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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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and there was one girl there, just think that she was the only one who did this, hello, what is your name? larisa, my name is kylie, today i will be your companion, tell me how we do it correctly, three by eight, three stripes, very much like that, yes, how long have you been working here? 5 years old, will be 5 years old in august, her anniversary is coming soon, is it difficult to do this? it happens, yes, it happens, no, since when? you taught
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how to forge quickly, with time, with experience , everything comes, as they say, friends, my back already hurts a little, yes, my back, especially when i’m already starting to carry it, i’m putting it in, no, that’s it, no, friends, the bread is packed, i’ve put everything together, so have a nice time... we did it all for you with love, thank you, come on, well done, signora kayla, yes, signora pavel, share impressions about this day, first i want to say thank you for inviting me, because this is the first time in my life, i saw how bread is made and not just with... hands, but how
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it is made, how so many people work, how difficult it is, i also test work, because when we do this dough they rolled out the whole thing like this, it was difficult for me, so i just kidded you, yes, yes friends, you already know how bread is made, and how much more is yet to come, if you want to learn everything about everything, do not hesitate to record a short video , send it to... and together we will see how it is done. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. there was such a goal, to create, but it’s not easy.
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on june 17, 1941, the leadership of the people's commissariat of state security of the ussr reviewed the next material transmitted by the berlin station, it concerned large-scale movements of german troops to the eastern borders, it was clear from everything that... a flow of trains with military
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cargo was heading to poland. and it increased. the concentration of troops took place along the entire perimeter of the soviet border. strategy and tactics of the german army. now it became clear, most likely, the plan was to lure soviet troops to an unfortified border strip and there inflict a lightning-fast crushing blow on it, but this is only an assumption, information from overseas agents was received very controversial. black bertha was the name of the letter case of the fifth foreign department of the people's commissariat of state security, begun on the eve of the war. here there were special messages and encrypted telegrams from overseas agents regarding a possible military invasion of the germans
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into the territory of the ussr. sergeant major, carsican, swede, greek, ramsay, breitenbach, names under which soviet intelligence officers operated. confirmed the germans’ preparations for an attack on the soviet union, only when the information was contradictory, and this was very annoying the country's leadership, and stalin personally. the literary business was given the symbolic name “black bertha” after hess, a personal friend of hitler, who was called for his eyes, for his appearance, and also for the intrigues that he weaved. workshop, being their executor on the personal instructions of the fuhrer. in may '41 , he found himself at the center of another political scandal, unexpectedly first disappearing, and then turning up in scotland. zenchen, under this name the soviet intelligence officer in england kim philby acted, reported that for the conclusion
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compromise peace. other information also came from sources in europe. the germans bring their units to the soviet border in order to confuse the british, and then suddenly launch operation sea lion, landing troops and occupy england. on june 17 , people's commissar of state security vsevolad mirkulov and intelligence chief pavel fitin were urgently summoned to the kremlin. stalin demanded an explanation regarding the telegram received from berlin from the foreman and karsikanets. it had a completely different content. all military events in germany preparations for an armed uprising against the ussr are completely completed, a strike can be expected at any time. stalin characterized it as disinformation and demanded that it be verified through other
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channels. i couldn’t believe the reports from other sources that operation sea lion was a carefully thought-out plan to disinform the germans, but... alarming messages continued to arrive almost every day. the morning at the mitropol hotel on june 18, 1941 was ordinary, helpful staff were bustling around, guests were going about their business, no one i didn’t even suspect what secrets these walls kept, and what was going to happen here, literally in the next few minutes. at the mitropol hotel, between the second and third floors , the elevator suddenly stopped. the excited courier, a german carrying diplomatic mail, pressed the call button. after some
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time, the elevator slowly went down. sighing with relief, he was about to go out and proceed to the exit where she was waiting for him. car, but at the exit the courier found himself sandwiched on both sides by strong guys in civilian clothes, pushing him to another exit, they literally they pushed him into the room, after a short altercation, they took away the diplomat with the diplomatic mail, and locked him in the bathroom. from the memoirs of pavel sudoplatov, one of the leaders of the ussr foreign intelligence service. naturally, the courier was called by counterintelligence workers, who, in the 5 minutes they had at their disposal, opened his diplomat and photographed the documents located there. among them was a report from ambassador schulenburg that the instructions to reduce
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the embassy staff had been carried out, and diplomats were leaving for germany as scheduled. signs the approaching war were obvious. alarming information also came from minsk. belarusian counterintelligence officers had a document at their disposal that was alarming. order to study by german soldiers. the plans of the nazis left no doubt.
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documents of the highest degree of secrecy: special messages, reports and certificates from the nkvd and nkgb. they date from the last pre-war days. lavrentiy tsonava reported in a report addressed to panomarenko. military observation on june 19 noted. first: in the new area, from suwałki up to two artillery battalions arrived. secondly, in the rudavka area there was a large concentration of new items near the border of tanks and artillery. third, in the area 107-109 according to the grant signs, continuous movement of infantry, strengthening of the area, fragments of trenches, repair of bridges, and highways were noted. operational information in the central committee and the nkgb of the ussr.
