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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 4:05am-4:51am MSK

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sstretchy, i was very pleased with the fall on the gulna, but i’m glad that we peramagli, zyakuy maryya, we were happy with the task, we walked with us, in our words, we look at our husbands in our meetings and we praise our husbands in our meetings teams, asabliva kali kryzhanka idze, i vos sennya us kryzavanka dapamagla atrymats peramogu. i hope that our colleagues brest, vitsebsk, grodna, magilevy minsk,
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will also sell belarus, also our beloved motherland, tenderly to the countries of our choice.
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and union, our beloved, moti, prodimo, forever live, belarus, our beloved, matsi, prodima, live forever, belarus. the service of the people, the strength
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of our people will be so strong. our mountains are clear, fear, divine faith, holy joy, evil earth, our bright name, glory to the people's union, our love. dear mothers, please, if things are going on, our favorite party, against, children living forever,
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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together: strategic tasks and priorities from the president. on the development of rural areas and the agricultural sector, the main thing is result. let us outline the fundamental accents of the global conversation in the palace of independence. it is an honorable mission and civic duty to represent the interests of the people locally. what kind of representatives of the supreme council are they, a portrait of representatives from the regions in the
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program report. and the legislative season of the house of representatives of the new convocation. there are 19 bills in the work of deputies, what changes can we expect? my colleagues will continue the announcements. release. how to increase the efficiency of the agricultural industry, an honest, principled conversation between the president and farmers, we’ll tell you the main thing. the elections of the federal tax service delegates were held on time in accordance with the law. the results were announced today by the election commission center. iran's attack on israel. the third world war is already close. journalistic materials came out with these headlines after iran’s attack on israel on april 14. no, or is it still a reason to think about the fragility of the world? about this in today's program. a terrible accident in minsk on the smilochka highway: a bus crashed into a truck standing on the side of the road. the reasons for what happened, even preliminary ones , have not yet been reported in the circumstances of the accident,
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investigators are looking into it. report from the scene in panorama. in recent years , approximately a sixth of the country's population has fled from ukraine. in europe , the average person gets a job. fix, we also ask, when will the forty-year-old building be overhauled? brest vs metalluga. the final battle. for the president's cup number four. southerners have no room for error. who will be stronger this time, direct inclusion of a panorama from the match. to make the agricultural sector more sustainable and its development
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progressive. alexander lukashenko sets this task for farmers. today , a large debriefing in this area took place at the palace of independence. there were those who were responsible for the results of the military-industrial complex. from the government, governors, their deputies, in the village, to the heads of district scientists, almost 300 people. of course, the industry has something to be proud of, but if problematic issues are not resolved, then all the successes will very quickly come to naught. the strategic goal is to create a high-tech, profitable agricultural sector, it is vital maximize the existing potential of our rca, deal with current problems, think about tomorrow, think.
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sustainable, and its development progressive, we have all the opportunities to achieve this, we
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know how to do it. you see what a catastrophic food situation is developing in the world. it is clear that the situation will only get worse due to population growth and the problems that affect the population in one region or another. i'll say it again.
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nazimyhs rise to the unacceptable predecessors, over the past 10 years , the area sown with wheat has increased by a quarter, but almost half of such areas are unsuitable for cultivating this crop, especially acute, this problem is manifested in the gomel, mogilev and vitebsk regions, while experts considered that the annual losses of grain, such agronomic methods, amount to no less...
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and household waste, a significant part of the seeds were simply not embedded in the soil on the surface, as a result, such non-parental hosts do not have the planned harvest, the necessary fodder there is no base for livestock farming, plus a decrease in soil fertility and other problems, i must say that in the old soviet times , for such fields, the chairmen of the district executive committees, and maybe the first secretaries of the district committees, if this was discovered... the regional committee was thrown out of office in during the day.
