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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm MSK

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and with you on the live broadcast of elizaveta lashkevich. good evenings and good news. short. minsk, tashkent, delegations from uzbekistan visit the belarusian capital. the tanks are focused on extensive support in the sphere of waste water and waste disposal. everyday control over the amatars of the two-stakes give minsk sochyts for matatsyklistam respect to the regime and the equipment. i gonar of the land sluska will give the exhibition. uladzimira sadzina in the named gallery and sluska i will tell the great master of the amatara, who is the legend of mastery. exchange of experiences with prisoners housing and communal services and medical treatment, as well as taxes in the future of housing with an emphasis on the creation of comfortable infrastructure in minsk and tashkent. this year, the mayor of the city, uladzimir kukhara, and his delegates from uzbekistan faded away. contagion near tashkent aktyun.
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a beautiful city, it is immediately noticeable that a very big, huge job has been done and is still ongoing, i think that our relationship will always prosper and develop, we are planning a visit to the furniture industry in belarus, we want attract belarusian colleagues, belarusian furniture manufacturers, so that they also open.
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minsk, greenery and parks in garad, and representatives of the delegation from uzbekistan are aware of the history of minsk’s wild, original ideas. lawmakers are highlighting the rules of serious accidents in minsk. sunny run to the exit from the city of smilavitsky tram, passenger buses, which are rushing from the sosny village of sosny and the truck, which was melting at the school. patients of 20 people, two of them with different injuries and patients were hospitalized in the same clinic minsk. information about the situation can be given to the patients in the hospital number 2 5 6 and 10 at the hospital with sensitive medical aid from the republican scientific and practical center for neurological neurosurgery and the taxation of traumatology and artapedia. the reporting documents and procedures of the dtz are established by the court examination. everyday control over the atars of high-level hutkasts and yaminsk goes out to raids based on the identified rules from the side of the matatsiklista. often the inspectors work to shed light on the sunset, molasses on the galleys...
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the arteries of the city are remembered and the math cyclers give themselves a hard time paskarenni. unexpectedly safe maneuvering mode - these are the basic rules of the dtz on the biker’s parts. 65 dtz on the basis of matatsyklista, as a rule, the adjusters of double-stakes in such situations result in serious injuries, there and the right taxes are found to be necessary emergency equipment. well, to increase the culture of riding, caravanning on electric scooters , the city has launched a chatbot, where it is possible to submit
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applications for the rules of remuneration of any sharing. rented scooters are often parked in reserved places, the rules vary travel, when i collapse on the hellish gadget ўdvaіkh. these mercenary taxis often cross the far side of pedestrian crossings, thereby creating emergency situations. in order to quickly resolve issues related to the use of spm, a chatbot has been created in which spm users, and any citizen, can leave a message regarding dangerous driving, such as driving together, driving a spm by a child, or driving in violation of traffic rules, improper parking is an abandoned scooter left in an inconvenient place, and you can also make complaints and suggestions. we will be registered with mobile radars for the violation of traffic rules and the mercenary government of electric gadgets, which will result in a fine. donation day at the minsk state
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linguistic university, pedagogy students undertook a traditional large-scale campaign to provide shelter. the teaching policy is to have two children per year. zen donara. i say, it is to realize that your blood will be useful to someone, some child, some sick person, in fact, this is a gigantic act, a piece to give oneself to another person for salvation. our need for donor blood has now increased, because during the covid period there was a lull regarding planned operations, now
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a large volume of planned operations is being carried out, transplantations are being carried out, a lot of obstetric care is required, and quite a large amount of blood is taken by adult and pediatric oncohematology. an important right to donate to these times for 86 people, many took money on a safe basis. republican scientific and practical center for transfusion medical biotechnologies every day, at a minimum, i will apply such actions on the schedule of the month and the yearly warehouse, the information is posted on the installation website. any and all radzima's creative activities of the young patrayotav of the capital of the sabra look at the competition highlighted on the day of the honorary flag of the coat of arms and the anthem. this ceremonial saint is designated in our land as another land of may. at the event, the village demonstrated its talents in two stages and themed and innovative displays. the jury appreciated both the external appearance, the bad manners of the teams, such autistic behavior and emotionality. exactly
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stage, so today we hope that some new elements will appear, new ones.
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geographical trade and communion on may 21. slutsk marks the anniversary of one of the most famous of our fellow countryman and teacher uladzimir sadzin. maystar has revealed the mastery of orthodoxy not only as a creative magnacrasist and a wealth of works. for the rest of the century. yes, on the anniversary of uladzimir , the exhibition by the creators of natalya bardzilouska and
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sadzina in the garad name gallery has revealed a legend of mastery. yong could the story of the history of the race has been revealed, but the war, which is the greatest hell, has become a reward for koenecksberg and demobilization in slutsk, and the process has been carried out in belarus. uladzimir. everything that is great, chuv, that is experienced by master, painted on papers, geta yago trafeyny notebooks. in 1942 he took part in the battle of bagardion and the liberation of stalingrad
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, the belarusian front, the second, the third, the ukrainian, and along the way he wrote poetry, there was humor, very serious poems and a dedication to his mother, what he remembered, he wrote down a lot here are the dashes, that is, well, he didn’t, his memory couldn’t...
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little boys and girls who have different destinies, many had fathers who died during the great patriotic war, those first students of vladimir stepanovich sadin remember, talk about that it is very good, a great gratitude to the artist, such a bow to this teacher, who was really able to pick up these little tomboys, give them an education and give many a start in life.
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uladzimir sadzin. belposhta issued a marked envelope with a special stamp, literary brand a. and look, here you can study and rapproduktsy from mastak’s carcinoma. at the exhibition yes stagodzia sadzina, yago work hell sarakovyh yes 2000s. different genres.
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watch on belarus24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , relevant news.


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