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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 9:10am-9:46am MSK

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the expectation, of course, is for the cup to stay here, but to take the trophy right now, the bisons only need to win four games in a row. and why not, because only the first meeting at home the izlobina club confidently took. in the second, the brest team forced a fight; in the third duel in brest, the southerners lost in an extremely disappointing manner in overtime 2:3. even many neutral fans come to the matches of the final series, that's why. everyone loves fairy tales, in this case. the brest final is a fairy tale , everyone wants it to come true. brest passed winner of the regular season, miner in the semi-finals, before that the second team of the season, vitebsk, dmitry kravchenko’s steel wolves are still too tough to handle. it’s not going well for me either, and somehow i’m trying to do everything as usual, and the guys are still bouncing the puck up to their heels, but somewhere, probably, we’re not doing enough of something, and my heart and head are still on fire, big wish guys, i think that's it.
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experts call metallurg, and the guests will make every effort to prevent the series from returning to the gutter as the favorite of the fourth confrontation. well this is interesting for all fans, maybe all 67 matches, but i don’t know 3:0 we will go out, but don’t think about it, but... will brest be able to extend the hockey season at least until april 18 , we’ll find out today, and if you if you don’t have a ticket for the match in your hands, then don’t be upset, because the live broadcast of the match is organized by the belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 19:55, alexander yakubovsky, kristina kamysh and andrei ivanenko, tv news agency. taking care of a woman's heart.
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the event takes place in one of the capital’s theaters, doctors from the republican scientific and practical center arrived there cardiology, minsk city center for hygiene and epidemiology, as well as representatives of the belarusian women's union. over the course of a week, employees of the cultural institution will be surveyed, blood pressure will be measured, a blood pressure test will be performed, the body mass index will be determined, and they will also be asked to take general and biochemical blood tests. consultation depending on research results. modern preventive technologies. allow you to slow down or completely stop the development of severe cardiovascular accidents, percent by 90, you will agree that this is an absolutely enormous figure that must be achieved in practical clinical medicine, and we can do it, but in order for this to happen, the movement of the doctor and the movement of the patient must be towards each other. it has been proven that... in those countries where
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such large-scale preventive actions are carried out, where not only the health care system, but all other areas of the state are involved, it is there that such an effective reduction in risk factors and , accordingly, mortality from cardiovascular diseases. we have already carried out similar actions in other organizations in our capital, and we are going to scale this action throughout the whole country. every year , 41 million people worldwide die from non-communicable diseases, almost 18 million of them. from cardiovascular diseases. the main risk factors are poor diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress, hereditary predisposition, alcohol consumption and air pollution. living stones of antarctica in the national library of belarus in the panorama gallery on on the twenty-second floor , an exhibition photo project starts today. the exhibition includes photographs taken during the belarusian antarctic expeditions. photo impressions of snowy landscapes. shared the leading
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employee of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus for biological resources, yuri gegenyak. the exhibition is dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the belarusian geographical society and will last until may 21. we'll tell you about the developments at noon. let me remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as on our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland,
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sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy. greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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but didn’t win the commonwealth cup, won by a thin margin against a serious opponent, what ’s wrong with that belarusian people often give in to such important international races, are happy with little, it’s very good that there are such examples of winners in the spirit of fighters, this is the arena, hello, about biathlon today let's talk in detail, even outside of russian competitions we competed in world cups, at the olympic games we were always close,
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the doctor says that we urgently need to go to the hospital. a courageous guy survived cancer and returned to basketball, a heart-warming story. in belarus they have already changed their jackets to t-shirts and back again; the biathlon season ended in murmansk on april 14. the archivist needs to dig into his records to find out if this is a record for duration, an accurate record. belarusians are russians. started at the beginning of september last year, of course, when the leaders of our women's team try to combine their professional career and personal life, we should expect any surprises, neither anna sola nor dinaara smolskaya after the birth of their children claimed victory in the overall standings, but they were pleased with episodes, here in murvansk at the cup
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the commonwealth team brilliantly won the sprint, and this was our best performance at the finish line; in the relay races we were unable to field the strongest squads; in the mastarts, we will note only smolsky’s bronze. well actually it really was it’s not easy, but i still assess my condition much better than the middle of the season, because it was very difficult for me, i was very tired, now i feel fresher and i can... i could even lose a little points to him, but i defended my position. belarus took the crystal