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few countries can afford the production of fertilizers, fortunately, we are among them. the government and regional scientists are instructed to develop an approach to the use of complex fertilizers. there are questions about their poor quality land reclamation. the hardest thing is she given to the grodno, minsk and mogilev regions. with such approaches , of course, do not expect super-yields. you need to be able to work in any atmospheric conditions so as not to attribute your shortcomings to the weather, you and i know what the weather can be like in belarus, we had to adapt to this, those who want to work have adapted to this. it’s high time for the agricultural sector to be transferred everywhere to a new technological level, to introduce precision farming, it allows you to create a favorable environment for any crop to grow, which means reducing material costs, increasing the volume and quality of the product. we have the key elements for creating a system today, and this is a strategy for the future, we
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must make a revolution in agricultural engineering and agriculture, but do not forget that before making a revolution, we need to achieve normal quality of agricultural machinery that works in the fields, so that it is no worse than imported, we talked about this at the last meeting with industrialists... at the same time, with due discipline, the use highly productive varieties of plants , animal breeds, available technologies, and today it is possible to work one and a half or even two times better than we work without smart agriculture, so the tasks for the twenty -fourth year are much more ambitious than yesterday’s results, it is necessary to produce about 10 million tons of grain , 5 million tons of sugar beets and more than a million tons of rapeseed per
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year. sowing season 2024 is just in full swing, all decisions from the center for its implementation have been made. but there are alarming signals coming from the ground. the low readiness of the equipment was recorded by inspectors in every third farm, everything is smooth on paper, but in reality it’s not always. we learned to play with numbers, without thinking that unreliable data leads to erroneous management decisions. it is necessary that all equipment is in perfect order, it is not cheap, it is complex, especially since you constantly demand that it be energy-rich. tractors, god bless you, let me know that when you receive these tractors, you will throw this tractor under the fence. your task, the government of the regional executive committee and the raion executive committee, under personal responsibility, is to ensure the readiness of all equipment in throughout the entire agricultural year. by the way, i would like to hear from the speakers what
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they say about the quality of agricultural and domestic machinery. we are pouring colossal support into its purchase, the planned volume of production and financing for leasing, so it is your sacred duty to preserve and effectively use the equipment, and if one of the governors expects to cover their needs with imported ones, then i recommend that you abandon these fantasies completely, and there is no need to say that imported ones are better than ours, especially today, i understand what... is equipment, it is prone to, especially, taking into account the quality of our personnel, machine operators, to fail, but its maintenance is at a very high level, everyone talks about this, especially the guaranteed one, failed within, we determined that it would be three hours, there should be
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a team there, those who guarantee and put it in order, basically this is done. if not, report, belarusian machine builders are able to provide all your needs, the president instructs to update the program task - to ensure production a complete train of highly efficient machines, at the same time it is necessary to train machine operators to work on this difficult equipment, as for livestock farming, it is growing in all regions, meat and especially milk for farms are real money, in the grodno region they are setting records for...
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loading of enterprises with domestic let's go. with such demand, farms should fatten up, and not ask for an advance on wages. this means that we need to break the scheme, fully transfer the lands and resources of unprofitable farms to strong farms and work according to the scheme of enlarged farms. commodity and raw material complexes. at the newly created enterprises, carry out the construction of modern, large-scale dairy pig breeding farms. complexes, look at the return we have from the already modernized complexes of our own raw material base. last year they received half a ton more milk than the republican average, and the number of such enterprises is growing. the cow needs to be put in the palace, i’ve already talked about this, we need to get away from those run-down farms, and
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the sooner the better, we’re just killing the cattle there, and the new dairy products. under the whip president are filled with livestock, the developed strategy for consolidation was chosen correctly, this work must be completed by the thirtieth year, who will be responsible for the safety of livestock, this issue is not removed from the agenda, the situation here is not getting radically better, many farms are approaching... formally, violating the requirements of those regulations for keeping animals, ensuring discipline in this matter is a headache for both specialists and managers. many people say, well, there aren’t enough veterinarians. trouble, look where your vets are the people you trained are working, either in vitebsk or somewhere else, look carefully, well, anything can happen, we
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discussed this problem in the vitebsk region, we now live in a free society, this is not what it once was - then, but then you in the region gather into a fist those veterinarians that you have, as they should do in the vitebsk region, let's see whether they did it or not, and let them... someone hit the clamp, as the peasants say, i’ll go and get a job somewhere else, then we’ll get a job for the governor, we’ll get him a job
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where they know where, this should not happen, if without your knowledge, the specialist manager, and even the machine operator, left somewhere, then no one should accept him there without your recommendation, because romansanovich, we will ruin billions. elementary order is needed, do this, that we are either plague or bird fungus, we went through every direction, last year a decision was made to build new modernized pig farms, how big they should be, no one obliges us, everyone is in charge, to deepen processing , sell
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ourselves, rather than purchasing imported pork. there is growth in poultry, but the government’s task is to build a selection and genetic center. today, our poultry industry is still dependent on the import of parent stock, so the key task here is to reduce this dependence. in a revolutionary way, we have already talked about this, leonid konstantinovich, we discussed this a lot, you know this topic well, do not forget that in your new position you will have to deal with and control this. success in livestock farming depends on the feed, the question has been looming for a long time, there will be no proper preparation of their storage for weight gain. god himself ordered us and our cosmic bnbk to improve the situation here so that each farm would have all types of feed to meet its full needs.
