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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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to give shine and a new look to minsk's municipal services, garages and steel organizations. yes, good luck to the workers of garamautadar savetsk district. the landing forces are out.
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the way, if necessary, they gave way to cars, we learn to provide first aid if someone got into a minor situation, so that they would get through trouble correctly. in the past, we won gold medals twice, represented the city of minsk at republican competitions, this year we prepared diligently and hope only for the best results, in the theoretical exam stages knowledge of ptd, you can learn something, the skills that you get during... the stage of figure-
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driving a bicycle, they need to be developed, so it takes a lot of time, also rehearsing the program with children, the guys who are part of the youth team traffic inspectors, in every school there is such a detachment, they assist us in teaching children the rules of the road, they also communicate with their peers, with their classmates, tell them what needs to be done on the road, as necessary...
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the minsk region gives the prime minister the stage of the minsk concert hall. choir, orchestra, dance ensembles and special effects. the symphanic program has michael jacksan, and the belarusian star has a new role. for us, this is also a kind of interesting and truly first experience, because such a large project that combines an orchestra, a choir of absolutely wonderful soloists, plus everything.
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news of the region and other projects of the beltelevision campaign are available on the website the beginning of the day and the meeting on the 18th day.
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this is an intellectual show, i know, for the sake of winning in which our participants are ready to re-read all the textbooks and encyclopedias, leaf through art albums and listen to all the classics. we are confident that this knowledge will find application on our site. let's get acquainted with today's scholars and their teachers. georgy kirimov, secondary school number 14 of the city of baranovichi and
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computer science teacher sergey vasilyevich basan. daria krivenko, gymnasium number two in vitebsk, english teacher anastasia vladislavna. arina yaroshova - secondary school number one of the city-town named after bogramyan and a history teacher.
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minsk primary school teacher elena nikolaevna tumanova. daniilova etikhovsky, gymnasium number 39 of the city of minsk, history teacher vladislav vladimirovich chastyakov. anastasia arbuzova, gymnasium number 1 of the city of old road, teacher of the belarusian language and literature.
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world, either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a harbinger, guys, let our game become a useful test for you and there are no coincidences, everything is a pleasant reward. we wish everyone, everyone, good luck, vasya, start the first round. ahead first round, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 questions.
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daria, let's start with you, what do you think, how did you answer? well, i answered, no, i think that perhaps this street was renamed, but not into chekhov street. i would suggest that this street was not renamed in honor of chekhov, but in honor of dostoevsky. well, if not chekhov, who could it have been renamed after? dostoevsky, perhaps. oh, dashenka, she’s so smart, i know that she loves literature very much and reads a lot, so i'm sure that she knew the answer to... this dostoevsky question, why? it seemed so, but it just seemed so? well, perhaps
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there is some knowledge that is now that you do not control, yes, it came to mind, it is there somewhere deep in consciousness, now this is daria dostoevsky street. fyodor mikhailovich was born and lived for a long time on bozhedomka street, where the mariinsky hospital for the poor, where his father worked, was located. the correct answer to our question. no. second question: is it true that the largest the current banknote of the national bank of belarus is 200 belarusian rubles. time. arina, what do you think? it seems to me that the largest bill that exists at the moment is 500 rubles. have you ever held such a cooper in your hands? no, but have you at least seen it? yes. daniel, how did you answer this question? answered: yes, but i have never seen 500 rubles. i doubted it, but relied
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on my personal experience, i remember just seeing 200 rubles. well, i answered 200, oh, i was wrong, unfortunately, i was wrong, i actually didn’t see this bill myself until recently, but i just knew about it. okay, i accept your answer. so, it's very simple here and i think to find out the correct answer, let's look at the screen. this is the biggest one. the banknote of the national bank of belarus is currently 500 rubles. the correct answer to our question is no. third question: is it true that photoperiod is the length of daylight hours, depending on the time of year. time! clip, what do you think? well, i know the correct answer, that photoperiod, yes, is the length of daylight hours, which depends on the time of year. i know it
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from the tenth grade biology course, since we took ecology, and there is just this concept. otherwise the authors and editors wrote to me here, but you took it all for me and told me, you didn’t leave me any chance at all, thank you very much for such a detailed answer, this is an absolutely correct answer, yes, the only thing i really want to add is a change. photoperiod plays an important role in the life of plant and animal organisms, a very important role. fourth question: is it true that the expression besplatny padarunak - geta pryklad hyperballs? time! artyom, what do you think,
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hyperbala - geta tsi not? geta is not a hyperbola, and i literally say... why geta is not the correct expression, because it is so free, well, in general, you can say so, well , geta budze wash, if you say so, get out, geta budze wash, okay, yours the answer is clear to me, no, as you think, this is a mistake, this is not a mistake, hyperbala, this is not a hyperbala, as i know, hyperbala, and this expression is similar to taftology, that is, repetition.
