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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you round day, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad, more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like?
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business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team, we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to... belarus can
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be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, on air tv channel belarus24, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. information and analytical project, a current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest, deputy chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus, anton lesnevsky. good afternoon good afternoon,
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anton vladimirovich, that’s why the microphone is relevant, to discuss the most pressing topics, just at 11:52 the news was finished , the main thing was found in germany , 161 children from ukraine were considered deported to russia, where are the very children who are abducted in quotation marks by belarus and russia, why did they suddenly begin to appear in europe, although we have been talking about this for probably a year now, that’s how much we are accused of kidnapping children, that’s how much we talk that you would like to look a little in the other direction, or come to children’s health camps, which are attended by ukrainian children, children from the territory that joined... having become the russian federation, to see what they do on the territory of health institutions in belarus and how they, in fact, are going back to their homeland, what do you think about this, what do i think, i think that thank god, firstly, that the children were found, that they are
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alive and healthy, this is the most important thing, that is the main thing i would also like more information about how they were treated there, that is, is everything okay there, because what a riot. that is, the republic of belarus by the decision of the head of our state with the help of the alexey talay foundation, which has done incredible work on this issue and is continuing to do so, today i even know that humanitarian aid is being collected in marina gorka, alexey will be there
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today and the ldp is also taking part in this project together with all other political parties, public associations, here again, well, humanitarian aid is being collected for children. to be sent to the donbass, but with regards to the fact that where they were, where they were silent, that is, again , i repeat, they are now simply beginning, as they say, to flow with such slang language, before, that is, they had a strict attitude, that is, drown that we are here barbarians, zoovers, that is, we kidnap children, it is not known what we do with them, well, it seems, well, it turns out, you know, according to the principle, whoever shouts loudly to the sovereign is most likely the one who cut the wallet, of course, of course, they say, it’s best how they say how to hide a crime is to be the first to start yelling and blaming others, therefore, that is, i think we will still find out a lot of information about what happened to the children, unfortunately, there will probably be sad facts there, because there is a lot on the internet, in various
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media it was one-time information that the most terrible things are happening, organ transplants and slavery and similar terrible things, not to mention... about the moral character of the current west, europe, america, what is generally going on there against the backdrop of pedophilia and the like. yes, in fact, i recommend everyone to read what operation babylift was, which was organized by the united states, when they left vietnam, vietnamese children were taken out by the whole planes and then distributed to the american seven as such well adoption tool for those families who could not have children. and so on, a very important, in my opinion, operation that needs to be told, and these same children, vietnamese, who have already grown up in the united states and still cannot find their roots in their homeland, find themselves like this, conditionally without without homelands without their biological parents, as for information that
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will definitely be revealed sooner or later, including about war crimes, there is no doubt about it, one of these cases it is enough to show... just that such an aura of uncertainty around his death is partially confirmed, this is information that he died in the chasovoyar area during an attack by russian troops, but this information is hidden, this is an indirect confirmation just during him...
