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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 17, 2024 9:45pm-10:46pm MSK

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the main supplier of personnel for the agro-industrial complex. there are about thirty specialties, including we train specialists, agronomists, and engineers, each specialty is important for the country’s economy. now there are over 7 thousand students studying here, not only from belarus, for example from china, african countries, russia and asia. students practice practical skills on the basis of the only farm in the country at the school. it has its own fish farming and industrial complex. another pride of the university is the educational and exhibition center, a kind of technical laboratory precision farming service at the faculty of agricultural mechanization, where i am the dean, i can say with confidence that our graduates are excellent specialists, they have retained industrial potential in the city, a dozen enterprises today work for the economy of the city and region, not counting agricultural ones.
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the goritsa dairy plant is expanding its product line, the geography of liskhos lumber exports, they have launched the production of high-protein products for healthy sports nutrition, and they have increased processing volumes at shilnozavod to 8.00 tons per year. year, the demand is colossal, here on the outskirts of the city, there was once a vacant lot, now there is a new microdistrict, and every year another apartment building has been rented out. this year, 54 families will celebrate housewarming. another pride is the goritsa children's and youth sports school, a place of recreation for townspeople and lovers of a healthy lifestyle, including those from the neighboring area. ice arena, gym, training in six sports: football, athletics, hockey, there is a place to raise future champions.
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we also have our own, as we call them in the hills, places of power: the alley of heroes of the soviet union and socialist labor, natives of the area and the main memorial complex of the grieving mother, where about 200 civilians who died during the great patriotic war are buried ; the memory of about 1000 residents of the area is immortalized ; a symbol of courage, heroism and devotion to their homeland. like a mandate: to preserve everything that was created during these peaceful years, the years of strong and independent belarus.
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the long-awaited sporting intrigue was resolved, metallurg returned the president's cup home. we are the champions, who are the champions, we are the champions, who champions, we are champions. wolves fought against brest in the confrontation for gold until four victories. the final numbers in the match are 4:0. for metallug, this championship was the third in a row and the fourth in history. previously, only tiwala and youth managed to win the national championship.
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guys, you have done a great job for the city, for the plant, for all the fans, who are the champions, we are the champions, the coaching staff, the whole team, everyone follows the same idea, they come first. until the end, when we gathered in the summer, we believed that we had this goal planned, so the coaches constantly told us about this, so it was as if we had no other options. the brest hockey players came second in the championship, the southerners had a triumphant season, and the bisons won awards for the first time in a quarter of a century. thus, the competitive year in the extra league is officially over, but not the season. the fourth in history will take place on april 26. wednesday all the best
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and don’t switch, good evening, on the air economic environment on belarus one of the satellite tv channel belarus 24, they traded for 23 million dollars,
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analysts cite rising gasoline prices, higher rents and car insurance as the reasons for the growth. already, the level of consumer prices is far from the forecast 2% for the year. gold and foreign exchange reserves have increased again in belarus. according to the national bank , international reserve assets increased by $134 million in march. as of april 1 , they exceeded $8.3 billion. the key reason is the increase in gold prices by more than 8% in march. belarus' foreign exchange reserves are growing for the second month in a row. industrial output increased over 3 years by almost 40%. last year it was produced for almost 30 billion rubles. that's just about 113%. these figures were announced at a large meeting on industry with the president. but
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there are also problems. decrease in production at a number of industrial giants, stocks in warehouses, search for new markets. the head of state has set serious tasks. what will you have to work on? industrial sector in the near future, how to reduce inventories, replace imported components, increase exports and ensure accelerated modernization of production, development tasks industry will discuss with competent experts right now. today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in issues
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of industrial development, alexander ogorodnikov, first deputy minister of industry, andrey kartun, first deputy minister of economy, sergei lesin, general director. joint stock company bilas, management company of the holding belas holding. vladimir turovets, director of the joint-stock company institute belar stankinprom. dear guests, good evening. kind, kind evening. but we remember that an expanded meeting on industry was planned for a long time by the head of state. and i want to start our discussion with the issue of the quality of products, because increasing production volumes to meet market demands cannot allow quality to suffer. our president emphasized this, he called ensuring the quality of products and proper after-sales service a key issue for enterprises, and the facts when new equipment breaks down even before use is unacceptable, let's listen to our president: that's quality, yes
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always, the products produced must be at the highest level, and nothing else, this is not a whim, but a severe vital necessity, a question of the future of the country of the people, our products must...