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trophy, tomorrow he goes on vacation, and today he gives an exclusive interview to our correspondent andrei kozlov. on the eve of the main battle of the biathlon season between the russian leader eduard latipov and our captain anton smolsky, we went to experiment, they invited anton denari’s wife to interview him for one of the projects of the tel news agency. there were questions there. at a distance, duarte is actually a very kind and open person, and there are few like him, there are few like him in
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big sports, and a good-natured one will never do something out of spite, he will always meet you halfway, even if you need some kind of help , he’s cheerful, well, it’s all the same at the distance you are rivals, at the distance we are rivals, and my main competitor at the distance is eduard lutypov, it should be noted here... that smolsky’s handicap, that is, the advantage in the rating over lotypov before the last race of the season was only 11 points, and this is a difference of only a couple of places that separate him at the finish. another important nuance: last year smoisky went to the cup, but due to illness he missed three personal races in tyumen and it was latypa who took the trophy. in general, belarus was charged before the start, and the coaching staff had no doubts about it. finally, the fight for the globe is so important and long-awaited. therefore, let's take the first question about the leader of our team. anton, how ready are you today?
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after anton smoyski is awarded the bronze, a solemn
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ceremony will take place in splendid isolation, the cup will find its owner. well, meanwhile , this shot happened, which we managed to capture. eduard latypov will congratulate his main competitor. and both great biathletes of our time will discuss something else for a long time, but without prying eyes. i will say that after today’s race until may 15 , i won’t think about biathlon at all. fulfilled in the situation we are in, i have i mean, so far without the world cup, but you took the victory in general for the commonwealth cup, there’s nowhere else to go, well, in fact, in this story, and it’s somehow clear to you that the motivation was there now, now you have it in your hands, what's next? - yes, of course, today is a special race for me, a special day, uh, but i won’t say that only for me, it seems to me, for the whole country, for all the fans of biathlon fans, uh... what’s next, well, we’ll still work , try, improve your reserves,
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develop, i understand, you are with the same clip you will continue to work, senichenko and your group are with him, i understand correctly, yes , undoubtedly, he will remain a men’s coach, i don’t see anyone in his place yet, and of course no one is looking for a replacement for him, because roman palych actually does his job very well fits. training, preparation, planning, so much so that when you take on this plan yourself, you understand that you need to do everything. in order to accomplish this, i understand that each workout is tied to each other and for example, you can, it’s like in school program, missed several classes, you understand that you are already behind, you need to catch up, also here in the training process, as soon as you missed several training sessions in the preparatory period, then it is difficult to catch up with the team, and they are already one step ahead,
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what do you do first? when will you return home and leave the season behind you? but i’ll hug my wife and son first of all, i can assume, but most likely not, that i’ll forget about biathlon for one or two days, no, i need to carefully analyze the season and prepare again but for the next season, i want to read a book, spend time on one of my favorite rivers, well , most likely anyway...
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which is needed for training, for recovery, and accordingly, the athlete has enough free time at the end of the working day, and accordingly, i simply devote that time to my son and we help each other, if someone needs to do a certain important workout, of course we can shift my workload to do it earlier, come to exchange, stay with the child, the denar then does load,
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it is impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite. what was the name of the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia's exit from the first world war? masha, what do you think? i chose option a. treaty of brest-litovsk. name these beetles, we were also thinking here, we have several options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer, we had a ladybug, we hope we
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will have three points, any adult will envy their erudition, right? that an adult normally has four canines. denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four if everything is in place. intellectual and entertaining show. i know, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . traveling is not only about getting to know history and sights. key moments of the support of this city, actually wolves in the translation of the slavic-baltic wolf 's neck, hence also wolves. a student of evsey ovsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin , donated a painting to the art gallery, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try
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something new? seeda, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen this. these are also heart plants here we have cardiovascular plants. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation. and, of course, get involved in unique folk art. we lower the pedal, lower it, take it with two handles. oh, use two handles and knock it down, hard. i'm scared. there is nothing wrong here. all. look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel. achievement of this period the presidency of alexander lukashenko is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head
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of our state are aimed at this, thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we should strive to comply with some democratic postulates, when delegations of observers come to polling stations in order to monitor the elections, already...
