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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 12:50am-1:26am MSK

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development of electronic document management in the republic of belarus; such a forum has not yet been held in the country. the new mechanism for labeling goods has been in effect for more than one year, but it is clear that businesses still have questions, although the advantages are obvious. the development of an electronic turnover document on the territory of the republic of belarus is associated with several trends, including government programs for labeling goods, for the traceability of goods, etc. today , products are subject to labeling of cheeses, ice cream, dairy products, shoes, light industrial, tires, traceability tires, tires, refrigerators, freezers, bicycles, cycling products, and we understand that the groups of goods will not stop there; new groups of goods will be introduced in the republic of belarus that will be subject to labeling and traceability. for many areas of activity, connecting to electronic document management is mandatory. those who choose the digital
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path voluntarily are, unfortunately, a minority, but there are already clear flagships, they themselves move forward and set trends. we are electronic we have been using circulation documents for a very long time, in particular electronic invoices, and for us this is, first of all, the speed of information exchange and the efficiency of obtaining all data, because from the moment we pick up milk from the farm, we already know what is coming to us what quantity is traveling at what time it will arrive, we have implemented electronic document management for both the delivery of raw materials and the delivery of products. in fact, this provides us with reliability, timeliness of information, its transparency, honesty, and this is a huge plus in the modern world, where speed is really important, we had a huge project to introduce labeling of dairy products; since twenty-one, we have successfully implemented it on all our lines, and this allowed us to introduce a digital product passport, we can already communicate with the consumer through these marking codes, we clearly know at what time this product was produced, that it is actually ours. there have already been a couple of
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cases in the russian federation in which we used labeling to prove that this product was falsified, it is not our product, therefore this is also a huge plus, and there is nothing like this in the world, well , except for russia and belarus, well, milk is not labeled anywhere, this is a huge plus, this is how we differ from everyone else, since all the conditions have already been created by the state, now it’s up to business, and the regulator’s task is to build as much as possible convenient services for payers to ensure preliminary filling out of declarations; for this purpose, the ministry of taxes proposes to expand the list.
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tax accounting. the main goals of electronic documents in accounting remain unchanged, benefit and convenience of users. anton malyuta and ilya maksimov, sphere of interests. and that’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon .
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kondraty ivanovich naumov august 22. 1944 at the age of 26, received the high title of hero of the soviet union, marriage, courage and heroism shown in battles with the nazi invaders. the commander of the tank battalion, captain naumov, distinguished himself in the pabrui operation. for several days, in june 1944, in the battle for the railway.
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station with four tanks, destroyed two anti-tank tanks and knocked out one self-propelled gun, at the head of the group he liberated a fortified point and set fire to a warehouse. the wounded battalion commander was evacuated to the hospital, but he could not be saved. in addition to the title of hero of the soviet union, kondrati naumov was awarded the order of lenin, the order of the patriotic war , second degree, and medals posthumously.
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hello everyone, my name is vika paplevchenkova, are you ready to go on another exciting journey through our native belarus? then let's go! and where did i go? the most those who were attentive, of course, guessed that asipovichi was on the map of our route. there are so many interesting things waiting for you. ahead. so today i will be the stationmaster. i learn the history of a unique temple. i will see the house from the very marshal of victory. i'll master the cymbals. i will get acquainted with the work of the people's artist of belarus. and i’ll learn pysanka. but first
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things first. in the meantime, important road information. getting to osipovicha will not be difficult. the first obvious way is the railway. electric trains go there on schedule and regularly. travel time from minsk will be from 1:9 to 2:45. ticket prices start from 3.92 kopecks. up to 30 rub. depending on the class of service. also , minibuses and buses go to isipovich literally every half hour. a ticket will cost from 8 rubles 73 kopecks. and the journey will take 1 hour 40 minutes. the distance from the capital to asipovichiy is 103 km. owners of personal cars will be at the destination in about an hour and a half, if without long stops, of course. the story of sepovich is inextricably linked with the railway; in fact, thanks to it, the city appeared,
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then grew, transformed, finally reaching the scale of one of the largest railway hubs in the country. the founding date of the city of osipovich is considered to be november 17, 1872. what else could be depicted on the coat of arms of the railway city? let's guess on the first try. of course, this is a steam locomotive. the m72623 steam locomotive weighing 120 tons was manufactured at the sormovo plant and back in 1937 it reached speeds of up to 65 km/h, is now a symbol of the city and was erected as a monument in 2002 in honor of the 130th anniversary of the asipovichi family. well, we are going further to study railway history. combat museum
