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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 9:45am-10:51am MSK

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we are, apparently, in the quarterfinals in the semifinals in grodny93, that ’s where i think it will be decided who will compete in the finals, most likely with minsk, because the last game showed that we are not yet ready physically, first of all, i think for this period of time, which we will gain until grodno and... and we will give you a good fight, i
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feel that i have the strength, i am getting in shape, the last games, well, not bad, i hope it will be better in the future, that’s all for today, the arena will be on the air in a week, so until meetings.
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this is belarus, the main thing on the tv channel. growing up in the studio of veronica buta. hello. a new level of participation in the space programs of sovereign belarus and a new level of allied relations. if someone blurts out there, especially abroad and thinks that this, well, how did this lukashenko throw marina into space, we don’t need that. we need this. we are a space country. the whole country was waiting for this meeting with trepidation.
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and celebrations in russia on cosmonautics day, the results of the mission to the iss, plans for a new conquest of space heights. cosmic plans for everyone directions, security is a priority, minsk and moscow are aimed at peace in the region.
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this is not the time to put the programs of political parties above the interests of the entire state; we understand perfectly well that there is a war going on against our country. readiness number one, ahead of the all-belarusian people's assembly, promising ideas for the benefit of belarusian brains in skolkovo, and russian startups in the minsk technopark. scientific personnel, engineering schools, humanities, which together allow you to move faster and achieve. required results in shorter time deadlines, clear contours of the university of the union state and common views on personnel training. a new frontier for belarus as a space power marina vasilevskaya returned to
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her homeland. the whole country was waiting for this meeting with trepidation. warm hugs, tears of joy, words of gratitude and admiration. the belarusians greeted us so warmly. his famous countrywoman. an equally warm welcome awaited the first cosmonaut, and now also the hero of belarus, in the palace of independence. the belarusian gold star, which recently returned from the iss, was presented by president alexander lukashenko. i i had the honor to witness these unforgettable moments, i’ll be honest, this is one of the most beautiful, touching honoring ceremonies: bright shots, genuine emotions and cosmic ambitions of belarus. the main theme of the program. for the courage shown. hero of belarus with the presentation of the hero of belarus medal and cosmonaut certificate. vasilevskaya marina vitalievna, cosmonaut
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of the republic of belarus. that very moment when emotions took over, strong and imperturbable, not a single muscle flinched on vasilevskaya’s face, even when the first delayed launch happened, then it took two days to get to orbit, docking, scientific work, the republic of belarus, and i understand it perfectly, i’m happy
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to receive such a high award from the president , i just probably can’t even believe it, of course, i dedicate the space flight my native belarus, my belarusians, my loved ones... who supported me. marina vasilevskaya is not only the first cosmonaut of a sovereign country, but also a hero of belarus. she had a character from childhood, her parents will tell you. despite the fact that my daughter is already at home, emotions and the feelings still linger. such pride, well, there’s still something else inside. of course, it was hard to bear, i was worried, worried. she is a very responsible person, good, kind, hardworking. we are proud of her. it achieved everything, it was courageous, there are some interesting memories in the car schumacher went, why did i become a flight attendant at the belavia airline, i liked the sky, the sky, and then they offered me, i decided, oh well, why not try to fly above the clouds,
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to my parents cosmonauts vasilevskaya and her understudy anastasia lenkova, special thanks from the head of state and a letter of gratitude from linkova herself; cosmonaut certificate number 2; gratitude from the president of belarus. the team that helped make the historic flight was also honored at the independence palace. this flight, the president of belarus noted a new level of participation of the sovereign republic in space programs and a new level of alliance relations between minsk and moscow. a symbol of brotherly ties between two peoples. the national flags, unfurled at an altitude of more than 400, have become. country, if there were no space development , we don’t need this, we need it, we are a space
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belarus, no one would talk to us, no one would offer us to fly our girls into space, we know how to do a lot for space. in the coming years we will launch the most advanced satellite in the world together with the russians, we are making it into space with a resolution of 25 - these are high technologies, the highest, therefore nuclear energy, space, biotechnology, our biotechnology company and many other areas, especially in the field electric transport, we have made significant progress here, the main thing is not to stop, but the flight of marina, our oleg, marina among two empires. russian, the most advanced, americans in space, well, you
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understand, this is not just an image, this is the greatest victory of our country, our people deserve it, we will do everything in this direction, and we will do a lot more together with our girls, i really wanted the girls flew and became the first astronauts for a female president.
