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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 16, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually. of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region, the ministry of culture, and it was decided that we would update the unusual project.
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firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed-shells, while remaining in its same place, yes, but with global modernization, let’s get acquainted with people who sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum was the director of our museum, it was her long-time dream, we work miracles, yes, yes, yes, well, the mood is always there. good, because we love our work, we create beauty here, so we are always happy, watch the quality mark project on our tv channel, the program is on the air again, say don’t be silent, today we have
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a turnout, and we are participating in the tender of the ministry of green construction, this year we are also a winner, we supply about one and a half million pieces flowers, in addition, we plan to supply about 32 thousand flowerpots and balcony boxes on automobile and arterial dividing strips in the city of minsk. these are your famous petunias.
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with minsk-zilenstroy we are improving our work and trying to make our city more beautiful and comfortable. in this regard, literally today , for the first time in our work, we are shipping them daffodils and geocinths, these are primrose flowers, 340 balcony boxes that will delight the eyes of our residents and guests of the capital. thank you.
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well, the slogan is to make belarus visible, thanks to yours efforts, it literally takes on real shape, we have corresponding photographs, and i also think that you have a hand in these flower arrangements, but it’s still interesting how the sanctions affected your cooperation with the same dutch people from whom you buy bulbs, frankly, the sanctions did not have a significant impact, here it is only necessary to be more systematic... work, for example, on tulip bulbs, next year we had to submit an application before april 1 of this year, accordingly, it is only slightly more complicated logistics, time costs, but we worked and work, and why can’t we grow these bulbs ourselves? many tried to grow on their own, but on an industrial basis to provide everything. it is impossible
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to grow these bulbs in belarus, because only holland has the appropriate climate and the appropriate level of precipitation.
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this is very interesting, well, as i understand it, crocodiles can be raised in belarus in an apartment, but there is no need, yes they are, yes, yes, and it is not economically feasible to grow it, let's say these bulbs are in greenhouses, this is not economically viable, what flowers are the most whimsical in your greenhouses? well, probably the most whimsical is the tuberous begonia or elatio, and this is a plant that does not require a strictly set temperature.
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12 thousand ros bushes, today we have worked together with mindzelenstroy, the possibility of increasing the ros bushes, we plan to ship about 16 thousand pieces. in addition, last year, also for the first time, together with them and the minsk city executive committee, it was implemented and planted on the streets. cities the number of chrysanthemums is 13,000 pieces; this year we plan to almost triple the number, reaching at least 35,000 pieces. well, if we talk about tulips again, you started growing tulips with a figure of 90,000, now you grow 220,000 tulips a year, but
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doesn’t such a race affect the quality of flowers? well, of course, experience comes and we see what we have. opportunities, there are qualified employees who are able to grow this crop, all conditions have been created, so next year we also plan to increase the purchase of about 1000 230 thousand tulip bulbs, well, besides the fact that they are grown here, they look a little undergrown during the holidays, it seems to me that that’s the whole point... the problem is that we somehow increase everything, increase it , there is no quantity, a lot depends on the seed material, we conduct a certain study of quality material, reject it and plant bulbs, only high-quality ones that
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meet the requirements, well , it is clear that these bulbs are in demand for 14 february, and on march 8, now they began to appear in the city - we used the cut, we sell it on the side. that is, every year we have new seed material, but from the same bulb that was cut, or you can grow three or four tulips, but it will be of lower quality, short, with a thin stem, with a smaller bud, accordingly we sell such products population, and many, especially summer residents, have already gotten used to it and in the fall they ask, well...
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because today we are studying the experience of other enterprises, but today, having our own production, having our own distribution network, therefore we already have our own customers who come to us and make repeat purchases, our flowers last quite a long time, we also use a certain technology for soaking cut data. flowers, and today, frankly speaking, if you cut it today and sell it,
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as many people ask, here is the freshest for us, only cut today, then this flower will not last long, and we have it soldered in a special solution for at least a month only after that he's had enough it can stand for a long time, two or three weeks or more, and delight our customers, do you have anything else besides this special solution that you use for sealing? what a word, your plants, you also have all sorts of chambers where you store them, there are also certain temperatures, yes, of course, this happens at certain temperatures, a maximum of 5°, from two to five, accordingly this also requires this technology, i have a life hack, how after i found out that they are stored in your cells, flowers are best placed on the balcony at any time of the day, admire the bouquet, take it out to the balcony at night, and it will stand in the fridge or in the refrigerator, but really if.