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and labor glory, the railway appeared in usipovichi in 2015 and has more than 5,000 storage units. he will recalculate. and a professional, veteran railway worker yuri shevchenko, who worked on the railway for 44 years, will help me in this difficult matter. the history room was created over a long period of time, mainly at the expense of enthusiasts. but the very first enterprise that was organized by the city of osipovich was the osipovich station, the locomotive depot and the osipovichskaya track distance, these are three city-forming enterprises. first the head of the station was nikolai ivanovich borisoglebsky, this is the uniform of the head of the station of that time, very beautiful, however, the head of the station is immediately visible. yuri gavrilovich, i know that there are more than 5.00 storage units here, tell me about
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the most interesting, maybe the most ancient, maybe, i don’t know, something unusual, well, the unusual ones are those that no longer exist, these are telephone ones. .. the device, the so-called mb, is with a local battery, the railway could not exist without communication, so they used telephone sets, which means for organizing communications. telegraph machines are used, the first telegraph machine is
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the morsey telegraph machine, here each letter has its own symbol, the letter a is a dot dash, and the letter b corresponds to a dash and three dots, tere is a long message, pressing a contact, short, short, at the neighboring station there was exactly the same telegraph machine, which means we press from one point. in another place it is all displayed, yes it is displayed, but it is already displayed on the tape with such symbols as dots, the telegraph machine was filled with ink and long training was required to work with it; it is noteworthy, by the way, that mostly men served as telegraph operators; there are collections of communication equipment and newer ones, when it was necessary to unite several subscribers. telephone conversations were used in a switchboard, the telephone operator connected, it was possible to connect several subscribers, others,
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well, the baroque asked, get off, give me this, give me that, almost a modern online conference, only without video, but perhaps a special place in the railway the exhibition is devoted to the history of the partisan movement during the great patriotic war. osipovishchi went down in history as the city where... the largest ground sabotage was committed during the entire course of the second world war, it was carried out by krylovich fedor andreevich, he worked as an electrician at a power plant on one of the nights from july 29 to 30 of the year forty-three the semaphore did not work , he, accompanied by a german, went to repair the damage, approached the sentry, the sentry examined him... tools, but the toolbox had double bottom, the escort
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did not pay attention to him, he attached one of the mines to the tank. the mines had a delayed effect of 2 hours. after 2 hours, the city of osipovich was flooded with light from the fire, shells and ammunition that were being transported began to detonate. the fire could not be extinguished within 12 hours. behind. and where is this train going? this train is going where to send the duty stations. the duty
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stations are located in this building, this is called the electrical centralization post, where the duty officer, therefore, carries out all the movement, changing the switches, opening signals. at the moment this locomotive is heading towards minsk. well, it ’s too early for us to head towards minsk; there’s still a lot of interesting things waiting for us in osipovichi. the temple in honor of the erection of the holy cross in osipovichi is a real monument of folk wisdom; it appeared here after the war, although it was built much earlier. the history of the holy cross church in osipovichi is very interesting; it began long before the founding of the city itself. valentina vasilyevna, tell us a little about the history of the temple? information about our temple is very contradictory.
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unknown, most versions indicate that at the end of the 18th century, in 1949, the temple opened its doors in asipovichi. the temple was so cold. when it was accepted, that those old-timers who came here said that their feet began to freeze, right, the floor was so cold, a lot of effort and effort had to be made to make the temple as warm and beautiful as it greets us today, the old temple, the ancient icons, a church prayed for,
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no matter what life situation is. at home, at work, when you find yourself in this temple, then of course, everything changes completely, you come here and feel grace, incredible joy, lindina vasilyevna, but what shrines do you have here, we have something locally revered, the miraculous icon of the iveron mother of god, immediately when people come, they... enter into the state register, and
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we can only guess about the age of some icons. kazan mother of god. a very strong icon, people turn to it often, even during wartime and ask for children, for good health, there are a lot of ancient icons, some have been restored, but of course not the artists touch, they only update the clothes, what age is approximately, there are none, it is not indicated. there are no signatures, but if, nevertheless, at the end of the 18th century the temple was built, initially, perhaps, these icons, you see, how old they are, the history of the holy church of the exaltation of the cross leaves many questions without an exact answer, but one thing is certain, an atmosphere of sincere warmth and spiritual light in the temple.