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infiltrate and work together in space under the second day of alexander lukashenko’s working visit to
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russia was a sign of the allied space, minsk and moscow have many plans for the development of technology, scientists and industrialists are working in close cooperation, a new satellite is being created, which they plan to send into orbit in the coming years. at the meeting in the kremlin they talked about further work. lukashenko announces that we will see joint allied pallets more than once. putin assured the belarusian leader; he has already made a corresponding promise. although, of course, this activity is not limited to this, now without space, it is impossible to solve a single
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problem effectively on earth, this is an increase in defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, that’s where you can’t point your finger, there are applications for space technologies everywhere. the astronauts will share, they feel good, rehabilitation is going according to schedule, space. i’m still dreaming, this is my work, let’s just say, as far as i know, another expedition may be planned for the sixth or seventh year, but this is not yet certain, that is, i i remain in the cage, i will undergo medical examinations, if i need to prepare and carry out a flight, you feel phoria, calmness, because all the actions are very slow, it’s like you find yourself in weightlessness, and of course it fascinates with its incomprehensibility, what is happening to you, and certainly. when you see our beautiful land, and it seems like it’s fantastic. the first cosmonaut
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of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevskaya, and russian cosmonauts, oleg navitsky and sergei prokopyev. vladimir putin awarded the order of gagarin. minsk's space plans and moscow in all directions: the allies are coordinating actions to respond to the challenges of the threat. there are enough of them today. ours from the economic pressure of the west. the anti-sanctions strategy, by the way, works well, up to provocation on the external borders; here it also manages to restrain the ardor of aggressive neighbors. the conversation between leaders lukashenko and putin in the kremlin on thursday lasted about 4 hours. which is not surprising with such an agenda. the head of the belarusian state is the first foreign leader to meet with the russian president after his recent election victories. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin regularly compare notes on the union agenda: economy, space, the situation on the western borders, the ukrainian question. the presidents dwelled on each topic in detail. a year ago
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and several months ago, we returned to these issues more than once.
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migrants, they throw them out, they built a fence, they throw the fence at our border, now the snow has melted, they are naked, corpses are lying right on the border, there are people from afghanistan, from iran, from africa, well, why kill people and throw them away in a barbaric way, this creates tension, they are still planning to conduct an exercise in may, we are standing head-on on the border, they transferred the americans, the germans, which is an amazing lesson.
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explain, justify their expenses on the war in ukraine, that’s all, and their insolvency, well , yes, expenses, first of all expenses, this is the main reason why this topic is being inflated. lukashenko will reveal the details of the four-hour negotiations the next day in a conversation with journalists, so economic problems were touched upon, but a little on monday the prime ministers of belarus and russia will meet, and they will make all the necessary decisions. the most important issue is safety.
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we are open, we agree, here are the documents, we sit down at the table, we will not expand further, we dwell on what was then in these documents, or on the basis of the documents, we move on. we are looking for some compromises, if after this there is no reaction from ukraine and the west, then they simply do not want peace in ukraine,
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the russian country posed the question very wisely, i fully support it, because initially was in this process.