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healthy lifestyle, i play sports, we organized a sports team at the enterprise for volleyball, we take part in competitions, i instill this trend, of course, in my children, so i would like for us in the city of minsk to have more sports grounds, playgrounds, modern , on which today you can really maintain a healthy lifestyle and always be...
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difficult, but at the same time, i think, quite rewarding work. what was the work with young people, what did you do? i was a teacher at a higher educational institution and... frankly, today we also work quite closely with the belarusian state agricultural and technical university with other higher education institutions, including giving lectures and conducting practical classes at this educational institution and this is your specialization in economics, yes specialization economics but also thanks to
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working together, since april 1, we have been working with possible personnel potential, well, once upon a time, say, 40-50 years ago, we were faced with widespread urbanization, when many people moved from village to city, but doing agricultural work was, well, let’s say, not it’s prestigious, or something, right now in this period, what do you notice, there is an interest among modern youth in working with, well
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, if not on a collective farm, then at least at a greenhouse and greenhouse plant, well, as i always say, that...
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complete the assigned tasks, well, you already they said that first of all this is science, yes, that is, there must be some kind of strong staff of agronomists, this is science, this is the study of modern trends, this is the experience of other enterprises, during our period of even short work in this position we visited almost all large
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greenhouse profile enterprises in many regions of our country.
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the experience of a private company that provided its led lamps for free use, therefore, thanks to this study, constant monitoring of advanced new technologies, enterprises are able to develop and move forward, we also change existing lamps, for example, here is our experience , again with deferred payment, 6 months at the beginning of the off-season period. they took 300 dna lamps, these are traditional 600 w lamps, and calculated their economics, as an economist, i always like to count numbers and... the result showed that these lamps paid for themselves in a month and a half, respectively, this is also a significant reserve for the further development
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of the enterprise, it’s nice to deal with economists, but i calculated everything and the solution accepted, but we won’t take a break for long, after a short pause we’ll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel on the beltelerdiocompany website. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said medicine. treats people, veterinary medicine treats humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile, we offer
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spend one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. we were pioneers in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who every day they take care of the health of animals, it’s not for nothing that they say that artists should be like children, naive, to remain at this childhood age, oddly enough, the role of mary poppins gave me an impetus. think, not am i too old? we’ll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy
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dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer unlimited freedom of choice, but it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, unripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling. i can't wait to start cooking. sounds absolutely amazing. let's figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal. don't forget about invigorating exercises. i will show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching. anterior posterior surface of the thigh, first we will stretch the anterior surface of the thigh, now is the time to walk, jog with a full charge
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of strength to meet this day, watch the project of tomorrow's champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. on the air again, say do not be silent, our guest today is the general director of the minsk greenhouse greenhouse plant sergey nikrashevich. you have already said that your quality control is excellent, but nevertheless there are viruses that are difficult to identify , only dutch laboratories can examine them under their microscopes. and you also have such a partner as the minsk capital combine. school food is also reliable, and as i understand it, the requirements for your products are increased due to the fact that children eat them, because
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you periodically read news from russia, well, there somehow very often happens mass poisoning of schoolchildren, with what does this have to do with it, do you think? there is a lack of food quality control or there are some other reasons, i still think that this is due to quality control, because in ours. the enterprise has its own agrochemical service, which constantly monitors and takes samples, which, once every 10 days, we are obliged to submit all manufactured products to an accredited state agrochemical laboratory for sanitation, this is for heavy metals, for excess content of pesticides, salmonella and other microbiological... diseases , so so far we have not identified this excess, and not even once during your service, or in general.
