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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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inattention on the road or a technical malfunction, this still needs to be sorted out with the investigator, and work in this direction is already underway. victoria radevich, alexey sosnovsky, television news agency. the union media holding will become the hub and heart of interaction between belarus and russia in the information sphere. this was discussed during a joint meeting of the belarusian-russian working group on the issue of reform.
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with creating your own content for digital media and social networks. let me remind you that the presidents of belarus and russia signed resolution on the creation of a media holding of the union state on january 29 in st. petersburg following a meeting of the supreme state council. the deputies of the house of representatives have a busy agenda with 19 bills, 10 of them have already passed the approval procedures and are ready for consideration. the rest will be considered before the end of the first session, the vice speaker said.
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taxation for investment protection. in addition, we will consider a bill that regulates the agreement between the government of the republic of belarus and the government of the united arab emirates on issues fight against terrorism. also, the council of the house of representatives adopted a statement in connection with the international day of monuments and historical sites. parliamentarians call on the state to comply with its international obligations to stop destroying monuments dedicated to the heroism of the soviet people. our memorial complexes, the brest hero fortress, the mound of glory are known throughout the world, we not only carefully preserve these monuments, but we are erecting new objects, on the contrary, we see how in a number of european countries monuments are destroyed, desecrated, renamed streets, we strongly disagree with this.
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the issue of strengthening social guarantees for veterans and bills related to the activities of the investigative committee. spring is a time for large-scale restoration of order and improvement of territories. in the central region alone , housing and communal services have recently carried out pothole repairs on an area of ​​1,600 km. in petrishki, minsk district, residents of several houses along gagarin street have the same problem: the roof is leaking in house number 5 after hurricanes. we tried to change
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the roof several times, each time it was unsuccessful, not everything was in order with basements, all the water that comes and melts during the spring after winter, when it rains, it all gets into the walls, it doesn’t drain. there are no gutters, why? well, everything is not installed in a basic way, it’s all for people, in the wall, on the windows, anywhere, in which house are you, in the third house, they made a blind area for us, the edge of the blind area has already broken off, they did it recently, and there was water and a little rain, we it’s wet in the basement, they did it literally here for a month , the blind area didn’t pass, the water kept flowing and flowing into the basement, the bosses brought them to...
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this house in petrishki is already more than 40 years old, surely, in addition to the roof, there are problem areas with utility networks and the facade, which
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means it’s time for a major overhaul, the fate of the houses in petrishki was clarified for us in the minsk regional executive committee, according to the leadership of the capital region, the roof. to restore gardens and other works, in addition, along gagarin street and courtyard areas, we decided this year that we will restore, about eight houses will receive a new courtyard area. in the minsk region there are almost two dozen agricultural towns, the city of zaslavl and the largest
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population among other regions of the country, and this is over 270,000 people, for the workers of the minsk region housing housing organization, the work is always above the roof, by the way, just... in order to understand how to properly and efficiently renew the roof, we climb one of the zaslavsky five-story buildings . the sticker is made in two layers, the bottom and top layer of armored material. we go, firstly, to the applicant’s apartment, look where exactly the roof is leaking, then we climb out onto the roof and try to fix it, there are slopes on the roof, yes, so that the water flows either to the edges roofs, or if it is a central drain, the drain pipes are located in the center, well, across...
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petrov, television news agency. the a1 company is now a quarter of a century old. 25 years ago the first gsm mobile operator appeared in the country. it all started with ordinary calls, but gradually more and more opportunities became available to users. today , more than 4,800,000 people use a1 mobile communications in belarus, and more than 1,200 households use home internet. moreover, under the brand. a1 digital services are provided television, iptv, products for business, as well as cloud services based on our own data center, one of the largest in the country. there are even more plans ahead to improve the quality of all services. anton malyuta will tell you more. vyacheslav zenkovich has been with a-1 for 25
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years, he is one of the first twenty subscribers of the company. he says that if before even ordinary calls were something new and amazing, now they are. 4g internet is quite commonplace, the whole range of services that the company provides is impossible to list them, there are an infinite number of them, it is so ingrained, has been absorbed into our... everyday life, that uh, well, many people simply can’t imagine how people once lived without it, it’s well, it’s impossible, a1 is an innovator in the belarusian mobile world, all for the convenience of subscribers, high-quality especially for them communications and broadband internet in all regions, including remote settlements, the company achieves such success together with reliable partners, bi clouud and a1 together played a significant role. in the construction and development of the 4g network. this is how the majority of the population received high-speed internet access
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countries. the continuous cooperation of our technical specialists allows us to constantly work to improve the quality of cellular telecommunications, as well as introduce the most advanced technological solutions. it was in close cooperation with a1 that in 2021 our technical specialists tested gigabit lte technology for the first time on a real network. using the services of a1, clients can be sure that their data is in...