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and more precisely, well, let’s call it that, she stopped engaging in diplomacy, that is, she russian troops are increasingly beginning to do their direct work, that is, destruction against the backdrop of all the statements that pour in from the west, including before just from macron’s dove or rooster of peace, as in france, a sign, here’s the watch - this, well, this is another, let’s call it in ukrainian, ukrainian zrada. the entire junta, because remember, they bang, that is, to this day, even
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some positions that have long been occupied by russian troops are presented in the ukrainian media that they are still listed as part of the territory of ukraine, in fact, that is, how exactly that one was promoted it’s a shame that this is a stronghold, that we will never surrender it, and we will never surrender it, and especially from a purely engineering and technical point of view as far as i can see, there were very serious fortifications there. that is, there are also such large city-forming enterprises based on the principle of the basics , either like the champagne wine factory in bakhmut, where it was possible, as they say, to make natural military fortifications, but the russians learned to hack it all. well, we see that now there are quite contradictory messages coming in, some military correspondents are saying that some of the russian military have already entered this populated area, someone is saying that... in fact, this is still well such premature statements, but one must
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understand that sooner or later this will happen, since such information is already going around this settlement, it means that russian troops have really come close and well, it’s a matter of time literally a few days of weeks there, well, for sure, because one way or another you’re right when you say that this surge of russian troops has increased quite significantly, and this is also visible. even according to some decadent statements by zelensky, who began to reveal information that and there are no more missiles left, to the proverbial petrio , that there is nothing to shoot down, say, the sky is open, and russian troops feel quite comfortable there without this western equipment, and zelensky , by and large, openly says that he will have to surrender if there will be no western help. here too there is conflicting information. from such statements to the fact that part of, say, the ukrainian political establishment
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says that there will not be - these same nato weapons, we will have to to close these holes with people, but firstly, this sounds harsh, and secondly, it is unclear how the situation will really develop, in your opinion, will they go to some kind of peaceful negotiations, or will they still continue to carry out that very same meat mobilization , which we are talking about now, because zelensky nevertheless signed... the document itself, it has already been published on the website, accordingly, in my opinion, the countdown begins from yesterday, a month and it comes into effect, just literally, that the most interesting thing, yes, literally in a few days until the end of zelensky’s legitimacy, that’s what you think about this, well, in my opinion, they still have enough weapons, they brought a lot there, just really, that is , they are buffing a little in this sense , they are buffing a little, because they need even more, that is naturally, there is a shortage, that is , they...
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especially it seems to me that this has a very good effect on the consciousness of those who find themselves at the front, when for some strange reason you went to the store to buy bread, they packed you up, let's talk openly, and many say , i am for i walked with a hat, so he says green, now i’m sitting in the trenches, and some of the people who still succeeded in the first days in one way or another, maybe someone. across the same river, to stay alive, they are now publishing quite interesting video materials about how they idly spend their time, working somewhere, including in european... on the territory of european states, but the situation is very interesting, how this split in society occurred sharply between those who found themselves in involuntary mobilization and those who managed to escape, in fact, to save his life. for us, for ending the war, this is a very good situation, because people in the trenches do not have sufficient supplies, that
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is, they are in difficult psychological and weather conditions. it’s interesting how they are trying to present this information, in the ukrainian media they say that this is russian propaganda, this very flash mob of yauhilyands, but at the same time, people do not hide their faces when they record such videos, some, which is amazing, record
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similar videos of yauhilyands while on territory of ukraine, that is, they take such risks.
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case, and here’s what the last 30 years have missed, it all started a very long time ago, even before the collapse of the soviet union, and after the collapse, through the efforts of kravchuk, kuchma and the like, their followers, it all just grew in momentum, an aggressive minority took over power over all of ukraine, over the entire majority, i mean in terms of western ukraine, god grant that this ends quickly, i really think that... after all, this flash mob is happening and was launched directly by the ukrainians, it’s quite a viral story that people picked up, if there is russian propaganda there and it’s being fueled somewhere, well, i’ll probably agree with you here too, it’s only beneficial, including for the lives of ordinary ukrainians. you touched on a very interesting topic about brainwashing and
