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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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comfortable infrastructure in minsk and tashkent promotes supremacy. this year, the mayor of the city, uladzimir kukhara, and his delegates from uzbekistan faded away. at the same time , daily housing complexes are being removed from tashkent, where the experience of belarusian colleagues has been gained. taxama minsk and tashkent are developing in a completely different way. emphasis on investment investment. new pramyslova-ekanamic clasts of tashkent gatov prynyats.
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will also exchange some of their accumulated experience, this is my first time in minsk, it’s very clean and a beautiful city, all the people greet you joyfully, as if it’s like being at home, it’s a very historical, beautiful city, it’s immediately noticeable that a very big, huge job has been done and is still going on, i think that...
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supranational memory of the citizens of belarus the region of uzbekistan was conquered for five years, and the villages there, minsk and tashken, became garads of farmers. the program of this visit is to garama, tadaram , minsk, buda and garad parks. the same ancestral delegates from uzbekistan are recognized from the practice of violent ancestralists grand-industry of minsk. the right-handers are sanctified. the history of a serious accident in minsk, this year, the passenger buses crashed from the pine forest and crashed into a truck that was melting on the train, patterns of 20 heads, two of them, with different injuries, patches are spitalized ў seven clinics in minsk, information about their status can be given in the hospital numbers 2, 5, 6 and 10, in the hospital of the acute medical department of the republican scientific and practical center of neurology and neurosurgery, and and trauma artapeds. report cards
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and the rules of dtz are established by ship examination. everyday control over the high -level atars of daiminsk is carried out in raids on the identified parasitic rules from the side of the matatsiklista. often, inspectors are working to protect the sunset, pouring water on the city’s arteries of memory and math cycles, giving themselves a hard time. unexpected mode and unsafe maneuvering. this is a fundamental lesson. motorcycles develop quickly, in the evening, at night, when there are fewer cars, of course, these reckless drivers come out, and here we come into legal rights and force, raids are held on large avenues, winners' avenues, independence avenues, violations such as creating an emergency situation, as well as wheelie driving also include deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle . over the past year, the city
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has already suffered 65 dtz due to matatsyklista, as the rules, the regulation of double-stakes in such situations, serious injuries occur, where even the right tax is now necessary th bad equipment. and to increase the culture of caravanning on electric scooters, the city has launched a chatbot, where you can submit applications for the following rules of remuneration for kick-sharing. rented scooters are often parked at reserved places, they follow the rules of the road, and ride on one of the other gadgets. taxi taxis often cross the right side of pedestrian crossings, thereby creating emergency situations. in order to quickly resolve issues related to the use of spm, a chatbot was created in which the user spm, and any citizen, can leave a message regarding dangerous driving, such as driving together, driving a spm by a child, or driving in violation of traffic rules. wrong parking is an abandoned scooter left in an inconvenient place.
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during the current season, the use of ekatransport during the control of the inspectorate will ensure that the number of personal gadgets will be fixed with the help of mobile vehicles. there is a fine for illegal traffic rules. donation day at the minsk state linguistic university student teachers undertook a traditional large-scale campaign to provide shelter. the teaching policy is to have two children per year. the day of donation is arranged with the republican medical and practical centers of transfusion of medical biotechnologies. all those who are interested have asked for the prices of the questionnaire, consultations with therapists and rapid tests. cover, and if the supra indication is not identified, the data itself. this year i see that we are announcing donor day, i think we should go to a campaign, of course, it’s voluntary, but i think after all, if you can, then it’s better
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to do it, because what i’m saying is to realize that your blood, it will be useful to someone, some child, like a sick person, in fact, it’s gigantic an act of giving a piece of yourself to another person. salvation, the need for donor blood has now increased in our country, because before covid there was a lull regarding planned operations, now a large volume of planned operations is being carried out, transplantations are being carried out, a lot is required in obstetrics and quite a large amount of blood is taken adult and pediatric oncohematology. an important right to become a donator for the geta once 86 hours ago, many took advantage of it on a safe basis. republican scientific and practical center transphysiologists. every day there is a minimum of such an action, the monthly schedules of the law are fixed for the year, the information is posted on the installation website. any and all radzima's creative activities of young patrayotavs of the city council look-competition are highlighted on the day of honoring the flag, emblem and anthem. this
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ceremonial saint is designated in our land as another land of may. on spabornitstve dzetsi showcased their talents in two editions of the show and thematic displays. zhury. commands, so i also appreciated the external appearance, the evil spirit of the emotional world. children can embody patriotism through creativity on stage, so today we hope that some new elements will appear, new creative beautiful groups that we will discover today, and of course, this is all done so that in the republic belarus understood that children are our patriots.
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the competition for such pharmaceutics is great, yon ab'yadna amal 600 uchnya garadskih installations aducatsii, pasla zanalnaga stage of the best teams from all over the country sustrenuzza on the republican may 12, exactly at the day of the gala celebrations of the belarusian dzyarzha nastsi. master amatar, who is the legend of the belarusian master of art in slutsk, is assigned to the stagodze of uladzimir sadzin, a living graphic artist-teacher, who gives the life to the famous basalyga, georgiy skry pnichenku,
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he learned to work with color, learned to work on canvas, these are sketches of our city of slotsk, the outskirts cities, and now for us these the works are very expensive, because he is no longer from lutsk, but he remained at the small local historians of vladimir stepanovich sadin, this is an exhibition of works, starting from the forties, one might say, until 2000, works are presented as...