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the formation of the parliament has been completed in belarus, a busy time is coming for the new team of elected officials, deputies of the lower and upper houses have already held their first meeting, and parliamentarians are ahead. there is a lot of work to do, what topics will be key for the deputy corps and whether they will become a reason for heated debate in the oval hall. we will learn about the upcoming work of the parliament first-hand, we will talk with the guest of our program, the deputy chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the national assembly belarus by oleg gaidakevich. oleg gaidakevich, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, graduated from the academy of the ministry of internal affairs of belarus. with honors, as well as the institute of public service, academy of management under the president of belarus , in 13 years he went from an intelligence officer to the head of the rvd of the largest
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frundinsky district of minsk. he completed his service in the internal affairs bodies with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. in 2016 , he ran for parliament, taking second place in the number of votes. elected in 2019 deputy of the seventh convocation of the national assembly of the republic of belarus in 2020. fourth of the eighth convocation. in 2020 , he participated in the presidential election race, but at the start he withdrew his candidacy by supporting the current head of state, deputy chairman of the standing commission on international affairs of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus, member of the commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia on international affairs, migration policy and relations with compatriots . chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus. located under personal.
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also for the first time in history is now represented not only by the leader in the conditions of elections in single-mandate constituencies, and not according to party lists, this distinguishes us from the russian federation, that is, we have a union state, in russia there are elections according to party lists, a mixed system, half of the deputies, and we have elections only for mandated districts, this is also a feature, but you know, all party leaders, all party deputies understand perfectly well that now is not the time to put the programs of political parties are higher than interests. of the entire state, we understand perfectly well that there is a war going on in relation to our country, a hybrid war is going on in relation to the union state, and there should be no contradictions, i see the same thing in the state duma, there will be disputes, discussion, i would call it, but within the framework of the civilizational approach - this is the first, second, we are now discarding a lot of questions, because it is not important now, it is not important now because there are party programs, it’s all nonsense today compared to the fact that we need to unite and stand
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as a belarusian.
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russia and belarus will be able to turn away the whole world, it didn’t work out, we have the majority, 80% of the world’s population lives in those countries that do not support, let alone sanctions, they do not support this approach.
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we haven’t spoken at the un, we haven’t spoken anywhere else, no, our voice will be heard there, whether they like it or not, we speak there, we find support from many countries there, yes, while international structures are not working as they should , international law was trampled upon in many ways, but this is precisely our principled position, not to be afraid to tell the truth, to speak out on all platforms, it will continue, and thirdly, communications have been preserved even in europe, that is, here. deputies from european countries, the bundestag, france, austria and germany come to the belarusian parliament, and communication continues, because europe itself is heterogeneous, there is a growing sentiment in europe that it is necessary to build normal relations,
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moreover, if there were honest elections, if you walked along the streets of warsaw, berlin ask people what they want, 80%, even more, will say, we don’t want war, we want normal relations with belarus. we want to live normally, trade, that’s the truth, the truth is that the elites of european countries, they are cut off from the people and do not have complete independence, are looking at the white house and biden in the mouth, this is another topic discussed in recent days, the president of belarus agreed to submit to the house of representatives a draft law on the suspension of the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, that this is happening, how would you evaluate such a move? there is only one goal: we do not want war, it would seem that we are coming out of a document that limited the spread of conventional weapons in europe, so that there is no war, i will explain why, we understand perfectly well
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that we will not be attacked, nato will not attack belarus, or terrorists will not attack belarus, so a full-scale war, i am now talking about a full-scale war, only in one case, if we are strong, if we are... even the nuclear weapons that we now have on the territory of belarus, this is a peace-loving policy, what is it for, not to attack anyone, we are not threatening anyone, so they can see, don’t go into belarus here, don’t go into the territory
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of a union state, the president of belarus clearly said that what will happen if someone enters the territory of our country, and 1 cm of the border, everyone will be destroyed, the russian president also clearly said, an attack on belarus is an attack on russia and... this is not a military defense, we will respond with all available forces and means, and this it is aimed at peace, we do not need foreign territories, the president of belarus has spoken about this more than once, russia has never needed foreign territories, we do not threaten anyone, we will never attack this vilnius, poland, these are all fairy tales, therefore , we understand why they come up with these provocations, to justify their potential aggression against us, and aggression and financial expenses, of course, that’s why we are doing it now. everything to prevent this, let's get stronger, that's the only recipe, prevent a big war, well, that's another one resonant topic this week, official representative of mitrossia maria zakharova said that ukrainians are asking russia to return children seized to the eu. data were announced according to
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which 225 children were seized in the eu. let's listen. they refer to certain political circumstances, right? zelensky does not need the children of ukraine.