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so on, it very much resonates with one of the latest news, including from chalogo yar: a young man, 19 years old, died there, he was the hero of a famous video, maybe you also saw , when a small child with glasses, quite intelligent, such a chubby figure, talks about how i’m glad that i’m not in some kind of children’s eaglet camp, but i’m in the azov camp, we’re doing serious things here, that is, look how it’s all -it ’s interesting, children, you know, somehow this information was not perceived so brightly and harshly before, when they were in the children’s camps of azov and so on, this is, well, we actually observed these training camps, now this very young generation of ukraine is simply forced to die because at some point your parents made a mistake, yes, by jumping on the maidan, and at some point you ended up in that very children’s camp, where that very
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specific agenda was imposed on you, and now you are dying because of this reason. but this is an extremely interesting logical chain: do ukrainians think about the consequences of those very decisions eight or ten years ago, that is the question. well, maybe now someone is thinking, someone is not up to it, someone, as you said about azov, they now have one task: these are professional killers, motivated in their own way, based on the fact that they were trained in such camps from the age of 8. brainwashed, that is, they don’t imagine that it could be different, their thinking is absolutely all focused in one direction, but first of all , they are murderers, but murderers. they are also afraid, as it turned out, this was shown by the fighting in bakhmut, when they fled, this was shown by the fighting in avdievka, well, by the way,
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it is active now, this was shown by the fighting in the same hour where the brigade abandoned, yes, this is exactly the same brigade that is now the third assault brigade; it was renamed, by the way, because, among other things , the western partners suddenly started. interest in the fact that certain units on the territory of ukraine are called nazi names, what symbols and emblems they use when conducting combat operations against russia, what crosses appear on armored vehicles, what greetings they give, and so on, and yes, indeed, they refused to go under the clock , of course, it’s not a fact that they won’t end up there, this is the case here army, maybe they won’t ask you, although if you put a lot of pressure on the third assault, maybe... and the machine guns will turn in the other direction, it’s a rather slippery situation here, but it’s interesting , because the current commander-in-chief was called general-kotel, that’s all does it mean
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that chas yar, among other things, could find himself in such a difficult situation, including with the participation of that same azov? anything is possible, because tsyrsky, well, he thoughtlessly, somehow illiterately always threw away human lives. and similar things and - after all, a very large part of the ukrainian officers who were devoted to zaluzhny, that is, they are carrying out massive purges of the highest personnel level, but
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again the quality of the ukrainian army now, that is, after 2 years of hostilities, that is, the junior commander composition, the average commanding staff, he was practically knocked out, that is, those, if you watch the interview, are left. here again is the political situation in kiev, that is, all these nationalist formations still have a lot of
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supporters in ukraine, a very huge part of them are in the cities, they are not in the troops, they have some kind of political reservation, they are doing their job, attacking orthodox churches of the moscow patriarchate, that is, they are busy with their, excuse the rude word , bestial work . so, and therefore this is, in my opinion, a small deterrent that, after all, perhaps the azov people will be pitied, this is the first, second, but they still do the dirty work, that is, the barrier detachments in ukraine are already talking about this , well just, he probably doesn’t say they’re lazy, that is, they shoot in the backs their own colleagues, their own, as they say, all their fellow citizens. i absolutely agree that recently, interestingly, a number of such overlapping news items have appeared. firstly, alexander
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lukashenko, meeting with vladimir putin, raised the issue of those same agreements in turkey on the turkish peace plan, at the same time there is news that erdogan himself came up with that same turkish peace plan, stating that before
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so ukrainian citizens, that is, again , i repeat, as our president said, these are our people, so we are very worried about this, as for turkey, well, how many times has erdogan changed his decisions, that is, if you remember the recent elections that took place in turkey, that is, the ruling party has gained. this is the smallest amount in the history of the party, it would be beneficial from a political point of view now to hold some kind of peace conference on the territory, this is pr, this is just pr, if the wind blows from there and turkey, well, maybe i don’t want to offend anyone, but, as they say, we have seen this more than once, they will offer something more interesting, they will turn everything upside down, remember how friends erdogan and assad were,
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their families met, they took photographs. we have a little time left to wait, that is, scholz, he ruined germany, i probably don’t know, that is, what about him, how should the people of germany either anathematize him or curse him, i don’t know, he completely he... he laid down the german economy, the locomotive of the european union is completely on its toes, that is, i have the feeling, sorry, that scholz should have, well, no need it was, but he needs it in general, well, he just, well , at least he needs to do something, no one takes him seriously, remember the behavior of the ukrainian ambassador to germany, i forgot his last name, but he was already removed, yes, who named the sausage, but how in general , well, before 20 years ago.
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situation at the front, stopping throwing wood on the fire, establishing a harmonious situation on the global market, well , to simplify, then approximately these theses were voiced, what do you think about this, for what purpose might you have come after all? scholz to the territory of china, were there any tasks there besides pr, maybe he brought or tried to extend some of his own for...