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on this place, more navin on our website premnaga of the day.
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on the air of the show i know. our game will help you broaden your horizons, test your knowledge and find answers to the most tricky questions. and we will support you in this intellectual quest. but first, let's meet the participant. our game by their teachers.
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alexandra bogdanova, secondary school number 18 in the city of baranoviche, mathematics teacher, head of a specialized group of pedagogical orientation, olga vladimirovna tishkevich. alina lychik, secondary school number 3 of the city of beloozersk, teacher of belarusian language and literature tatyana anatolyevna, gmyr. anastasia soboleva, gymnasium number 1 in vitebsk. named after alferov, history teacher marina mikhailovna belokhvostova. artyom efemovich, komelskaya irininskaya gymnasium , class teacher-chemistry teacher elena dmitrievna arkhipovets. konstantin mikhalkov, gymnasium number 56 of the city of gomel named after vishnevsky, physics teacher ilya nikolaevich grishchenko. ekaterina zubeniya, secondary school number 2 of the city of skidel, class teacher, teacher of russian language and literature tatyana nikola. elena sakabendon, secondary school number one in the city of ashmyany named after gruzhevsky
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, english teacher svetlana nikolaevna german. valeria shevchik, gymnasium number 29 in minsk, geography teacher, yulia vladimirovna lyubinskaya. egor gerasinchik, secondary school number 134 in minsk named after marinenko computer science teacher natalya igorevna govorovskaya. kira zeit. mathematical and natural sciences
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head of the department of methodological support of education of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, i wish you an interesting game today, good mood, correct answers and good luck to all participants. good afternoon, guys, we are glad to welcome you here at our place. playground, well, right now, at this very minute in teachers' room, my colleague yulia pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, you have the floor. eleventh graders burst into ours. intellectual broadcast, and it’s cool that they decided to upgrade their knowledge before a crucial stage in their lives, guys, good luck, show a beautiful game, vasya, it’s time to start, the first round is ahead, let’s get acquainted with its rules, in the first round players are asked 12 questions with answer options yes or no, of which only one is correct, the choice must be made in 7
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seconds, each correct answer brings one point per participant, eight players who scored more points about... ekaterina, how do you think your literature is doing? since childhood, of course, i loved to read, but with such a memory , i have three volumes, two volumes, the author. it didn’t work out since childhood, so i chose more by intuition and chose no, but ah-ah-ah, it’s a pity, do you think, to be upset that i didn’t take the first answer, i think no, she’s a fighter, they chose no, but how many you do you think volumes in general, well, in reality it was not planned, in reality, but if in reality, i personally i read one, yeah, if possible, as far as i
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remember, there should have been two, so what happened, they burned it, who burned it, the author himself, the author himself, if i’m not mistaken, wrote it and then burned it? authors are creative people in general, but how come bulgakov’s manuscripts don’t burn? well, in theory yes, in reality no. the reference point for gogol was dante's divine comedy, and there, as you know, there are three parts, there is hell, there is purgatory, there is heaven, gogal, 9 days before his death, he burned his second volume, but in general there were three of them planned, so here it was planned that in the third volume chichikov would go through exile in siberia in this way, well, he would be cleansed and take the path of truth, so the correct answer to our question is yes. second question: its distinctive features, is there a mistake in this phrase? time!
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elena, what do you think? yes? there is a mistake in this sentence, what is it? well, features, they already distinguish, so the word distinctive is not needed. yeah, you answered the question, yes, is there a mistake, egor? at first i answered no, then i noticed that in fact there is an error here, in my opinion, if my memory serves me correctly, this is called pleonasm when two words, yes, it is, yes, a combination of a distinctive feature, is erroneous, because the word... feature already denotes a characteristic property that distinguishes it from others, but here two identical words stand next, the correct answer to our question, and the third question: is it true that the atomium, one of the landmarks of brussels, depicts a fragment of the aluminum crystal lattice, time. anastasia, let's talk to you. i
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answered this question, yes, but how can i seems pretty similar. well, it feels like they have an experimental program, there hasn’t been chemistry for a year, but it only appeared in the eleventh grade, so, apparently, it was a mistake, it’s just aluminum, yes, my dear mother, so she came and this, well, aluminum , and the exhibition in general there is one like this in brussels, have you heard something about it? unfortunately, i haven’t heard of it, but... i assume that there is such an attraction in brussels. okay, how did you answer this question, alexandra, how did you answer? i answered no to this question, it seems to me that after all, this is not aluminum, but definitely brussels. i am not sure. what exactly are you not sure about? and in brussels, in aluminum. in principle, i know the existence of this
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attraction, since i am a geographer, i need to know such things, but i often forget the cities in which they are located. as it should, with only one difference: it is a crystal lattice of iron, not aluminum, but iron. the correct answer to our question is the fourth question. is it true that stenobionts are species of organisms that have wide limits of endurance? time! alina, what do you think?