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answered, gleb, let's live, about isothermal process, i know that this is a process in which the body temperature remains constant, and in this process, as far as i remember from the tenth grade physics course, the greater the pressure, the smaller the volume of the body and vice versa, i know everything, he is the school curriculum from and i'm not sure, but how did you answer
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our question? i answered, yes, very well, the process of changing the state of a physical system. ideal gas in coordinates, is a hyperbola; in physics, such a curve is called an isotherm. the correct answer to our question is number six question: is the island of cuba really located in the pacific ocean? time. let's go through geography. danila, what do you think? no, cuba is in the atlantic ocean. maybe you can also name the sea for us? caribbean. i don’t even know what else i can complain about. attention to the screen, let's make sure of this. yes, that's right. atlantic ocean, caribbean sea. well, you see, the pacific ocean has nothing to do
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with our issue, and it has nothing to do with cuba. the correct answer to our question is no. seventh question: is it true that it is great? magna carta signed by king john the landless of england. time! bogdan? i think not, because i remember that it was another king, but i don’t remember which one. so, not landless? not landless. unfortunately, bogdan answered incorrectly, although he is attracted by history. but in general the magna carta. these were english lands, we established this, it was some kind of king, the only nuance, all that confused you is that this was not a landless yuan, yes, this student’s comment is somewhat incorrect, because
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liberties were taken, unfortunately, on peasants, to feudal lords, the king had the nickname landless, since his feudal lords gained so much power under him that his own royal domain was negligible compared to their possessions, and he had to give his barons fair liberties, hence the great the magna carta, actually. artyom, help! 13th century, even in my opinion 1215, if my memory serves me correctly, brilliant, so far everything is amazing, but we don’t remember the king, but what’s wrong, i’ve jinxed it, probably, yes, i shouldn’t have said that it’s amazing, like you they answered, why yes and correctly, and well done, because artyom is participating in the history olympiad, i was sure that he would give the correct answer to this question, cheers, well done, the correct answer to our question, the eighth question, pay attention: to screen , tell me if the stressed vowel time is highlighted correctly: anastasia, do you think everything
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is correct on our screen? no, the correct answer would be more beautiful, because in the word beautiful the emphasis is on the letter i, so the letter i will also be more beautiful. the correct answer to this question is no, the correct way to say it is more beautiful. ninth question, type. it’s true that scriptors are masters in the creation of musical instruments. time! daria, well, i know that scriptors are masters of rewriting books. well done dashenka, she answered this question so confidently, again i say, she really likes to read literature, so she should have known the answer to this question.
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books, the correct answer to our question is no, the tenth question: is it true that saturated carboxylic acids, as they were called in the writing, have lower melting points than unsaturated ones time. ilya, as you answered, let’s start small, i answered yes, because in my opinion, saturated acids should have a low melting point, why, it seems to me that from the chemistry course it was so, so it seems to you, or from course of chemistry, and i assume that while studying chemistry i remembered exactly this kind of information, it’s so good, everything was recorded, let’s not forget this...
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there are many bonds, and a double or triple bond is stronger than a single bond, and accordingly more energy is needed to destroy it and well differs by the presence of a double or triple melt, so let’s say how did you answer this question? i don’t remember anymore, in my opinion, no, great, very good, the evil eye is out, and the hearts are out, but on the other hand, this is an absolutely
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correct policy, they forgot the answer, there is no point in focusing on one thing. gleb, i want to emphasize once again that you know that the correct answer is yes, you were mistaken and answered no, yes, that’s it, let’s record this, unsaturated carboxylic acids have lower melting points than saturated ones, therefore... containing a large number of residues unsaturated carboxylic acids will be liquid. such fats are of vegetable origin and are called vegetable oils. the correct answer to our question is: no. imagine how lucky you are. can you imagine, yes, now both how happy gleb is, and how the others who answered yes are upset. eleventh question: is it true that the main manifestation of hypertension is a decrease in blood pressure. time. alexandra, what do you think?
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i answered, no, it seems to me that... with hypertension, on the contrary, arterial blood increases pressure, what then is a decrease in blood pressure called? hypotension, everything is fine, don’t be shy, please, hypotension, hypertension, hypotension, and in general what pressure is considered normal, well, if a person does not have any chronic diseases or abnormalities, what is the norm, danila, 20 to 80, well, let’s say, there small differences are given, well, for example, 110 to 70 and up to... 130 to 85, in principle, this will also be the norm, we can all depend on weather conditions, pressure and other things, these are the limits of the norm, and then it goes on interesting, decreased normal pressure from 110 to 70 to 100 to 60, low blood pressure, without the prefix, normal, this is hypotension, below 100 to 60, increased normal pressure 130 to 85 -139 to 89, well, increased.