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as a company we are quite diverse, we are moving in a large number of directions, which gives us, as an operator, quite a lot competitive advantages, but it is very difficult to repeat us, we are different and we create additional value for our subscribers, so the a1 company has long become a part of everyday life. its subscribers, not only as a service provider, but also as a brand that shares and supports values ​​and interests. 25 years of communication is far from the limit. anton malyuta, ilya maksimov and nikolai lashkevich, television news agency. and we return to the hockey battles on the ice in brest. at these moments, the fourth match of the final series for the president's cup continues. the metallurgist is on the move.
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konstantin lukin and alexander khavanov scored twice. we continue to follow the beautiful hockey, we remind you that the live broadcast is carried out by the belarus tv channel. these are the main events of this day, sports news and weather forecasts are ahead. right now the program ksenia lebedevo will continue the broadcast and this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting. iran's attack on israel: world war iii
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is at hand. journalistic materials came out with these headlines after iran’s attack on israel on april 14. are they pumping it up or is it still a reason? think about it. perhaps april 14 is the very day when the new reality, which began its formation on october 7 last year, of massive attacks on the gas sector, just ended. is it the same process, or is it still different? i'm ksenia lebedeva with you, hello! having launched an operation in the gaza strip, israel put everything at stake; in six months it was unable to defeat hamas or drive out the palestinians with massive carpet bombing. despair forced netanyahu, who is still the current prime minister of israel. resort to provocations on april 1, when an attack was carried out on the iranian consulate in damascus.
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then, as a result, seven iranian officers were killed, including two generals. but what was this for? it's simple: it was necessary to force iran to attack israel, after which, most likely, netanyahu will require support from the united states, directed against countries on the side of iran and the so-called proxy forces, such as the lebanese hezbollah. will request help to continue the attack against hamas in gaza, in general, israel decided escalate the situation to the limit, but iran in this situation acted before...
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iran also acted in coordination with its allies in the middle east in this operation and after this operation, iranian military specialists will eliminate their shortcomings if the siyani regime tries to attract a new iran conflict, but this will be a very big destabilization in the near east in the region and military circles. the christian regime also understands this very well, that it is not yet possible to understand the proxy forces of iran, hezbollah, the houthis and hamas inside palestine, and for him to start a war with iran is unreasonable, because if this all proxy forces start the same, israel is struck, they will not be able to get out of it. the
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april 1 strike on the iranian embassy in damascus is interpreted in international law as a formal reason for declaring war - the belli incident. of course, iran could not lose face, and it had to respond. i warned all parties to the conflict in advance that if the issue is not resolved within the framework of the un security council, they will act differently. but as we see, on today, all international institutions, including the un, are inactive. but let's think logically. if the un meeting took place, then how?
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iran in the political circles of iran, as well as among the people of iran, such an opinion appeared, because after these operations, if in the future israel dares to attack, kill iranian officials abroad or organize some kind of terrorist acts inside iran, but... iran is not it will be like the previous attacks on a base in kurdistan by israel, which they were there, and iran after that the operation will directly attack from their territories, so they already understand this very well and the course of the game in the east after
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this operation has completely changed. iran, apparently, has such a decision. conflict at this stage was arranged and he was ready for this, since there could be no talk of any neutrality of international legal institutions. as a result, according to tel aviv , 99% of the 300 drones and missiles launched by iran were eliminated. there is no destruction as such, no casualties, but a subtle hint of serious circumstances, understood by all sides of the conflict. iran and its allies remain silent. they won’t, the gaps in israel’s defense system have been assessed. let's discuss the situation in the middle east, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of belarus andrei bagadelim. andrey petrovich, hello. hello. how do you think iran's attack on israel on april 14 should be assessed? well, let's see today who solved what problems, and what
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happened in the end? iran, well, first of all, it saved its face. he responded to an act of aggression against him diplomatic mission. the second thing is that he managed to essentially avoid a global war. third, he first of all strengthened his position as a regional leader. and fourth, it can be noted that iran was able to fully demonstrate its combat capabilities. the fact that until now no one could attack israel, accordingly. what about the israeli side? the israeli side, firstly, ruled out the possibility of delivering a stronger strike precisely at those targets.