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how can we solve this problem in practice and how to instill a culture of quality in our employees? well, in my opinion, we need to say that... quality is not formed on the assembly line or at the working machine that performs this or that operation, quality is formed at the level of top management of companies, and that is management top echelon, he creates a system that prevents the release of low-quality products or determines the level of quality produced.
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no one is immune from errors, but errors must be dealt with correctly, but we must take into account that essentially the level of quality, that is, high quality is a function of costs, it is impossible to ensure a high level of quality. by increasing the cost part and, accordingly, possibly the price level for such products. what
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do you think, vladimir alexandrovich, how can we instill in our employees production culture of quality? we must adopt a culture of quality from the very beginning. we are talking about educational institutions, we are talking about secondary specialized, secondary technical educational institutions, and higher educational institutions. culture-quality begins, in my opinion, exactly there. when we arrive at the enterprise. we are already working in the system, it allows, of course, to avoid mistakes in terms of technological defects, but the defect itself, which is caused by the fact that there is no such culture, but the employee has, of course, of course, this needs to be instilled from the very beginning, but it should be noted that the industrial complex remains the flagship of economic growth in belarus, production volumes are increasing from year to year. but just producing is not enough, as our president emphasized at the meeting, the main question is to sell
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the products and get money. alexander sergeevich, well, we know that at the end of the year the industry as a whole performed well, but nevertheless there are declines in certain economic indicators for a number of large industrial enterprises, they were stated at this meeting, in particular, i will quote what was recorded... the growth of warehouse inventories is + 23% at the end of the year, please tell me what the reasons are, this is insufficient demand for products, and either these are problems in the operation of networks, here how do you think, how to unload the warehouses of our industrial enterprises? first, you probably correctly noted that industry was, is, will be our driver of the economy, because it pulls with it a lot of industries that work on industry, that... consume the results of the work of our industry, we have been growing for the last three years, and we must understand
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that we are working on the world market, because the system of the ministry of industry sells more than 70% of the produced volume, yeah, to the external circuit, accordingly, we are subject to all cyclical changes, all open processes in foreign markets, and accordingly the level of management, which can assess, most importantly... predict and predict with a certain accuracy the processes that will occur in the future, in this this, let’s call it that, the root of our success is being laid. why am i talking about this? because the products in the warehouse are the end of the production cycle, and in general the production cycle itself, it includes not only the production of products, it also includes the production cycle of cash flow that goes to suppliers who must produce their products, and if... for example, take different enterprises, then different enterprises have different production cycles, for example,
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microelectronics, which is very common today determines in many industries, the production of individual microcircuits according to the technological cycle requires a nine- month production cycle, respectively, if the supplier says to give a nine-month period for production, then this scheme should be in the warehouse, on the other hand, we have seen a lot, for example, an assembly line we understand in... operations, it takes from two to 3 months, again in production, but we understand what you are talking about, that there is a duration of turnover of working capital, it is determined technologically and by our tv viewers also need to be explained that the presence of finished products in the enterprise’s warehouse is normal, there should be a stock of finished products in the warehouse, but here
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we are talking about the fact that, compared to, for example, last year, the growth of boat inventories is increasing, well, practically. by a quarter, that is, this is some kind of alarming trend, that is, the technology has not changed, that’s what you noticed absolutely correctly, but i want to repeat once again that we compare time periods year by year, and if last year all the industry grew by 5 billion, that is , the annual volume increased by 5 billion rubles, and the increase in the warehouse amounted to about 350 million, as a percentage you gave a figure, then 350 per 5 billion is insignificant. as it were, a volume that is broken down by time period, but on the other hand, it was said at the meeting that there are several areas in which what i said at the very beginning was influenced in a certain way by the market. let’s not hide these positions, as we know, we have respected refrigerators on our splash screen, that is, we understood that certain changes
