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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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and in the case of cleaning the territory or putting things in order at burial sites, it is important to follow the rules. persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications should not be allowed to perform work with increased danger, that is , an ordinary person cannot be given a chainsaw and require him to cut, for example, tree trunks. women cannot be involved in work where the use of women’s labor is prohibited by law, for example, in the production of masonry, women cannot be involved in performing.
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islach and the current one will argue in the final winner of the torpedo belas cup. the starting whistle of the meeting will sound at 6 pm, and two hours later dynamo minsk will host grodno neman. watch the live broadcast of the fight on tv channel belarus 5. my colleagues will have more information on our air at 15:00. all the best. hello, on the air of the program "sas" i am authorized to announce, i am the presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you and remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people...
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votes, his opponent was the ex-head of the mid-country, korchek. after his election, the politician said that he would do everything to ensure that his country was always on the side of peace and not war, emphasizing that he would not allow the slovak military to be sent to ukraine, stating the need. and a speedy truce in the conflict. pellegrini won the election precisely because of his position on the ukrainian conflict. most slovaks want the war to end. this is why the militant fiala government is so unpopular in the czech republic. there is no democratic majority in europe pro-war, wrote the first number of the electoral list in his post on the x network. under pressure from zelensky, deputies of the verkhovna rada. approved a scandalous law on
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tightening mobilization, many types of deferments were cancelled, disabled people of all categories will be required to undergo a new medical examination, and ukrainians who went abroad will be denied new passports and other consular services without a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, while for the deputies, judges, and employees themselves prosecutor's office, employees assigned to the administrator of strategic enterprises provided reservations from mobilization. in other words, those who cannot pay off and have no friends in power will again be driven to the front. the tightening of mobilization is associated with the gradual advance of russian troops on most sectors of the front, as well as with a sharp reduction in the supply of weapons and ammunition from western countries. the new law has already been dubbed modern serfdom in ukraine. he clearly indicates the reluctance of the majority of citizens to voluntarily die for the interests of zelensky and his western sponsors. chairman of the people's republic of china xidin ping. received the former head of taiwan
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manju in beijing, this is the first meeting between the leader of the prc and the former leader of the gamindan party, which lost the civil war, in the capital. nevertheless, the current communication between the two politicians turned out to be very symbolic. it took place on the eve of the may inauguration of the new head of the taiwanese administration, representing the party unfriendly to the mainland that has ruled taiwan for the last 8 years and was intended to send a number of political signals, both to taipei and internally. chinese audience as experts believed, by opening its arms to the former leader of the island, who now does not hold any significant position, beijing is trying to push the new taiwanese administration to a more flexible position towards china. in addition, obviously, the chinese leadership wants to show its citizens that the path to peaceful reunification with taiwan is not yet completely closed, and that there are forces there that are constructive towards the prc. i'll start today's program. who
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does not stroke and leads into the valley, look how the edge of the former steepness blossoms. with from an artistic point of view, of course, far from yevtushenko and not rozhdestvensky, but there was truth of life in these words. moldova really flourished then. brezhnev did not forget that the path to the kremlin began for him from chisinau. today, moldova, along with ukraine, has become the poorest country in europe. and in addition to this, they also want to drag her into the war. how this happened will be discussed in today’s program.
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by tradition, we begin our program with a flash question, which i address to each of the guests present: is a war possible for transnistria this year? andrey mikhailovich, i will immediately give the floor to you. it seems that this situation is not yet inevitable, but nevertheless, pressure on transnistria and gogoze using economic, diplomatic and political methods has already begun, therefore, as they say, without panicking, but... there are always risks, but for today day i do not see any objective reasons
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for the start of any military operations, but discount the potential threat of the outbreak of a military conflict for far-fetched reasons.