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a profitable project, they see our quality of products and supplies are constantly increasing, for my children, of course, i am always a supporter of eating fresh food, especially since i know about their quality and safety, that’s also interesting, you have already talked about that eggplants have already mastered their cultivation, zucchini, now they are in stores... well, they cost more than 10 rubles per kilogram, although in cultivation they are probably somewhat similar to cucumbers, why not take a shot at growing them? well, we also grow zucchini and zucchini, but we grow them in the so-called second rotation, after we ship the flower planting for the city of minsk, we fill the greenhouses there, including with zucchini and zucchini,
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so... buy them in our distribution network is also possible, but with a short break, this is december, june, december june, well, what is it, their production is not profitable, there is no such demand as for cucumbers, it is quite possible that our consumers, of course, today we are used to traditionally buying cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini, zucchini... this can already be said to be an exquisite product, just like eggplants, but i think that this year we will also increase the volume of zucchini production and will delight our consumers, well, it seems to me what about zucchini, what about what and there are no problems, there are well-known memes on the internet, who will take zucchini, well, this is in june, in december in january with zucchini, and there is also such a problem as spontaneous trade,
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you said that.. . are not competitors for you, but your partners who have greenhouse plants. that's what you say, you can get rid of this misfortune, when at stops on boxes, vegetables and fruits are sold in season, nothing can be done about it, well, today it is the choice of every consumer, to purchase either branded stores and shopping centers that are quite actively working on safety . and product quality, today our enterprise spends about 50,000 rubles per year on agrochemical research, so despite the fact that this is a rather expensive undertaking, it is important and you understand what you are producing products that are safe for consumption today. do you have a dacha yourself? i don’t have a dacha myself, but
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my parents have a dacha, there is more than one, even several greenhouses, in which i also have to work, including using my production experience. sergei ivanovich, well, you, as a person who is professionally involved in this greenhouse business, you don’t ask your parents, where do we get this primitive desire, even if it’s a stunted cucumber or a tomato, but to grow it in our garden? why not buy it in a network of branded stores, where about...
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well, i think that my mother did not react in any way , yes, yes, this is already traditional, they understand that it is their own, which can be used in rolling, with artanne. are slightly different from what we produce on an industrial basis, but it is worth noting that even the content of some chemicals in our own vegetables is higher than what we have today in greenhouses, which we monitor on an ongoing basis, why am i so against spontaneous trade , because i know cases of just the most terrible poisonings ... for these reasons, we don’t know where it was grown, who used what chemicals, it’s unlikely that this is the same granny who is standing with these boxes, well, sort of, because it’s all set up on stream, and here, of course, i would like to recommend proven vegetables and fruits to our
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viewers, and besides, it should be noted that we have the freshest products collected today, they immediately go into the company trade, with rare exceptions - they are in the warehouse for more than one day, that's why here we are we can deliver products to our branded retail outlet every day; consumers know that they are literally picked from the branch. by the way, i’d like to invite you to the greenhouse, do you have tours? today we are considering the possibility of industrial tourism, in this regard , as an experiment, we have already conducted excursions for certain groups and adults.
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tatyana and i learned about your activities, we didn’t have time to talk about bumblebees, unfortunately, but this is an occasion when you become even more comfortable in the position, spend more time managing there, and perhaps take root in the greenhouse, we let's get back to talking with you, thank you very much, good luck, success and may greens and vegetables be on our table all year round. tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, sergei nikrashevich is speaking now, dear viewers. thank you for being supporters of our products, we will ensure the production of high-quality and safe products for your needs, we invite you to our company stores, consume the products and
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be healthy. sergey ivanovich, in our beautiful picture, please leave a beautiful autograph and no less beautiful wishes. there is not enough space here to wish we have a lot of guests, you see, eat our vegetables and herbs and be healthy.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this includes news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite aiser space 1. we recognize you from the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and styles. the temple at mosary is a dastatkova laconic, navat succumbing to the spirits of the italian renaissance, pas dobe, pa kanfiguratsi. let's look at their history and basic facts. the era that... the 790th bastards
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knew rach paspalitaya, and with this we it seems that there was a clear end to the baroque style, and all the hysterical krynts here lead us to such a dead end, because later on the documentament to the architects would be the myastsov admyslovian architect, chakhovich, who he is, unknown, looks at the project...
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listen, it seems to me that this dress suits me better, but everything suits you, ah, it’s a pity that we have students graduating in the spring, so we could go on boats, see the bridges, but the main thing for me is to get a diploma, by the way, what are you going to wear, for whom to me.
