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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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surely not, but the main thing for the president now is that they don’t have a catastrophe, because after a strong government, the probability of this is still slightly greater than a statistical error. the propaganda project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. we are going there, where we can get information from the past. things will happen again and again in the past, in the past. let's follow the story. we are jumping with you in ruzhany brest region, at one of the largest palace complexes 16th 18th century, resident of the magnate of the sapieha family. the tsarka of st. paraskeva pyatnitsy, a memorial to the architecture of the noble baroque, hung out here. either karavod or vayavod.
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there is an understandable policy on the air, hello, the united states is engulfed in a zombie apocalypse, so the local media baptized the epidemic of drug addiction in the country, it is already being called a national disaster, and the number of fatal overdoses is breaking all records. just imagine. when overdosing
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on drugs in the united states , a person dies every 7 minutes every year due to a deadly poison over 100,000 more people lose their lives than from shootings and car accidents combined.
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the city of philadelphia is called the drug capital of america, the kensington area is not at all the outskirts of the city to the center of everything. 15-20 minutes, scary scenes, like from a horror movie. they are called walking dead zombies. unconscious, hunched over in a stupor, after another dose, hordes of drug addicts filled the sidewalks of the streets of the richest country. orange little things. and white packages
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are packages of caps from used syringes. many drug addicts use syringes here several times, although here they give out syringes for free to volunteer organizations. dirt, garbage, syringes, an open -air hangout, complete and ominous chaos. you can buy a set for $3.00. for just $3.00 you can buy something heavy, like methamphetamine, or basically anything you like. the harsh truth of american life, the shocking scale of the decay of society. disastrous. nobody hides the habit here, they sell and inject drugs openly, but social services, instead of proactive measures, rely on safe use, that is, they distribute drug addicts get clean needles, and with a reserve, the results are dubious. every day we are provided with this emergency kit: 10 packages, syringes, clean water, a tourniquet, in short, everything you need to take the drug. everyone gets it because it's profitable.
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for the first time, they began to mix it with drugs in 2006 in order to prolong or enhance their effect, and they got a potion that eats away the flesh just like acid since 2021; the additive has already begun to be found in 90% of drugs in philadelphia.
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lead to death, in a backpack or on a hip bag can easily fit a whole kilogram of this substance, that is, half a million doses. republicans blame the drug epidemic on migrants, with whom , in their opinion, dangerous drugs poured into the country. you can blame anyone, but instead of answering the question: what to do, american politicians are looking for an answer to another question: how to earn political capital from this? here is vivik kromos, at that time still a participant in the presidential race. on the streets of a drug ghetto recording an election campaign video: how does this place even exist, how is this possible? many of these buildings were factories in the old days; now people come to this area as if they were visiting an open-air drug store. we see syringes lying right on the streets
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where rats are running. the reason for all this is not only poverty, these drugs are coming to us straight from the southern border, taking over entire cities. one of the reasons for the social catastrophe is called just the same. the inaction of the authorities, which turns a blind eye to the disaster, while politicians publicize themselves on the disaster, knock out nonsense, it's unlikely to work. cassandra frederica, executive director of the nonprofit drug policy alliance, says the war on drugs is a failed policy. she states that nothing has happened that the white house promised, the continuation of drug trafficking, nor the unification of society against a common misfortune, nor a reduction in the number of drug addicts. why did the war on drugs fail? the point is that the priority for american officials was how to use this issue to gain their own political and economic benefits. politicians simply use this, of course, in order to score some points for their
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election campaigns. there is such a problem, but you can’t ignore it; you definitely need to include it in your election speech, in your election programs. it is incredibly possible to overcome drug addiction. more than half a century ago, richard nixon declared war on drugs, but the epidemic in the country has only intensified and today it is called an american disease. the usa is the most drug addicted state in the world. everyone lives here
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the tenth drug addict on the planet. most of those who die from drug overdose are opioid users. the terrible epidemic, of course, did not arise immediately and has been going on for the third decade, but one of the reasons, you will be surprised, concerns doctors and pharmacists. a million americans became addicted because doctors prescribed them opioid painkillers afterward.
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the scandal erupted back in 2018; it turned out that since the nineties in the united states, due to weak government control over the distribution of opioid analgesics for overdose approximately 500 thousand americans died. the algorithm that has covered the country with a drug epidemic is as follows: upon completion of a course of taking medications containing synthetic drugs, the patient is faced with... withdrawal syndrome. the torment he experiences pushes him to the black market, where he will be offered fintanil for very little money. it is for this reason that there is such a significant number of overdoses in american military personnel. psychological problems are combined with physiological dependence. just imagine the scale: 10 years ago, according to the american centers for disease control and prevention, in the united states, per 100 people, there were 80 prescriptions written by doctors for opioid medications, essentially a legal drug. when
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these drugs were no longer prescribed to patients, those who had already developed an addiction began to look for the coveted pills on the black market and often switched to other apiates, including synthetic ones; the share of one of them, fintanil, began to grow rapidly in 2010, along with it and the number of fatal overdoses, well got the states hooked. not specific people, this is what the culprits of thousands of deaths look like: the sackler family - qualified doctors who founded an empire of pain, murky schemes, fakes, research, all this will come later, but first a cynical idea arose of how to create opium for the people. the richest pharmaceutical family came up with an inexpensive painkiller, oxycanthine, based on a synthetic drug, based on apioids that are twice as powerful as morphine, but if painkillers based on... morphine were recommended to be used only for very severe or unbearable pain, that
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the new prescription drug began to be sold as tablets that can be safely taken without side effects, even with moderate and severe pain, it is this drug produced by the sackler purdypharma company that will subsequently turn millions of people into drug addicts. in terms of drug potency , oxycanthine was a nuclear weapon. the saglers succeeded. organization, after 2 years he went to work
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for the sacklers. at a company meeting, celebrating the launch of oxycanthin on the market, he soon left the launch of a new drug, richard sackler said, the launch of oxycanthin will be followed by a prescription blizzard that will bury the competition, it will be strong, dense and white. the tax dealers launched one of the largest and most terrible advertising campaigns in the history of pharmaceuticals, thousands of sales representatives, and trainings describing the advantages of the new drug. they tried to convince society and doctors that the pills are, in fact, a cure for everything, and they can be taken for various types of pain. of course, no one took their word for it, so the company began pay thousands of medical practitioners to attend various seminars and report on the benefits of oxycanthin. the sacklers approached promotion from all angles, wholesalers received discounts, pharmacists received cashback, patients were given coupons for thirty-day courses. academicians were awarded grants. at the same time, medical journals profited from multimillion-dollar
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advertising revenues, and members of congress were bribed with generous subsidies and turned everything around. in parallel , active advertising on tv in newspapers and medical magazines. happy in commercials americans and some doctors assured of the absence of side effects and that addiction occurs in no more than 1% of patients. one of the purdipharma managers. that the company even conducted special training to overcome doctors’ objections. their essence was quite simple: employees learned to correctly answer questions about possible abuse of the drug and convince specialists that it practically does not cause addiction. at the same time, thousands of practicing doctors were simply bribed. for money they participated in various seminars where reported the benefits of oxycanthin. dozens of pompous and supposed sciences were performed for them.
