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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello and...
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ukraine disrupted the black sea deal, kiev refused to provide a security guarantee to merchant ships. two dozen people were injured along the road, a passenger bus drove into a truck. latest news from the scene . a big conversation about rural development and increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector is currently taking place in the palace of independence. the meeting is a logical continuation of the practice of systematic analysis of cases in specific industries economy. the format is the same as a week ago, when there was a revision. in industry.
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in one hall there are about three hundred people, senior officials supervising the industry, controllers, chairmen of regional and district executive committees will share their opinions. in general, farmers have something to be proud of. food security is ensured in belarus. we are superior to other cis countries in food production. we are among the top 20 leading exporters of meat products and among the top five in the sale of dairy products. overall, the taste of belarusian food is familiar in stas. countries of the world. today, according to the president, the task is to make the industry more sustainable and its development progressive. the goals for this year are 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons of sugar beets, more than a million tons of rapeseed. the priority is smart agriculture. it's time to move to a new technological level and introduce precision farming. the president draws attention to the need for a program, including personnel training. it is necessary to revolutionize the agricultural machine. arrangement of agriculture. center
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the election commission summed up the results of the election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from civil society and local councils. 290 deputies of local councils and 400 representatives from civil society were elected from all regions of the country. the total number of spc delegates is 1,200. the election procedure was monitored by members of the central election commission and no violations were identified. registration of delegates and the first meeting of the supreme council are ahead. which will take place on april 24 and 25, these dates were approved by the central election commission today. the agenda is determined by law, which means at the first meeting the chairman, his deputy, members of the presidium of the supreme national assembly are elected, well, in addition to this, other issues are put on the agenda, approval of the concept of national security and military doctrine. well, maybe. something else will be added, it’s hard
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to say, because the delegates have the authority to resolve these issues, so they will gather, they will already determine, say all these points, the elected delegates represent various fields of activity and social groups, there are more men than women, to the youngest delegate 18, and the oldest is 79. a serious accident occurred in minsk. this morning, at the entrance to the capital on the smilovsky highway, a passenger bus traveling from the village of sosny was involved in an accident. mass crashed into a stationary truck. according to investigators , 20 people were injured, two of them children. the victims suffered traumatic brain injuries, fractures, lacerations, and abrasions. according to initial data, today is a child's age. a passenger
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bus, moving along the smilovichi highway, was driven into a volvo tractor-trailer that was idling on the side of the road. according to initial data, 20 people, some of them are not adults and are taken to a medical facility for assistance. right now, therefore, i am interacting with specialists from the state examination and the state automobile inspection are working on the site of the feed images, all the circumstances of the incident will be clarified by the city’s traffic police department. relatives can find out information about their condition from the information services of hospitals number 2.5 in the sixth and tenth hospitals in the emergency hospital, republican scientific and practical center of neurology and neurosurgery, and republican scientific and practical center of traumatology and orthopedics. at the scene of an accident our correspondent, victoria radevich, works , she has the latest information. the cause of the accidents, even preliminary ones, have not yet been reported. our film crew is working at the scene of the incident, gi officers, rescuers and an investigative task force are also working here, they are recording all the traces,
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understanding the circumstances of the incident, anything could have happened here, judging by the footage, the passenger transport suddenly diverted to the side, the driver could have become ill , or he... management, specialists will still understand this. according to preliminary according to sk, a fifty-five-year-old bus driver crashed into a volvo standing on the curb, the driver of the truck was taken for a medical examination, what happened to the bus driver is still unknown, perhaps he was also taken to the hospital. this information is still being verified by investigators. rescuers also worked at the scene to help, where blocking of the injured passengers was not necessary; they prevented a fire on the road. fire, and as already noted, 20 victims were taken from the scene of the accident in the hospital, some of them were in serious condition, they had fractures, fuel, they filled it with foam so that there is no further information will be checked and we will tell the details in our next
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broadcasts. we are monitoring the situation and will provide details in future releases. and in california , a car took off and crashed into a residential building, according to media reports. as a result of the incident , four cars were damaged. the stuntman himself was able to get out on his own before rescuers arrived and was hospitalized with injuries. according to eyewitnesses, the driver tried to turn left, but lost control and crashed into a house. by prior appointment version, during the maneuver, he became ill while driving. kiev does not need peace either...
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"the olympic flame will not burn our rights, let's kindle the flames of anger everywhere."
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the predominant cause of death and fire disasters in the housing stock are the careless actions of citizens and ignorance of fire safety rules. the program of the campaign for carrying out preventive measures includes visits by representatives of the ministry of emergency situations from residential buildings to apartments. and...
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the serviceability of autonomous fire detectors, we will also inform citizens about the danger smoking. sleep, including while intoxicated. as part of the campaign, every citizen has the right to contact territorial authorities and emergency departments to conduct a fire safety inspection of their home. the promotion itself will last throughout the country until may 1. and to improve the culture of driving on electric scooters , a chatbot was launched in the capital, where you can leave requests for violations of the rules for using kick-sharing. rental scooters are often parked. in prohibited places violates the rules of passage, moving on one gadget together, too.


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