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taxama from gomel region, ale khoinicka district of veski glinische. the correct answer to our question is no. before we sum
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it up. first round i really want to talk to you and share my impressions. daniil, how did you like the first round? what question seemed the most difficult? well, for me the most difficult questions are always related to literature or history. do you have enough points to make it to the second round? i think no. arina, how do you like the first round? which question did you like best? i guess i liked the question about the five-hundred-ruble culture. he was the lightest, that's why? maybe. so. fine. gleb, how do you like the first round, do you see yourself in the second round? well, to be honest, about the first round, i was once again convinced that i can’t guess, plus i was a little upset in the sense that i failed the chemistry question, because i majored in chemistry at school and biology, i’m a little ashamed, so i hope that i will make it to the second round. alexandra, do you think we will see you in the second round? well, i really hope so, i liked the questions, they weren’t very difficult and
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i think i have enough. number of points, which means that now we will turn to our computer and ask us to track and count which of these two players gave their correct answers faster than their competitor; whoever was faster goes to the second round. attention to the screen. gleb was faster, still faster, faster, he didn’t listen to me, i told him not to rush, but he was in a hurry, it’s right that he didn’t listen to you. here it is, the eight players we will meet in the second round
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of the intellectual show, i know. at the bottom of the list, as always, are four of those players to whom we will say goodbye already here now. thank you for playing, all the best, all the best. i’m a little upset that i didn’t make it to the second round, i didn’t do well with literature, maybe if i answered faster and thought less, the answers would be better, the game was basically interesting, but unfortunately i came across questions that were not given to me, i did not answer questions on literature. of course, as a resident of the gomel region, living not far from the village of the kormaduvar district , it was unavoidable for me to answer the question incorrectly, but alas, i hope that this will be a lesson for me in life, it was very interesting, everything is fine, the only thing that let me down were those subjects, which i did not expect, history, geography, about the king who was called landless, i understood that he was landless for a reason, because he gave away the land and lost the land, but i made a mistake and something
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wedged me and i... answered incorrectly, to say that i was upset, well, it’s unlikely, there were such questions, well, from areas in which i, in general, am not i’m especially interested, so the fact that i didn’t answer them is quite natural, what i’m not happy with a little is my explanation of the question in chemistry, because there, in my opinion, i got something wrong, that’s how it is in general, well and okay, it flew out, it flew out, editors club, this is my first time in minsk, i was in a very large number countries of the world, here i come. and what i understand is that all the shops are open, please, if you want, the city is clean, the hotels are excellent, i’ll tell you more than that, such a conveyor belt as i saw here at the car plant on the mat of such an organized conveyor belt, i have never seen such a clear flow of young people worked
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when a small state, pursuing its policy, developing its own belarusian economic model, this exactly makes us a desirable goal, we need to be prepared for the fact that we will be... traveling is not only getting to know history and sights. the volkovyi river, which flows through volkovysk, is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, wolf in the
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slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, hence also wolves. students of all ovsevich moiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated a gift to the art gallery, the work ityut, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new, string, motherwort, but lapant, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant, well, this too, it's heartfelt plant, here we have cardiovascular. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation and, of course, to join the unique folk art. we lower the pedal, we lower it, you take it with two handles, and with two handles you knock it down, hard, not scary, there’s nothing scary here, that’s it, look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the second round is ahead, let’s get acquainted with its
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rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, from of which only one is true. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer brings the participant two points, four players. those with the most points advance to the third round. the first question of the second round, researchers believe that the prototype of rebovsky, the hero of chekhov's story , was the jumper. afanasy fet, b. isaac levitan, c-konstantin stanislavsky. time! it’s a complex question, it seems to me, and it will be all the more interesting to unravel it. nikolay, how did you answer? i answered option c. exact answer i don't know, but i'll guess. this is so, i think that he showed logic, since chekhov
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is a playwright, stanislavsky director, there was logic in this, who is konstantin stanislavsky, who is this, it seems to me, this is a director , producer, direct producer, perhaps, well, at that time there was no such thing , probably, concepts as a producer, although now something tells me that konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky could cope with this task, but alas, then, of course, he was not a producer. daria, well, let's start with this. but i didn’t choose stanislavsky, i chose levittan and well done, because ryabovsky, as it seems to me, was an artist, well, or vitan an artist, you are leading to this, i just didn’t immediately discover the connection, yes, yes, that’s why the prototype, the prototype of levovsky is levitan, and what do you think, levitan liked this story, no, why? but rabovsky was not the most positive character; in my opinion, the positive
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character in this story was dymov. okay, artyom, do you have anything to add? well, i have nothing to add, i also referred to intuition, but if this is a story about levitan, then in my opinion then they even quarreled with chekhov for a while, well, they didn’t just quarrel, they almost came to a duel, in fact, yeah, the artist iribovsky actually captured some of the features of the famous landscape painter levitan. who gave lessons to kuvshinnikova, traveled with her to the volga to draw sketches. after the publication of the jumper, levitan wanted to challenge chekhov to a duel and forgot the description for several years. the correct answer to our question is option b. isaac levitan. the second question: which ecological group according to the type of adaptation to do shrimp live in the aquatic environment? a plankton, b - nikton, c - bentas. time.