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we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. in russia there was a master of veterinary sciences, evseenko, who said, medicine treats humans, and veterinarians treat humanity, we also prepare pharmaceuticals, this is our only one.
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editors club, this is my first time in minsk, i ’ve been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come, and what do i understand, all the shops are open, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more, such a conveyor belt as i saw such an organized assembly line here at the car factory, i have never seen anything so clearly and so many young people
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working when a small state, pursuing its own policy, developed its own model belarusian economic. this actually makes us a desirable goal, we need to be prepared for the fact that they will turn us around, try to split us, including with the help of terror, after all, handsome lukashenko, gather journalists right in the field, he didn’t just gather journalists , this is from my point of view, this is a manifesto, this is a declaration of our strategic course, we understand that they will not be friends with us, just live side by side peacefully, but keep in mind, we are with the russians together, we will not leave each other, we will not betray each other , we will go until victory if you will attack, from time to time. don't miss it on tv channel belarus 24.
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and in this house on rabochaya-krestyanskaya street in 1938, marshal of victory, four-time hero of the soviet union, georgy konstantinovich zhukov stayed. documentary information about zhukov’s stay in osipovich. extremely scarce, it is known that at the beginning of the thirty- eighth year georgy konstantinovich arrived at the headquarters of the sixth cavalry corps of vosipovich, having been appointed its leader, he stayed in this one-story building with a domed roof, where before the war the hotel of the military unit was located, but soon marshal pobeda received a promotion; in june 1938 he left for smolensk. a memorial plaque on the building appeared for the sixtieth anniversary. now there is a residential building here, but here in the regional center of culture the most talented and active people sing, dance and create,
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let’s go quickly and get acquainted, but first there is a mystery that sounds like a violin, like a piano and like bells, and at the same time, this is a unique instrument of the dulcimer, only listen, friends! tatyana, like a moth i was attracted to... your music, it’s amazingly beautiful, tell me what the name of your band is? we have a folk tsembal orchestra of the regional center of culture and leisure. well, tell us a little about the history of the creation of the team? our
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team was created back in 1951, and today we are already 72 years old, not bad. what repertoire do you mostly perform? our music is varied, we play an original piece for dulcimer orchestra. so we have an application of various movie ringtones, we are more like we focus on what kind of audience we play for, but who do you play for most often? more often for simple ordinary people, who are mostly sometimes not even professionals, so the melodies are familiar to them. the tsembal orchestra participates in competitions, however, most often online, because such a large-scale composition will not go far for a long time, and the composition of the group, by the way, is true... zolotoy, teachers of music schools in the city and region. by the way, we have a member in our team who was 12 years old and came to the orchestra
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as a little schoolgirl, here is svetlana yakovlevna. and now there’s not a word about age, we’re only talking about creative experience. 58 years behind the dulcimer, just be honest, how did you do it? here are the tsimpolists sitting, these are my students sitting. and there are also students of my students, so i hope, i think it’s too late for me to change, such dedication to my work not only admires, literally inspires me to new achievements, i have the most responsible mission, as i understand it, to create an environment, i’m worried, this everything is fine, of course, but i’d like to try it on the cymbals, there will be such an opportunity, let’s pass a? class, as the eastern sages say, be afraid of your desires, they tend to come true, but we are not afraid, we rejoice, so,
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well, i have an idea about this instrument, a small one, but i have it, it’s like one step forward towards discovery, well, dulcimer player, i’m a beginner, so let’s play a simple melody from note to, the main thing is to find it, i really don’t see anything, it’s very interesting, but - it seems to be double in my eyes, but the more complex, the more interesting, really , excuse me, we get caught, i’m still learning, mute, beautiful, very much, thank you, keep coming to us, i will come and promise again and again, but for now let’s listen to how the professionals play.
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yes, the soul sings with happiness, i would listen endlessly, our route continues. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941 . if i'm not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many bosses himself, but kizhivatov was in charge, you're not mistaken, what sport did old man khatabich from become a fan of?
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watch intellectual and entertaining shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns, despite all stereotypes, is bright and eventful. here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and my friends, everyone here comes to me to pick berries,
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mushrooms, and see the animals.