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are taking place in our key market of the russian federation, but the depth of these changes is both economic and financial. the possibility of, let's say, competitors from suppliers in the people's republic of china and the republic of turkey, who entered the market with a similar product with the possibility of providing financial mechanisms for installment sales of these goods, well, in a certain way, it also affected our manufacturers; in principle, we did not lose our share in the past year, because the general market for refrigerators, freezers has decreased, but we have lost in production volumes and in order to maintain economically, well, there is a certain minimum... level, so as not to fall into a negative line, we have something in stock, but we remember the situation three years ago when the covid times began, our atlant is precisely thanks to the warehouse, well, it worked to zero, when, like this, they were buying up what had not yet been produced, indeed warehouses can also grow due to the fact that we changed the marketing strategy, and this is
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also a normal situation when we talk about what we need to develop our own distribution networks, open more stores and so on, this already... automatically implies that we need to increase stocks so that the consumer is simply able to, it is called and most importantly because the head of state criticized us for including that the industry, when conditionally the consumer there cannot buy a tractor in one piece, for example, somewhere in some regions of the russian federation or somewhere else, that ’s why here, of course, in order to reach out, for example, to our non-traditional markets. some kind of hubs for our equipment so that this equipment reaches the consumer faster, so to speak, today i took the advance payment, tomorrow i received a tractor, this is an ideal design, this of course means that we need to increase warehouses, and where is
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this figure, opinion experts were divided here depending on production, kakgeevich spoke there about... schemes and so on, but even, for example, in light industry, even 200%, those who have a developed distribution network - this is a normal level, this is even small, so here, uh, by the way, about warehouses, we already have the results of the first quarter and we have warehouses, even though our prices have increased, manufacturers by more than 6%, in general, but already with us out of the average monthly production volume, warehouses have already decreased 68.
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that in the far arc, in foreign countries , the situation with exports is worse than in traditional markets, although in general, it should be noted, it is, well, moderately positive, tell me , please, this is what you think is why domestic manufacturers can occupy additional niches in the markets of africa, asia, and latin america. what economic mechanisms are needed to increase exports? to stimulate exports, we, of course, relied on the african market, the latin american market, where we practically do not exist, but our results are not very good. and the markets are huge, if the same african market, conditionally, even if we take reference points, there are four or five countries, conditionally egypt, nigeria, equatorial guinea, african
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republic, in fact the market volume is more than 100 billion dollars, this market is growing 10 billion dollars a year, yes, that is, imports are growing, so here, of course, it is called unploughed logs, and of course , we have already prepared the appropriate tools all the time. they are being modernized, we are talking about financial instruments to support exports, the so -called pre-export financing, and now it is not financial instruments that are actively developing, this is the so-called compensation trade, these are essentially barter transactions on cross-border markets, conditionally often we have african counterparties they say that, due to strict currency legislation, we cannot pay you there. so let’s exchange tractors for oranges, or also tractors for diamonds, tractors for diamonds, well , maybe we don’t need diamonds, but for example we can exchange oranges and we already have such schemes, there are
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successful cases of just such an exchange, that’s why of course, we have identified strongholds in africa for ourselves and are entering through them, literally, probably there over the last short period in non-traditional markets even...