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gleb, tell us how you worked with this issue? well, in general, i know that there are these three main groups, and ecological ones in terms of adaptation, here is the planton nekton and benthos, and i now realized that shrimp have low body mass, and low body mass is one of adaptation of a group of plankton to life in the aquatic environment, namely to movement in the upper layers of water. how do plankton move in general? rather, due to the flow of water, due to that they have low body weight, they don’t drown. yes. and daria, please add. i agree with gleb’s answer, in general, nekton seem to be organisms that can resist the flow, and they live in the water column, and bentas lives at the bottom, also a small organism that lives at the bottom of reservoirs.
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b: northern war, c - hundred years' war. time? artyom? so, i chose the answer option with the hundred years' war. this is true. the hundred years' war lasted 116 years from 1337 to 1453. it doesn't seem strange that a war that lasted more than 100 years was called a hundred years, well rounded, all this removes all questions. nikolay, how did you answer? i also answered the hundred years war, i know that it lasted 16 years. i counted and it came out to 116, so i answered the hundred years' war. you also showed excellent knowledge of arithmetic, this is very good, it turned out to be two in one. and the gusitsky war, what kind of war is this? danilo, this is a war on the territory of the czech republic, justified by religion, if i’m not mistaken. yeah, what about the northern war? this is a war between russia and sweden. at the beginning
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of the 16th century. well, don’t take away, don’t add, the correct answer to our question is option c- hundred years war. the fourth question is how... this is actually a large number of small crystals fused together. okay, alexandra, what do you think? i also answered c, based on the fact that the prefix field means many, that is, many small crystals have grown together, resulting in a field of crystals. by and large, there was no need to even deal with single crystals, anti-crystals, it was enough to read,
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hear, see this prefix field to understand that it is a composite of something, of some kind. the correct answer to our question, option. polycrystals. fifth question: a perpendicular to a plane drawn from a certain point, a pass, any inclined to this plane drawn from the same point. please fill out this blank. option a - less, b - equal, c more. time.
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it would be a shame if after such an explanation there was an incorrect answer, it is true that this is the correct answer, option a is less.
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sixth question: what was the approximate size of what was determined by the ancient scientist erotosthenes from alexandria? a- sun, b- earth, c: moon, time! nikolay, what do you think? i believe that the earth, because it seems to me that first there had to be a certain land, and then the rest of the objects, and he was the first to decide to start with the earth and determined its dimensions. and what about the father? they call erotostheno, maybe, you know, like geography, the father of geography. tarja, did you want to add something? yes, if i'm not mistaken, artaspen calculated the approximate dimensions of the earth using a device called the gnomon. dasha is very confident in herself, i think it helps her that she plays mind games. i think this question definitely had to be there. just
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like that. gnamon. yes. well, the alexandrian astronomer athosthenes in 240 bc according to observations. the sun very accurately determined the size of the globe and indeed erotosthenes is considered to be the father of geography. the correct answer to our question is option b. earth. seventh question. what name should we give to our hellishly forsaken yadviga? a. radima mother. b. uncle oak. c) uncle kuhar. time. i know it, i read it, and i know it kukhar - geta ўryvak s paema new land of yakub
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kolas, radzima matsi, well, i don’t remember, well , there he is now remembered, that in belarusian literature can be called radzima matsi, but gleb remembers, i remember, kali pa belarusian itaratures in 10th grade there were data about the characteristics of our yadvizia, or the proper name of the nickname. anton lyavitski, then there was a gavorka abomed the creation, apavayadanni duby duli, i there, well , eight gata abym, stoke old oak, yaki qjo shmat, napa, stegoddzya grew up at parani myasin, eight vestzer zlama, i dachshund geta can be said, on vacha at the young chalavek. dzyadzka kukhar, i know that this is a break from the prizes of the new land of yakub kolas, and... and all, and rodzina mats, radzima mats, i tell the truth, but i don’t remember, i artsyom, geta is
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one of the highest statues in the world, the correct answer to our question, option b, oak, dzyadulya, the eighth question, which substance is a disaccharide, a glucose, b, fructose, c- sucrose, time. nikolay, but it seems to me that fructose and sucrose belong to that class, but glucose does not, so i answered glucose, option a, glucose, they answered, is not our area, here is the knowledge, the train of thought is interesting, danila, glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, succharose consists of glucose and fructose, this is absolutely correct, and the correct answer to our question is option c: sucrose. ninth question. what was the name of the only daughter of the grand duke of lithuania vytautas? a, sophia, b. anastasia, c-
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euphrasinia. time. georgy, what do you think? i don’t know exactly, but i chose euphrasinius. euphrasinia, why is it simple? nice familiar name, but in fact i remember some an interesting story about how her son, perhaps he defended her from her father when she tried to kill him, perhaps it was the story of the provitovt, but i don’t know for sure, she tried to kill her husband and it was ragneda, well, if you mean this, yes, it seems i was mistaken, it’s okay, now you know, alexandra, how you answered this question, i answered sophia, i liked the name, but i just liked the name, very good, yes. well, i also answered, and sophia also liked the name, no, i was repeating the history of belarus, honestly repeated the history of belarus, i watched it
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a lot yesterday, so i didn’t remember any specific facts, but i remember that vidovt had one daughter, in my opinion , the name sophia was tried on there, it seems like it really was her, that was her name, she was then the wife of some other famous prince, dari, how did you know that just yesterday it was necessary to prepare the history of belarus? what was his name? option a - emil post, b - alan theuring, c - robert floyd. time.