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i refused like that, based on my intuition, because i don’t remember the written refusal. don’t remember, this is biology, tenth grade, okay, your answer is clear to me. artyom, how did you answer? um, well, first of all. i want to say thank you to my biology teacher, he’s a wonderful person, and yes, this is the tenth grade, that’s right, but the scenabionta, if my memory serves me correctly, are organisms on the contrary, having a narrow limit of endurance, every bionta is just the opposite, what language does it speak? , i can explain, yes artyom is studying in a chemical and biological specialized class, a potential physician, so i was sure that he would answer correctly in this question, but in my opinion the answer is no, it’s narrow. and broad range of endurance, what is it? well , an organism that has wide limits of endurance can more easily
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adapt to the environment in which it lives, but on the contrary, those that have narrow limits of endurance are just more, well, have a smaller habitat, let’s say, well, we can’t take it away, not to add, absolutely correct answer, the correct answer to our question is no. i 'll just explain with a few examples i’ll give you: stenobionts are typical inhabitants of the seas of press water bodies, well, for example, kambola lives only in salt water, crucian carp, for example, only in press water, and if you suddenly take them in places, nothing good will come of it, the same applies to stenobionts include many animals of the ocean depths, for example, stingrays, inhabitants of tropical rainforests, calibres, high mountain regions, caves of the isolated continent of australia, kaala, yakhidna, utkanos.
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question: is it true that the oxygen entering the respiratory organs when inhaling enters the blood due to diffusion time? daniel, what do you think? first of all, i want to remember what diffusion is? diffusion is, for example, the diffusion of oxygen, this is when oxygen comes from a space with a larger volume, with a higher oxygen concentration.
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time! konstantin. the word dumbbells in the singular ends with the soft sign dumbbell. therefore the answer is no. dumbbell. well done, i'm proud of you. somehow it doesn’t sound, don’t you think? fine. fine? yes. in the singular. dumbbells will have in end soft sign. and nothing else, the correct answer to our question, the eighth question: is it true that the first representative of the human race is considered to be homo erectus, time.
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artyom, maybe we should say hello to the history teacher? well, in this case, i really want to, well, i say hello. and, regarding the question, well, i doubt that the answer should be yes, because there is also a skilled person. there is also homo sapiens, well, after all , astralopithecus, but i relied on the fact that the names astralapithecus were the first representative of the human race, yeah, that is, you are placing your bet on australopithecus, in this question you answered, no, you answered no, good, interesting hypothesis, and elena, as you answered, i also answered no, because it seems to me that there was some other representative, but which one, okay, still
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upright? forgot, well, perhaps, a skillful man, a skillful man, do you think, yes, the first was a skillful man, and therefore the correct answer to our question, no, the ninth question: is it true that margarine is obtained by hydrogenating liquid fats? time. alina, do you like to cook? i love dostkovy, but i refused like that, the elections are not allowed to refuse, but it seems to me that there may be such a way of being turned away. yes. okay, anastasia, how are you? as far as i remember, margarine is solid, so i don’t know. okay, let’s do this, margarine, it’s something synthetic, well, artificial, manufactured, or you come to
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the botanical garden and find... you find a tree with margarine hanging from it, conditionally, artificial, synthetic, but how do we use margarine, why in general, margarine is needed, well, you can have it add, for example, i recently baked cookies and added it instead of butter, that’s very good, but why is butter added to make it tasty, very good, well, how would it taste better with margarine or not, yes, well, it seems to me that she enjoys this grim , well, yes, yes, yes, yes, she is so... a star, a girl sings, dances, laughs, laughs, yes, yes, yes, smiling, always very kind, so, the first margarine was invented as a butter substitute, i why were you tortured, in 1869, by synthetically produced margarine? from vegetable solid fat, trans fats became a by-product of hydrogenation, these are fats with a changed chemical formula, in this form they are less easily absorbed by the body and
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i chose this, well, at least as far as my knowledge of medical training allows me? not in vain, not in vain, i went to class, the definition is given here in the question, the definition of stroke, myocardial infarction is an acute disturbance of the blood supply to the heart muscle, that is, in any case, both a stroke and a heart attack are an acute disturbance of blood supply, blood circulation, but a heart attack - this is the heart muscle, and a stroke is... the brain, the correct answer to our question is: eleventh question: is it true that moderate inflation is inflation of up to 10% per year, time, kira, how did you answer? i answered, no, i can’t name the exact number now, but i remember that it’s either a nine or a five, something like that, definitely not
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a ten. as far as i remember, what is inflation anyway? inflation is the depreciation of money, yeah, very good, that’s it, it’s clear in a nutshell. alina, how did you answer, which option did you choose?