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mutually beneficial cooperation, what belarusian exports are, what difficulties our manufacturers face in the context section, elona volynets discusses, please. last year, belarusians produced industrial products worth approximately 30 billion rubles. we increased the production of electronics, combines, cars and trucks. against the background of forced withdrawal from western markets, enterprises of the ministry of industry continue to increase exports. in 2023, the figure was $6.5 billion, and this is a record for the last 10 years. supplies were reoriented to the market friendly countries, first of all, these are russia and the cis states. last year
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, the volume of industrial supplies to the russian federation amounted to about $6 billion. the export piggy bank has become heavier, largely thanks to blg, bmz, mtz, bilaz, maz, horizon. they are already called the big six. the key goal for everyone is produce. think more globally and expand the geography of exports. last year, plus six new markets. argentina, turkmenistan, kenya, colombia, kuwait and japan. by the way, ours were there agricultural machines, tractors, pumps. huge demand for industrial products in africa, asia, latin america. that is why it is important to have time to occupy your niches there. for example, food security is a matter of life and death for african states. it's really needed there. agricultural machinery and equipment and we have something to offer. there are already agreements on the supply of over 3.00 tractors, 80 combines and thirty dump trucks to zimbabwe. more than 150 tractors to
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the togolest republic. equatorial guinea is eyeing the belarusians. about the seriousness of intentions is eloquently demonstrated by the exchange of visits at the highest level. in the contractual process, slippage is unacceptable. competitors are on their heels. overall, on the export road. not without bumps, not always stable payments for delivered products, that is , they want belarusian goods, but not everyone can buy them right away, here the manufacturers themselves need to avoid accounts receivable, this is a turnover of funds, and investments, let’s be honest, there are difficulties with unloading warehouses, inventories over the year increased by almost a quarter, and if some enterprises formed an export portfolio even partially next year, then... others, to put it mildly, sank, began to produce fewer refrigerators, tractors, loaders, engines, however, in all cases , the engine of development is technological sovereignty,
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without investment , technologies. is working to ensure that one tractor, conditionally, gets into foreign markets, but colleagues, developing the topic of export potential, we understand perfectly well that from an economic point of view, in order to benefit the country, well, the economic effect from exports was maximum, we need to work on reducing the share of imports in the price of our products, reducing intermediate consumption and so on,
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ranging from 60 to 80 to 75%, i will say carefully, 75% are cars with hydromechanical transmissions, 60% are cars with electromechanical transmissions, if we consider the national economy and enterprises within the republic of belarus, about 40-60% is produced directly at production sites, the level of localization directly of our holding companies sites, well... 20% is what we purchase through cooperation from belarusian enterprises, but i would look at this issue more broadly, not only in terms of localization as an economic component, but also localization as a component of technological sovereignty and security , in this vein, we must consider the enterprises of our union state as
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a single contour. if we look at the level of localization taking into account the share of the union state, then the picture here is quite optimistic, as, for example, for cars, for individual vehicles, while we are talking about the class of 30-45 tons, the level of localization exceeds 95%, well, this is serious, but if we are talking about individual prototypes of mining dump trucks with a payload capacity of, for example, 240 tons, the picture is the same, so far.
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development of cooperation between the russian federation and the republic of belarus in the machine tool industry, and therefore the agreement provides for the implementation of joint programs, projects, mutual exchange of scientific developments, and the road map is a step-by-step plan cooperation in creating competence centers on the territory of russia or on the territory of the russian federation on the basis of machine tool enterprises of these
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countries. the roadmap provides for the creation of machines with 100% localization on the territory of the republic of belarus and the russian federation. well, what if... in general , talking about the industry, you must know these numbers, here is the level of localization in general in the sled construction of our country, what is it approximately, if we are talking about the belarusian component, then it is about 50%, if we are talking about the union state, here we reach even up to 90% for a number of equipment, not well for a number of equipment, but on average a little less, one of the main non-makers of the industry.
