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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

3:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing.
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precision agriculture, personnel training program, use of fertilizers and new technologies in mechanical engineering. a big meeting with the president about the development of the agricultural sector. the results of the election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly were summed up by the center of the electoral commission, who has more men or women, the age of the youngest representative and how many delegates in total? let's tell you the details. the interests of science and education are not a priority for vilnius. german factory military concern. intend to build on the territory of the university of lithuania. and who will hit the fastball this year? the final stage of the republican handball competition continues in minsk. it's time to move the agricultural sector to a new technological level. a large meeting on rural development and increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector is taking place in the palace of independence. in general, farmers have something to be proud of. food security in production is ensured in belarus. taste of belarusian
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food is known in 107 countries of the world. today, according to the president, the task is to make the industry more sustainable and its development progressive. we have every opportunity to achieve this. an economic approach and discipline are needed. goals for this year: 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons of sugar beets, more than 1 million tons of rapeseed. a priority. smart agriculture, time to move to a new technological level, introduce precision farming. the president draws attention to the need for a program, including personnel training. necessary to revolutionize agricultural engineering and agriculture. the most pressing topic these days is passive company and technical readiness. there are questions for every third farm inspected. your task is for the government to visit the executive committee and the regional executive committee under personal responsibility to guarantee readiness.
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it is at a very high level, everyone is talking about this, especially the guaranteed one, it failed within what we defined as 3 hours, there should be a team of those who guarantee and put it in order, basically this is being carried out, if not, report, belarusian machine builders are able to provide all your needs, especially in cooperation with the russians, but... i instruct you to update program tasks to ensure the production of a full line of highly efficient machines, at the same time you need to train machine operators to work on this... at the meeting, the president announced
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blatant facts of violations of the military-industrial complex and demanded severe response measures. the situation remains difficult regarding the safety of livestock and poultry. there are farms where the requirements are violated.
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transferred young animals to the zelenochya branch of the kolinkovichi meat processing plant, it’s even worse there, the government, together with belarusian scientists and the local vertical, needs to develop approaches to the feasibility of using complex fertilizers, build a selection and genetic center for
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poultry farming, there is a proposal to do this on the basis of the derzhinsky agricultural plant, others will also be considered options. it is also important to ensure technological and biological protection of poultry farming, to increase production volumes to... eggs, feed is one of key issues, such a space complex for the production of amino acids and compound feeds, bnbc, was built. it is necessary to use all the capabilities of this enterprise for the production of balanced feed; the available feed capacity in the country is capable of meeting the needs for feed and additives in full. then why are individual requests not being fulfilled? farms that are ready to pay in advance. vasily nikolaevich, figure it out, report, although i actually gave this to bnbk to you, the bnbk is headed there, who is our deputy prime minister, today, chairman, deputy prime minister,
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manage, command, i instruct the government, the academy of sciences of the regional executive committee to develop a strategy. providing the belarusian livestock industry with concentrated feed, the task is for each farm to have all types of feed to meet its full needs, at least 40-50 centners of feed units per conventional head, but in order to solve the problem with feed, it is necessary first of all to solve the problem of silage trenches. roman aleksandrovich, even if you die, all food must be prepared during this year.
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in our next issues. the center electoral commission summed up the results of the election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from civil society and local councils. 290 deputies of local councils and 400 representatives from civil society were elected from all regions of the country. the elected delegates represent various social groups within the field of activity. there are more men than women, the youngest delegate is 18 years old, the oldest is 79. the total number of delegates of the supreme council is 1200. the election procedure was monitored by members of the center.
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to prepare for the meeting of the supreme council was created republican organizing committee, which was headed by the prime minister. at the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly , the chairman of the presidium will be elected. the agenda will include issues that life dictates today. the ministry of defense provided clarification regarding sms subpoenas. the law on military duty and service provides for the possibility of sending them out by military registration and enlistment offices. this.


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