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before summing up the results of the first round, i would like to talk to you a little. lena, how do you like the first round? well, the questions were quite simple. my impressions of the first round are positive. how did you cope, do you think? well, i think i did okay. how many out of twelve, give or take? well, maybe seven questions, somewhere i answered correctly, it seems to me. so, if you calculated everything correctly, on the table, we will see you have a seven. well, perhaps yes. okay, we’ve fixed it, anastasia, which question did you find the most difficult? maybe, about aluminum, seriously? yes, very interesting, but what is the simplest question? well, there were quite a few of these questions, so how many of the twelve do you have, if i'm not mistaken that it
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's nine. yep, nine, the stakes are rising. artem, do you see yourself in the second round? i would like to. but what do the scores say, or did you not count? honestly, i don't like counting. there would be some kind of surprise at the end, yes, such a small one as a gift for yourself, in any case, whether it will be pleasant or not, it’s a surprise, yes, valeria, we will see you in the second round, well, i don’t like to think ahead, i wanted i would, of course, but i want to keep the intrigue, the element of surprise, probably, well, let’s not guess, let’s look at our table and see who the eight players are that we will meet in the second round, and who we will be forced to tell.
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at the top of the list, we say thank you and see you off to the second round, and those players whom we see at the end of the list, we say thank you and goodbye, thank you for participating, i expected, to be honest, that it would be worse, but the result is five is more than enough considering how i...
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it’s worse, the questions didn’t come across mine , i’m not very disappointed, there could have been much more specialization, but in principle it’s not scary, i had fun, gained new experience, and in principle i’m pleased with myself.
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the second round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules, in the second round the players are asked. 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct, the choice
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must be made in 10 seconds, each correct answer brings the participant two points, the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question of the second tour which collection includes works by khor and kalinich, two landowners, singers? and evenings on the blezdekanka farm, b. hunter's notes, c. belkin's stories. time! who knows egor, how did you answer? well, the first thing i did was reject the option of the evenings in the vicinity of the dekanka, because these works were definitely not there, then i had a choice between option b and c, i still leaned towards option c, oh, egor, i should have b, yes , i don’t have the information, but most likely these...
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will thank you, well done, she will understand, she will understand, but she will forgive me, i don’t remember now, then as you answered, and answered by guess, again i say, i’m not friends with literature, i chose gogol, well, as you can see, most likely this is not true, valeria, you are friends with literature, partly yes, because i remember that belkin’s stories wrote by alexander sergeevich pushkin, notes from the hunter, if turgenev serves me correctly. and evenings on the farm near dekanka,
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obviously gogol, and purely by the method of elimination, based on the names, i thought that perhaps these were evenings on the farm near dekanka, we were sure that she would now give the correct the answer is, yes, well, what’s going on, you told it all so well, it’s all just such an easy excursion into literature, i was immediately immersed, i listened to it and option a, well, what are you going to do, evenings on a farm near dekanka, there are two parts, in the first sorochenskaya.
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alexandra, what do you think, how would you write? well, i’m not sure that b. geta is not a good person. at yetnam? dakladna ne yon. i’m panicking, i’m just trying to express myself, do i even like it or not? it seemed to me that it was not so much and euphonious.
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vietnam, yes, but only if so. well, then let's not spend much time on this question. correct answer: option ts. ts and nothing else. the third question: what type of natural water does the reservoir belong to if the salt content in it averages 14.5 g per liter. a, pressed, b - salty, c - salted. time. ekaterina, what do you think? i’m not very good in reservoirs, in calculating how much salt is in them, but as for me, it’s better to choose the middle to stay as if neither
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here nor there, so i chose b salty, salty, so, this is 14.5, this is salty, how much is salty then? more than 14.5 is logical. egor, how did you answer? well, i don’t know the exact values, the tabular ones, but i can assume that 14.5 g per liter is a fairly large number, so i chose the option with salted, salted. he thought the same way as in the staff room, we thought, well, because yes, a large number. pressed, less than 0.5 grams per liter, well, just a little. salty. fourth question: which city was the capital of the qin state? a sanyan, b. sargon, c- changsha. time! egor, what do you think, how
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did they answer? i believe that option a is the correct one, but i’m also not 100% sure, i’m not particularly strong in history and geography. well, what do you think, is this an ancient city? yes, how ancient? well, it definitely has a thousand-year history, a thousand years. yes, okay, accepted. artyom, what do you think? well, honestly, out of all three cities i didn’t like any of them. well, i also answered sanyang and correctly yes, but i don’t remember exactly the history of sanyang itself, but i’m unlikely to remember it, then i’ll tell you, the city of sanyang is the capital the state of qin during the reign of qing shi huang, you can imagine, had 1 million inhabitants, and this was in the third century
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bc, the correct answer to our question is option a sanyan. fifth question, which one is the smallest? the number of edges a polyhedron can have: a - 4, b - 6, c - 8. time? elena, how did you answer? i'm not good at geometry, but i answered option b. yep. valeria? well, purely logically, if there is a triangle at the base, then... then, uh, the number of edges it can have is six, uh, and most likely such a polyhedron will be it's called a pyramid, yes, she argues correctly, yes, or tetrai, we can verify this, pay attention to the screen, here it is, tetrai , a triangular pyramid, call it whatever you want
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, the correct answer to our question is b. six ribs. sixth question: what nickname did the gymnasium receive in the 18th century? in the city of sludsk, where special attention in the educational process was paid to discussions, including theatrical ones. a slutsk rome, b) slutsk athens, c) slutsk paris. time. kira, what do you think, how do you like sludsk paris? to be honest, i immediately dismissed paris, somehow ignored it, i was thinking between rome and athens, but the word theatrical, for some reason she told me that this was probably sludskaya athens, so i answered the option sludskaya athens. absolutely right, this is one of the cities of the radevils, the berzhansky linevilov, that is, and of course a calvinist city, by the way, in the 14th century, well
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, this is the residence, of course, of a person who acted as a philanthropist, so of course, athens, well , attention, the correct answer, it was believed that such teaching methods, i mean discussions and often theatrical discussions, practiced in ancient greece, the correct answer to our question, slutsk athens. option b. seventh question. what should i call the first part of yakub kolas’s trilogy on the roads? a. at rosstans. b. there is wooding near the boulder. c) near the polesie wilderness. time. egor. i chose option c and i'm confident in it.