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it’s difficult, yes, but we must solve these problems, addressing managers at all levels; your success should always be enough for you.
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personnel shortage is not a new problem for the industry; working on the land is, of course, an honorable mission for a grain grower, but it is always hard work. not everyone is willing to go to the periphery, although they do a lot in training and bonuses for young specialists. think about what... the economy will not exist, of course, the industry has something to be proud of, but if problematic issues are not resolved, then all our successes will very quickly come to naught, my dears, the governor, the chairman of the executive committee, this is your ironclad. area of ​​responsibility to the government , can you apply for some kind of financial support to help with fuel, which is done
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every year, everything else? the governors should be behind you and set the tone. our strategic goal is to create high-tech, profitable agricultural sector. it is vital for us to fully realize the existing potential of our agro-industrial complex, to deal with current problems, to think about tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow, what to do, i said, harness yourself and work, if you want, undress. and work, the controllers and the head of the national statistical committee will have their say, they are traditionally with a fly in the ointment, although their job is to state numbers and record shortcomings. at an industry meeting discussing the acquisition of energy-rich tractors, you alexander grigorievich posed the most pressing question for the development of agriculture: who will work for them? every year the industry loses about 8 thousand workers or more than a thousand specialists
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. per region, at the beginning of this year , almost 5,000 workers were required in agriculture, and this despite the fact that annually vocational education institutions graduate about 9,000 specialists for agriculture. one of the reasons given for why specialists do not stay in place is that provision of normal living conditions, while housing is available; to date, a significant number of previously erected uninhabited residential buildings have accumulated. about 6300, while for a number of them the loans for which they were built have not yet been paid out; they need to be put in order and populated. solving the personnel problem is impossible without creating proper conditions in the countryside; many advanced farms are doing this, where they understand that you can’t cook porridge without a team, there are villages of the future in every region and this is a worthy experience replication, but salary is an important motivation; the manager
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must look after his accountant. people, without the level of wages nothing will happen, that ratio ratio of 1:4, which must be maintained at any enterprise, we will stop it. i will ask the regions not to contact me anymore for the salary manager 1:8, i will not give such approval anymore i will, because if the head of the economy wants to raise the level of wages for himself, he would be kind enough to raise them for his workers, at meetings with industrialists today.
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for mid-level enterprises, of course , it is necessary to deal only with hybrids of belarusian selection, but we cannot obtain seeds such as alfalfa, sugar beets, here, of course, we need to work very, very seriously, because these are mainly supplied from the west. president's field, 350 hectares, vitebsk mogilev region, it was not created for fun.
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we tested everything that scientists offer there, including corn, domestic varieties, and seeds were sown for import. i have to tell you, if you follow technology, then no. there is no point in buying imported seeds and corn and others, if you sow it like crazy, then there will be grievances and complaints. the main thing is technology. the third seed in a row belongs to the governor of the vitebsk region. subbotin inherited a difficult region in this regard. the year before last we were lucky, we produced a million crops, but last year’s drought had to suffer. technology saves the day, but vetebsk residents don’t consider the current conditions simple either. the emphasis should be on livestock farming and, accordingly, the crop farming industry should provide meat and dairy farming areas. for this purpose, fulfilling your
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instructions again, we have worked out. strategy by 2030 to maximize almost all livestock and put, as you said, in palaces, we are currently building 13 complexes this year, this year.
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and blame yourself by appointing a chairman to the district executive committee, coordinating those you propose, i always tell you guys, you need a result, if you don’t want to fight, you need a result on the ground, 4 hours of an honest , principled conversation, if in general efficiency and results are the main criteria the work of the military-industrial complex, but the president goes into detail, welcomes smart private owners in the countryside, the consolidation of farms should come from...