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they rest here, they are treated, they take a break from the war in
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this beautiful country of ours, this is happiness, they are treated, they wake up not from military shelling, not from bombings, and the west accuses belarus of something else at a time when so many ukrainians children are in europe illegally, for what purpose were they taken there, illegal adoptions, illegal use of medical issues are even there, there is even information on organs, someone was taken away, that’s it...
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the people elected them, our presidents work in the interests of the people countries, both deputies and presidents have set clear tasks for everyone, absolutely everyone, these are the leaders of our union state, and today the tasks for the union parliamentarians, they are very important, the first is, of course , the security sphere, of course we will continue this unify legislation, make sure that our ministries and departments in russia and belarus can work even more efficiently, of course. the economy, without which nothing will happen, there will also be new
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bills in this direction, and in general there is no sphere of life of a person living in belarus or russia that the deputies of the union parliament will not deal with or are not already dealing with, and the rhythm is set very serious and fast, i want to note an interesting point that the newly elected belarusian parliament of the eighth convocation did not i was rocking, there was no preparatory stage, literally from the first day. from the first day the deputies gathered, fruitful, painstaking work began aimed at strengthening belarus and strengthening the union state, the same applies to the parliamentary meeting, so that belarusian women, among other things, have the opportunity to fly into space, raise children, meet them, live peacefully, peacefully live and enjoy life in the spring, thank you very much, the deputy chairman of the standing committee of the house of representatives of the national was in our studio meetings. this is belarus the main thing, further in
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the program: belarus-donbass, a new format of relations, a breakthrough in allied science, innovations in the entrance campaign to universities, a film about partisan number one, the start of filming this summer, we will return to the studio in a few minutes. review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the world cup stage rhythmic gymnastics in greece. exclusive interview with athletes,
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i worked a lot, i worked towards this, this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal of the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think the game was not bad, it just almost didn’t finish everything, you also have to take into account that the field transition, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was.
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it seems to be exhausting, but at the same time gives some kind of strength, self-confidence. belarus, it’s somehow so sincere. i'm at home here. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. russia has elected a president for the eighth time; for the first time,
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donbass and other new regions of the vast country have done this. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people. went to the polling stations, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia. the collective west, however, did not appreciate or understand this, but this is simply different. regions that don't stop terrorize ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, broke all the stereotypes of ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have for today's elections? the end of the war, the end? everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't find anything here that doesn't comply with generally accepted laws. in both russia and belarus, we hold elections primarily for the citizens of our countries, instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western shams, we have there is another word for justice. the author's
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project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. work of industrial organizations, prospects for issues of product quality. this week, the president of belarus convened a large meeting on the state of the industry development tasks. the last few years have seen a steady increase in production volumes. last year from... alexander lukashenko outlined priorities: diversification of exports, import substitution, improving product quality, working with russian regions. by the way, while the meeting of the president of belarus was going on, the russian leader received
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the head of bashkartastan, where he plans to create a machine tool cluster. vladimir putin praised the reliability of belarusian equipment, quote. in belarus.