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a the arabian peninsula, b) equatorial forests, the amazon basin. c-hindustan, time!
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ekaterina, what do you think? i’m not a fan of geography, i can get lost even in three pines, but, as usual, in such cases i choose the golden mean, option b - forests amazon basin. and who lives in the forests of the amazon basin, if they are very densely populated? anacondas, crocodiles, whoever is there, who needs it, who is suitable, they live, a very good answer, it doesn’t concern the rest, i like it, alexandra, it turns out that the first and second option, that is, the arabian peninsula, and the forests of the amazon basin belong to the least populated areas of the globe, while the hindustan peninsula is one of the most densely populated. here it is, a comprehensive answer, the correct answer to our question - c: hindustan. india. pakistan, bangladesh are all hindustan, these are one of the most densely populated countries in the world, that’s the only reason
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it was possible to understand and come to the correct answer and choose the option with hindustan. ninth question: whose wife was barbara radivil? a) kazimir jagalovich, b) zmund august 2, c - stefan batory. time. elena, how did you answer? i answered option b. barbara radil was the wife of sigismund on august 2. segismund ii had three wives, the first and third were the habsburg sisters, the second was barbara radivil. and all three marriages left him childless. unfortunately, the yagilon dynasty ended there. the legend of the black panny svizha, in what year did the wedding take place? don't you remember? well, somewhere in the 15th century, somewhere in
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the 15th century, that’s it, i’m not bothering you anymore, this information is enough, someone answered option a or option c, for example, artyom, you answered option a, well, yes, what were you guided by i would be sure of the answer, well, i was guided by what, obviously not a history textbook, oh. that they very proudly admit their mistakes. so, attention, the correct answer to our question. sigismund 2 august, it happened in 1547 (16th century), you and i have absolutely established this. tenth final question of the second round: this planet revolves around the sun almost lying on its side, a - mercury, b - venus, c - uranus. time. kira, what do you
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think this is? when you remember the exact page where it is written, but exact, i knew that it was not mercury, most likely either venus or uranus, and it seems to me that it is most likely uranus. pay attention to the screen, the angle of inclination of uranus is 98°, which indicates that it almost lying on his side. the correct answer to our question, option c: uranus. well, according to tradition, i would like to collect your opinion, impressions of the second round, did you find it more difficult than the first, kira. how are you? it seemed to me that yes, it was more difficult. what causes this? this is probably caused by my carelessness. i’m sure that i’ve ever heard or gone through all these topics, but my memory didn’t retain this knowledge, so , apparently, my brain just decided that it didn’t need this information anymore and simply missed it, but i’m happy that i remembered uranus, because it was just recently. egor, do you see yourself in the third round? hope
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so. did you count your answers? is there anyone who considered their o? elena, alexandra, anastasia, artyom, congratulations, valeria, egor, ekaterina, and kira, unfortunately, you see, something went wrong in the second round. the bet was successful, and also on this screen we see four players with whom we will meet in the third round of the intellectual show, i know, at the bottom of the list, there are four players to whom we say thank you for the game and see them off from our site. total
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good bye, thank you. i was impressed not only that i got into this program, but that i met so many wonderful people who also showed their strengths, i am not at all upset that i dropped out, i had to sensibly calculate my strengths, and i i fully expected such an outcome, but i am very grateful to the program for the fact that i got the opportunity to realize myself and i am grateful that i refreshed a lot, a lot of information in my head, i did n’t come initially with some idea of ​​winning, i i just wanted to try it, it's actually very interesting. that, it turns out, i forgot a lot of information over all 11 years, but there is also one that i remember, and this is very pleasing, so i am very grateful to this program that i was able to get here at all, try myself, and yes, i didn’t i’m upset, i assumed that it would be like this, for me it was such a good experience, the tasks were quite good, which tested erudition, in those in which i was wrong, but i can say that it was a little offensive, but not to say that i’m upset, i am for
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i set myself a goal to qualify for the second round, and i accomplished it. we can say that i am pleased, i refreshed quite a lot of all kinds of knowledge from school, and of course, a very curious, let’s say, contingent, very smart people surrounded me, i really liked the charisma of the presenter, probably from the questions i could single out the question about atomic lattice, which is located in brussels, quite useful information for general development, we have a musical break, stage student of the grand studio...
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ale navoshta dumat pra heta, hell in the spring we are not enjoying ourselves, the gardens, the gardens are falling asleep, and a new day is approaching, the dawn is bright, karakho, hapa,...