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tomorrow of the final series of the president's cup , the fourth match is already clear that the series is in brest may end up dry. the main opening of the season, the team from the western border of the country, although it loses, is a bush. a two-time champion does not deserve defeat. and in general, given how the current playoffs are shaping up, you can’t be sure of anything. therefore, kristina kamysh does not draw far-reaching conclusions, she simply states what happened and shows what you do not yet know about the ending. chicks are counted in the fall in the case of an extra league in the spring. the results of the season will definitely be summed up closer to april 30. however, we can definitely say that the current playoffs have become better. by the number of sold-outs. a year ago, in the knockout round, the stands were packed to capacity in 27 games, now in thirty matches, and because of hockey, fans are not getting enough sleep.
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i arrived at the semi-final series at 10:30 at night, i was the first, but for the final i was working, and my father arrived 33 nights, he was already about fifteen, probably they took turns, my father went to work at eight, my mother came to everyone finished, he brought it here and installed it in his place. i changed at 9:00, with a blanket, with a chair, there was a line to take a seat, buy a ticket, something like that it hasn’t happened yet, it’s not a nightmare, it’s the love of hockey, not a nightmare, how you have to love hockey in order to spend the whole night on the street, the ice palaces in zhlobin and brest accommodate a little more than 2,000 people each, clubs find a way out by creating alternative places for watching mass hockey, cinemas become venues, and in the city above the bug there is additionally prepared with...
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there is another reason why fans of other clubs settled down in the background sector of brest, and not metaluga, we will return to it a little later. in the report, of course, the general director of moscow dynamo sergei sushko could not miss the final series, because it was he who once began to build this team from the city above the bug. i
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understood that sooner or later, that brest would play for high places, brest has crazy support from fans, plus the team, it is loved in the city, it enjoys support from the regional authorities, hockey players go to brest with pleasure, we... for the last 3 years, we probably haven’t experienced any problems at all, there’s no need to tell anyone, that’s all they know that bresk always fulfills its obligations, i don’t know how it was before, but over the past 7 years in brest there has not been a single day of delay in salaries, in addition, everyone will know that in bresse you can fight for high places , to win something, to realize something, to assert oneself, and now to the sporting results, on sunday, the metallurg hockey player in overtime. snatched victory from brest is now one step away from triumph in the golden series 3:0 after two bright home victories 6:1 and 3:1 the club from zhlobin faced a fierce one.
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goals, exactly half were scored with a numerical superiority, evil geniuses sergei kuznetsov and vitaly pinchuk, dynamo’s performance is at a super level, the first has four goals and the same number of assists in eight playoff games, the second has one more assist to add to that, now the guys they get a decent amount of hate. still, everyone says that zhlobin is a dynamo, but i don’t understand what complaints there can be if we were born here, grew up, spent 15 years here. hockey school, but the factor of the fans, why they write like that, is the main one, that during the season they let all the guys down, they didn’t let us down, and that’s why there’s a little more pressure on us, so the team from the zhlobin has only one match left to win the president’s cup, but as they say, the last step is the most difficult, because the commander-in-chief dmitry solivarov kravchenko was very restrained after the third victory and did not forget to mention last year’s
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youth fiasco. youth that year, that year also had an awesome smell, well, in no case do youth respect any team, sports teams, this is hockey, this is a game, it can turn out this way today, differently tomorrow, you look at it as fans, we look at it a little differently in depth, and here, until the last whistle of the final game, nothing will be clear, you can get it from us, play every shift, every period and get the victory. starting throw-in tomorrow at 20:00, live broadcast on tv channel belarus 5. this week, the minsk basketball club completed another season in the vtb united league, or better said, it suffered, with only one victory. yes, there were matches in which it was not in favor for belarusians, everything was decided by the details, but let's call a spade a spade, the season was a failure, the team for it was formed
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with personnel a... let's continue the basketball theme. timofey porolev once played for bc minsk and could have helped the team today, if not for the terrible disease that was found 2 years ago, oncology, metastases were found in twelve organs and the guy coped with them, withstood several courses of chemotherapy. the situation was further complicated by the fact that the wife was pregnant and also needed guardianship and care. timofey helped, including sports community of belarus. today the twenty-seven-year-old guy is back in basketball
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and talks about life in an interview with stanislav lipsky. these shots of the training camp of applicants for a trip to kazan for the brix games as a player of the belarusian national team in fitsital basketball are not only pleasing, but inspiring. among the contenders for a trip to the multisports forum. and this guy is timofey porolev, who defeated cancer. as i remember now, i come to the doctor, after they took a biopsy, i ask. which one should i result? the doctor says that you need to go to the hospital urgently, he says: call your sports doctors so that they come and talk to me, i called our team doctor alexander, he came, talked to the doctor, he says that everything needs to go to bed urgently, i i say, so in total, he says, i have the fourth stage of burkett lymphoma, well, a very serious situation, there are 14 or 12 organs affected by metastases. the belarus basketball federation at one time launched a large-scale campaign to support timofey.