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feed mixers, distributors, wide grip loaders on dairy farms or sowing units or grain cleaning and drying complexes, the products of the amkador holding enterprises contribute to maximum returns. agro-industrial complex; moreover, our machine builders also offer effective equipment for reclamation work. for this year amkator plans to supply more than a hundred machines for work in the regions of belarus. we have developed a line of machines for the construction of open drainage systems and for the construction of closed drainage systems. this is a trench digger. these are unique machines, no one has produced them in the republic of belarus before us, this is an excavator with a bucket volume of 1.2 cubic meters, a dump trailer of thirty. ton, that is , this is such a serious cargo transport vehicle that replaces eight to ten conventional tractors, that is, this increases the productivity and efficiency of work in agriculture. our
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mechanical engineers are strong in the production of forestry equipment; by the way, the woodworking industry itself operates with virtually no waste, 21 factories. it’s just that the country’s forestry enterprises produce wood pellets and highly efficient fuel from sawdust chips; borisov industrialists provide our foreign energy workers with pellets. we sent our granules to the innovative cement plant selstroy materials, zhodenskaya ets precisely to conduct such a small experiment, the introduction of pellets into wood chips for obtaining a greater effect on heat transfer. we are also working on it. today the questions are kazakhstan, the russian federation, and export sales like uzbekistan, we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work with turkey. april is the time of intensification of the mining industry;
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both energy workers and farmers benefit from the black gold of our subsoil. peat briquettes are in demand among industrialists and power engineers not only in our country; they are exported, including to european countries. such products are considered highly profitable. beltop-gas enterprise, and these 15 factories in the regions of the country plan to produce about 2 million tons of peat this season. from these raw materials approximately one million tons of fuel products will be produced , mainly briquettes, as well as 150,000 tons of various covering soils and nutrient soils that are used. for the needs of agriculture, the products are in demand, today they are supplied to 21 countries of the world, over the past year we supplied 150,000 tons of various peat products worth $12 million,
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while the asian vector is also actively developing, in particular, several full-fledged trains were sent to china. import-substituting products.
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i would like to note that over the past 2 years , the demand for products from the tank-tool industry of the republic of belarus has increased several times, well, this was greatly facilitated by the restrictive measures and sanctions adopted by unfriendly countries in relation to the russian federation and in relation to the republic of belarus, so we they put first place, of course, on increasing the technological potential of our enterprises, because without modernizing production processes it is quite difficult to significantly increase the volume and quality of output. already this year , it is planned to modernize a number of
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the main enterprises of the machine tool industry of the republic of belarus. but if we talk about the level of manufacturability, yes, machines, equipment, that’s when we will step over that bar, when we will start supplying our industrial enterprises not with individual, so to speak, machines, but with automatic lines, or high-tech. with the level of localization of the union state
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of 100%, so this equipment already exists today; it is supplied to enterprises of both the republic of belarus and the russian federation. i correctly understand that we have already taken this path, we have already started producing belarusian processing centers, correctly, and that they are doing so in industry, well, i would like to supplement my colleague with an example of an automated line when we have a set of components at the input. nevertheless, over these 8 years he has proven
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his technological level is quite high reliability. we also participated in a competition in the russian federation, which means we were selected at that time, it was the selected spanish manufacturer, when russian colleagues came to us, and we took them to the enterprise, to show the line of action, they were surprised by the percentage low-quality products that were produced there, they amounted to... that’s what i noticed that at
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the end of the meeting, our president essentially put forward an initiative, i’ll quote: it’s reasonable to return to specific production tasks, do you think the time has come to introduce a comprehensive system of state planning in industry, in our compact republic of belarus, we have every opportunity to plan very clearly taking into account disposal. equipment at our enterprises, as for machine tools, taking into account the disposal of agricultural machinery, we can plan not for a year, not for two, for three, that is, we can easily write a production program, the head of the enterprise will understand it absolutely clearly and his entire team will understand what does he do for of the belarusian market, this is planned production, this is planned procurement, respectively, what we talked about today is of appropriate quality, when there is no distortion on the conveyor belt during procurement operations... then things that concern the outside world, again in
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most cases, it’s like our dealer network, which we also recalled today, its task is not only to sell, but also to form an order, that is, this is a kind of our marketing carried out to other countries, accordingly they form an order production is not for a month, not for two, in principle, they form a production program for long-cycle goods, well , in an amicable way, the same belas, in order to start production and do it. this means that today the basis of the production program of the twenty-fifth year is beginning to take shape; accordingly, this is also, to a certain extent , a planned economy, the one we are talking about, well, always.
