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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 3:40am-4:06am MSK

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trap folk expressions, bright and imaginative, enhance their daily life, and even a competition is coming. respect, iago umov. the commands indicate the correct meaning of phraseological expressions, which appear on the basis of the command. kosht ​​pravilnaga adkazu - 10 points for adzin phrasealagism. at one time two envelopes appear on the screen. your task is to properly support them. the situation is that the dark things will appear all the time, and all phraseological units will appear all the time. the roof of the pain is with galina and natalya, and there i immediately select an adzin from envelope. what kind of byaratse? padumaytse, paraitsya i skazhytse. persha, persha. dzyauchaty, are you a bachytse tlumachenny? there is nothing to believe, bezvynikova,
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fallen and great rash. and immediately the first phrasealagism appeared, and yakoga budze padababrats sens. what kind of caress, no doubt, no doubt, what this means, you will grow up. how about weasel, sons, bezvynikova, all the same, bezvynikova?
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zyauchaty, such chyns, no dream, no one, this is not what we believe, adopted an adkaz and aposhni expression, without any option, padabaetstsa panutra, this meaning, all for me let's go, let 's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's not argue, no matter what, no problem, no problem,
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i'll give you phrases. canvert number two. let's see what's going on. spachatku ўbachym tlumachenny. velma old, any kind of trap, inequalities and rewards. first expression on the screen. pershi lepsha, what does that mean? some time ago , my grandmother said this: don’t torture the pershatorgu, whoever you are torturing, for this reason. married so-so.
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geta yaki? well, i think that it’s dascipny, for words pocket ne palese ў russian language. and maybe heta velma are old words, not more powerful, but maybe not raўnya? well, it’s all the same to me, that ’s all. the expression appears on the screen: pigs are not pasvi, but what? neraunya, nerauna, i’m so happy, what do you think? i think so. well, my dears, your adkaz. this means that pigs are not herded in any way. jakui, i wash, i don’t ask. and yashche adzin expression on the screen: parakhnyatsy. old - these are the same, as soon as the steam is poured out, i wash and get these adkaz, let’s straighten, let’s look at the first flatbreads, any, like the traps, the words are not clear,
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dascipny, svіney not pasviў, not raўnya, parakhnya sypletstsa, velmi old, malays. and hell, another team, and it’s important to respect the abyss mary and ganna, where the generator of the outbursts is loosening, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, 4 0, as many as you asked, so many attempted, the trip brought a new one. balls, let's look at how they look, 170, 160. understand the adzin of one hand - this talent, words, diligence, plus intuition, look at how we
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will work in the fourth round of our victorian. kali laska, minds of the competition, gulets apisvae prmet pa-belaruska, do not call yago, if the partner is guessed. on the tlumachenna kozhnaga baby not more than 10 seconds, the teams walk on the charze, the cost is correct adkazu - 20 balau. it turned out that the team was going out for a walk first, marya and hanna, galina and natalya. we ask, kali laska.
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dzyauchaty, it was a hell of a party, but now we remember, like a caress, for months. natalya is in such a good mood, she’s so welcoming and smiling, i’m a great lady who wants to patlumachytsya just because on the screen for galina. kali weasel, pershy
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slide. at school, i study and write in books with my hands. in belarusian language i will say, at shytkah, shytak himself. there are many, many, many. come on the slide, shanovaya natalya, tlumachtse, well, if it’s true, how bad is your heart, need, well, somehow the pulse is right, like the words, well, you’re right, pulse, right, what’s right, malaychyna, come on the slide, right? there is a dacha, well, your husband would like it if he were a boy. father would call iago: “you are my son, son!” first slide, natalya, you are a real tlumachy “prymetnik”, as you say in torture, as you say? we have a brother and sister, valodzia aleksandronets, who is
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our love, so that i would be, well, straight forward, nachyshchany, not nuruvany, chasty, young, dzyachaty. when this applause begins to grow, you understand that your party was a great success for us, dzyakuy, vyaliki, walker, kali weasel, daughter-in-law, walker. shanounnaya maryya and hanna, this one is prepared for you, first your slide tlumachyts maryya, kali laska, lands, key, and yashche, yashche, there are such sanatoriums, there is such a sanatorium, krynitsa, krynitsa, correct, malaychyna, kali weasel, offensive slide, there is a smile, there is a mountain, sadness.
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of the male family, cunning malaychyna, dzyakuy you, vyaliks, it was a great party, memorable, kali weasel, month, shanounaya gannachka, first slide for you, yes, the chick, the stove, no, that which we kindle, the fire that we ignite, flax , fire, attack.
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there is a slide, there is an early morning, there are pagodas, nature, potassium and fog, fog, and yashche adzin slide, marya, dark.
