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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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a lot of people at some point decided that the cucumber business, it is very profitable, they need to set up a greenhouse and make money. and we have already learned how to produce cucumber today in the off-season period. you can only see snow on our greenhouses. organizations have already expressed a desire to purchase our flowers, we carry out a certain research on high-quality material, reject it and plant only high-quality bulbs that meet the requirements. well, what struck me was that cucumbers love light. more than roses, they need to be illuminated 20 hours a day. cucumbers in greenhouses. as
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an economist, i always like to count numbers. the last salary for the month of march for vegetable growers, taking into account the light of the crop, was about 3,500 per hand. there are vacancies, and we invite those who wish to come and work with us in comfortable, greenhouse conditions. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is sergei nikrashevich, general director of the minsk greenhouse plant. good afternoon. hello. sergei ivanovich, a year ago we heard that belarus wants to provide itself with fresh harvests of vegetables, in particular cucumbers, all year round.
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what's going on inside the greenhouse complex, right? the production volume to plan is more than 200 tons, that is, in november you have such beauty , yes, in november we already get the first harvest, and of course, this work begins in september, and the last harvest of this year, that is, the interval between the last and the first harvest, how long does it last? this means enough. a high-yielding and fast-growing
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crop, therefore the period of use of cucumber under cultivation is about 5 months, so we have part...
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and we deliver to distribution centers, after which the products are distributed to all regions, and today we can clearly see that our products are present in all regions of the country. well, this is the logistics of those who sell your vegetables, you probably don’t care, that is, you delivered them somewhere, yes, you grew them, and then they will distribute them throughout minsk, this is no longer yours concern, or this question bothers you, that is, it’s interesting.
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cucumbers are in greenhouses, and roses are only 18 hours old, is that true? yes, indeed, cucumber in the off-season period is a light-loving crop, and we provide it with additional light for at least 20 hours, and this allows us to obtain fairly high yields, for example, this year we received about 12 kg per square meter per month, this is a fairly high level , especially since we have them.
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taking into account the adopted resolution of the council of ministers on alloying the cost of electricity during the off-season period calculations showed that the profitability of this crop in the off-season period for our enterprise was about 12%. this is not enough, well, for us it is enough, because today we are increasing production volumes, that’s why.
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vegetables - this is a rather costly and labor-intensive process, so today the company employs 274 employees, most of them. of course, is involved in greenhouses, so, for example, we have, as we now see, horse workers who have a higher tolerance for working at height, and produce caring for the plant, twisting, pruning, and there are lower-level employees who are engaged in the formation of the fruit and harvesting, about 300 people, yes, they work in your greenhouse.
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vegetable growers, taking into account light culture, had about 3,500 on hand, well, that is, there are vacancies, there are vacancies.
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you need to install a greenhouse, light and earn money, as people say, but for some reason
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this didn’t work out for many, i see now these greenhouses, destroyed, deserted and so on, what is the difficulty, the most important thing in your opinion? the difficulty, of course, is compliance technology, probably in the personnel that the enterprise has, this is really quite difficult, complex work that allows us to obtain high yields. and for a plant, one element out of hundreds of possible ones will not be enough, and you will no longer get the required harvest, that is, this is science, and above all, this is a special complex science, which today does not stand still, it is developing, and thanks to this is why we get quite high yields, including in old greenhouses; this year we harvested record harvest for our company. 3970, which is 600 tons more than last year, according to old-timers,
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there has never been such a harvest in the entire history of the enterprise, to what do you attribute such a rich harvest, we attribute this primarily to strict technological discipline, we today, understanding that off-season period , which lies ahead of us, we built our financial flows and understood that... i always say that production comes first, everyone else, technical
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services, including the general director is an auxiliary link that should provide production with everything necessary, so by organizing such work we really got a good result, and accordingly , we went through this off-season period without debts for electricity and today we have... enough funds for the effective functioning of our enterprise, well, after all, our benefits for electricity also contribute to the fact that you can increase production volumes.
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and are imported products, that is, today in the off-season period they are brought from egypt, iran and other countries, of course, the head of state has set the task of transferring their own products, so today we offer iceberg lettuce, but not the head type, as this company buys today, but
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leafy lettuce, we... have already planted it, and i think , we will propose in a couple of weeks to explore the possibility of replacing it with the one they are currently using. in addition, the leadership of the minguri executive committee held a joint meeting with the participation of this fast food chain, and we are looking for options to satisfy our in demand.