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ay, hell, the winter is impenetrable, why not after the summer, hell. zhenimar and nadzeya, we are happier in the spring, of course, we are not drinking at all, the sats and garads are falling asleep, and a new day is approaching, the coming holiday is coming. on the pagon of the topelka i give my muth parason i look at the light and the earth i fall on my way
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, i don’t grudge, i’m asking for our way along the way straight. and i’m not thirsty, i’m going home
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guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third tour and propose to put off the questions and answers for a while, take a short break in order to get to know each other better. anastasia, as the best student at the gymnasium, you carried and passed on? torch to first-graders, what kind of olympic system do you have, please tell us, it was on september 1 at an all-school assembly, and i had the honor of carrying the torch and passing it to first-graders, and how have you become better, that is, on what principle did you find out? just average scores, all or something additional, of course the average scores are taken into account and additional achievements, and what activities in other areas can you imagine? write: i am a unicef ​​volunteer, as well as a member of the unicef ​​advisory group, i am also a champion of the volunteer project dance for life, and i am also just passionate about dancing and
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singing. nastya is certainly one of the best students at our gymnasium, and of course she received such an honor for a reason. do you really like to eat in the school canteen? you love it so much that sometimes you eat as many as two servings, not even sometimes. almost every day, you look wonderful, you don’t care you say, if you hadn’t indicated this in the form, i wouldn’t have guessed that the most favorite thing in the school canteen, casserole, casserole, with condensed milk, nastya’s average score is 9.8, but she promised me, she swore to me literally yesterday, then she will bring physics up to ten , she will have 10:00, anastasia, you want to become a specialist in intercultural communication, which is what specialists do. cultural communication, they mainly participate in negotiations with people from different countries, is it possible to communicate with people from different countries, try to understand their mentality without knowledge
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language? no, do you know a foreign language? yes, i am an olympiad student in english, i also started studying french, what level of english is yours, if we take international tests, approximately b2 c1. wow, did she want to come to us, did she prepare? i’ll tell you, it was nastya ’s big dream, in fact, to get on your program, she was worried, really looking forward to this qualifying round, there she consulted with me on history, and of course, you had to see the eyes of this girl when she found out, that she passed this selection and is going, she was just happy, you can see from her, she smiles so much, a ray of sunshine, yes she is so yes...
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she is also useful in mathematics, but rather not in my specialization, which i chose for my future, what specialization did you choose? well, i want to become a translator, any abilities? she has the potential to become a translator, you see in her, you know the big ones, alena is a participant in the winner of the regional stage of the republican olympiads not only in english, but in social studies, she performs wonderfully in class, does additional task, he prepares very carefully for the performance, he has great chances, i think you really love classical music and theater, let's talk about everything in order , classical music, which of the classics do you like, i like the most.
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with speed, you know, i think that this may hinder her a little, because she is a fairly reasonable person, but judging by the table, the results, i am very pleased with the table, i think that alena also, well, alena, i advise you to think about tactics in the third round, she still has time, and now let's meet alexandra, the most memorable incident from your school life are school concerts, do you lead them, do you participate in them, or do you just like them? i have been performing in school concerts since the last 6 years, previously i performed in them as part of various scenes, now i perform in their songs with the guitar. wow, these are songs of my own writing, some kind of bard music, i write songs, but, unfortunately, since the magicians didn’t perform at school, i’m sorry, such magic is coming.
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enroll in urban studies, urban studies is related to geography, this is one of the areas that is very close to her and which is interesting, and i think that she will still show us in this area, well, who knows, maybe the creative nature will win, then we will see her at the big stage, everything is possible, we wish you good luck, alexandra is on our program, thank you, we just have to get to know artyom, here i have to preserve the author’s style, to the question: favorite subject, you wrote the following:
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i treat each subject with understanding and i respect every discipline and do not elevate any one due to the fact that my heart and mind are boiling with medicine, written like the beginning of some novel: do you really want to connect your life with medicine? well, yes, this is my conscious decision, which i made right at the end of the ninth grade, but i regret that i did not decide on this earlier, and yes , yes, i plan to go to medical school. lies, specifically, i probably think that in chemistry, at the end of the ninth grade, he came up to me with a question of what he should do, i definitely said that the profile medical, because in artyom i see a very good doctor, exactly what kind of doctor? well, personally, i need a good cardiologist. artyom, yes
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, you heard, i hope you would like to learn, here i want to compliment you, firstly, for your courage, for your honesty, for your openness, you would like to learn how to talk. yes, what do you see as your problem now, why is it difficult for you now, somehow, i don’t know, i’m bad at making acquaintances, talking there, and you want, well, yes, this is somehow an integral part of life, listen, it seems to me that after you are shown on tv, this will also be reinforced by some kind of intellectual success, i assure you, in the future you will not need to approach yourself, perhaps they will approach you. i hope we all here want to disagree with vasya, artyom, a man needs to show interest in a woman first, so you don’t have to wait for a woman to approach you, come first, that’s a fact. among other qualities that help you in life are determination, perseverance, you wrote honestly that you can choke, yes, well,