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from classic literary works we let's hear about this competition, but let 's get to know the rights of the umovs. teams jump avtarau literary works, walk in the charze, kolkasts balla for the right adkaz hell 40 yes 10 deposits hell kolkastsі try. well, i am. thank you natalya and galina to unpack the competition. kali weasel, paetychny ўryvak for you. pachynаў here noy budavat kaўcheg, from tago dzerava lіvanskag. there are about 100 lacs in a shirt, and even more than thousands. let us go there with birds and beasts, so long as their mouths do not sink into the earth, so long as the pit does not swim from the sea of ​​snow, let us swan, proud, proud birds. dude, i... maksim
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bagdanovich, yanka kupala, pauluk trus and yakub kolas, and first of all, what do you think about, i’m giving you this information, i have a hint for you, if you need to know b , kali laska, ask for a padkazka from me, i tell you , daddy, in exchange for your 10 points, all, all 10 points, zyauchatki, kali weasel, your daring ones, in your opinion, who i don’t remember, well, here’s the swan yea, yes here is a geta called not a getaga, i think, well, i’m getting along with you, i i wonder what it's called that way.
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appeared, and as required, it appeared, everything was written out in detail, as if they already knew what he looked like, and what was behind his soul, and what kind of riches were issued, that... the gentleman was married to him, kali, dze, what does it mean, how people are drinking sweets, well, they said, all the hairs of the pan were cleared. shanoўnaya marya and hanna, you are a parasite, a weasel, and a successor and a novice, who could write these works: yanka kupala, pauluk trus, yakub kolas and maxim tank. kali weasel. i'm good enough, that's it
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an excerpt from yakub kolas's paem new. land - this encyclopedic sylyanskaya life, autabiyagraphic creation. thank you for your information, and applause for you. well, let’s hear that this is a correct statement, that yakub kolas wrote these works. so it is, this is a break from the novaya zemlya paema, yakub kolas’s charga, yielding to galina natalia. kali weasel. snatch of prose. the mikolkas had many shortcomings in their early days, but their strength was successful. and there i will tell you only about those who are most memorable to mikolk, for whom he did not forget the day. in memory of yong pra wuzha, great sprechki with dzedam, great macho kurei, and great green kata, and great glorious dzedava shooting, and
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great wealth of knowledge with the king. i enjoy listening to your daring ones. and your thoughts are at the end of this story, we know all about the works , right from paravoz, and i write about the works of mikhas lunko, that’s right, here in mikolka’s early days, right about insti mikolka paravoz, there was already a funny story here, what am i i won’t insist on you, so long as you remember your russia, autara yashche time first of all, mikhas slynkov. sapraudy, loud snatch from the apovest mikhasya lynkova, mikolka paravoz. i don’t know what was given to mary and ganna. let's hear the snatch. our san kamparta is the most sculpted in the class. yana staіts kala akna, syadzet here
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a lot of tsikavey, which is what any other month has. whoever passed the school yard many times, just before the truck came... the water fell and the nest was in its nest, we were all wet, but for the sake of antanina alyaksandraina it was poured onto our heads like peas. there is a name here, sanka, but hundreds of times with sanka and authors: ivan syarkov, ivan shamyakin, yanka bryl and yanka maur. ivan syarkov has a creative work, we are with sankam.
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enemy to the rakhunku commands of the literary competition 410 400 points at the final stage of the feast you will receive a reaction, reaction and an hourly drain, before you there is a kryzhanka, which you musіce zapounіts adkazam, i only and i'll give it a game... from the minds of the competition, we hear: uzelniks unravel the kryzhanka through torture, the signal of the command, which has a ready version, is correct for the skin - 10 points. only in this competition yests padbor, what is geta? kali pressed the button on the same command and gave
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the rapt the wrong order, and at the same time her strength can be used by another. the team and kali atrymaetstsa know the correct order, i will earn a five-bala for recruitment. respect, respect, kryzhanka is in front of you, let’s solve the beast uniz. this is given: this is what they call the interior of the soul. kali weasel, ganna and marya. mood. dakladna, malaychyna, maryya. respect. khutka, pamizh gadzina and seconda yana, and know hanna and marya. khvilina. that's how it is. respect, please pray.
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the adkaz is correct, and let’s listen to our expert svyataslav krupenka.
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shanovny gultsy, as they say from the hero of kupala paulinka, two dzyurkas on the nose and everything is over. you sense that our revel is over, and we need to fill up the kanchatka outlets. first of all, i want to say a few words about competitions. name the original quotes from the meeting. it’s not easy, the first thing here is to identify the vedas, the old knowledge of logic, intuitions, and the navatka vyaduky, but you have only saved this vedas, the kryzhanka competition is as good as a malanka, the orders were sharp and trappy, well, and the cyper is very small hell large, they created this year’s teams, at the first chargu of their knowledge, tsudouinnym and, and daksama... in a reliable mood, there may be such a thing, and one team, and another attrimlivae balla couple, on 15, for such a stupid
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party, the caravan in your own words has ended, and now we will tell you what the victory is, 465, 495, come on! ale, shanovnyya, peramagla white russia. all sun-dried vegetables are produced at parallel with the streets of the new rules of belarusian arphagraphy and punctuation. phrasealagism is used to process the bones of the symbolic meanings, but sometimes it becomes a problem, if there is some need for abbreviation, or there is some detail obscurity. geta yak y novaya zemlya yakub kolas. everything is sad.
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