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it’s clear that our diplomats and politicians are not sitting idly by, and proceed from the following: if a new diplomatic representative is soon appointed to chisinau, then first, we need to listen to the statements that he will make in his new capacity. the second thing he will talk about at meetings with the top leadership of moldova, since he will convey, as we are used to saying, the general line of the party and third, he is obliged by duty. visit a variety of regions, including, by the way, transnistria and gogouzia. therefore, in place of teraspol it is completely it is right that no hasty conclusions are drawn, although, of course, we have our own opinion, and these conclusions should be justified
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based on what the embassy and the ambassador personally will talk about from the moment of his arrival until today in chisinau. there is no new diplomatic representative from ukraine, and there is perhaps a fourth aspect, despite all the statements of various kiev officials. today in this format all those participants who were, then moreover, it is confirmed that both ukraine and moldova do not exist. thanks a lot, about how, under the leadership of moldova, moldova became a stronghold. with phobia, we will tell you in more detail in our story: a course towards self-destruction, as the residents
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of moldova have dubbed the policy of its current leader. sandu has been in office since 2020 and on the threshold of the next presidential elections, which will take place this fall, it’s time to talk about her merits or failures, and there are many more of them. analysts are already making forecasts for the next election campaign, and for sandu they are disappointing. experts believe she risks losing the election former leader igor. depending on the current situation and what europe is doing, this is completely negative. there shouldn’t be such a policy in the city, even if it’s against russians or ukrainians there, why? we are one people, we once lived together, amicably, why don’t you make sure everything is fine again? political scientists and local media note that he himself... is losing popularity in the country, which threatens a split for the republic, residents accuse the leader of excessive
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dependence on the west, calls to follow his own path have been heard more than once during numerous protests that most often shake chisinau. the politician is accused of usurping power and attempting to destroy moldovan identity. citizens complain about the lack of work, low standard of living and other problems, for which the pro-european leader is blamed. in turn, sandu found other people to blame for what is happening. her rise to power led to an almost complete breakdown in relations between moldova and russia. experts believe that this is an attempt by the head of state to divert the attention of residents from internal problems to external ones. besides the politician accuses russia of various kinds of problems in moldova, so the difficult situation in the country’s economy and the decline in living standards and moldovan sandu tries to explain it with the help of the kremlin. maya sandu stated that she does not have a direct quote.
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the broadcasting of at least six russian-language channels has been stopped, the number of educational institutions teaching in russian has been significantly reduced, and there is a ban on wearing the st. george ribbon symbols z and v, which are used by the russian military in ukraine. the initiator of this innovation was the ruling party headed by the west's compiler sandu. this is one of the manifestations of the russophobic policy pursued at the highest level by the maisandu regime, the same one that is in the elections.
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fellow citizens on their own blacklist. according to statistics , thousands of people leave moldova every year to work abroad because they cannot find work at home. today the republic is, perhaps, the european leader in depopulation over 30 years of independence, more than a million citizens have left here, which is approximately a third of the population. anatoly anatolyevich, in your opinion, do you agree with the opinion that certain forces in the west are pushing sanda into the presidential post, into the presidential chair, in order to make her the same weapon against russia as zelensky once became for ukraine, although after all, zelensky changed already while holding the presidential post, what do you think, the current confrontational course of chisinau.
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region, it is very important from the point of view and indeed, even as a military man i will say, this is geopolitics and from a purely military point of view. we shouldn’t forget about this either, control over the black sea is rapidly being lost by european countries, something needs to be done about this, this something is the confrontation that is now happening in moldova, yes oleg, please, the appetites of the west are of course growing, and today moldova,
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the new palacehead of the west, so to speak, let's pay attention to the map for clarity. in 2020 in chisinau, in gogauzia, i have quite a lot of good friends, comrades, i love moldova very much, and, of course, may sandu would not have won if not for her predecessor, who did not fulfill his election promises, igor dadon, i mean, the former president of moldova, who at the beginning promised stikoroba that he would make
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russian the second state or official language, that he would allow russian channels, all of this. did, you know, when after he lost in the first round, that is, already being an absolute lame duck, he finally decided to fulfill his election promises made back in 2016, and before that he showed himself extremely poorly, and honestly, the return of moldova is in this dichotomy of sandu dadon, but this is such a day before yesterday, of course one can really feel sorry for moldova, yes, what? perhaps this year and it does not depend at all on sandu, dadon, or anyone, apparently, apparently, the formula proposed at the beginning of the cbo in 2022 by henry kissenger, now deceased, meaning, let's divide the world again with russia, it is still increasingly valued and implemented in the west, and
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this formula may well presuppose its speedy acceptance into the structure... but already in in the very near future, such unrecognized countries as kosovo, for example, a country that obviously has territorial claims, problems, like moldova, that’s when and if the question arises, how to join nato, we know, a referendum for this not mandatory, this is a vote in parliament, paz has the majority of votes, well, maybe it’s easy to organize with someone there then. by decision of the parliament, moldova will be admitted to nato, for example, yes, i am now taking the most, perhaps, harsh scenario that in this the situation will be, in this situation it is obvious that transnistria fully, yes, implements the absolutely final concept of independence, a similar concept is implemented by gagauzia, the second autonomy and now the only autonomy of moldova still controlled by chisinau, and
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then yes, then this is already a territory of a hot conflict, which is possible.