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how is this expressed, how does it manifest itself, well , usually, you know, i have this bad habit of giving advice to everyone, i just can’t get rid of it. get rid of not only you, artyom, sometimes i can’t restrain myself, i constantly make some corrections, comments, very often children call him grandfather, grandfather, yes, because artyom, you even probably saw this during the answers to questions, he really likes to reason, he speaks, reasons out loud, and maybe, well, not all girls like it yet, but they still don’t understand all the charms of artyom, come to us program, did you enjoy the trip, maybe it was also his dream to come to us, like that? naturally, he dreamed about it, and i will never forget, i was on sick leave, my leg was broken in november, artyom called, with what joy he told me to get better very quickly, because we were going to minsk to film, cool , we wish all the guys
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success, it’s time for us to continue the game, we’re looking forward to the third round, vasya, start, it’s time to get back into the game, the third round is ahead. let's get to know him rules. in the third round, the presenter asks 10 questions, and the participant with the fastest response gets the right to answer. a correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. the first question: to what philosophical question does pop in krasov’s poem, who lives well in russia, give the answer: peace, wealth. honor anastasia, what is the most important value of a person? unfortunately, no, this is the wrong answer. artyom, what’s in a person? fine? no. alexandra. what is the most important thing in
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life? no. elena. what is a sense of life? no. i can't accept these answers. we talked very well about the meaning here, and you, on the whole, were on the right track, i understand that even if you read the poem, you naturally didn’t remember it, i would like to hear from you something like, what is happiness, that there is happiness, if your answer included the word happiness and some question related to it, i would accept it as the correct answer, what is happiness in your opinion, peace, wealth, honor, aren't they dear friends, they are literally an excerpt from the poem. second question: these wooden shoes are klomps; the oldest klomp found dates back to 1230. once upon a time, all the inhabitants of this country were wearing them. nowadays only gardeners wear such shoes.
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klomps are historical relics and cultural symbols of which country? artyom? ha, i'll assume it's hungary? no that's not. elena, perhaps china, no, not china, anastasia, slovakia, no, alexandra, let’s say romania, no, i’m already afraid to knock on the teacher’s lounge, what countries do they know there, maybe enter, yes, yes, you can enter, this, this is holland, the netherlands, the netherlands, i even rode a bicycle in them, this is the netherlands, this is what i wanted to hear from you, the third question, before you is an oppressive birthplace. versha, and in what words does he become a leader? alexander, i want to spend a precious night with you and... and tell you that you are these clear eyes, clear eyes
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to hercules, and what do you call these tops? that is what it is called, it is extraordinary in the first days, so it is, the first times are named, i would like to fight with you on the streets, i would like to fight with you on the streets streets, this is the correct answer to our question, i understand, this is maxim’s top. the fourth question is a video question, pay attention to the screen: in which capital city can you see this monument? alexandra, this is dublin, the capital of ireland, a monument to the great irish city of famine, well done, well done, i see, yes, that ’s right, the absolutely correct answer, yes, that is. dublin. fifth question. what saints are depicted
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on this icon? artyom? or perhaps cyril and methodius? exactly. exactly. not possible, for sure. this is cyril and methodius. six question. this the map is located in the center of the northern lights in the avik river. museum visitors mark certain countries on it. if you look closely. you will see that some are marked very densely, others are practically untouched. by what principle are certain countries marked? artyom? perhaps these are the countries from which the tourists came, let's dare to guess then, what is the name of this map? tourist map, well, wow, i won’t torture you, artyom, the map is called mark where you are from, the principle is... absolutely exactly what they gave us. on this map people really mark the countries from which they came.
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seventh question: pay attention to the screen. unscramble this abbreviation. alexandra, housing maintenance service. bravo, correct answer, housing maintenance service. the eighth question and this is the question from the chest. the chest contains what he shared with the captured pierre bezukhov, who wants it. console platon karataev. pierre accepted this with gratitude. name attention, very precisely what lies in our chest. i will be impartial here. elena, is there a version? well, maybe a watch. unfortunately no. alexandra, suppose it is something related to smoking, such as tobacco? no. artyom. flask. no. anastasia. pen. no, we ’re asking the same question to the teachers’ room, maybe you
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remember this work, you can easily say what’s in our chest, remember the work, war and peace, and well , maybe let’s remember, we know for sure that this is food, that -something from food, but we don’t remember specifically, but we have a version of bread, wine, lard, well, well, i’m so generous that i’m ready to accept several versions at once. and wine and lard, so moreover, none of them is true, let's see what we have in the chest, these are the most ordinary baked potatoes, baked potatoes, and why were they silent, i wanted to say, probably potatoes, why the ninth question, and this is an audio question: what is the name a special style of singing, popular in the culture of various nations, without words, with a characteristic, fast...
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comes to mind, to be honest, nothing comes to mind, most likely it is one of
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the more or less modern artists, that is, the 19th-2nd century , but despite the interest in art and... i'm not very keen on the relationship between paintings and authors. understood. anastasia? it is unlikely that this is malevich, but let it be malevich. let it be, of course, but it’s not malevich. well, then i will say, this is escher maurizio. escher's paintings are based on three-dimensional structures, the existence of which in the real three-dimensional world seems impossible. all that remains for us to do is to sum up the results of the third round with just two tickets.