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the number of us prescriptions grew from 3,000 to almost 6 million, and the legal drug began to generate up to $1 billion a year. the death factory only began to shake in october 2006, when the pharmaceutical giant was accused of fraud and money laundering in order to... increase sales of the drug. it is noteworthy that the company pleaded guilty to misleading people and agreed to a fine of $600 million. this is one of largest. amounts ever paid by pharmacists in a similar case, but the drug was still sold in pharmacies, and sagler, apparently anticipating future problems, withdrew about $11 billion from purdue pharma and invested it in family trusts. in 2015 , a family of pharmacists entered the list of the richest families in the united states according to forbes, their fortune was estimated at $13 billion, everything would
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have come to naught if not for ryan hampton, a drug addict with extensive experience after rehabilitation for... in exchange the family paid off billions for this fines, at about the same time the number of overdose deaths from synthetic fentanyl will triple. in 2021, a judge approved settlements that would require the sacklers to pay $4.5 billion in exchange for protection from the lawsuits . later, the sacklers agreed to increase
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the compensation to $6 billion, and after that everyone went into the sunset and began to live a long time. but only members of the sackler family. everyone else is trying to overcome addiction, but there seems to be no end in sight to this problem. but it is no longer possible to stop the flywheel. the sackler empire and state inaction have given rise to a whole generation of drug addicts in america, who are increasingly looking for that same fintanil, nicknamed the zombie drug, on the black market. in 2021, the number of drug overdose deaths in the united states. exceeded 100,000 for the first time, the lion's share - 75% - was accounted for by synthetic opioids, including fintanil. poisoning with this substance has become the most common cause of death among americans aged 18 to 45 years. doctors shout guard: for the first time since the second world war ii in the united states , life expectancy began to fall, and the proportion
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of deaths among young americans aged 15-24 became twice as high as that of their peers from germany, france and japan. what was the result of such a company? mass drug addiction. suddenly it turned out that not only those who really needed powerful pain-free drugs were sweating on pills, but also those who were bored of living in a world without additional stimulation of dopamine receptors. and in such an environment a black market quickly appeared pharmaceuticals. people used huge doses of pain relief; when it stopped helping, they switched to heroin. to eradicate the problem, there are not enough empty promises, and there seems to be a serious lack of focus with the priorities of the white house. last year, biden asked congress for one and a half billion dollars to fight the apiats, and demanded almost 50 times more to support ukraine. the american colonialists, that is , the white colonialists, treated the indians very cruelly, but we know that a huge amount
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of disease was brought from europe and planted being killed alive is the main side effect of synthetic dope. these are not injection wounds together. i'm lucky that there's something left of me, it's literally destroying american youth, a silent murder is happening. boils lead to limb amputations, appear quickly, heal slowly, but biden cares about world domination. last year, it was
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philadelphia that he announced the most militaristic budget in history. and while he was talking from the rostrum about napoleonic plans. residents were still writhing in the neighboring streets. the american bottom, suffocating from drug addiction and hopelessness. apart from volunteers, no one cares about the walking dead. the white house continues to flex its muscles, oblivious to the galloping disaster at home. happily. tv news agency presents. in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. let's take a look at all the scientific research on the creation of grub products from bulbs, this bulb grits for non-calorie.
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spay and delicious food. crackers robyazza sa zvychainay bulbi. spachatku ya varats i fluff the puree, then add starch and salt. before serving, they are lubricated with salted oil. yanas are immediately consumed in carbohydrates, carbs and egg whites. kalarynasts 100 grams of crackers and 250 g of meat. crispy potatoes are in great demand; they are an excellent breakfast snack, a healthy and nutritious treat for children,
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and an indispensable convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the belarusian ones that are so familiar to everyone. it's not always easy for lovers their preparation is given, as you can see, now it has become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. the dish prepared from it has all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. no wonder potatoes are called second.
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just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses himself, but kizhevat led the defense. you're not wrong. what sport is the old man a fan of? khatabych from the film old man khatabych, football, let it be, football, of course, this is the correct answer, the smartest and bravest who were
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depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic of belarus in the early 1990s gather here. zubar, yes, find a belarusian football club? left, right? to the right, to the right - this is. correct answer: naftan football club. watch intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus 24 tv channel.
7:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly the main thing.


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