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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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at the time there were more european trots, then just at the 18th century we gained a higher level, we gained the strength to give out something new and aryginal. on our tv channel. answered belarus and russia are developing contacts in all directions and our goods are especially expensive in the east. more than 300 belarusian elevators are already operating in the omsk region. we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, which floor he needs to go to. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses. two cities and two electric bus, everyone ordered their own color, green and azure white. belkamonmash and mas. drivers and...
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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films
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for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark , the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. customize satellite dish. to the express satellite am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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“listen, it seems to me that this dress suits me better, but everything suits you, ah, it’s a pity that we have students who graduate in the spring, so we could go on boat rides, see how bridges are raised, but the main thing for me is to get a diploma, by the way, in “what are you going to do, rit, who should i dress up for, i have andrey on an internship, dimka will probably come to you.” not a fact, but i i told you, he rarely calls, he says there’s a lot of work, somehow it’s not how i imagined it all, here you and andrey are all for real, you can see love right away, he has yes, but i accept his feelings, i can’t reciprocate , and maybe this is what is needed without all these passions. these are love’s only
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problems, if love is mutual, then there will be no problems. maximalist. hello, i'm here. everything is fine, yes, get ready for graduation, for another week, it’s okay, i understand, no, i’m not offended, yes, we’ll call you, kiss you, how beautiful you are to me, completely grown up, oh, so time flies quickly, you’ll get married, fly away, mommy, well, you’re talking about this again, but i ’m not getting married, how come i’m not getting married? samush, are you crazy? andrey, a wonderful game, a game, just some kind of chess, well, why just chess, mommy, you and i are very good, bad, you feel bad, bad together, without dad, it would be better not
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to know anything, we lived as we lived , yes all.
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congratulations, thank you very much, i wish you a successful creative path, and give me an interview, well done, professional acumen, and now you won’t refuse, i think we’ve arrived, listen, i’m late,
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how much do i owe you, don’t worry, i’ll quickly change the spare tire, let’s move on. where are you? wow! i’m glad, of course, i ’ll text you the address of the restaurant now. see you. is he in st. petersburg? just imagine, he came to congratulate me. wow, man, i understand, five points. so, that means you
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're staying. well, it turns out that’s it? i suggest you drink wine. thank you, reed, don’t be sad, oh, why am i so unlucky, i thought everything through so well, i’ll finish university, marry denka, get a job television, well, your first wish came true, you graduated from university, and for the rest you need to have a little patience, why can’t it all be done at once, by the way, a nice toast, let’s drink to that, listen, maybe you’ve already had enough? your jackpot has arrived, hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, andryush, you're crazy, well, you 're glad that i'm here, of course i'm glad, i didn't expect such a surprise, that's why i came, i only have 20 minutes, i today we need
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to get back to paris in time, you’re really crazy, maybe there’s something else, i’m sorry, that it’s on the move like this, but who knows how to do it right? but from the bottom of my heart, inga, i love you very much and ask you to become my wife, are you crazy? well, i understand everything, i’m not rushing you anywhere, i’m just supposed to be sent to france for an internship at the end of my internship, my father has already agreed on everything and i ’d like to go there with my wife, who cares, guys, congratulations on graduating from university, yes i i should congratulate you, it’s too early for us, what else do you think, rit, let’s figure it out ourselves, what’s there to figure out, excuse me, hello, yes, hello, where are you? i am very touched, i promise
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to give you an answer very soon, i will wait, i love you very much, it’s time for me to go, i’ll run, okay. listen, dimka called and said he’s coming now, we need to talk seriously, what if he ’s going to propose to me too, well, you see, and you were worried, you know what, let’s have a drink, no, that’s it, i passed, and you agreed or not?