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alexandra. i actually watched this movie because benedith cumberch is one of my favorite actors and very much. look, there’s dissolution too, yes. behaves completely differently - compared to the beginning of the game. i love the series sherlock very much, so i remember for sure that this film was about alan turing, so i chose option b. well, this film is about deciphering the enigma machine. and the correct answer to our question is option b. alain turing. let's share our impressions. danila, how did you like the second round, did it seem more difficult than the first? it seemed easier to me. easier? yes, because i didn’t answer two questions, and i didn’t answer three in the first one. great, daria, how did you play? well, not bad, for some reason it seemed more difficult to me than in the first round, well , perhaps, because there were three options, not
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two, if suddenly you didn’t know something, had doubts, then it’s complicated. choose, i built up a little question about the hundred years’ war, because i knew that the hundred years’ war was not divided into 100 years, but i didn’t know about 116, guys, and chose the gusitsky war, that’s a pity, it’s okay, sometimes it’s useful to make mistakes, nikolai, and you see yourself in the third round, to be honest, i don’t know, but the game was quite normal, you counted your answers, the correct answers, it seems like i had three mistakes, yeah, that’s not bad, seven correct answers, more or less, but georgiy... will we see you in the third round? unfortunately, maybe not, did you think so too? no, i didn’t count it, i feel it, do you feel it? yes, well, then let’s not guess, i suggest you pay attention to the screen, especially since your results arrived like pies in the heat, look, daria, alexandra, artyom, danilo, gleb, nikolai, arina and georgi, alas, here it is, the four
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participants in the third round at the end of the list, as always, four.
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last time i also reached the second round and now again, that is, we can say that in this regard i am standing still, and this is of course not very pleasant, i knew some things, i didn’t know some things, mainly when i i knew the answer to the question , i answered correctly when i didn’t know, but guess what, there weren’t enough points to get through to the next round, but i’m not upset, it happens, i liked this experience, i’m offended for a few questions, the first one is about plankton, nikton and benthos, i knew the answer, but somehow maybe... i got worried and answered the wrong thing, i wish good luck to those who stayed, in the show i know there is a change on stage pupil grand studio malinovka bays pomash, stasya korsak and roman kovalev ballet,
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i paint. you are the light of the bright farbami, our marars of the sky, the daver, tayamnitsy, blasphemy, know the warta to us, we believe, tsyaper, through the fog i will walk, i will find my little gate, my joint is on my finger.
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sounds and voices, just follow me, i’m in trouble, people are ruining everything, the knowledge of the heart's promises is summed up, there is no need to look back, for posers to the sky, for the souls of birds, wings and anything. i ’ll go through the fog, i’ll find my eye, my finger will have a spasm, i can’t help flying, i’m dying, i’m looking, well, come with me, let’s see how we can get to space.
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voices, just be with me, so that i can shake you like this, with tanks, i’ll rub you with my voice, you’ll be on horseback, together with your hand, fix it. we can reach out to space, with thoughts in our voices, just be with me, tamararay, there
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is tararay, there is tararay, there is tamararay. guys, i congratulate you on reaching the third round and before we continue, i suggest taking a short break to get to know each other better. daria, chemistry and physics scare you, really, why am i embarrassed, i ask, sometimes it scares me with its terminology and formulas, sometimes it scares me, and you know especially when...
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she studies geography, she participates in but contour maps don’t scare her, because the olympiads she, in principle, has been the winner of the third final round of the republican olympiad for several years in a row, that is, she pass on the republic and even this year we have little hope, i’m afraid to jinx it. native olympics, it will be held in ireland, if i’m not mistaken, the main achievement in life, you overcame your fear of communicating with strangers while searching for your missing dog, that’s right, yes, that’s right, how it was, tell me, well, in general i have dog, japanese quito, i love him very much, i appreciate him, i adore him, he has a daughter, she, well, the dog, yes, he has a daughter, so somehow i saw almost that this daughter disappeared, i volunteered to help, and to help i had to run around. a fairly large area and somehow try to put up advertisements, ask something, because it’s difficult to look for animals, you need to communicate with some witnesses, maybe someone saw, someone knew, someone heard, give, this story
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has a happy ending, yes, this is the most important thing, that this story ended so well, that is, we worked all day, searched and not in vain, in the end the dog was found, lives, lives happily, very vulnerable dasha, i can’t say that she’s somehow touchy or not, she has her own core, she knows exactly what she wants, she evaluates everything perfectly, but she’s really very vulnerable, very kind, very responsive, but only she could run after this dog half the city to look for, but because for her some kind of misfortune is someone else’s, someone else’s grief is like hers, but she wants to help, daria, this is not your first time with us, not the first, you are already an experienced fighter , the first attempt was 4 years ago, correct me if yes is correct. how did this end attempt? well, i was eliminated after the second round of the super final? no, just after the second round of the game, yes. what was missing then? there wasn't enough confidence. she came here to us this time, for what purpose, to really
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participate again or to surpass herself? she said that she really wanted to just take part, play longer, feel this atmosphere, well, i think, probably, she’s being a little disingenuous, of course, there is this spark, what you need, you need how...