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i can’t answer, but maybe it’s necessary, without all these passions, it’s love, there are only problems, if the love is mutual, then there will be no problems, maximalist, hello, i’m fine, yes, i’m going to graduation, for another week , but it’s okay, i understand, no, i’m not offended, yes, we’ll call you,
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i have someone beautiful, she’s all grown up, and time flies quickly, when you get married, fly away, mommy, well, you’re talking about this again, yes i i’m not getting married, how come i’m not getting married, are you crazy, andrey, a wonderful match, a game, just some kind of chess, why just chess, mommy, you and i are having a great time together. it’s bad, it’s bad for you, it’s bad for both of us, without dad, it would be better not to know anything. hello hello channel griboyedov.
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we wish each of you to leave your mark in our difficult profession and hope that everything we taught you will be useful to you. to present diplomas to our best students, i invite to this stage an honorary graduate of our university, the famous director, georg delyan. thank you.
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well done, professional acumen, and now not if you refuse, it seems like we’ve arrived, listen, i’m late, how much do i owe you, don’t worry, i’ll be quick now.
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yes, andrey, i already received it, thank you very much, where are you? wow, i’m glad, of course, i ’ll text you the address of the restaurant, see you, he’s in st. petersburg, can you imagine, he flew in to congratulate me, wow, this is a man, i understand, five points, so that means you ’re staying, well, it turns out, well, i suggest you drink some wine. thank you, rit, but don’t be sad, oh, why am i so unlucky, i thought everything through so well, i’ll finish
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university, i’ll marry dinka, get a job on television, but my first wish came true, i graduated from university, and for the rest you need to have a little patience, why? you can’t do it all at once, by the way, a nice toast, let’s drink to that, listen, maybe you’ve already had enough, your jackpot has arrived, hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, andryush, you’re crazy, well , you’re glad that i’m here, of course i’m glad , i didn’t expect such a surprise, that’s why i came, i only have 20 minutes, i need to get back to paris today, are you really crazy, maybe and... here's another thing, i'm sorry for being like this on the fly, but who knows what 's right, but from the bottom of my heart, hinga, i love you very much and i ask you to become my wife, are you crazy, well, i i understand everything,
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i’m not rushing you anywhere, it’s just that at the end of the internship, i should be sent for an internship in france, my father has already agreed on everything and i would like to go there. with my wife, wow, guys, congratulations on graduating from university, yes, i should congratulate you, but it’s too early for us, what else do you think, rit, come on we’ll figure it out ourselves, but what’s there to figure out, excuse me, hello, yes, dimka, hello, where are you, i, i’m very touched, i promise to give you an answer very soon. i will wait, i love you very much, it’s time for me to go. i ’ll run, okay, listen, dimka
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called and said he’s coming now, we need to talk seriously, what if he ’s going to propose to me too, well, you see, and you were worried, you know what, let’s have a drink, no, that’s it. i passed, and you, whether you agreed or not, promised to think about it, well, you’re crazy, but you can only dream about such a husband, and all you'll see the world with him, it's not life, it's a fairy tale, okay, i'll go where, you're right, i'll go to the airport, i'll give andrey a surprise, i'll just leave you flowers, of course, run, that's all for now, happy, inga, hello, i'm so glad to see you, i, too, and margarita have been waiting for you, what does margarita have to do with it, i’ve come to you, well
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, finally, listen, i’ve already been waiting for you, otherwise andrei came and congratulated, okay, you’re celebrating here, and i’m at the airport she has to, why does she need to go to the airport, but let’s go, i ’ll tell you everything, maybe we’ll go somewhere and sit, together, i’ll also.
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hello, inga, what happened to you, where did you go? where, in what bar, i’ll come now, don’t go anywhere. inga, let me take you home. i see, i need to call my mom, we’d better write to your mom, let’s go, uh-huh,
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like this, where are you taking me, you need to sleep, i don’t want to sleep, why is everything so wrong, why is it so late, late, what? it’s late, well, i , i didn’t know, i didn’t think, i also wanted everything to turn out this way, that.