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well, i won’t be more specific, i don’t understand much about it. what happened to you, where did you go, where, in what bar, i’ll come now, don’t go anywhere,
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inga, let’s take you home, i won’t go, so, it’s clear, you need to call your mom, we better write to your mom, let’s go. why , where are you taking me, you need to sleep, i don’t want to sleep, why is everything so wrong, so late, late, late, well, i, i didn’t know, i didn’t think. i also wanted it to
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turn out this way. good morning, hello, i woke up, how did i end up here, i remember graduation, i remember the restaurant. further, oh, how my head is pounding, how i was spoiled, my mother is probably going crazy there, everything is fine, i sent a message from your number, everything is fine, i’m spending the night with friends, thank you, i’m so ashamed, i should have gotten so drunk, i’ll accompany you,
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don’t, i’ll call a taxi, wait, inga, margarita told me that andrey proposed to you . it's true, true, i understand, you've been with him for a long time, he returned from the army, from the army, it doesn't matter, i just wanted to ask you what you answered him, i'm sorry, hello, rita, what happened, why are you crying, call riti immediately , you didn’t say what you answered him, of course, yes. i already said, no, i should have thought earlier, i understood, but now it’s too late, and stop calling, hello, daughter,
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hello, mom, well, dad called, yes, from some stranger’s number. wanted, i don’t want to see him, that means you won’t be able to forgive him, oh, i don’t know, daughter, maybe when i can’t, but to accept, no, how was your graduation, it’s normal, andrey called, he came, what a great guy, mom, he he proposed to me, what are you doing, oh, well, thank god, let’s drink tea, tell me everything, okay, just i ’ll change clothes now. so, dim, i don’t understand anything, you came to me specifically yesterday and said we need to talk seriously, i hoped that maybe you, like andrei, ingi, will propose to me, and you just up and disappeared, forgive me, i should have talked to you a long time ago, but it only happened now,
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i basically came then, came to say that we are breaking up. yes, unfortunately, and what happened yesterday evening, you can explain to me, it didn’t happen yesterday, it happened a long time ago, that i love someone else, well, forgive me. “i’m very sorry, i shouldn’t have responded to your feelings, i acted like a real egoist, it means you love someone else when it was bad, i was useful, you know, get out of here, i also have pride, i said, get out of here!”
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daughter, it seems to me that there is no need to doubt it at all, well, let’s see, mom, i haven’t decided anything yet, you’re waiting someone, no, sit, i ’ll open it, hello, can you borrow a suitcase, and where are you going, to the sea, with dimka, alone , let’s go and talk, only i ’ll warn my mother, yeah, you see, he fell in love with someone else, i wish i knew who it was, who bewitched him, he probably found someone in his yekaterinburg, why do you think that in yekaterinburg, well, where else, everything was fine with us before we left, i didn’t come up with
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all this for myself, i’ll go to the sea. dash your suitcase, of course, i would have gone with you if it weren’t for mom, hello, how did you get there, listen, let me call you back later, kiss you, how can i get you started, you’ll be a complete fool if you refuse, well, i don’t know if i can i him? to love the same way he loves me, that you hit it off, i love you, you see what love can lead you to, let them love you better, but you won’t have to suffer, listen to you, that’s it, that’s it. i decided i i’m staying, i’ll help you with the preparations for the wedding, well done, i decided everything for everyone, and you thought that i would suffer or something,
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it’ll be okay, daughter, hello, hello, i didn’t call you, i thought you’d hang up, so i came to congratulate you . thank you, although, to be honest, this is not how i imagined your holiday, i too, maybe let’s go, sit together, celebrate your diploma, dad, my mother is waiting for me, but we won’t be long, at least an hour, okay, let’s go, let’s go , well, daughter, i raise this glass, dad, let’s do without toasts today, it’s better to tell. how are you are you living? yes, i'm very sorry that everything turned out this way. of course, i would like to return everything
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back, but your mother will never forgive me, she will forgive me, but she will not accept me back. well, essentially it's the same thing. she really regrets that she found out about everything. complete in this. is it my fault? no, you shouldn’t blame yourself, sooner or later, but you would have found out anyway, i have a son growing up there, i couldn’t betray him, leave him, but it turns out, you betrayed him, abandoned us, i’ll never forgive myself for this, you’re absolutely right, live in valge it is impossible, sooner or later i have to pay dearly for my mistakes, unfortunately, not only me. it’s a pity that you realize this too late, yes, you see, it’s too late, so what are you thinking of doing now,
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dad, i need to go and this is very urgent, thank you for the lights. it’s no use calling, dima isn’t here, and you know when he’ll come, so he left, how he left,
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where? well, how should i know, he came after lunch with his things, left the keys, asked to look after the apartment, said goodbye and left, i didn’t ask any questions. mommy, are you feeling bad? no, no, no, it's okay, i was just a little nervous, you sit down, mom, don’t translate for him, i’m calling an ambulance, well, inga, you’re crazy, what an ambulance, i say, i feel great, how are you doing, sit down. so, tomorrow we're going to the hospital and you're going for a full examination, what kind of examination, are you crazy, we have a wedding coming up, mom, i haven't even given my consent yet, so you'll call me and
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you'll agree, and after the wedding i'll tell you i promise, i swear to you, i will definitely go for a full examination, really, really, i’ve changed my mind, no, i’m just thinking about taking your last name or leave yours? well, of course mine, you see, my father always wanted a son, a daughter was born, so he asked me, when i get married, not to change my last name, well then you should keep yours, but you don’t have to do anything, now you have a father without me, who will continue his last name? maybe we can just sign without guests? no, it won’t work without guests, my parents won’t understand, but my friends. no, my dear, you will have to be patient. how are we
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going to celebrate today? inga, oh, sorry, i was just wondering what, well, i’m worried about my mother, not even i thought that my wedding would coincide with my parents’ divorce, listen, what are you doing, something happened, let’s go back, my father is there with his, but you understand, yes, i didn’t expect from sveta, from whom, but from the girl who is with yours father. wow, her name is even like my mom, how do you know her? yes, she was dating my friend max, they were even going to get married, and then something happened to them ; they somehow quickly separated. yes, it’s kind of a sad holiday for us. do you know what? and come to me this evening, i i'll try to arrange it for the holiday. well, everything
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is clear, she did it on purpose.