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to think in the technical sense -for example, i don’t really like geometry and physics. artyom, is this somehow expressed in grades? sometimes yes, sometimes no. okay, let's just do it.
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strong and wise enough internally to decide the fate of many countries, you can’t tell by my age, i’m still young, we’ll wait and see, is he a diplomat in life, is he a diplomat with his classmates, with his teachers? yes, i think, yes, it’s easy with him, it’s interesting with him, because you know, it’s always interesting to communicate with an educated person, that’s why artyom is just like that, but he can soften, for example, some kind of argument, discussion, conflict, i think yes, he is capable.
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in general, intellectual games since the fifth grade, do you like to play the violin, how long have you been playing, i graduated from music school, seventh grade, and i’m still in the ensemble, that is, we play at concerts, i’m trying to understand, look, what’s somewhere- when, in addition to the championships themselves, there is also preparation, training, yes, i’m saying that correctly, but you still play the violin, it wastes a lot of time, your studies, yeah, i understand, are at a fairly high level.
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with the economy, something economic? sasha with ninth grade, became interested in financial literacy, participates in the olympics, she was captivated by it, and i think her choice of economic direction is connected with this, well, let's not get ahead of ourselves in the future, let's stay here now, wish her success so that she achieves her goal in our game. i really wish this for her. and all we have to do is meet danila. you motivate yourself to study by... i have
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to apply this year, yes, danila, i really have to, i really have to, and if you don’t get in, then i’ve been putting on ankle boots for a year and a half, and i suspect that you want something completely different, well, yes, where will you go, belarusian state university of informatics, radio electronics, you are danila’s primary school teacher, and you still maintain a relationship, yes, we really maintain a relationship with him, he shares his sorrows with me , sorrows, joys, because i am always very happy for him for me... always a winner, and no matter what happens, i will be very happy and will support him in everything. you don’t have a hobby, you wrote so in your application form, the only thing you well, what i like in my free time from studying is... surfing, strolling through wikipedia, well, not only that, but i can look up some information on wikipedia and then sit for half an hour, just on different pages, go through each of these blue links. danilo studies a lot, reads a lot, he is now preparing to
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compete at the republican olympiad in physics and wants to go there. as far as i know, this is not your first time visiting us either, but 4 years ago you visited us, but why? experience, why did you even come a second time, to win, well, with what mood he was driving now, why should he even be here again on our program, well, he still wants to prove to himself that he can win, that he has enough knowledge, although he understands and says that yes, there are strong
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competitors here and he really understands that everyone also has different knowledge, but we are glad that the guys are coming back to us, it means we are doing a great project, we wish everyone success in the future. the participant with the fastest reaction gets the right to answer; a correct answer earns him three points; in case of an error, he also gets the right to answer. goes to other participants, the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. first question, tivotura, which characters in irish folklore, according to legend, hide a pot of gold in the place where the rainbow goes into the ground. danila, i understood what they were talking about, but i forgot this word. come on, why did you press the button? yes, because i understood who it was, and
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that’s it, and the thought flew away. unfortunately, this will not be fair to other players, because, well, pressing a button is half the battle, you also need to give the correct answer. 3 2 1 your answer? no, no answer, alas, tara, are these leprechauns? leprechauns? yes, exactly leprechauns. i hope this word is on the tip of your tongue, danila. leprechauns. and if you find these same treasures, then you become their new owner. well, according to legend. second question. on the screen you see a monument to a literary heroine. it is located in gelendzhuk on the black sea coast. the girl’s gaze is turned to another sculpture. true, not so long ago. this second sculpture was dismantled in order to replace with a more durable design, since wood fabric quickly deteriorates from the proximity of water. what is this heroine's name? dawn, salt? wow , dasha, until they decided
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to dismantle the secret, the composition looked like this. let's make sure. like this. and salt, of course. the third question and this is the question from the chest. in our chest there is bedding , which gave its name to the life form of cold-climate plants. such plants are characterized by numerous short, intensively branching shoots without clearly defined main trunk, characterized by a peculiar round shape. what's in our chest? daria, maybe it's urine? a washcloth, yes, bedding, well, no, but i was eating through the root system to promote the question, i couldn’t figure it out a little, alas, alas, no, here is the key clue in the question itself, so, guys, you have the opportunity to earn three points, alexandra, pillow,
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pillow, here, yes, let's look, oh yes, a real pillow. cushion-shaped plants can be referred to as shrubs or shrubs (woody cushions), as well as herbaceous plants (herbaceous cushions). fourth question: what fairy-tale character is this coin from the national bank of the republic of belarus dedicated to? tarya, let it be pinocchio, but no, there’s no pinocchio there at all, i’m embarrassed to ask, who? this is also made from pinocchio, maybe the old woman tortilla, whom someone is bludgeoning with a club, well, it’s unlikely, but or is this just another show? at the barabas theater? hardly? well, you see, you yourself, we have different ones,