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our greenhouses do not allow year-round production of this type of product; it is not available here from december to march, but i repeat, the ongoing modernization will also allow year-round production of this product. greenhouses require certain microclimate indicators and high illumination. illumination for tomatoes requires at least 20 thousand. lux. and today, frankly speaking, we do not have such greenhouses. according to light culture, this is about 16. lux, which is the illumination available today, and we have already learned how to produce cucumber today in off-season period. but, i think, we will learn to produce all year round, including there . how long will this preparation for production take? this means
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that the modernization we are carrying out should be completed in november of this year, so i think already from '. by the end of the year and the beginning of next year , we will also be supplying tomatoes. you now have 12 varieties of tomatoes, but a personal request, sergei ivanovich, please increase sales of cherry tomatoes, because they quickly run out in nearby stores, why? explain, eggplants too, that’s what it is it's still somewhat of a rarity for us. yes, indeed, past experience has shown that we produced 20.
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for the production of eggplants, it was an insignificant volume, literally four lanes in greenhouses, but prototypes, yes, but we do not understand that this is a fairly popular product and useful, i except of all other things, i also really liked it, i use it, according to medical workers, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and lowers cholesterol. and i’ll be honest, my cholesterol was slightly higher than normal, but thanks to eating eggplant almost every day, my cholesterol returned to normal, and now i can rest easy with cherry eggplants. and i’ll also say an important factor, yes, we also didn’t have eggplant during the off-season period from december to march, and i
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was already, let’s say, used to eating it, i bought imported ones, it’s iranian, to a greater extent, or egyptian, but the taste is completely different , so i invite you to try our eggplant, it is quite tasty, it is more meaty. such as it does not contain bitterness, does not require additional soaked and ready to eat immediately on the grill, in a frying pan, or on an open fire. this year, having the experience of last year, we have allocated additional areas and an entire greenhouse for growing eggplant. production volume is planned to increase more than five times. well, since we are neighbors and... we can angrily admire your enterprise through the windows, we cannot help but ask the question of who clears the snow from the roofs of greenhouses in the winter? our greenhouses
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have an automated control system, which involves creating a certain microclimate in automatic mode, in case of snowfall we have a three-level heating system, the topmost so-called... sub-patch level allows you to melt the snow and remove the remains, that is, there is a computer; in case of snowfall , a temperature of about 70° is supplied to the pipe , which immediately heats the upper circuit and the glass themselves and melting occurs, that is, even in the heaviest snowfalls, there is nothing there, no precipitation is visible, that is, you can see.
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inconvenience, but the experience of past years shows that we installed various bird scarers, but not only does it become addictive, plus we cannot scare off residents with some strange sounds, so we abandoned this practice today in principle... only thanks to prompt and high-quality replacement we carry out this work, let's stop not for long, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, tell me, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and
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suggest guests, we are in touch, the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again, and today our guest is the ceo... we are participating in the tender of the ministry of green construction, this year we are also the winner, and we are supplying about 1.5 million pieces of flowers, in addition,
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we plan to supply about 32,000 flower pots and balcony boxes to the roads, arteries, and dividing strips of the city of minsk. are these famous petunias yours? yes, of course, these are ours. “i remember the twentieth year, also thanks to your petunias, after the riots at night, in the morning you go to work and petunias, as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened, it seems to me that this is your experience, cooperation with green building is very interesting, first of all, for the employees of your enterprise, are there any such new products in the areas of activity that you are most curious about, and indeed, together with minsk?
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therefore, of course, it is still quite difficult to grow bulbs in large volumes, well , the key word i hear from you for now is that we can create such conditions in order to provide ourselves with this material in the future. tulip bulbs in holland are grown in open ground, and for this appropriate areas and corresponding microelements are needed in terms of content
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in... the soil, so our company is largely engaged in greenhouse production, so today we work only with purchased tulip bulbs, and the whole world buys from the dutch, it turns out that so, well if on an industrial scale, if they just need them, these bulbs are so whimsical that they only love the air of holland, well, while studying this market, we did not find other suppliers of tulip bulbs, this is very... interesting, well, i i understand that crocodiles can be grown in belarus in an apartment, but there is no need, yes, yes, yes, and it is not economically feasible to grow, for example, these bulbs in greenhouses, it is not economically profitable, what flowers are the most whimsical in your greenhouses? well, probably the most whimsical is tuberous begonia or elatio, this is a plant that does not require a strictly set temperature,
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kustov ros today we worked together with the minkzelenstroy on the possibility of increasing bush roses, we plan to ship about 16 thousand pieces. in addition, last year, also for the first time, together with them and the minsk city executive committee, it was implemented and planted on the streets of the city.