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german budget money was simply wasted, of which there probably isn’t much left, well, the supply is in short supply - budget deficit, so it is unlikely that this will solve anything, and the statement of china that you said, well, china is our friend, partner, but china, even with these statements, is still pursuing its interests, clearly everyone is pursuing their interests in the way they should were first of all goods go, and we are also involved in this. project is europe, that is, a market of 500 million people for chinese goods is european, that is, now, when the events in ukraine, the events in georgia, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, that is, all this is very, very stalled. let’s be frank, everyone, as we have outlined, is pursuing their own interests, the question is the intersection of these interests in big politics, in particular, scholz, when visiting china last time, asked for open supply
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of lng to german territory. because there is no political will to receive from the russian federation gas, it is necessary in such ways, say, through the distant arc, in our political terms, in this regard, will such a leak of enterprises continue from the territory of not only western europe, but also eastern europe, quite possibly, the first, well, that is this is security, that is, what is
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an enterprise, this is a huge amount of money, if god forbid a conflict starts somewhere, well, the enterprise is simply a direct loss if it is destroyed, damaged, or even just stops working. well it interesting idea, that is, you think that large industrialists are guessing about something, or they have begun to worry about polish militarization, most likely, perhaps they are guessing, perhaps, well, polish militarization, which they are trumpeting all over the world, that goes without saying, let’s a little, as they say, let’s look at poland, that these are large enterprises that belong to poland itself, nothing, poland after the collapse. the warsaw pact and seva, it was a german megaproject, it was a picture, about more than 200 billion dollars were pumped into it. i mean, well, i don't i’m talking about small businesses, about farmers, that is, this is national, yes. by the way, out of curiosity, i once calculated
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the annual german subsidies to the polish economy, and it turns out that with this amount it would be possible to build 10 nuclear power plants. so i shifted it to how much we spent on our nuclear power plant, it turns out just right.
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territory of belarus, they called it a big relocation of the it sector from belarus, as if they didn’t want to put up with a terrible dictatorship here and so on, they forced forcibly, no one asked anyone, they indicated that our enterprise, our
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it company, is moving, for example, to the territory of poland or the baltic states, and you, being employees of this company, either leave it or move with the company, well, some kind of a person’s socio-political opinion, well, no one... asked this question, but today it turns out that it turns out that not everything is so good, and at the same time in belarus, when these guys were, well, everything was wonderful, for some reason and contracts went for... salaries grew against the background the rest of the country's citizens turned out to be almost oligarchs and felt, to put it mildly , comfortable with the prices with medical care, which is free in your opinion , including with the it sector. for what reason does this situation happen in the same way as with industrial enterprises, or are there some other conditions here? poland has overstrained itself , as has happened many times in its history in the twentieth year, that is, it is no longer a secret to anyone, we all know that poland had direct,
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indirect, preparatory, and open information was revealed from officials who supervised the participation of poland in the events of our twentieth year, its closest fraternal neighbor, that is, yes, although if you take the pole’s card, this is all from the beginning, how much was laid and prepared before that, but poland rushed. in the twentieth year, having promised something unclear, by the way, you can add a visa scandal to this, as it turns out that it does not give the right to official employment and work, these visas it on the territory of poland, and how this will end now, we’ll see, maybe even deportation, this the question is increasingly being raised by the way, the deportation of belarusians, who were the same ones, so once again,
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it turned out to be an information and analytical project . the current microphone was broadcast on the belarusian radio tv channel belarus24, with you was the presenter andrei sych, as well as the deputy chairman of the liberal democratic party of belarus anton lisnevsky . see you.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has their own question for an adult. hello everyone, in exactly a minute the hero will come to us and answer all our questions. sergey anatolyevich, how often do you have to communicate? with kids? i used to be a pediatrician and children love me. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. what does a person do to achieve success? thinks that artists are such an easy job, and it’s easy to become one, it’s very difficult, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions: you are each day you see illness, death, what helps you believe in the best? the eyes of my patients are... an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even
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said, perpetual motion, watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . the news is broadcast in the studio elizaveta lakotko, good evening! and in this issue.


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