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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 12:00am-12:21am MSK

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new jobs and will be another impetus for the development of the polesie region. anton malyuta, alexey petrov and sergey korneev, area of ​​interest. now let’s take a break for a short advertisement, then about what to do if your salary is not paid on time. stay with us. we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse you in the era. windgrass that grows with its roots upward. approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted using the exclusive planting method, which even the radzevils and napoleon’s family could not achieve we managed to reproduce such an interesting miracle here in volkovysk. artifacts from centuries of history are a real puzzle for us as time travelers. this is a namitka or
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a marking, in the place where we found it in this, in this area, it is called cheesepanok, this is the headdress of a married woman, the most valuable exhibit, in my opinion, is presented directly here, oh, this, this is a decoration, number seventh, this is not a decoration, it is a musical instrument, nothing more than a pity, dating back to the 11th century, the task of our guides,
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friends, everyone here comes to me, for berries, here is my family, my children, my grandchildren and mine for mushrooms, to see animals, to walk through the forest, hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main qualities of these people, adnoychy, kali ya garadzі svayo. .. the people were digging a hole under the pile, running into clay, the red one was so moldable, i took my hands on the plasticine, but i tried to sculpt something right away. 12 years ago, when we bought this house, it was in very poor condition, we restored it all with our own hands, planted christmas trees, trees were planted, look at poleshuk’s project, that is, poleshuk’s mentality will catch you anyway.
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this is an area of ​​interest, we are now continuing about exchange rates, the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian one. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles, 28 kopecks. the euro is now 3.49 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.52, 100 russian rubles costs 3.48. the ministry of labor summed up the results of the presidential decree on the timely payment of wages, so more than 5 million rubles were returned in a year. 3,500 belarusians. let me remind you that the document was signed in january last year, he expanded the powers of the state labor inspection department to protect the rights of workers to receive their salaries on time. that is, citizens do not need to
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independently apply to the court or notary, and then to the enforcement authorities; this right is vested in the department of the ministry of labor. moreover, if the violation is eliminated within the specified period, employers will be released from administrative liability. alina lopo will continue the topic. timely payments have been under close scrutiny for a year now, alas, for now the question is relevant, because in the country. there are still cases of delayed wages, however , the department of state labor inspectorate notes that thanks to the measures prescribed in the decree, the number of such cases is progressively decreasing, and citizens no longer need to seek justice on their own, the department itself takes on the protection of the rights of workers, from the name of the decree, in fact, it follows the goal its adoption, the results of what actions of the decree have already worked in relation to 800 workers of the republic, 3500 workers have already received
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the final payment dismissal, but the decree is much broader than the appeal of citizens, as soon as the department receives information about the delay in payments from any source of information, is the basis for the mechanism of the third decree to be activated. so what to do if wages are not paid? the basis for
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taking measures to establish such facts may be relevant information from law enforcement agencies, the media, or written requests from the citizens themselves. if violations are nevertheless recorded, demands are issued without additional verification. previously, in such cases, a comprehensive inspection was first ordered, which of course meant delaying the payment process. now the procedure is faster; in other words, the decree has speeded up the receipt of money by employees. previously, a person was forced to go to court to defend his rights. eh, the procedure is quite complicated, yes, not every person will be able to correctly fill out a statement of claim. now, as soon as the department has such information. the department issues to the employer mandatory to fulfill the requirements and compulsory enforcement authorities then initiate enforcement proceedings using their resources, let’s say , they recover money from such an employer, that is, what is, let’s say, an advantage for the employee himself, he does not have to run to court himself,
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then with a court decision to the enforcement authorities, everything is done for him this is done by the state inspection department. if the employer eliminates all violations within the specified period, he will not be held administratively liable. if the requirements are still ignored, the department makes a decision on the collection of wages to the enforcement authorities . obviously, situations in business are different, sometimes independent of internal processes, but no one has canceled social responsibility, so the point is not to punish, but to still help, even if sometimes you have to stimulate some managers. alina lopoi and grigory kristofovich, area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we're on the air. tuesday, wednesday and thursday at the very noticeable in the economy, see you later.
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in the age of rapid development of technology , it no longer surprises anyone that even food can be printed on a 3d printer, cutlets, chicken wings and even bread. i am not a categorical conservative, but still, when it comes to bread, i am more of a traditionalist. nowadays, baking production has reached industrial scale. bakery factories compete for ideas, for who has the coolest equipment, how to do it? one incredible girl also wanted to know the bread, and we couldn’t refuse her. hi, i'm kylie from veni salt and i really love baking, and i just adore belarusian bread. but i would like to know how you make suba bread.