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we can always sell your products, the world's population is growing, millions are starving, if you move, they will buy our products. therefore, dear friends, i say again, i
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’m not saying that it’s bad, but this is not what it should be, and i feel that it could be bad, so we need to get down to business at the right time and act. so as not to stress our children later, i don’t think we told you much new at this meeting, america was discovered, all of you are wonderful. you must be an example for everyone,
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mobilize, you need to mobilize, working in the agro-industrial complex has always been and is not easy, but it is better, and this is not the first time the first one will repeat it - you can fight in the fields, rejoice at the exploits in the agricultural field, but if you do not solve problematic issues, then all successes will very quickly come to naught, we are doing everything to create a high-tech and profitable agricultural sector with an eye to the future, the all-belarus people's assembly will take place on april 24-25, its role in the history of sovereign belarus is difficult to overestimate. the highest representative body of the people's power ensures the inviolability of the constitutional system, continuity of generations and civil harmony. the supreme council will consider strategic issues for the near future. i will note the elections of delegates from local councils of deputies and structures. of the russian society were held in accordance with current
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legislation and within the time limits established by the calendar plan. the central election commission today summed up the details of yulia alfyurova. the composition of the sebelos people's assembly really makes this the highest body of power of the people unique when, along with parliament or the government, the most important decision for the country can be made by citizens, and it was citizens and deputies who were elected from april 1 to april 10. at congress meetings, but the center invariably monitored the process. electoral committee, which collected a clear picture of the country. and today we can say with confidence that the process of forming the all-belarusian people's assembly has been completed, with 1,200 delegates, 690 were to be elected, these are representatives of civil society and local councils. among the deputies, delegates were elected in every region of the country, with the exception of minsk. the minsk city council in its entirety, 60 people, entered the highest body of power of the people, this is due to the number of voters. also among the delegates of the spc, the president of both chambers. parliament, the prime minister, his deputies,
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representatives of the constitutional and supreme courts, local power vertical. we participated in the relevant meetings, monitored how the election procedure took place, today we have complete information that everything was carried out in in accordance with the law, must make a final decision on the registration of spc delegates elected from civil society structures and from deputies of local councils and deputies.
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representatives of the five largest public associations and organizations of the country, 80 people each, were elected from civil society subjects, with a total of 400 delegates from each. a significant part of the delegates from civil society subjects are representatives of the industrial sector, transport, construction, education, housing and communal services and the agro-industrial complex. overall coverage by profession the widest, with regard to party affiliation. 132 out of 400 representatives
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of civil society are members of the party, the majority are members of the white russia party. as for the delegates from local councils of deputies, there are 350 people in total, from the primary, basic and regional levels. in terms of areas of employment, not only the industries that are responsible for the economy and social sphere are widely represented, there are also many representatives of the security bloc and the media, representatives of industry, transport and construction, as for the regions, for example, the gomel region will be represented by 55 people’s representatives from local councils of deputies who are ready to defend the interests of their region. my colleague natalya ignatenko studied what decisions residents of small settlements expect from the vns. vitaly zheltonogin in the vetkovsky district, a well-known personality, has been a deputy at the district level for several convocations, knows the problems of small settlements from the inside.
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he worked in senior positions in the social sphere for two decades. with his assistance they gasified populated areas provided heat. with the comfort of the residents of the local boarding house , the kholchan school was overhauled, it became a modern educational institution and acquired its own stadium. this year , fellow countrymen elected vitaly zheltonogin as chairman of the village council, and elected him as a delegate to the all-belarusian people's assembly from the deputy corps among 55 representatives from the gomel region. this is a very honorable mission, a historic mission. at the same time, it is the civic duty of those who have this honor. vitaly nikolaevich zheltonogin is a worthy candidate, a leader who has constructive thinking, logic, he can make the necessary
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proposals, a strategy for the development of our state. we hope that he will come, tell everything, explain everything, and maybe we will have some other questions for him, then, but i think after the meeting he will stay there, he will talk with people there, with the president, and that’s what we need -he will do it, so i really hope for him, because, well, because i know him well. kholchansky village council is eight settlements and 2,500 inhabitants, 40% working-age population.
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the work of the highest representative body of people from the people - an example of trust , the opinion of the people is taken into account. the leadership of the country, its citizens, as well as technical education, secondary specialized education is an example of close interaction in which education, they will return to their homeland and will continue to improve the quality of life. participation in our state is truly at such a historical moment, and of course it will be very responsible to convey it.
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an indicator of the active civic position of a delegate of the supreme council. the question of improving the quality of roads is on the pencil; there is an old village in an agricultural town; there are plans to pave several sections of streets at once over the next year; in the country in 2024 , 2,700 km of local roads will be built, repaired or reconstructed. a solution for the comfort of people and the further development of the country as a whole. everything that will be done.


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