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our products must be of high quality in all characteristics and parameters. today it is very difficult to compete on price with chinese manufacturers, although it is necessary, we are not going anywhere. well, that means we have to focus solely on the quality of the product and the provision of what the consumer needs. service. we must reach approximately the japanese level of quality. belarus, donbass - a new format of relations. the regions have created working groups in various areas of cooperation. industry is one of the key components of economic partnership at the bilateral level. currently, the parties are establishing business contacts and strengthening humanitarian ties. the head of the dpr, denis
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pushilin, spoke about the prospects for cooperation. denis vladimirovich, well, if we consider the economic interaction of the donetsk people’s republic and belarus, in what potential do you see? you know, this work has already begun for us, it is certainly slowed down, well, not by the completed military operations, this still leaves its own mark, but this work. enterprises with business missions in the territory of the road map, there were representatives of the donetsk people's republic who could look and make certain
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assessments for themselves, maybe look at some sites, well, this also applies to the development of production sites for elevators, that this is in demand, but for us very important here too there are already developments, there are belarusian investors who are developing in the agro-industrial sector, by the way , this is mainly the mariupol direction. well, unconditional is the interaction in cultural and humanitarian terms, which also cannot be stopped, taking into account the understandable policy for us, the understandable actions of the leadership of the republic of belarus, we understand that for the donetsk people's republic in terms of unlocking potential in the agro-industrial direction, taking into account the enormous experience belarus, but for us now it’s what is relevant is the development of industrial potential , taking into account the fact... when we are now building and equipping our cities, we must understand what will be in demand here not only on the territory of the russian federation, but within the framework
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of the union state, including in the republic of belarus. now, if we talk about the free economic zone, tell us about how it works today and can belarusian enterprises come to you? a law on a free economic zone was adopted; it takes into account the specifics of our countries to a greater extent. industrial regions, well, i’m talking about donbass in particular, on the one hand, on the other hand , there is something that still needs to be finalized, there is something else that i would like to see taken into account in this bill, and we are preparing, at least we are currently working on changes additional ones, which will give an even greater advantage to investors, potential investors, will become attractive, then this is the donbass development corporation, which is acting now. a single window for all enterprises, investors, and which provides, say, services for, say,
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support, which is an advantage, of course, there are preferential conditions in the taxation system, that is, in the absence of customs duties, the provision of preferential conditions for obtaining the allocation of land, preferential lending, well, there is a whole range of... privileges, which is now pushing investors, even taking into account the risks that are present due to hostilities, to already enter the territory of the region and start their projects, can belarusian enterprises or entrepreneurs participate, yes , of course they can, that is, the conditions here are simple, an investor will either need to register an enterprise here, or open a branch of an enterprise, which also... allows one to become a participant in a free economic zone to enjoy the advantages and privileges that exist, therefore it is useful,
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potentially profitable, even taking into account the risks, so welcome , we will try to create all the necessary conditions so that entrepreneurs can develop here, and so that business can develop here, we are interested in this, when belarusians can come and relax on the azov sea in mariupol? i think that after a full-fledged event we will be able to invite and open our doors after the end of hostilities, we will have something to show and it will be important for children to find out, well, if it combines sanatorium treatment with the good warm, healthy azov sea, and plus a museum component, well, plus a patriotic orientation, there will be a lot of places here for obvious reasons on the territory of donbass, of course it... will be an attractive place for tourism. thanks a lot. union
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state. has already made its scientific breakthrough, 28 programs outlined our cooperation in the fields of microelectronics, space, and agro-industrial complex. meanwhile, everything has already gone far beyond the boundaries of paper. belarusian scientists are exploring the russian expanses, the russian silicon valley, skolkova, awaits our brains. our reporter lidiya zablotskaya collected scientific facts from the moscow media fields. and again the battle of minds and knowledge continues. the technological revolution is sweeping the world. in the race it's brainy. the winner is those who can adapt and think strategically. the union state realized in time the level of technological development, a decisive factor in the independence of any country. and now the silver lining for young people is full of opportunities. we understand that the challenges that our industrial sector of the two countries currently faces requires personnel. personnel, scientists, engineering schools, humanities,
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which together allow us to move faster. belarusians succeed in knowledge and multiply it, sharing it with their brothers, russians, there is constant cooperation with the russian academy of sciences, are working on extremely topical issues, for example, developing ceramic implants for restoring bone tissue defects. medical ceramics seems to be a current trend, so we try to keep up with the world, let’s say , science, develop technologies, develop materials. this is promising in the first place, and the first market that we can go to, after all, in addition to the market of the republic of belarus, is the market of the russian federation, so any cooperation has its own economic fruits. the forum of universities that took place in moscow at the end of march attracted 60 belarusian minds, they defended their ph.d. dissertations, and are ready to involve their neighbors to scale their projects, communicate offline, an initiative of the permanent committee of the union state. we
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considered it obligatory that... belarusian engineers, belarusian researchers, scientists and even those who do not actually work in the technical, technological fields, and humanitarians, even if there are very few of them, visit, look at the achievements, real achievements modern russia on the foundation, including business from preserved competencies, traditions of soviet science, both fundamental and applied. the fields of the russia exhibition at vdnkh are inspiring, and this is at least for... the russian silicon valley is open to belarusians from the first days of its foundation to this day , talented startups are looking for thanks to the minsk city technopark, the state committee for science and technology of belarus interacts with the vitebsk region from new partners and
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bellekprom and cooperate without playing alone. new workplaces. consider it unique production of belarusian-russian projects that will change the world. the era of sanctions has brought scientists from the two countries closer together. the result is a scientific breakthrough. now, under the patronage of the russian academy of sciences, a unified research infrastructure of the mega science class is being formed. the largest expensive complex will also be available to belarusian scientists. meanwhile, the academy of sciences of belarus, together with ros-cosmos, is developing a multi-satellite
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constellation. she will be able to provide data.