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they’re spinning, but i’m not talking about yours, hi, hi, this is for you, hush, mom is already asleep, she doesn’t feel well, let’s go.
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you look like that, or you want to prank me or say something unpleasant, unfortunately, the second thing that happened is that i am urgently called for an internship in paris, and we don’t have time to prepare documents for your departure, well, that’s okay, yes, you can come to me later, but the wedding will have to be postponed until you return. yes, i was upset myself, but the main thing is that in a week you can you come to me and we will be together, i can’t come so quickly, why? well , because i can’t leave my mother alone, she ’s been very sick lately, it’s all because of my father, yes, yes, she hears about him, right after the pills, i haven’t said yet that we met, my father and i
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were not bottlers. “i could tell him everything, i miss him very much, don’t worry, everything will work out, russia elected a president for the eighth time, for the first time, donbass and other new regions of the vast country did this, despite provocations.” ukraine, and this is donetsk, belgorod, which the zaporozhye and kherson regions do not stop terrorizing, have broken all the stereotypes of their ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what hopes do you have
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for today? chosen, the end of the war, the end of the war, everyone’s standards are the same everywhere, i just can’t find anything here that doesn’t correspond to generally accepted laws. and in russia and belarus we... and there is a point, they live in postmodernity, in postmodernity - everything in the world is text, the text is not important, our mistake is that we are looking for meanings where there are none, it seems to me that there is already a war here even of meanings, their absence,
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because it is logical to somehow explain why a man, a grandfather, who does not remember his name, is put in the post of such a huge state, but this is absurd , if you just don’t set yourself up for such a life of prayer. you ’ll just feel, well, somehow uncomfortable, monastic life, it’s not easy, it’s a struggle, it’s the front line, god is alone with every heart, he says, every person, that’s an individuality, tell me the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the tv channel belarus24.
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who's in the hospital? mom, they just brought her. what's happened? they don't talk on the phone. so let's go, i'm with you. no i myself. you have a plane, they are waiting for you there. as soon as i find out, i'll call you right away. bye.
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are you klimova's daughter? yes, what's wrong with her? your mother has a massive heart attack and is now in intensive care. how? is it possible to see her? no, you can’t, go home, you’ll arrive tomorrow and find out about her well-being. i'll wait here. no, listen to me, you need to go and relax. there is no point in being here, if anything happens, they will call you, but everything will be fine, don't worry. she called in the morning and said: come to us in the evening, but i was happy, and she immediately explains, it’s only because of her daughter, it’s impossible for her to suffer because of us, did you
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say anything, no, of course, it’s her , probably, she heard our conversation with andrey yesterday, i was sure that she was sleeping, but just don’t try to blame yourself again, if anyone is to blame here, it’s only me. everything will be fine, daughter.
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i thought andrey would come after all, inga forbade him to come, he had a strict contract, there could be problems, he said how agree, he will come right away, what kind of contract, it’s simple.
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answer, it’s okay, i’ll call you back later. dad, you go home, they are also worried about you, but i don’t want to leave you alone, dad, i’m not a little girl anymore, i can handle it myself, i’m not alone, andrey will be back soon, go! okay, call, okay, don't forget,
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bye, bye. are you okay? come on in. how do you know? larisa vasilievna reported. i’m on a plane right away,
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thank you, you should sleep, but i can’t eat, i can’t sleep, i made a terrible mistake, my mother died because of me. do not say nonsense, your mother had heart problems, that’s right, she did, but i really wanted to, but who feels good from this truth now, how can i live with this now, stop, you’re not to blame for anything. although i understand you very well, i myself have been living with this
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feeling since the day you fell on the ice through my fault. are you still blaming yourself? of course, but i never even had the thought of blaming you, believe me? i believe, and believe me, your mother would tell you the same thing.