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somehow indicate their position regarding transnistria and gagauzia, they will begin to prepare for the annexation of either the right bank of the dniester, that is, moldova itself, or the entire former moldavian ussr, which is from the chisinau side, bucharest for western countries seems more feasible for romania, because this option allows one to avoid any hassles with the accession negotiation process. to the european union, but we are now in an environment of tough geopolitical confrontation, when many issues are being resolved very quickly, so we cannot rule it out.
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government and preventing the republic from joining the european union, exploring the logic of isw, they are going to destabilize the situation through pensioners, because one of
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the reasons for concluding the agreement was the situation with chisinau blocking the account of the executive committee of gagauzi, which contained money to increase pensions in the autonomy, everywhere they see the hand of the kremlin against the true moldovan democracy led by maia sandu, and it is not mentioned that moldova is one of the poorest countries in europe. with a rapidly aging population and falling purchasing power, half of moldovan pensioners live below the poverty line. recently the government promised to index pensions taking into account inflation at 30%, but at the last moment they reduced the indexation to 15. however the decline of the economy and social sphere is not an obstacle for sandu and the company to increase the military budget by 70%. and in this case , i definitely won’t have enough to index pensions. i’m glad to add to our broadcast igor tulyantsev, chairman of the public council for a free homeland from moldova. igor, hello, glad to see you on the program. hello, hello,
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thanks for the invitation. thank you very much for being with us today. igor, tell me, we are talking about moldova, about romania, about transnistria, about gogauz, indeed, nearby important regions. what is the mood in moldovan society regarding the idea. try to play this card and once again show the external circuit that this topic is quite
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important for the current or previous regime. sociology, which is carried out by different companies, as well as so to speak, american and local and domestic and european and more there leftist views, give ideas for the unification of moldova and romania or, as we call it, we interpret it, the destruction of moldovan statehood in the region of three, well, maximum 5%, therefore these figures are included in the statistical error and... i just don’t see the point in seriously talking about these things, yes, we have prepared a certificate about the movement for the unification of moldova and romania, please pay attention to the screen. the movement for the unification of romania and moldova is a popular concept in the two countries, which originated at the end of the last century. experts identify three possible scenarios in it, one of them assumes that the newly formed state includes transnistria as a territorial
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unit, the other leaves it. the decision is up to the residents of the region, they will be able to choose between independence, annexation to russia or ukraine. the third type of unification is possible through the federalization of two states. according to polls, the vast majority of romanian citizens oppose the idea of ​​a merger in general, while in moldova the number of its supporters is growing. experts attribute this to romania's membership in the eu. on the territory of romania, the entire political class of the country is united. is that moldova should become romanian land, and recently prime minister ciolaku announced that people live in moldova only romanians, but this does not mean that the population of this country is in favor of the annexation of moldova. tell me, what is the general attitude towards ms. sandu, if we are talking about the presidential elections, what is the level of support at the moment, who is the main competitor for whom,
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roughly speaking, you would vote? well, firstly, today it is still unclear who will run, because the competitors have not declared their desire to try their luck in this political race, sandu, sandu today is the politician with the highest anti-rating, that is, we understand that there is a fairly large percentage that brings us closer...
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please, igor, i greet you, i’m glad, i’m glad to see, yes, i have a question for you in this regard, please tell me, what about you? , as one of the leaders of russian-speaking moldova, isn’t the desire to try your hand and take part in the presidential elections already ripe, maybe the time has come, i haven’t really thought about it yet, and
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i’m listening, oleg.
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who will be conductors of unionism, we must take into account that now it is unusual a moment that has existed for the last 33 years, now there is an exacerbation of geopolitical contradictions. and this very bill of the romanian ministry of defense on the possibility of sending troops, as it is written in the explanatory note, was made for the situation in ukraine for the situation in moldova, and what is ukraine in the interests of romania? this is northern bukovina with chernivtsi, and this is southern bessarabia with coastal settlements like vilkovo, koblevo, and so on, given that romania has a brilliant diplomatic school, it cannot be ruled out that they are planning a partial repetition of their success in 1941, when, taking advantage of the same
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upheavals, they noticeably increased the black sea coast, which they controlled, so i would not discount the possibility of an adventure to annex territories that bucharest considers...
