to lean on top fiber-rich foods. avocado, parsley, artichoke, sweet potato, pumpkin seeds, green peas, pears, raspberries, blackberries, seeds. myth number two: slimming on one fiber. if you experience bloating, gas, constipation and problems with stool, excess weight and obesity, then fiber will really help you get rid of these problems. it controls the functioning of the gallbladder, helps eliminate carbohydrate metabolism disorders, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, excess weight, and obesity. but it is impossible to live on fiber alone; excessive
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consumption impairs the absorption of microbes. elements, including iron, calcium and zinc, and this leads to disruption electrolyte composition, water metabolism, absorption of many proteins, a greater likelihood of bacterial viral infections, which means this is no longer about health and slimness: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. don't forget about this component and your diet will be as healthy as possible. we are going on an expedition to the corners of our country, we are going there as best we can and inform others. things will happen
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again and again in the past. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads! we are jumping with you in ruzhany brest region, in one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 centuries old, residents of the magnate family of sapega. the king of st. paraskeva pyatnitsa, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. i mentioned projects in advance on
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the tv channel belarus24. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, contrary to all stereotypes, is bright and rich. here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries, mushrooms, see animals, walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, these are the main qualities. adnoychy, kali i garadziў i picked up my agarod, dropped a hole in the hole, and put it in the clay, the red one is so moldable, i picked it up, it’s like plasticine, but i tried to mold something with it, 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was very wild in a deplorable state, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, planted trees, see the project:
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good wound belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, and we remind you that today is april 16, today is tuesday, anna quilori, marianna murenkova today greet a new day with you, and what will the weather be like? anna valerievna knows everything about this, anya, yes, everything and even a little more, and later i will explain why i said so, -1 +1 this morning in
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minsk, up to +5 in brest, there. precipitation is expected, in fact the same temperature will be in grodno, there is also precipitation there, +1 +3 in vitebsk, in gomel up to 4°c, in mogilev 0 +2. what will happen during the day, you ask? and i’ll answer you, please, synthetic map, thank you, 10:12 with a plus sign will be in minsk, the same temperature is expected in vitebsk, grodno, brest and mogilev +11, +13 and up to 16°, today in gomel, in all cities and regions of our country there will be precipitation everywhere, but why did i say that i know more? yes, because, friends, i asked what the weather forecast would be like throughout this week and i’ll tell you, well... there’s no improvement, well, in terms of the plus sign, but it will be positive, but not such high values ​​as in early april, but you wanted, you know, 26°, already the swimming season will open in mid-april april, no worries,
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everything has its time, we will open the swimming season in may, yes, well, in general the weather is rainy, although today there will not be such wind as yesterday, thank god, the weather is generally beautiful, we enjoy the fact that we have friends, of course. well, in the meantime, we want to tell you that we have a very interesting fair of light industrial goods, it’s called stock and it will be held in minsk from april 22 to 27. more than twenty belarusian manufacturers will offer stylish, high-quality clothing, leather, haberdashery and sanitary products, shoes, dishes, home textiles and much, much more. you will find something else there. we have been waiting for fashionable things at competitive prices in the cultural center of the minsk tractor plant since the twenty-second. until april 27th for everyone, that’s it, we told you everything, you understand that you can spend your free time very interestingly, and most importantly, sporizically, but i know where else you can spend interesting time, and with the whole family, this is how you we thought where is
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the central botanical garden of the academy of sciences of belarus, yes, there red book plants are already giving guests of the landscape park a spring mood, what other flowers can be seen there, let's find out from the story of our colleague anna ganjur. good morning, today we are in the central botanical garden, by the way, the largest center for the conservation of plant biodiversity, it was opened in 1932, and in 2024 we are already ready to see how the primroses bloomed, primroses symbolize spring and give hope for the best, one of the most famous are snowdrops; for botanists they have only one name - galanthus; people call snowdrops all the first flowers that bloom in the forest after hibernation. the galanthus have already bloomed, spring flowers, crocuses, and syllas are finishing flowering, but a new wave of other spring-flowering plants has arrived, among them wonderful primroses,
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uh, which include varieties from our garden, obtained in our garden. this primrose has been listed in the red book of belarus since 1981. it is a very valuable plant containing a lot of vitamin c, which makes it an excellent remedy for colds and coughs. in ancient times, many peoples considered primroses to be the golden keys that unlocked the doors to warm weather in the spring. in total we have more than 100 species of spring-flowering plants, this is not counting daffodils, tulips, hyacinths. we recommend much of what blooms here in spring for urban landscaping. these are perennial plants that are self-supporting, that is, they spread without human help. and i really wanted to. you see them in our parks. few people know that a very rare species of primroses from the red book grows in the botanical garden. equal-fruited basilfolia. it belongs to the group of ephemeroids, that is, it grows and blooms only during the period when there is no foliage on the trees. flowering equicarp
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cornflower lasts one and a half to two months, then the leaves die off and the plant remains in the soil, but you can also enjoy the beautiful daffodils that are familiar to everyone in the garden. the collection contains 437 varieties. there are varieties selected by the botanical garden, and these are varieties such as luntik, moonlight, and flashlight, moth, these varieties were bred by breeders, the curator of our collection of daffodils. daffodils usually begin to bloom in mid -april, but this year, due to the warm spring weather, the flowers began to bloom from the beginning of the month. you can look at this beauty before may holidays, and we remind you that most belarusian primroses are included. red book, tearing them is strictly prohibited, and for violation you face a fine of 50 basic units. incredible beauty, of course, as always, thanks to the workers of the botanical garden, but if you suddenly find
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it cool to walk around, these days are really cold, then you can look into the greenhouse of the botanical garden, it’s always warm there, it’s always tropically warm there, parrots sing, by the way, palm trees they're growing, so come on over! yes, it’s always beautiful, but if suddenly you are somewhere far from the botanical garden, but close to the people’s friendship park, then be sure to go there, not only is it in full bloom now, it’s very beautiful, and there’s more. and as we have already encouraged you to do hanami, this is such a japanese tradition, when you can visit a whole alley of cherry blossoms, watch the cherry blossoms, take your time, feel time, feel beauty, see life in detail, then your manager at work asks you : why are you late? and let him guess that this is true, and our horse park blooms so beautifully, you can even see magnolia there, as far as i know, and... other plants, two-hundred-year-old plants, relict ones, so
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be sure to come and walk around the city if you are in the capital , well, if you are in another city and see us, be sure to write to us on instagram, what beautiful thing has blossomed in your, i don’t know, town, village, town, and we will definitely visit, film and tell about it. friends, this is how it turned out the second part of our program, in the third part we will continue the theme of world voice day together with psychologist, mediator, author of our regular topical column alla komarovskaya. under the guidance of an expert , we will consider our voices for psychological impact, my voice psychologically inspires you, wake up, wake up urgently and see you, only me, only heaven,
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the television news agency continues information broadcasting in the studio


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