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or is it better to always move forward with more confident steps? you know, it’s better to always go forward, but sometimes don’t make plans for one thing to the other, probably doesn't interfere. are you happy with the result? yes, i’m incredibly happy with the result, i think that alyon had a wonderful experience, but showing yourself, trying something new, and plunging into such a wonderful atmosphere, and i think that we won’t stop there, thank you very much for your participation, thank you, thank you, anastasia, well, here it is...
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i was sure that nastya would pass all the tests with dignity, but it happened, i was a little bit lacking, somewhere in confidence, somewhere in this quick reaction, somewhere a little bit more knowledge on intercultural communication, but she will be a student in the future, i think this question will help me learn, thank you very much, good luck to you in the future, we continue our game, the fourth round is ahead, and we need to find out who the winner will be, vasya, start the fourth round , final, the fourth round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules, in the fourth round participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories, the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic
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of the question and, if the answer is correct , receives four points, if the answer is incorrect, game in... in which european country did a volcanic eruption occur in 2010, paralyzing air traffic, 2,000 canceled flights and millions of passengers not departing?
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it was this volcanic eruption that paralyzed air traffic in europe. artyom, choose a category. i'll choose biology. name the group of monosaccharides, the general formula, that you see on the screen, the group, well, i don’t know, somehow correctly, glucosides, maybe gluten, well , something, well, list them, glucose, fructose, and this group is called sugars, well... carbohydrates, no, i don’t remember. alexander, you have there is an opportunity to earn two points. unfortunately, i don't have any versions. we really hope there are versions in the staff room.
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elena dmitrievna has a version. yes, i have a theory that it is hexose because it has six carbon atoms. these are hexoses, well in this case hexose. alexandra, let it be physics. plasma, plasma, this is the answer i was really waiting for. artyom, choose a category. i'll focus on social science. what is the name of the form
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of government in which the highest authorities are elected by the population. republic. well done. he answered confidently. the republic, that's it. alexandra, it's your turn. belarusian literature. what kind of literary work has the feather-colored name “mists over bagnaia”? let's go, geta dzikae palyavanne karal stakh. maybe people are at the party? ludzi on the ball. balota. artsyom. sport. which team won the belarusian football championship in 2023? this might
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be a very reckless move. borisov? no, this is not my father. to be honest, i don’t follow the sports life in belarus. locomotive. they might not have specified that you weren’t following, just by giving this answer. we would understand everything. what is the name of a program that converts source code from a programming language into machine language? let's say
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a transcoder? no, artyom, inverter? no, like with computer science in the teachers' room, help us? don’t knock on our door, please, on this question, in the teachers’ room they gently hinted to me that they were busy there, so i’ll voice the compiler, compiler. and i think metals. which metal is the leader in terms of global production volumes in the structure of non-ferrous metallurgy? aluminum, here it is, shot, aluminum, but what else? alexandra, and the russian language. pay attention to the screen and choose two words that are synonyms of each other. pragmatism and monotony, alas, no, no, artyom, monotony and monotony, this is
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the correct answer, monotonous work, when day after day you do the same monotony, by and large the same thing. artyom, last category, i’ll bet on history, i hope it will work. which medieval american civilization had the knotted quipu writing system? perhaps it's may? no. it's on the tip of your tongue, well turn, there is time, turn, inki, well done, sasha, well done, inky, it’s them, well, all 10 categories of the fourth round have been played, all that remains for us is to find out the results of the entire game as a whole, congratulate the winner , say goodbye to the player runners-up.
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attention to the screen. wow, this is an advantage with a result of 41:40, artyom wins today’s game, i watch and you are shocked, just one point, thank you for the game, artyom, alexandra, you only needed one. but i see the smile on your face and i understand that perhaps these points are not the best the main thing is why you came here, you fought great, thank you for this game, all the best, alexandra, i’m very glad to see you, but you can’t even imagine what was going on in the teachers’ room, because until the last moment we thought that you would win, and then
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when we saw the results and...
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of course, i’m happy with the result, sasha is smart, well done, well, unfortunately, in the last round she was a little unlucky, maybe she really chose the wrong categories, something went wrong, but i think that she's definitely great, and i think that's all the main victories are still ahead of her in life, but i will repeat that you have already given us a beautiful game, thank you, the super final is ahead, you have a great chance of getting there, so don’t relax, get ready, congratulations to you again.
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emotions, emotions just overwhelm me, victory was snatched from a worthy opponent, well, we are happy, thank you, congratulations again, thank you for this game, thank you, today tv viewers received a lot of useful information, and we learned the name of the first eleventh-grader super finalist. the rest of the show participants were able to improve their knowledge, because this is an endless process. we'll meet in the new episode of the intellectual show, i know. see you later, bye! is it true that saturated carboxylic acids have lower melting points than unsaturated ones? as far as i remember, a saturated carboxylic acid differs from unsaturated ones by the presence of a double or triple bond, and
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a double or triple bond is much stronger than a single bond, and accordingly, more energy is needed to destroy it and, well, melt it, so let's say, how did you answer this question? i don’t remember anymore, i don’t think so.
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on air news now, tatyana nikrasova is with you. hello. it's time to move the agricultural sector to a new technological level. a large meeting on rural development and increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector was held in the palace of independence. generally.


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