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you think, because yesterday there was a meeting on the development of the agrarian-industrial complex, and there was a similar thesis, yeah, how do you do you think there should be a system of state planning in our country, and i will complement you with what alexander sergeevich said, it already exists, and we have been working for many years on the so-called system of mobilization approach, which implies that there are resources, labor, financial and so on, they need to be used as much as possible in order to ensure that technological breakthrough or that production that is needed, but the planning forecasting system in general is being rebuilt taking into account the new legislation that was passed last year,
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now we have already begun to develop long-term, medium-term programs for socio -economic development in general and just the principle. in cascading here , the most important thing, the key one, will be when we must set an ambitious goal for ourselves in each industry, in a long-term program, and roll it out before annual programs; in annual programs, this is the third year in a row that we have already worked like this called target planning, target plan when the main macroeconomic parameters of the president are approved, we are deploying the so-called target plan, where... there is a breakdown for industry, how many tractors, combines, belaz trucks and so on need to be produced, in order to reach, for example, the target level of industrial production . dear experts, to summarize our conversation, what was the main message of our president for you at the meeting on
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industrial development and what we all need to do to solve the tasks, alexander sergeevich, i think that’s the main message. that they gave us is to sell, that is , the president from the very beginning, we said today, we know how to produce, we deal with quality and we improve it, sell, that’s the key task, sell constantly in new markets, and most importantly, after the first sale, return buyer again to our products. andrey mikhailovich, i support the thesis, it is necessary to sell and it is necessary to rebuild with...
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every employee already feels his importance and significance, he cannot simply allow a mistake, because the image of the enterprise suffers, of course, here we have something to work on, of course this will form the overall picture and increase the competitiveness of the country. the meeting was set with the task of taking us out of our comfort zone, maybe even to some extent as leaders, because the results of the last three years indicate that we have achieved tangible success.
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in your comfort zone, you must constantly look for ways to improve the efficiency of enterprises, yes, of course, sell, but sell effectively without changes inside systems in terms of cost, in terms of quality, in terms of increasing production volumes, well, it’s impossible. here i will probably support sergei ivanovich that over the past period of time, each of us has done a lot in our place, the plans that have been set are, in some ways, ambitious. well, as the president noted, this is not enough, we need to think about a higher bar, in terms of production volumes, in terms of quality products, so we need to work on this. we need to work, dear experts, thank you for your opinion, thank you, that you found time in your busy schedule, came to our belteleradiocompany studio,
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we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, set ambitious goals, confidently implement them for the benefit of our country, and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye. thanks to government support , several government programs in the field of oncology were carried out to re-equip our system. well, we received the most modern equipment, and in all oncological institutions, everything that...
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they did, first they used ukraine, they are literally waging war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight with the finns, swedes, poles, so joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers. lukashenko’s personal courage, his position, saved the state, and therefore saved millions of lives. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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kuntsevich nikolai nikolaevich, participant in the battles against the nazi invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolayevich, commissar of the second battalion of the gomel people's militia regiment, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together with units of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai kuntsevich recaptured two.