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day deal, all countries must deal they showed that they are with iran today because iran has become a strong regional power today. what have western countries received so far? well , firstly, we clearly saw that among western countries, double standards continue to be the basis of their foreign policy.
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we didn’t see anything else from them, only this endless cry that iran is to blame in any case, but israel a priori simply cannot be to blame. well, and most importantly, these western countries received a slap on the nose from the actions of iran. that's all today the rest of the states that saw this understood that. western countries, which just yesterday dictated conditions to us and other countries, will no longer act with such impunity today. does the situation playing out in the middle east somehow affect the situation inside belarus and on our borders? what about the republic of belarus? the republic of belarus, too, without any doubt, must take away the most important thing from this armed conflict. the first thing is that our military-political leadership and head of state correctly assessed the military-political situation and trends.
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and they thought that that was all, iran had polished everything there, no, the era of proxy wars was ahead, it was the head of state who correctly noted, remember his three scenarios, which he
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spoke about at a meeting before the security forces in february 2024. the first, the most desirable for them, is organizing a coup d'etat, or a violent seizure of power directly during the election campaigns. but at the same time they themselves assess it as unlikely, they do not yet see any real prerequisites for the situation to swing by analogy with the twentieth year, it is now. second, main: using the current election campaign as a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup d'etat during the upcoming presidential elections in '25. third scenario. this is a long-term backup game, with extensive use of soft power tools, in case the first two scenarios fail
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. in fact, this game has not stopped as long as sovereign belarus has existed, and this third scenario is real, and it will happen. neither the first nor the second scenario they don’t implement it, neither now nor in 2025 , they don’t implement it. we'll get together and hit you in the teeth. andrey petrovich, in your opinion, how should the defense of our borders be built today, what should be emphasized? the northwestern western operational directions should be covered by heavy mechanized formations, and the southern direction, where the action of all sorts of such types as we saw in the bryansk and belgorod directions of various structures such as siberian battles, russian corps various volunteer there it is possible that those organizations that we know will appear, such as, for example, the kalinovsky regiment, and we will have to respond to these proxies precisely in the south, therefore, in the southern direction,
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we must, without any doubt, develop forces. hostages, on the other hand, are issues related to financing, with which western countries and especially the united states should help. if israel lacks money and weapons, then what can we say about ukraine? and congress, apparently, is waiting for the elections so that all decisions on the prolongation of the sponsorship of wars should be left for later, as dessert, but is it worth expecting something good from the us presidential elections?
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in the next few minutes we will only talk about sports, hello, let's start with hockey,
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the focus is on the president's cup final. he led the series by 3:00 before the fourth game of the golden confrontation. the first period ended today in a draw 0:0, in the second lukin opened the scoring, in the third khovanov and lukin made the numbers on the scoreboard 3:0 in favor of the steelers. the result of the match is 3:0 and 4:0 in the series zhlobin is stronger. congratulations to the metallurgists on yet another title extra league champions. continuing the hockey theme, there is only one ticket. the nhl playoffs remain vacant in the east, and washington continues its desperate struggle in the knockout round. all the details are in the story by alexander yakubovsky. less than 24 hours will separate the two final matches of the regular season for washington. this is the capitals calendar. moreover, these are the key matches of a smooth season. the townspeople hosted boston last night, and the next ones will be visiting philadelphia. in the last home match
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, washington was not listed as a favorite by experts. preference was given to the bruins, but the hosts played an extremely important match in an extremely disciplined manner, not a single penalty in 60 minutes, the guests, by the way, also gave the opponent a numerical advantage for only 2 minutes, the outcome of the match will be decided by experienced defender john carlson, who has been with the team since 2010 and in the current season passed the mark of one thousand games for the club. 1043, now on his account. interestingly, boston, the third team in the east, will leave the ice without scoring goals for the first time this season. washington's goalkeeper charlie lindgren made 16 saves, not so often the guests disturbed him, the defense worked almost flawlessly, nickout put the finishing touches with a throw into an empty goal 2:0. belarusian capitals forward alexey protos spent almost 17 minutes on the ice and made two
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shots. goal ended the match with a utility score of +1. we understand what's at stake, you can see our effort, carlson's goal is the most important, great job from lingren, i think we looked solid for 60 minutes right now we have to concentrate on tomorrow's game. the next match will be key. so, will there be alexander ovechkin and our alexey protos will fight for the stanley cup, we will find out next night. the match with philadelphia promises to be extremely tense, because the flames are also vying for a place in the knockouts.