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qing pedagogical, engineering and technical profiles, but of course well, we are waiting for the best, the point threshold has already been set at 70. in the meantime, it will soon take place in the second quarter. joint meeting of the board of the ministry of education of belarus and the ministry of education and science of the russian federation. one of the issues on the agenda is the development of the concept of a new network university. first of all, we are talking about concentrating on training those personnel, unique personnel, for whom our high-tech industries are most in demand today. therefore, we are not talking about some kind of mass training here. students, we are talking about identifying those scientific priorities that we need today. master's students, candidates, doctors of science, primarily personnel of the highest scientific qualifications, that is, this is a unique or a branch of the belarusian-russian university. the new university is focused on the strategy of creating a unified scientific and technological space.
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let me remind you that the strategy was signed within the framework of the supreme state council. soon we will see clearer outlines of the union state university. additional trains from moscow and st. petersburg. in minsk, brest and polotsk, scheduled for the may holidays, the film about partisan number one, the start-shooting of kabatka minaya is scheduled for august. about the main thing, briefly later in the program. a meeting of the council of ministers of foreign affairs of the cis was held in minsk, with the participation of heads and representatives of diplomatic departments of belarus, russia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan and armenia. in addition to summing up the results of cooperation over the past year, exchange.
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but at the same time our organization is the commonwealth, this is what has allowed us to always find compromises and build a common unifying agenda on a number of issues in the development of our commonwealth, for the benefit of our countries and peoples, a creative agenda, an agenda that is related to economic development, with the solution of a number of...
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opportunity, how to quickly and efficiently produce good products, how to sell them so that citizens like these products, this is the most important driving force in the development of our relations over the past more than 30 years. belarusian the railway appointed 96 additional trains for the may holidays, which will run on interregional and international routes from april 26 to may 15, so together with r , 16 additional trains were appointed from moscow and st. petersburg to minsk, grodno, brest and polotsk. ticket sales are open, already during the may holidays, more than 100 thousand travel documents have been sold. work on
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assigning additional trains to international traffic continues. with increased demand for travel, it is possible inclusion of additional cars in already assigned trains. the film about partisan number one starts filming. the film crew will be replenished by belarusian specialists, filming will take place not only in belarus, but at the mosk-kino film park in the war film studios. the history of the partisan movement of belarus will be shown through the drama of minai shmyrev, a national avenger and the father of children killed by the germans. partisan number one died 60 years ago. it rang as if
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the minsk spring had come to belarus. the annual music festival already attracts music lovers for the thirty-ninth time. symphonic works, chamber concerts, pop classics, repertoire for every taste. meeting place: belarusian state philharmonic society. on stage there are both famous artists and young ones, including from russia. our film crew met with the rising stars. a folk everyday scene dressed in a magnificent piano form, the thought of pyotr ilyevich ochaikovsky is one of his most performed works, a virtuoso piece, on a par with the works of chapin, liszt, schummann in the repertoire of milena kirichenko, a student central music school at the moscow conservatory.
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