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they chanted shame after how the eu flag was hung on the building in honor of the arrival of a pro-european politician.
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clashes broke out between the protesting police officers in kamrat; the protesters asked to be allowed into the sanda, demanded to talk to her, but that was it. to the people it didn’t work out, i’m sure, no matter where my sandu went, everyone would greet her like that, because unfortunately, our, our people live worse and worse every day, and to say that people were paid because well, someone wanted it that way, but they accuse me...
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that is, which can be used as an airfield for anatoly anatolyevich, i think
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he knows better than me, but for any military aircraft there, i will not continue this military logic further , because i’m not an expert in this, yes, but probably, as if it comes to this, although i don’t know, yes, by the way, i i want to support oleg in this direction, for some reason we are dropping the purely military aspect, today, today, we are talking about moldova, we are talking about romania. we’re not talking about ukraine at all, but just a little bit in transnistria there is one of the largest arsenals, including ammunition, which today, oh, how ukraine needs it, so maybe it’s just the idea of ​​european politicians that with minimal costs, let's say, absorb moldova completely due and... due to this, provide, let’s say,
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all possible assistance to ukraine in continuing the war. in addition, obviously, the same european politicians are probably predicting that ukraine will not hold out for long, and they have no right to lose the black sea, in this context, why not romania will be an outpost for control, black, over the black sea, that's also an option, i'd like to hear it. comment by andrei mikhailovich and therefore the role of transnistria in the current security crisis in europe is obvious, and indeed, when ukraine is nearby with its desires to destroy and destroy, well after all, the nervous system is in an unstable state, especially since we understand perfectly well that the battle for odessa is yet to come, and what interests the americans and british have is clear, i think to many, yes, andrei mikhailovich. there is a very interesting point:
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the so-called forum on the reintegration of the republic of moldova began its work in chisinau. this is a very interesting get-together, which will already consist of open and closed parts, and there will apparently be discussed the creation of some new negotiation format without the participation of russia and without the participation of transnistria. there will be diplomats there. western countries, possibly romania, there will be nposhniks, as reported, and officials of the republic of moldova, one of whom, deputy prime minister for reintegration, mr. oleg serebrian, stated in an interview a few days ago that we previously held negotiations with transnistria, where on the basis of a compromise we reached a solution to certain issues, now we have taken upon ourselves the task of unilaterally indicating that...
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i wouldn’t say i’m more optimistic, but it’s simply impossible to involve moldova as a country into a military conflict, because 99% of the population they can say are, of course, peace-loving, but it’s not that they won’t go to war either for this power or for any other, moldova is generally against war and is not going to conflict with anyone, the fact that it’s political... the rest of its lads are trying to play on these contradictions, because it
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’s difficult for them to gain internal legitimacy; they work only for external legitimacy, making all sorts of statements, constantly withdrawing from some cis agreements, buying some unnecessary radars, old ones, which should have been disposed of long ago, should have been in europe, ours pay some millions of euros there, putting moldova on the european level. not grants, but european ones, loans, subsidies, so-called dits, loans, yes, thank you, i forgot the word, yes, putting on loans, you know, they have a way out.
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go out to protests, but after and as practice has shown, they were ready, they found themselves in this information vacuum, the authorities are constantly whipping up military hysteria , showing that the only way out. the only way out is to vote for mao sandu, who will save moldova from war, in these conditions it is quite difficult to bring people to protest, people protest with their feet, they simply leave the country in these conditions, migration is crazy, such
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migration has never happened in history independent moldova, as it is now under the current regime, so i think that we must... explain to people the following: they must vote in elections against this regime, and above all, they must be supporters of european integration, because maio sandu and her regime from my point of view, these are the most anti-european politicians, because when may sandu came to power, there were more than 60% of supporters of european integration; during the period of may sandu’s reign, there was a kind of pro-european politician and her regime...
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some kind of romanian comrades who will find an opportunity there to support the romanians, and as for transnistria, on the eve of the annual message of the president of the russian federation to the federal assembly on february 28 this year, suddenly, unexpectedly, as we remember, for some reason we today they forgot about it, an emergency meeting of the congregation was called. the supreme council of the prednestrovian-moldovan republic, at which there was an appeal once again, but it was in rather soft formulations, we all read it to the russian federation, to the leadership of the russian federation, but about what pridnestrovie wants, one way or another, yes, more integration with russia, in this situation, yes, well, the next step is, in principle
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, the same appeal, which will be considered by putin, which will be accepted, then we with...