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at the location of the eighty-seventh border detachment on a section of the belarusian border
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on june 18, 1941, the interrogation of gordievich tadeush vinzentievich and the eccentric mikhail mikhailovich, detained during the crossing, took place. borders, reinforced by border guards. they are dressed in the uniform of senior lieutenants of the red army, their documents are in perfect order, they speak russian well, there is nothing to complain about. but with the explanation of how they ended up on this section of the border, if their military unit was relocated and is already in a completely different place, obvious confusion began. after cross-questions from the special officers, it was pointless to deny. from a message from the people's commissar of state security of the bssr, lavrenty tsanava, addressed to the secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus, pantilimon panarenko. 20 june. the detainees are agents of german intelligence from among those who completed
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sabotage courses in lyamsdor. together with other saboteurs, numbering forty people, on june 12 they were transferred to our territory with the task of reaching the luninets station. with the outbreak of hostilities between germany and the ussr, they had to blow up the railway track in order to destroy the military echelons of the creation. and zelinsky were supposed to blow up the track during the stretch. lida is young. here, sabotage by
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stankevich and golchinsky. luninets, sabotage behind tochilovsky. these and other groups, as well as a group of paratroopers dropped on june 18 near the city of suwalki, were neutralized and rendered harmless, including thanks to overseas agents. from a note by the deputy people's commissar of internal affairs of the bssr maslennikovo, sent on june 20, 1941 to the nkgb of the ussr. on june 20 of this year, at the site of the eighty- seventh border detachment in the city of lomza of the bssr , six more saboteurs out of 32 were detained. one of the detainees was our overseas agent mayevsky, who broke away from the group of saboteurs and warned about their transition to soviet territory border guard. there are no more messages. on june 21
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, a breakdown in communication with border areas was recorded. the last lightning radiogram from berlin from resident arnold went to the center on the twenty- first with one word. storm. this meant the start of war in the coming hours. on the morning of the same day, gerhard kögel, an employee of the german embassy, ​​the most valuable gru agent, reported the start of the war on the night of june 22 and confirmed this information at 20:00 already on the train in which the last diplomats were leaving the soviet union. operation sea lion, germans never started.
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the map has now been developed in principle, what does it represent? it represents a general map of the russian federation, eight regions, within the regions there are subsections, and what is special about this map is its color design, there are regions in which we have established cooperation and are developing very much, there are regions where we have just started, there are those which... for some direct reason we did not cover, then, when we open this map, we see programs, we see directly statistical data on this region, as far as the construction industry is concerned, this is the presence of design organizations, construction organizations, the presence of housing construction programs, the cost per square meter, the cost of average housing in
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this market, that is, in principle, such a complex of problems... questions that are needed to get work for a very long time, today you can, without any problems, just get this information with one click, and in the context of both construction and design work, and are there any plans to develop similar interactive maps in the future? and for other countries, in principle, when we formed the task, we assumed that direct cooperation in the field of construction services would... be connected to the eu countries, to the countries of our community, and, of course, to the closest partner of the russian federation. such a project, among other things , helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. in your opinion, why are our builders so in demand abroad today, in which countries have russia been represented, first of all, for so many years? yes,
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today our builders are in demand everywhere, of course. the nearest region is the russian federation, about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars, these services are provided directly abroad, if earlier the dynamics were completely opposite, today we can say that exports are indeed exports completed outside the republic, what is our advantage, that we have preserved...
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well, in principle, this year i see it very interesting, this is a children's techno park, which will be in the starobinsky district, this is a development kobrenskaya memorial of the brest fortress, this is probably a landmark of grodno, this is the construction of a third hospital and an oncology center, a major issue that interests everyone, on the agenda is the amount of housing being built, in 2023 we built 4,193 m,
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meters of housing, of which 1,400 are for those in need , 355,000 is for rental housing for the list, which are directly determined by the documents. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. a variety of products on store shelves today make it easy to buy. unlimited freedom choice, but in this variety it’s easy to get lost, freshly picked unripe eggplant should be heavy, there should be
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a stalk, green, not shriveled, a proper breakfast, the key to health and good mood, today we will prepare rice pancakes with a delicate vegetable filling, can’t wait start cooking already, it sounds amazing, let’s figure out how balanced it will be. and suitable for a morning meal, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up and stretching front back surface of the thigh, first let's stretch the front surface of the thigh, now it's time to walk, run with a full charge of strength to meet this day, look at the breakfast champion project.
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we are working on developing an application for a mobile device, a person comes into the building, the elevator already knows who has entered, which floor he needs to go to. shklov and zhodina became cities of electric buses, two cities and two electric buses, each ordered its own color, green and azure-white, belamonmash and mass. drivers and passengers moved from buses modern eco-machines. together with russia, we are implementing many projects, including the result of personal agreements between the leaders of the two countries. one of them - we finally flew into space. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. thanks to
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state support, several state programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. well, we received the most cutting-edge equipment, and in all oncological institutions, everything.
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lukashenko, his position, saved the state, and this means it saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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