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let us note that irina mokat was recognized as the best player in our squad, here. we will find out how the game will turn out tomorrow from the live broadcast on belarus 5, starting at 17:55. who will win the fastball this year, the final stage of the republican handball competition among boys under 15 years of age continues in the capital, today is the second day of the group stage, a record number of teams are vying for the medals of the tournament, 24, they are divided into six quartets, among the participants are representatives from different parts of the world.
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play for yourself, as for me they are very important, because they give the teams to play and an incentive, they have already given briefcases, toys, there will also be very good gifts for prizes, they say, and they just allow them to realize themselves,
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play experience. by the way, this tournament became very famous back in the days of the soviet union; competitions are held in belarus here: for 17 years already, all winners. will receive special awards and gifts from the presidential sports club. that's all i have for now. love sports, work hard and win.
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we confidently step into a new day and do it to the music of our own, the music that sounds inside each of us, it is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements. at our fingertips, music inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of paths for us. music can change the world because
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it can change us. music is inside each of us.
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a lot of people at some point decided that the cucumber business, it is very profitable, they need to set up a greenhouse and make money. and we have already learned how to produce cucumber today in the off-season; you can see snow on our greenhouses only in a short period, when there is heavy snowfall. doesn’t such a race affect the quality? more than 70 organizations have already expressed a desire
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to purchase our flowers, we conduct a certain research on quality material, reject it and plant bulbs only quality that meets the requirements. well, what struck me was that cucumbers love light more than roses. cucumbers in greenhouses need to be illuminated 20 hours a day. as an economist, i always like to count numbers. the last salary for the month of march for vegetable growers. taking into account the light of culture, there were about 3,500 on hand, there are vacancies, and we invite those who want to come to work with us in comfortable, greenhouse conditions. hello, you are looking.
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yes, indeed, we are fulfilling the instructions of the head of state, who set the task of providing the population of the republic of belarus with their own vegetables and with the plan for the production of light-culture cucumber 823, then in the off-season period, this is november-february, we produced more than a thousand tons, increasing the production volume to the plan of more than 200 tons. that is, in november for you. there’s such beauty going on inside the greenhouse complex, right? yes, in
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november we already get the first harvest, and of course, this work begins in september . and the last harvest of this year, that is, the interval between the last and first harvest, how long is it? this means it is a fairly high-yielding and fast-growing crop, so the period for using cucumber is under consideration. about 5 months, so part of our area of ​​1.8 hectares was planted a month earlier, and the first harvest was received at the end of october, today the cultivation of light-crop cucumber has already been completed on this area, we still have three greenhouses with an area of ​​1.3 hectares , which will be harvested within a month, but what to provide?
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more voluminous, and we understand that in addition to the residents, almost 2 million people, there are today we are guests, visitors, whom we must also provide with high-quality and safe products, well, what struck me is that cucumbers love light more than roses, cucumbers in greenhouses need to be illuminated 20 hours a day, and roses only 18 hours, it’s true, yes indeed cucumber in the off-season period is... it’s a favorite crop, and we add light to it for at least 20 hours, and this allows us to get fairly high yields, for example, this year we got about 12 kg per square meter per month, this is a fairly high level, those moreover, we have greenhouses from the first
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fourth generation, well, at the beginning, which were built more than 20 years ago. namen residents and guests of the city simply flooded tiktok with videos with such a wonderful glow of boys, it looks quite beautiful, let’s say, but the question is different: is it profitable to grow cucumbers in our area all year round, yes, if it requires so much electricity? taking into account the adopted resolution of the council of ministers to reduce the cost of electricity in the off-season period...