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finding himself in such a difficult situation, timofey was not left alone. the minsk basketball club extended the contract with the player, despite the illness, friends were always there, like the basketball federation, parents did everything. perhaps, in fact, as a wife who was pregnant during the treatment period, i knew that i was responsible not to myself, not to my parents, but also to my wife and unborn child, which is why i wanted doubly for the result of the treatment to be positive, my wife is of course huge well done, i don't know how she is i took it all out, six courses of chemotherapy, well, the guys from the team also contributed in some way, because well, i needed...
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plus our sports clinic, because all the examinations, all the blood tests, i went to them, they they always took me there without a queue, well, naturally, boravlyan alexandrov’s oncology clinic, because if it weren’t for them, it’s unclear what would have happened, well, it’s clear to me, i understand how it would all end, but thanks to the doctors, everyone without exception, well, that’s it ok, yeah i haven't made any money in a year, but... but the tsmoki minsk club came to the conclusion that it was necessary to extend my current contract for another six months while i was undergoing treatment, and the salary that i received, i received in the summer and then for half a season, well, of course, without this
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support i would not have been able to buy for myself chemotherapy drugs, plus i opened, yes, i opened a charity account and i had a lot of acquaintances with russia, everyone there... got involved, well, someone donated, ordinary people, because it appeared so now i have a habit of getting into it after my salary and for someone - there to throw off some penny, it’s clear that 10 rubles from me won’t be subtracted, they won’t be added, but it could save someone’s life, so in this regard we need to help everyone, thank you very much, and the guy with whom i was lying told me not to have any of these shocking effects, come home and shave right away so that it’s not so rough... because really, when you turn around on the pillow, clumps of hair remain when you’ve already realized for sure that you’ve won, that’s how much sport, your training, your character helped? well, definitely yes, plus - you
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had loads there to live with all your life and well, with firstly, a fighting character, this definitely helps, plus somehow making a decision in a stressful situation, well, of course , physical fitness plus... no bad habits, as if a healthy body made itself felt, because the doctors were afraid for the heart for the kidneys, because there is a big load, but thank god, the heart did not fail with the kidneys, everything is fine, the best belarusian specialists were involved in timofey’s treatment, no one gave guarantees, so timofey even asked if he would live to see the birth of his daughter, our belarusian doctors - these are the best doctors in the world, because... foreign specialists refused to take on such cases, probably all the staff of the republican scientific and practical center, oncology, medical radiology of aleksandrov, in borovlyany, work there, these, i think, applause, this is for them and
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there is, because they are truly high-class professionals, so clearly, so competently, plus our doctors from the republican scientific and practical center of sports got involved, who simply did everything to ensure that... timofey had full medical support in those days when he is not in the hospital, and having united these two republican scientific and practical centers, they simply gave timofey this, well, probably this chance to realize himself, to live, to smile, to see all his loved ones, and also to the republican scientific and practical center mother and child, which , knowing his difficult situation, took it patronage of his wife, a healthy, wonderful, cool daughter olivia appeared, that is... well, it was probably such a difficult year. in february, timofey fully returned to professional sports, signing a contract with the winner of the belarusian cup mogilevsky borysthenes. mogilev residents, of course, are vying for medals at the national championship, and timofey is the only one telling us something.


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