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you yourself understand that it’s unlikely, no, it’s not buratina, alexandra, dobryne nikitich, this is more similar, but still no, danilo, ilya muromets, no, artyom, no options, no options, let's find out the name of this fairy-tale character, attention to the screen. roll the peas, well, that’s what it says, i ’ll duplicate it for you, in case you can’t see it, roll the peas, attention to the fifth question. what is the name of this sport, a type of gymnastics? danila, maybe this will be wrong, but this is rhythmic gymnastics, alas, no, i cannot accept this answer as correct. at the heart of the picture
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italian painter giorgione is based on a popular biblical story: commander allafern, daria, i think it’s yudivy, you didn’t listen to the question, but i understood what they wanted from me, because that’s what i wrote in the questionnaire, i taught a lesson to children for the tenth grade on self-government day. there was a legend about francysk skoryn’s yutif, so i already realized that it was about her, so that this would be a lesson for you, i will read the question to the end, and you, not knowing whether you gave the answer correctly or not, will listen. so, at the heart of the picture, italian painter giorgione, there is a popular biblical story: the commander alafern, following the orders of new hudonnezzar, came to mesopotamia and destroyed all the cities there. at some point he laid siege to vetelaya. a small town where the girl depicted in this picture lived. she seduced
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the commander when he fell asleep, cut off his head, the army was left without a leader and left the city in disgrace. name the girl who became the title of the painting. and only now i will accept your answer as correct, yes, this is yudivy. seventh question. attention to the screen. and please correct the mistake. alexandra, a wallet of seven hundred rubles, seven hundred? alexandra asked herself this question, let’s be happy for alexandra. well done, what a great guy she is. yes, this is the correct answer, precisely with seven hundred and nothing else. attention, question eight. this tolerant contains lard, meat and...
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dezhnev, absolutely correct answer. tenth final question of the third round. name the phenomenon that represents the appearance of a weak glow near pointed objects, for example, ship masts or spiers on buildings, caused by a sharp increase in electric field strength. tharja, halo, halo? yes, firstly, it’s naked, but it’s a halo, and secondly, it’s wrong. thank you for the clarification, please, danila, this is st. elmo's fire, well done, yes, good girl, super, yes,
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well done, this is st. elmo's fire, great answer, we just have to sum up the results of the third round and say goodbye to two players, unfortunately, with the result in 40 points, the fourth round is daria, dasha, cheers, well done, you are in the fourth round with a result of 35 points, together with daria in the fourth round alexandra will fight, alexandra, our girls, girls, yes, daria and alexandra, we will meet you in the fourth round, in just a few minutes, danilo, artyom, we say thank you for the game, but this is where your journey has come to an end, all the best, goodbye! guys, you are
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real gentlemen, you gave way to the girls in our final. am i right or is there something missing and i would like to compete for first place ourselves? i would like to leave gentlemanliness, oh, how this is noble! well, share your impressions, how did you play now, in comparison then 4 years ago now, these are different emotions , impressions, these are different, which were shared last time, the third round went well, i pressed, i answered, here are the first eight questions, that’s when i didn’t have time to click on the eighth question. i understand that this is the end, well, the last two, but i answered. elena nikolaevna, you are proud of danila, yes, i’m proud of him, i think this is a very good result, and he’s great, great, and keep it up, i i think not only i have pride, the whole school has pride, everyone will be happy. artyom, modesty
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adorns a person, but it doesn’t work in our game, what went wrong in the third round, well, the question is.
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who will win, alexander or dasha? vasya, let's start our finale. the fourth round is ahead, let's get acquainted with its rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if answered correctly, receives four points. if the answer is incorrect, the second participant, the brother, enters the game.
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the top three countries in the production of sea vessels include china, japan, name a third country, the republic of korea, the republic of korea, well, of course, it has already begun to dance. alexandra, make your move, let’s biology, as the severe form of vitamin deficiency is called as a result of the lack of vitamins in food .
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which reaches 27 km, i don’t find it difficult to answer, daria, well, my logic is this, mars is a side of war, ores is also a side of war, i i think it’s an ores, alas, no, let’s try our luck in the teachers’ room, help us, and we will help, we have an answer, yes, this mountain is called olympus, olympus, let’s see what olympus looks like. here it is, the highest mountain, both in absolute and relative height, of the solar system, the volcano is named
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after mount olympus in greece. daria, choose your category. quote. complete the quote from the artist pabla picasso. i can draw like raphael, but it will take me a lifetime to learn to draw the way he does. pablo picasso, good version, but no, it's a pity. alexandra, you have an opportunity. michelangelo. no, that’s not your line of thought at all, although i like the versions. help us, dear teachers. here is one version that was just born in the teachers' lounge. and it’s wonderful that she was just born in the staff room. this is the correct answer. yes, child. class, alexandra, social studies, what is the english word for the movement to
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protect consumer rights, your answer, no answer, daria, well, konsyuma is a consumer in english, so let it be consumerism, consumerism, bravo, this is certainly amazing, dasha, yes, it seems to me that this is dasha. you didn't know the exact answer, but you remembered the english word, and that earned you two points. daria, choose a category, history. what was the name of the trade route from china to the mediterranean? phew, well, the great silk road. yes, it is the greatest silk road. alexandra, programming. in what language?