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we plant only high-quality bulbs that meet the requirements, well, it’s clear that these bulbs are in demand on february 14, and on march 8, and now they’re starting to appear in the city, like tulip flower beds, is it a surplus that remains or what, where do they come from? this means that we sell the onions that we used cut on the side, that is, we have each one. the seed material is new every year, but from the bulb that was cut, you can already grow three or four tulips, but they will be of lower quality, stunted, with
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a thin stem, with a smaller bud, accordingly, we sell such products to the population, and many, especially summer residents have already gotten used to it and ask questions in the fall. we take into account the experience of other enterprises, but today, having our own production, having our own distribution network, accordingly we already have our own customers who come to us and make repeat purchases,
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our flowers last quite a long time, we also use a certain technology for soaking these cut flowers and... and today, frankly speaking, if we cut them today and sell them, as many people ask, here we have the freshest ones, only cut today, then this is exactly what the flower will not stand for a long time, and in our country it is sealed off with a special solution for at least a month, only after that it can stand for quite a long time, two or three weeks or more, and delight our customers. besides this, you also have this special solution with which you seal off , what word? your plants, you also have all sorts of chambers where you store them, there are also certain temperatures, yes, of course, this happens at certain temperatures, a maximum of 5°, from two to five, accordingly this also requires this technology, i have a life hack, how
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after i found out that they are stored in your cells, flowers are best on the balcony at any time of the day, admire the bouquet, take it out to the balcony at night, and it will stand at home or in the refrigerator, yes indeed, if in more cool... life, i go in for sports, we organized a sports team at the enterprise for volleyball, we take part in competitions, i instill this trend, of course , in my children, so i would like to
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have more sports grounds and children's playgrounds in the city of minsk platforms, modern ones, where today you can truly maintain a healthy lifestyle and always be at your best. you see, here, like with your greenhouses, it would be nice to install a tennis court, but for us it lasts only a short time, but in a year its seasonality is only 3 months, it will probably be like...
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three student teams have already been formed from april 1, from april 15 from april 29, which understand this specificity, well, among other things, we want to recruit enough quality employees who will today to bring results, therefore, thanks to the paid internship that they undergo at our enterprise, we accumulate personnel potential for ourselves. possible, well, once upon a time, say,
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40-50 years ago, we were faced with widespread urbanization, when many people moved from the village to the city, but doing agricultural work was, well , let’s say, not prestigious, or something, but now in this period, what do you notice, there is an interest among modern youth in working with, well , if not on the collective farm, then at least on greenhouse plant, well, as i always say, there was food. there will be food, so working there, i think, today is quite prestigious, you will always be fed, and accordingly, this is an area that brings a certain satisfaction from work when you produce products the food is of high quality and safe, and that ’s what we really have; once every 10 days we submit our products for... research to an agrochemical accredited
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state laboratory and sanitary station, for the content of nucleides, pesticides and heavy metals. but sergei ivanovich, i was always interested in leading the meat and dairy industry first, and then the guys, but these are different areas, after all, well, how does it fit together, or if you already understand the market, then it’s easy for you to move from place to place place. well here i will say it is clear that one man in the field is not a warrior, and today a leader must assemble a team of like-minded people, a team of qualified specialists, so here in general the leader, he must see and feel certain moments, so i think that today we really have assembled a highly qualified team that allows us to carry out delivered...
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the possibility of visiting quite advanced enterprises of the russian federation is being studied; in our plans for 25-27 we have the construction of a new modern one.
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for growing greens we use today led lighting of the national academy of sciences, center of led technologies, in another greenhouse we use the best practices of a private company, which provided its led lamps for free use, so thanks to this study, constant monitoring of advanced... technologies, the enterprise is able to develop and move forward, existing lamps we also change, for example, here is our experience , again with a deferred payment of 6 months, at the beginning of the off-season period we took 300 dna lamps, these are traditional lamps according to
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600 watts, and they calculated their economy; as an economist, i always like to count numbers and the result showed. the fact that these lamps paid for themselves in a month and a half, accordingly, this is also a significant reserve for the further development of the enterprise, it’s nice to deal with economists, yes, everything has been calculated and the decision has been made, and we will take a short break, after a short pause, we will return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel on the beltelerokpania website. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? in december
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last year, our geostatistics information and analytical system became available to users. allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple language: technical specifications usually mean that if the composition of a product changes, some new raw materials are used, that is, most often specifications in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in second half of the 16th century in germany. the so-called descriptive statistics was born, it was then called state control, but alexander ii expanded the supply territory and introduced the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. traveling is
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not just about experiencing history and sights. the volkovy river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key points. the supports of this city, in fact, are wolf in the slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, from here too wolves. the students are all moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated a gift to the art gallery with a work of art, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. cherena, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant.
