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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:21pm MSK

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in nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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good progress in the settlement and testing of land plots, problematic developments of the agricultural sector of the minsk region at the center of the governor alexander turchyn. on the pavement of the central region of gaspadaryts pasyavnaya on the spring relay race there are sweet carnivores, burshtynavy katahi. gorad kvetak the most prominent sakura and the magnificent gartensia appear in the belarusian capital. problematic tortures of the minsk region in the center of the governor alexander turchyn right asabists in the city of gramadzians at the old roads. a number of basic topics are being worked on - good preparation, adjustment and testing of land plots. asabliva rezanansnym staў zvarot zhykharou dom numar 8 na ulitsa praletarskaya. budynka is over 60 years old and older people live there. the myastsovy zhyleva-kamunal gaspadarka was flying and stopped.
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carnyfruits, burshtynavy katahi. passion ў the minsk region is working hard, and the fields of beetroot are growing at once. there are plans for 38 thousand hectares, fallow grazing. asnovnyya pratsy z kukuruzay - heta more than 280 thousand hectares. the family of the first agrarians of the saligur region and the ukrainian technology, from alena vidko. bakery landscapes of the saligorsk district. against the background there are terykony, and also pratsuye salgastekhnika. for corn, hell. plants per
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hectare, we check the distance between the grains and then measure the amount of grain per hectare, this is a specially made corn planter, well the second year of sowing, the agronomist and i adjusted the seed placement depth, adjusted the markers, the rain will pass, it means.
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unit for precision seeding, and adzin grazing unit for grazing multi-year grasses. we try to buy every year.
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to give shine and a new paradox to minsk for municipal services, garadzhan and the capital's organization, and good conditioning and workers of garamar from the savetsk region. the landing forces carried out large-scale clearing on the yakub kolas square. emphasis on memorial campaign and related history i remember the hell of my thoughts.
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hell agulnay square krytychnay yamachnastsi. the reconstruction is planned to begin on may 9. largely drawn cherry blossoms and lush gartensias appear in minsk, selet, aselians and different colors of the city have become bright saccharine accolades. you can already sustrets perch flowers, crucuses, hyacinths and daffodils.
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if someone is in trouble, in the past they won gold twice, represented the city of minsk at republican competitions, this year we prepared diligently, we only hope for... for better results in the stages theoretical exam for ptd knowledge, you can learn something, but the skills that you get during the stage of figure-driving a bicycle need to be developed, so it takes a lot of time, also rehearsing the program with children, the guys who are part of the team of young inspectors traffic, in every school there is such a detachment, they assist us in teaching children the rules of the road, they... also communicate with their peers, with their classmates, tell them
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what needs to be done on the road, how it is necessary to ride a bicycle, how it is necessary to cross the roadway, how it is necessary to use a personal mobility device, which, in principle , directly affects the preservation of the health and life of our children. the jury will select the best ones based on the amount of points for practical and theoretical tasks for the work of three zens of work , the participants will present their status in the republic. at the kansk stage of rescue work, which will take place in saligorsk. absolutely sacred at the temple are the creative epas of greece, the scandinavian roman pantheon, legends of the belarusian land, and biblical senses ў various shagels and european schools ў palaces of mastery. graphically we have been working for five years now - this is the last century of creative and arrogant creations from private collections. the rights of the eternal kastounas are in the presence of a number of premier sculptures of the minataur, the autara of the dreva darog.
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exodus, there, in general, all the colors of mark zakharovich will fall on you, there is painting, and there is signed graphics of motherhood, which, in general, have also never been exhibited in belarus before. deserved honors from the minsk region to the prime minister of the stage of the minsk concert hall. choir archestras of the belarusian star in a new role. how the world's hits boomed in the musical season 22.
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i rejoiced, because, well, frankly speaking, this has never happened in belarus, no one
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dared to encroach on this heritage , a great heritage and, frankly speaking, a very multifaceted, multifaceted repertoire him, from dance tracks to ballats, ballats of such a universal quality, universal themes, i think that this is a sensation, here was such an opportunity with such a team, especially since michael’s work jackson, one might say, i am like a singer, based on him, on his vocals, on his ideas, this is a man who has bypassed time, bypassed trends, bypassed fashion 50, 100, 200 years ahead. spyak, campazitar, singer-songwriter, chareographer, dancer and stage writer. more than 30 years ago he gained the status of the eternal punishment of pope music. in his songs, michael jacksan recognizes the social tortures, the confusion of the navakolnaga asyarod, the zahavanna of the world, the problems of the common people. the belarusian creative team created for
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show aryginalny copper cantent. the skin song is filled with astonishing...
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there are colleagues, applause, a full hall, everything is sparkling, and you go into the dressing room, take off your costume, take off your makeup, come out, here it is, here you go, here you go, here you go, literally in for two or three seconds this scene is cleared, it’s empty again, the hall is empty, it’s already dark, and here you are, literally here you were, prince igor, and you’re already leaving, and you’re stanislav
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trifonov, the hero of the program has been awarded the state prize of belarus, i think, wow, what's next? it's all for me now it was very nice that this work was well appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, it’s very nice, watch it on friday on our channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. these are news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around
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the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast.


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