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there can only be one winner. attention to the screen. it's amazing, you see, with a score of 60-39. in today’s game , daria wins unconditionally, i’m not afraid of this word. thank you thank you for the game, alexandra, you did everything you could, but the opponent simply walked like a locomotive. there's nothing you can do about it. thank you for the game and... all the best, tasha, this is the fourth round,
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of course, at first we were very happy that you two girls, two smart girls, made it to the finals, what went wrong in the finals, you could snatch victory, or this was just useless today? no, well, it can’t be useless, maybe theoretically, of course, it could, but i think that dasha is a very strong opponent. she really knows a lot and i wasn’t upset at all and i’m very happy, that i achieved such a result without expecting it at all, without expecting it, again that’s why i don’t have such confidence, but what did you expect, what did you expect, not to be eliminated in the first round, yes, in fact, this is so, but i took away the anxiety, this really really suits me it helped, yes, we saw that you were confident, well, it seemed to me so from the first round, but in general, like the atmosphere, i really liked everything, this is my first such experience. so i have only positive emotions, what question might be particularly memorable, well, memorable, probably those that i knew the answer to, but didn’t have time to press the button, and for what it’s a shame,
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according to society, that’s a question that’s offensive, i knew, but because of maybe nerves, i couldn’t remember, consumerism, it’s a shame, yes, irina nikolaevna, how -are you more upset, or are you happy, no, there is no reason to be upset, absolutely, i’m very happy for sasha. knowing that she has been watching this show since the fifth grade, she has watched this program and always dreamed of being here, and today’s result, i think, is a wonderful result, of course, moreover, there is more to come. super final, there is time to prepare and once again show you to the whole country, so keep your nose up, have even more self-confidence and never give up, i congratulate you, great, honorable second place, and i’m going to the main site to congratulate daria, the game is over , it's time to reward and congratulate the winner, this wonderful
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bouquet is for you. thank you, thank you very much for the game, the game has come to an end, you don’t have to be nervous anymore, you can breathe out and share your impressions, daria, how was the game, great, well i didn’t really expect this, but there was excitement, there was no such super excitement, many people supported me, thank you to everyone for their support, that’s why it seems to me, that’s why this is the result, anastasia vladislavovna, we’re waiting for your emotions, oh, well, of course i have emotions just overwhelm me, i think it was brilliant, simply brilliant, it was dasha’s game, game, she, she walked like a tank, she’s just great, thank you very much, it’s true, 60 points is a very, cool game, thank you for her, i would dream of being in her place each of today's twelve participants, but it was daria who used her intelligence to the maximum and deserved her victory, but the real passion for knowledge does not rest on diplomas and titles, on sincere...
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is it true that in developed countries the male population predominates over the female? in developed countries , the female population predominates because men have a higher mortality rate in childhood. what do you think caused this? various factors. when i was a child, my dad threw me into a river, well... someone threw me unsuccessfully, i see you were thrown lucky, yes, lucky for me.
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we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in the era of yani, who grows with his roots upward. approximately in the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted and using the method of exceptional planting, which even the radevils and napoleon’s family could not achieve, we managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts with a centuries-old history: a real puzzle for us,
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as... travelers in time, this is a naming or marking, in the place where we found it in this, in this area, it is called cheesepanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, and the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seven, this is not an ornament, this is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century, task for... guides, to ignite your desire to touch belarusian culture personally. and , of course, when they built a new house, they had to take four stones from the old one.
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we meet people worthy of admiration. before getting married, i asked my wife how many children she wants? she says: three, i say, okay, i say, come on, i say, at least, no less. today, the lord has had mercy on our family and given us six children. it’s not for nothing that i used to love the cartoon, sweet daughter, four sons when i was a child, right? this is the case when this happened to me. they will talk about themselves and their hobbies. since childhood, my parents have given me a very varied interest in sports. i just love to run, and i love to skate. my mother always went to the skating rink with me as a child, as well. share secrets of her success, a woman is happy exactly then, despite the fact that she always seeks happiness from the outside, our woman today, happiness is actually inside her, all difficulties are surmountable, in order to somehow at least cope a little, in a large family, before
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all you need is, so to speak, a schedule or routine, watch the belarusians project on the belarus 24 tv channel . the news is on air now in the studio of elizaveta lokotka. hello. the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth in the first quarter; gdp increased by 4.1% compared to last year. and these are rapid growth rates.


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