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fighters counterattacked, and he died in the same battle. in 1944, nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree, posthumously. we are not dreaming of the roar of the cosmodrome, not this
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icy blue, the grass touches us, the grass near the house, green, green firewood. and we fly in orbits, along unexplored paths, lived by meteorites, space, risk and courage are justified, cosmic music floats into our business conversation. the mother is waiting for her son,
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and the earth is waiting for her sons, we don’t dream of the roar of cosmogrom, it’s not this flying blue, we dream of grass, grass near the house, green. green firewood, this is forever, this is forever, this is our great history, alexander lukashenko took into the country a poor, hungry, trampled, torn apart, raped by bandits, democrats, nationalists, traitors, spat upon and robbed, and the powerful lord
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of fate, he threw her up. vices, but not like yours, you lie vilely, you lie, in every word, in every little grimace of yours, in every crappy, malicious glance you lie, there are two visions of the world: the vision of heroes, dreamers, ascetics, poets, powerful people, and there is the look of dung worms, dirty pigs, maggots, slaves, and i
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will show them to you. look now at every gesture, at the facial expression, at the grimace, lukashenka’s asbestos plane, the gaze of the hero and the woman tears. sennya tsely zen adbyvaetstsa s vartanem u belarus-kasmanautka maryna vasilevskaya. lukashenka adpravi payale ў muskva asabists plane svoy sam'i. it’s true that lukashenka himself doesn’t agree to sustrakat kasmanautka, except for the administration of high-ranking officials. parkhomchyka and the academy of sciences gusakova. adtul vasileevskaya pavezli and lukashenko ў palace of independence.
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erie, it’s you who are ready to shove pipe cleaners down your throats, it’s you who live only in your bellies, only in your gastrointestinal tract, you, not her, you are slaves. brutes, scum, poor people, blind people, degenerates of fate, freaks, creatures, laborers, slaves, slaves, slaves, slaves. you are similar in your habits, imperturbable as oak trees, it is written on your faces that you are slaves, slaves, slaves, you calculate everything, delve into everything, pulled out with your pennies, that the title of hero comes with a phone call and sending you to
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a sanatorium, and the toad is strangling , the toad eats, devours from the inside, twists you, infuriates you, lies, scoundrels, lies, here are some more womb-healing, talking sphincters. the flight of maria, maria vasilevskaya, maria vasilevskaya, it did not improve matters either in the economy or in the social sphere, medical services did not get any better because of this, the roads there in the baranovsky district were not repaired on their own, wages did not increase, and prices in stores did not fall, and it seems to me that when... the pr people made the decision on such a move, they did just that and were guided by, well, we can’t, europe doesn’t give money for roads, well, why can we please the population with roads? no, but doctors are leaving, doctors are resigning, doctors are being imprisoned, but can we provide free healthcare at a really high level for people? no, we can’t, and what can we do with scenes, besides telling them to stop hitting their hairy hands on the table with their fists, we can’t do anything with prices, and there is a market, despite the assurance
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of the main character in the country that there is a market . which one doesn’t exist, it won’t regulate anything, there is a market, it regulates everything, that’s why they are powerless here too, let’s send our man, preferably a woman, into space, well, that’s shallow, the lies are mean and your mournful faces give you away, hey , it’s not a face, but a drenched face urine, caked feces, lies, scoundrels, belarusians are not like that, we are not slaves, you are slaves, the dung and worms of perestroika, its moths and mushrooms, the stinking belongings of a big garbage dump, slaves, slaves, slaves, slaves, remember from yesenin.
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good fairy tales, they empathize, maybe cry, and there are those who laugh while the heroes suffer, for example, i remember being a child there in the cinema or watching cartoons there, and some guys, well, - from my point of view, they behaved inappropriately, so we can ask the question, where does this come from, is it upbringing or maybe this is their nature, but it seems to me that many of them,
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his disciple, are, furthermore, queens. gagarin, lukashenko, vasilevskaya. by the way, have you ever wondered why this is so? we were the first in space, the first to invent a satellite-rocket, for the great transformation of humanity. and they, the west, were the first to invent and use the nuclear bomb. truman, in joyful trepidation, almost in religious ecstasy, whispered, the baby was born. we gave the world a holy dream. they are weapons of world destruction.


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