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today the modernization of greenhouses, in principle the size of your cucumber plantations is impressive, how vegetable growers manage to pay attention to each bush, and how many specialists there must be at the enterprise in order to serve such a year-round harvest. well, indeed, growing vegetables is a rather costly and labor-intensive process, so today the enterprise is working - 274 employees, most of them, of course, are involved in greenhouses, so, for example, we have, as we now see, horse workers who have a higher tolerance for working at height, and produce caring for the plant, twisting,
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poling, and there are lower-level employees who are engaged in the formation of the fruit and harvesting. that means about 300 people work in your greenhouse, we are now recruiting employees by increasing the volume and the last average monthly salary has increased significantly about 200 yes yes 2,200 is our average monthly salary, well , here is the last salary for vegetable growers this month taking into account the light of the culture was about 3,500. of course, there are specialists without education, and here most importantly, there would be a desire, including
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vegetable growers, flower growers, we can teach everything, well, of course, there are services that require more qualified labor, these are agronomists, agrochemists, so special education is required here, listen, well, your salaries are really very attractive , and in addition to education , we need a vestibular apparatus for riding, because i look how dashing. are your girls coping with those cucumbers up there? well , among other things, they undergo annual medical examinations and have appropriate permission to work at height. that is, a person who works at the grassroots, as you said cucumbers, he cannot afford, no, he cannot, that is, we have a division into top employees and grassroots employees, that is, those who work at the grassroots, they do not have the right today permission to work on horse-drawn carts height. our ascent is about 5 m, so this is already considered quite high-altitude work, and injury is dangerous, of course, you
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are protecting yourself from trouble, and what byvanovich wanted to tell you, firstly, i’ll ask, a lot of people at some point decided that the cucumber business, it’s very profitable, they need to put up a greenhouse, light and earn money, as people say, but for some reason it didn’t work out for many, i see these now. ..helpful
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microelements, and today employees are saying that in recent
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years we could refer to a shortage of something, this year there was no such thing, so there was a strong demand, of course, for work results, and we, as managers, i always say that production comes first, everything the rest, technical services, among others. and the general director is an auxiliary link that must provide production with everything necessary, so by organizing such work, we really got a good result, and accordingly, we went through this off-season period without debts for electricity, and today we have enough funds for the effective functioning of our enterprise, well we still have benefits for electricity too.
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soil and is an imported product, that is, today in the off-season period it is imported
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which is grown mainly in the open from egypt, iran and... replacing the one that they are now using, in addition, the leadership of the minsk city executive committee held a joint meeting with the participation of this fast food chain, and we are looking for options to satisfy ours today demanded by consumers, but of sufficient quality in the inexpensive segment,
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what is the situation with tomatoes, do they correspond? high standards of the restaurant business, yes, our tomatoes today meet all quality safety requirements, we we supply, including to school feeding factories, all products are produced in accordance with gost, but it should be noted that today our greenhouses do not allow us to produce this type of product year-round; we have not had it since december. until march, but i repeat, the ongoing modernization will also allow year-round production of this product. greenhouses require certain microclimate indicators and high illumination. illumination for tomatoes requires at least 20 thousand lux, and today frankly speaking, we don’t have such greenhouses; in terms of
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light culture, this is about 16 thousand lux, which. today there is lighting, and we have already learned to produce cucumber today in the off-season period, but i think we will learn to produce all year round, including there, how long will this preparation for production take, which means that the modernization we are carrying out should be completed in november of this year, so i think by the end of the year, the beginning of the next, we will also supply tomatoes, you now have 12 varieties. eggplant is also like that some kind of rarity is still for us, and indeed, past experience has shown that we produced 27 tons of cherry tomatoes, which, in principle
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, were in great demand and were sold out almost instantly, this year we... increased the area under cherry and thanks again to additional additional lighting of cherry, we plan to increase production volume this year - almost doubling it , reaching at least 50 tons. in addition, last year we conducted our first experiment in the production of eggplants, it was an insignificant volume, literally four paths in greenhouses, but... we understand that this is a fairly popular and healthy product, among other things, i also really fell in love with it, i use it, according to medical workers, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol, and i’ll tell you frankly, my cholesterol was slightly higher than normal, but
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thanks to eating eggplant almost every day, we... cholesterol returned to normal, now you can rest assured about cherry eggplants, the director is interested, and i’ll also say, a very important factor, yes, we have there was also no eggplant in the off-season period from december to march, and i had already, let ’s say, gotten used to eating it, i bought imported ones, it’s iranian, to a greater extent, or egyptian, but the taste is completely different, so i invite you to try our eggplant.
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from the roofs of greenhouses in winter. our greenhouses have an automated control system, which involves creating a certain microclimate automatically; in case of snowfall, we have a three-level heating system, the most the upper, so-called submarine level, allows you to melt the snow and remove the remains, that is, stand the computer and... in the event of snowfall, a temperature of about 70° is supplied to the pipe, which immediately heats the upper circuit and the glass itself and
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melting occurs , that is, even in the heaviest snowfalls, there is nothing there, no precipitation is visible, that is, you can see snow on our greenhouses only in a short period, when there is a heavy snowfall, and then it will be for several.
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say: don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests, we are in touch. how is life for foreign guests in belarus? we are located at... the faculty of international relations of the belarusian state university, i work here at the faculty, it is at the department of international relations since 2014 all day long, this is a coffee and pastry shop, the first
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eastern coffee and pastry shop in belarus, as always we work here on - lebanese, we always talk to people about how to drink this coffee, how to eat these sweets, how right it should be that they taste this taste, i love siru.


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