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good morning, hello, i woke up, how did i end up here, i remember graduation, i remember the restaurant, further, oh, how my head is pounding, how i was spoiled, my mother is probably going crazy, everything is fine, i went. from your number, everything is fine, i’m spending the night with a friend, thank you, i’m so ashamed, i should have gotten so drunk, i’ll accompany you, don’t, i ’ll call a taxi, wait, inga, margarita told me that andrey proposed to you, it’s true, true, i understand, you’ve been with him for a long time, he returned from the army, from the army, it doesn’t matter, i just wanted to ask you, what did you answer him? sorry, hello, rit, what
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happened, why are you crying? call immediately! we are going on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are going there as quickly as possible to let you know what is going on, and most of the time in advance, let ’s follow the story and the meaty abrasions, we are jumping up and down in ruzhan x bresca. in the area of ​​one of the largest palace complexes of 16-18 centuries, residents of the magnate of the sapegu family. here the king of st. paraskeva's friday, a memorial to the architecture of the prince of baroka, hung out. that's why. idzi, idze, karavo, karavo, all the spectators are looking forward, looking forward. one,
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two, three, they cleared up the ruckus. and we are simple! seem truly exotic, here lewis, i told you that this is the cultural capital of belarus, now you can play right on the street, you can meet people, it’s a great trip, it’s the first time i’ve ridden on such a carriage, i ’m the only one like you, it’s just amazing, you know , i have
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a feeling that i’m not riding on a tram, but on a train, however... it’s easy to become one in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and cultures. iljefichepin bought this estate, already a fairly accomplished, mature man, he was 48 years old, by this time he really was an incredibly famous artist, there was a forest not far from the village, people were afraid of him, they believed that evil spirits lived there in order to protect themselves. a horse shoe was nailed over the door frame, a knife or sickle was often stuck into the door frame, watch the travel show just like at home on our tv channel.
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“i already said, no, i should have thought before, i understood, but now it’s too late, and stop calling, hello, daughter, hello, mom, well what, my father called, yes, he wanted to come from some stranger’s number, i don’t want to see him, which means you won’t be able to forgive him, and not..." daughter, maybe someday i will be able to, but accept, no, like yours graduation, okay, andrei called, came, what a great guy, mom, he proposed to me, what are you doing, oh, well , thank god, let's drink tea, you'll tell me everything, okay, just i'll change clothes now, so dim,
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i don't understand anything , you arrived yesterday and what happened last night, can you explain to me? yesterday, it happened a long time ago, that i love someone else, well, forgive me, i’m very sorry, i
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shouldn’t have responded to your feelings, i acted like a real egoist, does that mean you love someone else? when things were bad, i came in handy, you know, get out of here, i also have pride, i said, get out of here. daughter, it seems to me that there is no need to doubt it at all, well, let’s see, mom, i haven’t decided anything yet, are you waiting for someone? no, sit, i 'll open it, hello. i can’t lend you a suitcase, but where are you going? at sea, with dimka? alone, let's go and talk, just me mom
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i’ll warn you, yeah, you see, he fell in love with someone else, if only he knew who it was, who charmed him, he probably found someone in his yekaterinburg, why? i think in yekaterinburg. well, where else? before we left, everything was fine, but i didn’t imagine all this for myself. i'll go to the sea. would you like a suitcase? certainly. i would have gone with you if it weren’t for my mother. hello, how did you arrive? listen, let me call you back later. i kiss you, how i envy you, you’ll be a complete fool if you refuse, well, i don’t know if i can love him the same way he loves me, but what are you i got along, i love you, you see what love
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can bring you, let them love you better, but you won’t have to suffer, you’ll listen to you, that’s it , that’s it, i decided, i’ll stay, i’ll help you with the preparations for the wedding, well done, i’m all for it. .. decided on everyone, and you thought that i would suffer, or whatever, it would work out, daughter, hello, hello, i didn’t call you, i thought you’d hang up, so i came to congratulate you, thank you, although, to be honest , i didn’t i imagined your holiday, maybe i did too, let’s go sit together and celebrate your diploma, dad, me mom is waiting, but we won’t be long, at least an hour, okay, let’s go, let’s go, well, daughter, i’m raising this
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glass, dad, let’s do without toasts today, it’s better to tell me how you live. it’s a pity that everything turned out this way, i would like, of course, to return everything back, but your mother will never forgive me, she will forgive me, but she won’t accept me back, well, in fact, it’s the same thing, she really regrets that she found out about everything, this is completely my fault, no, you shouldn’t blame yourself, sooner or later, she would have found out anyway, i have... a son, i couldn’t do it betray, abandon, well, it turns out that you betrayed , abandoned us, i will never forgive you for this, you are absolutely right.


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