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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing.
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precision farming, new technologies in mechanical engineering, combating violations and training. a big meeting with the president on the development of the agricultural sector. what caused the accident on the smelovicheskiy tract in minsk? investigators continue to clarify all the circumstances of the more than forty victims. against hate speech or against the truth. the american social network facebook hides posts published by the polish aswiecz museum. heavy downpours hit dubai. metro stations are flooded, school classes are cancelled, planes take off with delays, including belavia flights. and the president's cup final. metallurg and brest are preparing for the match. live broadcast from the city above the bug in our episode. it's time to move the agricultural sector to a new technological level. a large meeting on rural development and increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector was held in the palace of independence. in general
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, farmers have something to be proud of. food security is ensured in belarus; we are superior in food production other cis countries. we are among the top 20 leading exporters of meat products and among the top five in sales of dairy products. the taste of belarusian food is known in 107 countries around the world. today, according to the president, the task is to make the industry more sustainable and its development progressive. we have every opportunity to achieve this. an economic approach and discipline are needed. goals for this year. 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons of sugar beets and more than 1 million tons of rapeseed. priority is smart agriculture. time to move on to a new one technological level to introduce precision agriculture. the president draws attention to the need for a program, including personnel training. it is necessary to revolutionize agricultural engineering and agriculture. the most pressing topic these days is the sowing campaign and the readiness of equipment. there are questions for every third farm inspected. by the way,
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i would like to hear from the speakers what they say about the quality of domestic agricultural machinery, we are pouring colossal support into its purchase, the planned volume release and leasing financing, so it is your sacred duty to preserve and...
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we have good complexes that are rushing around the country, purchasing calves, give them away, sell them for money, you will be paid the money right away. roman aleksanovich, together with the state control committee, will sort it out in the most brutal way and
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report. alexander nikolaevich, please join us in this issue. they report to me that this transfer of calves from nulliparous to others has begun. this work has begun, but is often formal in nature to create appearances fulfilling orders, the livestock is transferred to an organization that is not able to provide its maintenance and feeding, or maybe it is simply transferred on paper, well, we will check that, well, how do you like this fact, they take and ship the young animals to the farm where the highest mortality rate is recorded area, there is no compound feed, it has... the government, together with belarusian scientists and the local vertical, needs
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to develop approaches to the feasibility of using complex fertilizers, and build a genetic selection center for poultry farming. there is a proposal to do this on based at the derzhinsky agricultural complex, will consider other options. it is also important to ensure technological and biological protection of poultry farming, to increase production volumes to 800,000 tons of poultry meat and 4 billion eggs. feed is one of the key issues. a space complex for the production of amino acids and animal feed, bnbc, has been built. it is necessary to use all the capabilities of this enterprise for the production of balanced feeds; the feed milling capacities available in the country can be closed. requirements for feed and additives in full volume, then why are the requests of individual farms that are ready to pay in advance not being fulfilled, vasily nikolaevich, figure it out, report, although i actually gave this to bnbk, the head of
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bnbk is there, who is our deputy prime minister today, chairman, deputy prime minister, manage , command. i instruct the government, academy of sciences and regional executive committee to develop a strategy for providing the belarusian livestock industry with concentrated feed. the goal is for each farm to have all types of feed to meet its full needs, at least forty to fifty centners of feed units per conventional head. but in order to solve the problem with feed, we must first solve the problem of silo trenches. roman alexandrovich, at least die. but during this year all feed must be stored, especially grass, corn silage, etc., in normal storage. alexander lukashenko demands an understanding of the issue of the effectiveness of state support in rural areas, and
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proposes linking the manager’s salary to the results of the organization’s work. particular attention should be paid to solving the personnel problem. except administrative measures, each farm must have its own additional system for assigning specialists. the strategic goal is to create a high-tech, profitable agricultural sector in belarus. details of the big meeting today are in the panorama. the center electoral commission summed up the results of the election of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly from civil society and local councils. 290 deputies of local councils and 400 representatives from civil society were elected from all regions of the country. elected delegates represent various social groups areas of activity. there are more men than women. the youngest delegate is 18 years old, the oldest is 79. they have