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well, let's just say, well, a little bit, they probably do not differ in strong combat effectiveness, both in terms of numbers and equipment, there is something to compare with, but, but this is...
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which we have already paid attention to here, this the proposition of ordinary people, for example, i was very offended by igor to hear that people
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vote with their feet, yes, people should, this is my opinion, we have passed 22 years, people should stand up for their country, not give it to political adventurers with unclear goals, this... this is important, one more moment, one more moment, in context current situation, they posted a video where in moldova ukrainian police military officers are walking in a park, in response to the blogger’s timid question, what are you doing here, the answer is extremely correct, we are walking, as i understand it, these are impromptu ladies in kokoshniks, who probably arrived in order to to provide a certain basis for... ambassador, yes, well, we will summarize our today's discussion, in conclusion we recalled the chronology of recent events, recent days, igor,
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please, the result of today's program from my point of view, it would be wonderful if we all, perhaps this will be said, well , pathetically or quite banally, stood for peace, so that there would be peace throughout the world, so that the war would end, so that our countries would get rid of provocative politicians, and i wish you good luck, thank you, thank you very much, andrey mikhailovich, the floor is yours, i would like to wish goodness and peace to everyone, but nevertheless, i will suggest that the months of 2024 will be months of what is called a storm of onslaught on transnistria and gogouzia, in the forms, first of all pressure, o whom i said earlier,
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the conflict is on the map of the former soviet union, so that this does not happen, well, maybe it will sound a little idealistic, but i
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want to support igor, good people. wills must be more organized and in this situation of this desire for peace and rejection of any confrontation, rejection of any war, people who oppose this development of events, against maisandou, somehow must be much better organized, perhaps they should find some support that allows them to win this year. yes, i agree with you, oleg, anatoliyevich, please, let’s finish. the basis of the future of any state is in the present. unfortunately, today we can state that the present is the older generation, which understands everything and who is trying to somehow resist. therefore, i
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just want to advise our moldovan friends: work with young people. yes good luck, success, peace and prosperity. thank you very much to all the participants in today’s discussion, and i would also like to end with poetry. this time having visited the kishinev exile of alexander sergeevich pushkin. this deserted country is sacred to the soul of the poet, it is full of russian glory with the sovereign waspet. we all wish peace and prosperity to the fraternal moldovan people, but about russian glory. their leaders should not forget. i had to remind her in a different way. thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare. they want to make moldova a new hot spot in the post-soviet space. head game.
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show where they fight not with physical strength, may the best man win, in a cup match england season 22-23, between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card, its peculiarity is that it is clear, even for players who do not distinguish colors, what exactly its specificity is, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first to answer, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese club is the most titled in the country? i hope benfica. benfica is absolutely correct. in
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a difficult, extremely difficult struggle in... watch the intellectual and sports project “head game” on our tv channel. you know, the hardest thing is to compromise with yourself. you won't deceive yourself, will you? unfortunately yes. you know, many of our publications contain materials about stars. try yourself on this simpler, i think maybe you will be interested. the stars are different. young lady, do you mind if we now finish our coffee and take a little walk, so say, let's breathe the sea air. it’s my pleasure, meet maria zemina, the coach of our school and a talented figure, so this is your new partner, we have a good time together, we had a wonderful time with you, half a day was just wonderful, now you have your own life, and me, well done, now wait, you and i still
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have a lot of time, then i’ll definitely be late everywhere. well , okay, manager, can he afford this once? of course, i understand everything, but how can you have an affair with this new girl in front of everyone when your wife is dying, she was very sick, she is alive, watch the series again there will be a day on the belarus-24 tv channel.
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2:04 pm
we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyakony to the spirits of the italians. the bastards knew rech paspalitaya, and with this we say, there was also a sign, the end of the floating style of baroka, and all the ghistary krynts here take us away from the paeina such a dead end, more than a document ў...
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in belarus, there can be no threat, in principle, from someone else no need, but we won’t give up ours. any provocation on the border must be stopped by military means. they provoke us so that we at least somehow respond to them. belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods are especially priced in the east. more than 300 belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region. we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, shklov and zhodina have become cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered their own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and maz, drivers and...


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