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i’m tired, but no, what are you, i’m so grateful to you. you just saved me, that's it ok, how is your fiancé, unfortunately, he couldn’t fly to the funeral, so it’s not in vain that i came to support you, and why are you already
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leaving? uh-huh, i should have been released for just one day, it’s a pity. “me too, okay, the plane is in 3 hours, i have to go until i get there, yes, i understand, thank you, but what are you, we are friends, you know, you are the best partner, if nothing had happened then, we were..." it's a pity that there is no subjunctive mood in history. ok,
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bye. the accidental passenger by ingaklova, reed, well stop mocking me, i’m not mocking you, i’m proud, well, i’ve also found an achievement, i just write stories, they get published, but that’s the work, listen, don’t be modest, no one lines up to me for stories, well, you’re funny, at least you’re doing something write something first. well, yes, we should, but i don’t have time yet, by the way, you wanted to introduce me to your fiance, what kind of fiance, well, what, igor, igor, and igor and i broke up last week, now i have vadim, wow, how did i miss everything, no,
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you didn’t miss anything, it’s all like that not serious, it just needs to be done somehow. listen, in general, you know, it’s a very nice restaurant, how do you like it, yes, i like it, the main thing is that it’s big and bright, yes, then it’s super, just great, we’ll still have time to stop by the salon today, i’ve got my eye on this dress, oh, i can’t stand to die , but i really had my eye on it, my wedding somehow all got lost somewhere, so it will be yours, the main thing is that it hasn’t happened yet.
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well, how do you like it here? yes, what's wrong with you? sorry, don't be silent, it's just very difficult to start. well, start somewhere already, maybe you got sick or got fired from your job?
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almost yes. in general, i cheated on you, yesterday i found out that... this girl is expecting a child from me, this is the daughter of my immediate boss, and we can assume that i lost my job, but it doesn’t matter, it’s important that you can forgive me, i’ll just wait , so everything is fine with you, and the child will be soon , the wedding has already been ordered, all that remains is to change the bride, but i don’t love her, this, this happened by accident, we celebrated on... the main thing is that you forgive me, you don’t need anything sacrifice, andryusha, fly to your paris, make a career,
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raise a child, but i’m already superfluous here, inga, don’t follow me.
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don’t carry boxes, you don’t need to reassure me, and i’ll throw out the boxes myself, you see how independent you are, why are you like that, you ’re angry at me, but what do you have to do with your andryushenka, no, well, you had to make such a mistake in a person , the ideal man is called. ok, ok, where when? disconnected,
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dimka is already here, so i’m not there, let it be a surprise, hello, hello. i decided it would be faster, but there’s no need to go anywhere, you i'm sure he came, but what does it have to do with it, rita, but you probably want to make peace with her, inga, yes, i came to you, we didn’t really have time to talk last time, i apologize for interrupting, i’m already leaving, rita, but it means you didn’t know anything about him, rita, your friend is called, you didn’t expect it. rit, wait, rit, wait! rita, rita, wait, everything is not
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as you imagined? did you fantasize? were these hallucinations or did he not come to you? yes, i’m more than sure that you met behind my back? yes, no one is with anyone met. well, of course, not in vain, it means i was jealous of you, i don’t want to see you. “i’m sorry, i didn’t think that everything would work out like this, i just wanted to surprise you, i did, now she will never believe that nothing happened between us, and there is no need to convince her of anything, i had no idea restore relations with her, can you even imagine how she feels now, i had a similar experience recently, yes, she thinks that you and i are dating, you know, margarita, she always invents more than it really is in our there was no relationship the same thing, so i’ll go to them, i need to talk to them, wait, we also need to talk, we have something to say to each other, yes, just not now? okay, then i’ll wait for you in the evening at 6:00 at that cafe where we were sitting, remember
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? okay. rita, can you hear me? hello, i’m stuck, can anyone hear me? can anyone
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hear me? networks. hello, what happened? hello, i'm stuck, the master will be there. within half an hour, wait. what is this , huh?
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the called party's device is turned off or is out of network coverage. inga, i’m already at the airport, i understand everything, everything needs to be done on time, but i’m just late, bye. i'm the one who's late.
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in selinograd, that is, there is, so to speak, a little history there.
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unique history and its own view of belarus, minsk is very good conditions for living as a family, especially with small children, i love belarus, and i proudly declare that it was here that i acquired my great happiness. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . live news, elizaveta lokotko is with you, good afternoon, in this episode.


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