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to decide these issues, so they will gather, they will already determine, so to speak, all these moments. to prepare for the meeting of the supreme national assembly , a republican organizing committee was created, headed by the prime minister. at the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the chairman of the presidium will be elected, and issues that life dictates today will be put on the agenda. powerful downpours hit dubai, lightning strikes skyscrapers, flooded
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streets and even metro stations, in one of the largest shopping centers on the planet, dubai , pipes supposedly burst, goods are drowning in streams of water, sellers are trying to salvage what they can, the city has actually gone under water. many routes are blocked, planes at the local airport have literally become ships, the runways are flooded and the airliners are coming. bad weather hit all seven emirates; the evening flight is also expected to be delayed; in a number of regions, rain is accompanied by thunderstorms and hail, as well as strong gusts of wind. national emergency management agency situations, urged residents to stay at home, schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning, parks and beaches were also closed. the country's paths into the alliance infrastructure. on
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the chop-uzhgorod section, preparations are underway for the implementation of a project for the construction of a twenty-two-kilometer european-size railway track. this will make it possible in the future to connect the independent railway with hungary and slovakia, a single standard gauge. and there are global plans to extend it to kharkov and odessa. ukrainian european officials insist on civilian focus project, but in reality it will make it possible to quickly move military personnel and equipment of nato countries to the borders of russia. the american social network facebook hides posts published by the polish aswiecz museum. there are more than twenty posts in the block. the administration of the social network insists that they are filled with content of persecution and harassment, incitement to hatred and incitement to violence. at the same time , the museum’s management reported that, despite an immediate appeal and request for verification, only some of the items were restored. flagged messages. the rest, for example, are about the tragic fate of jewish children from an orphanage in iziya. removed without the possibility of appeal. the union media holding will become
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the hub and heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere. this was discussed during a joint meeting of the belarusian-russian working group on the issue of reforming the media of the union state, creating an autonomous non-profit organization media company of the union state. today the experts gathered again to discuss.
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content for digital media and social networks. let us remind you that the presidents of belarus and russia signed a resolution on the creation
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of a media holding of the union state on january 29 following the results of the meeting of the supreme state council held in st. petersburg. there are 19 bills in the parliamentary portfolio, 10 of them have already passed all the necessary approval procedures and are ready for consideration, the rest will be considered before the end of the first session. vice speaker of the deputy corps vadim ipatov spoke about this today at a meeting of the council of the house of representatives. one one of the important issues that parliamentarians will have to consider is a draft law on the suspension of belarus’ participation in the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe. the agenda of the session included bills in the social sphere on the following issues:
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streets are being renamed, we categorically do not destroy monuments that are desecrated, we agree with this, we strongly condemn such policies; tomorrow’s session agenda includes the ratification of a large portfolio of international agreements, the issue of strengthening social guarantees for veterans and bills
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related to the activities of the investigative committee. the ministry of defense provided clarification regarding sms subpoenas. the law on military duty and service provides for the possibility of sending them out by military registration and enlistment offices. this is a practice widespread throughout the world and its main advantage is convenience, efficiency and accessibility. actual sms messages will become an additional notification channel. the agenda will still remain the main one, the military department said. currently, the telecom operator has assigned each military registration and enlistment office a so-called alpha name. it will appear in the sender column. the message will contain information about what address and when the citizen should appear. a telephone number for inquiries will also be provided. please note that the message from the military commissariat does not contain links and does not require a response. the military registration and enlistment office also never asks for personal or passport information over the phone. we remind you that a call to the military registration and enlistment office, no matter what form it comes in, can have various purposes: from clarifying the military registration data of a person liable for military service, to mobilization preparation activities. in
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in any case, my visa should be on time. the ministry of defense also emphasized that , as before, the administration will punish failure to appear on the summons. necessary procedural actions, the drivers of the bus and truck were taken for a medical examination, rescuers also worked at the scene of the incident, they prevented a fire, fuel spilled on the road, all the victims were taken to the hospital. accident during morning rush hour. the footage from the recorder shows how a rice bus is traveling along the smilovichesky tract in the direction of selitsky street. what happens next is unclear