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and in osipovichi there is an art gallery of the people's artist of belarus vladimir stalmashonok, where truly unique paintings are stored. portraits, graphics and watercolors, a mixture of structures and techniques, deep motives, images and meanings, painting the gallery named after vladimir stalmashonok in osipovichi opened in 2006. not at all by chance. maria, tell us how the artist is connected with your city? well, firstly, we are in the gallery of vladimir ivanovichanka, and this is his gift, that is, we did not buy, we did not even ask, it was his decision, although he was born in minsk and lived there for a very long time, traveled, returned, but he considers asipovich his small homeland, because all his relatives are izkhimnoe, well, he believed that he was a belarusian and such a vyaskovy, by the way, you can see this from his
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creativity, very much, but... he has a very bright representation, a lot of stained glass, mosaics, wood carving, he studied a lot in different places, so he could work on wood, and with glass and draw, he uses it all and how so it compiles, such a synthesis is obtained, and you can even see it. another interesting fact: despite all the depth and seriousness of vladimir ivanovich’s work, his paintings are loved not only by adults, but also by children. and children really value interesting innovative solutions, because they are so
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we are non-standard children. look what you see on it, people, a house, windows, and if you turn your head a little to the right, you see a face, this is a very wonderful work. the smallest detail and even the frame here are like a continuation of creative thought, everything is his own, from the canvas, which he primed himself, to the frame, which he put together and painted, somewhere it will be with ornaments, somewhere it will be, you see, so upholstered metal, somewhere it will be with
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carved and painted flowers, that is, it is both a painting and some kind of philosophical study, scientific and also artistic vision, and also a performance, all together, he is such an artist, he constantly experimented, he has a lot of graphics, again relatives, children, famous... people of belarus, that we have a large series, it is mainly exhibited on public holidays, it is dedicated specifically to asepovites, he painted a lot of our portraits, partisans, underground fighters, heroes of the soviet union, asepovites and residents of the area. the exhibition in the gallery changes to give some paintings a rest and others to see light, so it’s worth visiting the gallery more than once. i have such an impression that it is simply impossible to leave osipovich empty-handed. and valentina will help me with this. hello, listen, well, judging by the set, i still have zero guesses about what we will do, but it looks beautiful, what is it called? this is called pysanka, this is one of the types of traditional painting
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, this painted egg was used in rituals, it was very often used for easter, so i wanted to say that i only saw something like this on easter, but so that something could be painted on them... with wax or what do you do it with? we've all probably seen these simple plain red eggs, and with onion peel, and we paint it, when it's completely colored, it 's called krashenko, so this is called pysanka, it's written with wax on a raw egg, light white, then i'll tell you a secret for now, but i’ll show you how it’s done, and in the old days we also had shkrabanks, it’s the other way around. this is our painted egg, which we are used to seeing on easter eggs, yes, the pattern was scratched, we remembered the difference, now let’s get to the most interesting part, so, we you will need a raw egg, wax, fire to melt it, and
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an armalamp or pesak will be perfect here, everything is made from scrap materials, let’s remove the pencil, so there are these studs from the comb, i’ll tell you that they are round here, so it’s convenient to write, carnations are uncomfortable, he is the king. and the droplets turn out to be uneven, we dip, you see, a droplet accumulates, you see, we’ll just apply this droplet to the egg and pull it up, this was all done without markings, so we put a dot, then you ’ll get them a little smaller, a little more, but that's the beauty of the speaker, basically we can draw anything, anything here. insert some message, yes, birds, letters, ornaments, the principle is clear, now the main thing is not to spoil the creation, here it is also important that it all be smooth, beautiful, for a beginner, i’ll tell you,
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it’s not very easy, although so, in general , the composition is already taking on a good look, i ’ll tell you, and this is only the first egg, there’s a whole package ahead, after... the egg is painted, we dip it in any coloring solution, preferably 24 hours. untouched part the eggs are painted, and the design will stand out effectively. if desired, the entire process can be repeated, more than once. thank you very much for introducing me to this type of creativity, and i’m going to go paint my egg, be sure to send you a photo. but in general it’s great that it’s available, ah, wax, we know where to buy it, and eggs. that’s it, we sit and do creative work, this trip turned out to be so interesting and full of meetings and discoveries, if you want the same, then come to asipovich, i was with you.


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