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tell me please, are you from venezuela? how did you end up in belarus? because i fell in love 10 years ago. because in venezuela there is something like baking - this is a special topic, small bakeries, that is, they make it for families with their own hands, these are large-scale large factories like you belarusians, as i
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understand it, there are a lot of them, unfortunately we have no, we could eat, but very little, today for there will be plenty of content for you, believe me, the factory is huge with bread... also baked goods, too, god , of course we can run there as soon as possible, let’s go and it’s great. yes, you just feel like you just need to get closer to the production, right away how delicious it is, i see your eyes are lighting up, come on faster , please, faster, faster, listen to you, the venezuelans won’t have time, come on, i think that there will be something so grandiose, as if in a film they usually show that there’s a lot people on the site, everyone works according to the schedule, that’s
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how the tata robot is, yes, definitely, we’re on production of bread, so you and i need to maintain sanitary conditions, maintain sanitary conditions, i can’t even argue, i assumed that when you need to walk... in such places you need to get dressed, but i didn’t know that it was jewelry that also needed to be removed, interesting, makeup whether i allow it or not, o'. hello, hello, today i brought a guest from
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venezuela to your production, she is a blogger, a very active girl, i think that you will understand this in the process of our filming, so you need to follow her eye to eye, where we are going, lead us, we are going to start of production, kneading the dough, great, go ahead, the most top-notch, it’s so noisy to me, how cool it looks, how... sha, what do you think the bread is made from? naturally, flour, eggs, milk, in our receptor not all the components that you listed are there, our dough is prepared by flour, water, yeast, semi-finished product, sourdough, i think you don’t have such a semi-finished product, we ’ll look at it later, sourdough , these are some kind of living bacteria, and these are living bacteria, yes, yes, and how many types of bread do you... go here about ten, shall we try everything today or
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not? let's try, we'll try, you're already hungry, yes, do you want to pinch the crust? yes, and here, what to do in this machine , the dough is kneaded, now you will take part in this, but first you will need to pour dry mashed potatoes into the machine, and also add mashed potatoes, this is apparently some kind of specific, yes, uh, this the recipe calls for potato pura, and potato puri. because where we are in belarus, i didn’t know that even you add potatoes and we’ll have bread, potatoes, i i know that you are belarusians, you love potatoes, i know that there are a lot of recipes with potatoes, but this is the first time i have seen in my life, i didn’t think that potatoes are also added to bread, but can i yes, of course, i i’ll help you, look, i wouldn’t have guessed that it was like this, well, it looks like it.
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you have a bread machine spinning like this, well , yes, a very complex process, kneading the dough, it goes in three stages at different speeds, there they knead it, mix it, constantly add some additional ingredients, what is your request? bread lover, i would like to know why you don’t produce bread specifically for new year, christmas, yes, christmas bread, which will be at home for the new year, this is a good idea, indeed, we did not work in this direction, i just that she created, we have for the new year, we prepare special bread, there is a lot inside, there is an oven, there are olives, raisins, everything, but unfortunately you don’t have it. we have other traditional holidays, for which we produce
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paska bakery products, and we bake rock springs, but you need to think about the new year, yes, no need, of course, of course, but what do you find here, uh, here is the office of process engineers and... now he is checking the quality of the semi-finished product, let's check it, come on, what's your name? like nutrition, so that all this could work even better and there would be fluffy bread, i can also become
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a technologist, well, it’s clear that i needed to make an impression. for our guest, i think i succeeded, we take 5 g of 5 semi-finished product, that is, thermophilic sourdough, wait, 5.03, you see, extra, three hundredths, even this is important, yes, yes, imagine, pour 50 g of uh, distilled water, so, you know what distilled water is, purified water, where there are no salts or anything else, but pure h2o, well, this is not a mineral water, yes , no, let's start, adding in parts and grinding until a homogeneous mass, please, with the second pestle, three, at that moment i thought a little like this, so what is this for, what is this for, when the mass is uniform, analysis would be more accurate, you 've done it all, you well done, we add phenol vtolin, you see, for coloring,
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i stir it, and you watch how it changes color and liquid, which means we will now see what its acidity is. when it stops at a certain level of natriuage, everything was so bad for me, i don’t know, it was as if some scientists were talking to me, as if i was in a chemistry lesson, which was very difficult to understand, when i changed myself, then i just oh, what this is magic, do you agree that it is pale pink, i agree, like yours, oh, look, 5, 11, this is the normal value, yes for me. it was just like adrenaline, because i honestly didn’t think that this is also done with bread, but in reality it was just bomb, cool, kayla’s activity
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can be envied, she is interested in everything, absolutely everything, where anything falls, where it rolls, it goes like kneading.. . can you help us do a little work, yes we can, come on, come on, today you do everything with your hands, i ’m just watching, you see, even though the machine gets in the way, you still need to work with your hands, oh, you have to drag everything there, yes. , it fell hard, hard, yes, but what delicious bread it will be, it’s very difficult and hard, exactly ta... it reads so quickly, i think their arms are so strong, pumped up in a modern way, right here, kayla, i see how they take us there, they look at us, you can say hi there, from here then there, yes , yes, when we sent the dough to the dough descent, it is scientifically correctly called, i didn’t think
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that it goes through several floors, that is, on the second floor we knead and send it there, and there the pharma is already underway and this is where we come from they dumped it on you and from there it divides our dough into equal parts, it falls into our seamer a machine where it takes the shape of bread, i just look like this, like this, like this, like a labyrinth, and here i’m already looking, then some other shape is given, and what kind of one into the cradles, through the stacker, through the stacker, how many? here too, we spend a ton of bread in an hour, a ton in an hour, can you imagine how many people in belarus eat bread, i know you love bread, you constantly eat bread in the morning, in the evening, everywhere, always, according to statistics, every belarusian eats about 78 kg of bread every year, why am i not surprised, i get it, we have everything
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differently, what do you eat there instead of bread, well, only in the morning, but not in the evening. i know that the dough is divided into even pieces of 20 kilos each, but after baking the moisture is lost, of course, they all become exactly 950 g. what is the height, and he drives constantly, it’s amazing, that is, it turns out to be a carousel for bread, them and so much that i don’t understand where to end, but i’ll tell you, if you look carefully at this closet, that is, it is approximately two floors high, my god, here it goes, it goes on a transfer, on a transfer, that’s what it’s called a transfer , where, yes, it keeps going, spinning, how many minutes does it pass here, 55 minutes, 65 minutes, that’s all, where then does it fall?


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