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the car swerved to the side, then there was an impact, the bus crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road, in a matter of minutes it was on the spot. according to initial data, today at about 7 am , a fifty-five-year-old passenger bus driver, moving along the smilovichi highway , drove into a volvo tractor-trailer standing on the side of the road. according to initial data, 20 people , including two minors, were taken to medical institutions for assistance. due to the accident , a serious and long-lasting traffic jam formed on the smelovichi highway. delays in public schedule transport time was up to 20 minutes. the causes of the accident have not even been reported in advance yet; to establish a trace picture of what happened, experts also worked on the spot, and auto technical, road and cross-sectional examinations were assigned. as a result of the collision, the vehicles received mechanical damage, traffic was limited, gi officers immediately arrived at the scene, and accordingly, organized a detour to the scene with the help of emergency situations ministry employees, who also
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provided assistance in treating the victims. and as the ministry of health later clarified, a total of 43 people were injured in the accident. in the hospital immediately, someone turned to doctors in minsk and the minsk region on their own during the day. three more were examined at the scene , two underwent surgery. eight people were hospitalized, of the forty -three, three were teenagers. two patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. the ministry of health and the health committee will do and are doing everything necessary to ensure that these patients as quickly as possible were cured and discharged. passengers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries, fractures, bruises, and abrasions. a total of eight medical teams provided first aid to the victims. the condition of the bus driver is not yet known. what triggered the incident. road or technical malfunction, this still needs to be sorted out by the investigator, and work in this direction is already underway. feeling unwell, inattentive on victoria radevich, alexey sosnovsky,
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tv news agency. wolves vs. bisons, battle for the president's cup number four. the hockey season in belarus may end today, but the players and fans of the brest club are definitely against this. now the rights to the eyes. the owners no longer have it. metallurg took away three previous meetings, and any next victory could bring them a fourth title in history, the third in a row. in the city above the bug , our film crew works in direct communication with the kristina kamysh studio. christina, good evening, what is happening in the arena now and how are the teams ready? good evening, tatyana, we work near the ice palace. hockey players are already we managed to do our dry warm-up right now, we’re going out for rolling, and after that we’ll definitely do it. will receive the latest coaching instructions, because a lot depends on today’s match, if metallurg wins, then we will finish the whole
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season in the extra league. there are 40 minutes left before the starting throw-in, so spectators are slowly starting to trickle into the stadium. according to tradition , the president’s cup is displayed in the lobby of the complex and anyone can take a photo with the treasured trophy. by the way, during the game there is a bowl and a company of honor. gave a lot to the team, we are grateful to him for the emotions he gave, in general i really like it, their speed is everything, in principle i love hockey, i just like watching hockey,
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you can immediately see what it’s like root for, why root for, i’ll say that the extra league is not much behind the continental league, even in terms of the level of fans it feels the same as 15, there is no place better than brest, brest is simply becoming the hockey capital of the republic of belarus, that’s all, the whole team is charged, great coach , we... we simply have to to win, this is how exactly brest will win today, we will ask striker alexander malyavka, alexander is joining us right now live, let us remind you that the forward has an upper body injury, which he received in the semi-final with soligorsk shakhtyor, alexander, you are out lineup for the game today, but in any case, in the team as a team, so this is what the coaching staff says, what is the attitude for today’s match , how can you... generally turn the tide of this confrontation? through dedication, hard work, it turns out that sergei mikhailovich held a video meeting where he pointed out some
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mistakes that had happened in the past, well, in the last match he asked the guys, of course, not to be sent off, because in the last game they were sent off , they broke the game, thanks to dedication and patience, the most important thing is patience, that’s the mood in the team, how charged are the guys, are the guys charged? not 100, 200%. you can see that the guys’ eyes are burning, uh, they’ve just warmed up and then they’re going into battle. by no means are we summing up the season now, but nevertheless, for brest, how difficult was it to reach this gold series? yes, we had such moments that we had eight defeats in a row, then, of course, the coaching staff drew good conclusions, and we moved smoothly. we carried out their installation, and then we showed the games with vitebsk that we had good physical preparation, so we moved forward smoothly and reached the final.
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what about the competition, how difficult was it in this case? the teams were all equal, we even had matches with mogilev that we lost to them, but honestly, the championship became more or less even, this is the competition, every club can win, here we are, well , i really liked the championship this year, that’s just about how...


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