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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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beard. news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the pavel studio. azovik. good
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morning. and in this issue. with concern for veterans, the deputies will consider strengthening social guarantees at today's meeting in the oval hall. the persian gulf is flooded with water, shopping centers and runways at dubai airport. and in northern oman , hail damaged crops. more sophisticated cherry blossoms and fluffy hydrangeas. landscapers are diversifying this season. a fading image of minsk with rich shades. about the sacred in the work of legend belarusian land and biblical meanings in the interpretation of markash gal in the manner of salvador dali at the exhibition in minsk. the long-awaited sports intrigue was resolved. zholobin metallurgist won the president's hockey cup. in the fourth match of the final series, stalivars defeated brest 4:0 for the third time in a row. won
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the national trophy. for the first time in history , the team that finished sixth in the regular season became national champions. the southerners were also pleased. they also reached the silver medal for the first time. victorious emotions in reporting by kristina kamysh. it is for these emotions that we love hockey. the day before, about 200 metallurg fans in the stands, without a doubt , the entire zhlobin, almost 500 km from brest , rejoiced as their home team won the president’s cup for the third time in a row and the fourth in history. this season, the woodworkers were repeatedly revived like a phoenix from the ashes, this path to gold was not easy, the flock was overtaken by injuries, it was not stable. in the year, due to
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endless selection, with difficulty the nozlabinsk team reached the playoffs directly, where the coaching staff of metallurg showed themselves and the hockey players in in all its glory. the coaching staff, the whole team, everyone is following one idea, going from start to finish, as they gathered in the summer, they believed, we had this goal outlined, the coaches constantly told us about this, so it was as if we had no other options. in the fourth match of the golden series against brest, the creators of the victory
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of siligan, i don’t know, you need to go to the administration, ask someone, i think, in advance, maybe they are confident in us, in the pack they worked on this issue from experience and in honor of the victory it was possible to break the sports regime, guys, you did a great job for the city, for the plant, for all the fans, who are the champions, we are the champions, dmitry kravchenko walked in the winning locker room in a cowboy hat, this is a team symbol for the best in the match, and the commander in chief gave out 3 rubles to everyone. we started with one kopeck in the first season and worked our way up to 3 rubles, how many times a thousand can be multiplied by 100,000, because it’s sweat, blood, happiness, joy, today we earned such a valuable 3 rubles with our coat of arms of our country, well, three-time champions , this is our country. thus the wolves repeated
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achievements of tiwali and youth who also won the president's cup three times in a row. it is impossible to predict any specific outcome. shlobin and brest finished sixth or seventh in the regular season, so it’s good news that new teams are reaching the finals. the brest hockey players won silver medals, and it is safe to say that these awards have a golden sheen; the team from the city of nadbugan rewrote the history of both the extra league and their own. the squad led by sergei pushkov jumped into the knockout round through the play series, leaving unfortunate powerful vitebsk miner. and also reminded us all that fairy tales are real, beautiful stories and fairy tales are thrown to us from overseas, yes, but now we are convinced by our example in our championship that any team can become the winner of our championship, in 2000
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the ice skating rink opened palace, we have been cheering since then, waiting and waiting, after the team reached the final, people will come forward next year, because they have already achieved such results, because well, the final is also an achievement. without exaggeration fell in love with themselves throughout the country, otherwise how to explain the fact that in the local fan sector last sunday there were fans of seven clubs, from khimik to gomel. yes, the loss in the series was 0:4, but in every game there was a glorious battle, everything was cleared up yet to come. the first game didn’t work out for us, so, well, all the other games went puck for puck, the problem of having an extra ticket in order to get to the hockey game in brest really appeared, everything will change in relation to brest. now we understand differently that a good team can also make a good team here, we looked decent, the bar has been raised, next year other tasks will be set, that’s for sure, as the director said, during the second stage of the extra league , 31 sell-outs were recorded in the arenas; the history of the championship for this indicator has been rewritten,
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and the total attendance in the playoffs was just over 80 thousand people, thus in the extra league has officially ended its competitive season. but it’s not the season, so on april 26 , the fourth closing ceremony in history will take place, at which 25 awards will be presented to the best players in their role, as well as to everyone involved in hockey. next, fans of this game, it’s worth turning your attention to the national team. the belarusian national team will hold five friendly matches with teams from kazakhstan and russia in may. kristina kamysh, ilya maksimov, alexander moguchiy, tv news agency. it’s time to move the agricultural sector to a new technological level, a large rural development meeting to increase the efficiency of the agricultural sector in the palace of independence. in general, farmers have something to be proud of. food security is ensured in belarus.
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we are superior to others in food production cis states. we are among the top 20 leading exporters of meat products and among the top five in sales of dairy products. food is known in 107 countries of the world, the task today, according to the president, is to make the industry more sustainable, and its development progressive, we have all the opportunities to achieve this, we need an economic approach and discipline, goals for this year are 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons of sugar beets, more than a million tons of rapeseed, priority is smart agriculture, time to move to a new technological level, introducing precision farming is also important... in terms of the effectiveness of state support in rural areas, and the president proposes linking the manager’s salary to the results of the organization’s work. it looks like it’s time to think about a system of remuneration for the heads of agricultural organizations based solely on the results of
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the farm’s work. no result, get minimum wage. the government has instructed the oblast executive committee and the district executive committee to study the situation in detail. of farms with low productivity, take all necessary measures to improve efficiency the work of such organizations. it’s not the case when processors take out loans for years in advance, thereby making advances to the village. it turns out that this is not a business, but a social project. in these conditions, the profitability of the population will never reach double digits, and there will be no decent salaries. and this despite what each controller indicates. to underutilization of enterprises with domestic forces. with such demand, farms should fatten up, and not ask for an advance on wages. this means that the scheme must be broken, the lands and resources of unprofitable farms must be fully transferred to strong farms and
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work according to the scheme of enlarged commodity and raw materials complexes. at the newly created enterprises, carry out the construction of modern, large-scale ones. dairy pig-breeding complexes, look at the return we have from the already modernized complexes of our own raw material base. last year there was less milk...


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