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the belarus24 project route was built on the tv channel on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest today is the general director of minsk. and you also have a partner like minsk
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, they can examine them through their microscopes, the capital’s school nutrition plant too reliable, and as i understand it, well, the requirements for your products are increased due to the fact that children eat them, because you periodically read news from russia, well , mass poisoning of schoolchildren happens there very often, what is this connected with , what do you think, with the absence? food quality control or are there any other reasons? i still think that this is due to quality control, because our enterprise has its own agrochemical service that constantly monitors and takes samples samples, which once every 10 days we are obliged to submit a sanitation station for all manufactured products to an accredited state agrochemical laboratory, this is... for heavy metals, for excess content of pesticides, salmonella and other microbiological diseases,
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so so far we have not detected this excess, and neither once during your service, or in general, in principle, since 1945, well , at least during my work there were no such cases, therefore.
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well, we also grow zucchini and zucchini, but we grow them in the so-called second
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in turn, after we ship the flower plantings for the city of minsk, we fill the greenhouses there, including with zucchini and zucchini, so it is also possible to purchase them in our retail network, but with a short break this... that this year we too we will increase the volume of zucchini production and we will please our
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consumers, well, it seems to me that there are no problems with zucchini, there are well-known memes on the internet, who will take zucchini, well , in june in december in january with zucchini , there is another like this the problem is how spontaneous trade, you said that for you there are no competitors, your partners who have greenhouse plants, that’s what you say, you can get rid of this disaster when... at bus stops, on boxes, vegetables and fruits are sold in season, what can you do about it nothing is impossible, well, today it is the choice of every consumer, to purchase either from branded trade and shopping centers that are quite actively working on the safety and quality of products, today our enterprise is for agrochemical research... which is safe today
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for consumption, but you have a dacha yourself, i don’t have a dacha myself, but my parents have a dacha, it has more than one, even several greenhouses, in which you also have to work, including using your production experience, well but you , as a person who is professionally involved in this greenhouse business, don’t you ask your parents?
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for tomatoes it dropped to 40 kopecks. and today it is much more profitable to buy than to build your own greenhouses, i think that my mother did not react at all, yes, this is already traditional, they understand, that this is our own, native, which can be used in seaming, the varieties are slightly different from what we produce on an industrial basis, but it is worth noting that... even the content of some chemicals in our own vegetables is higher than what we have today in greenhouses , which we monitor on an ongoing basis, why am i so categorically against spontaneous trade, because i know cases of simply terrible poisonings, precisely for these reasons, we don’t know where they grew,
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who used what chemicals, it’s unlikely this is the same granny who... stands with these boxes, well, sort of, because it’s all put on stream, and here, of course, i would like to recommend proven vegetables and fruits to our viewers. well , in addition, it should be noted that we have the freshest products, collected today, they immediately go to the company trade, with rare exceptions they are in the warehouse for more than one day, so here we can do it every day. their branded trade to distribute products, consumers know that they are literally picked from the branch. and to the greenhouse, by the way, i’m inviting you, do you have tours? today we are considering the possibility of industrial tourism, in this regard , as an experiment, we have already conducted certain groups on excursions, both adult groups and children’s groups, but we must
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understand here that the process must be worked out.
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production of high-quality and safe products for your needs, we invite you to our company stores, consume the products and be healthy. sergey ivanovich, on our beautiful picture, please leave a beautiful autograph and no less beautiful wishes, there is quite a bit of space here for wishes, we have a lot of guests, you understand? eat our vegetables and greens and be healthy.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift you up. mood, a series of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, everything
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this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24:7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, thanks to government support, several... government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system, we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions everything you could wish for, the fight against a deadly disease, can’t it be attributed specifically to the concept of defending the homeland? over 20 additional years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand lives have been saved human, so it's part of national security. the whole country, why is it that the cia and mi-6, who finance, arm, and lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first used
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ukraine, are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will to fight with finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security, it makes them suicide bombers, that’s lukashenko’s personal courage, his position. saved the state, which means saved millions of lives. project markov nothing personal. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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live broadcast of the main news in polden in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly.


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