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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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everything is different here, but what do you eat there instead of bread? well, only in the morning, but not in the evening for a snack, no longer, i know that the dough is divided into even pieces of 20 kilos, but after baking the moisture is lost, of course, they all become exactly 950 g. what is the height there, and it goes constantly, amazing. carousel for bread, there are so many of them that i don’t understand where it ends, but i’ll tell you where it ends, if you look carefully at this cabinet, that is, it’s about two floors high, my god, here it goes, it goes to transfer, on transfer, this transfer, called transfer, where am i, yes, it all goes, spinning, how many minutes does he pass here, here 55 minutes, 55 minutes, that’s it, where then? falls into the oven, takes 40 minutes,
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maybe something else, let's see how many products you have, 167 items, it's all here in your plant, therefore, such volumes, i'm stunned, i wish there was something like this in my country, so that there is such a factory or enterprise,
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you start up, stand and eat, this is sesame cake, so rich, there is sesame, you can feel it strongly, we will find such cakes in mainly in venezuela from guava, you know what cuava is, cuava, yes, cuavava in spanish, well, it’s some kind of fruit, guava, yes, we rarely use sesame somewhere, well, look, i packed a packet, ate a cookie, i packed a pack, ate a cookie, yes, that’s exactly the job i need. do you like opiate cookies? this is unusual for me, because in venezue they are considered dietary, whoever puts the whole jackpot on... but, nevertheless, we
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also make bread, so opian livers are not available to everyone, because they are expensive, true, but we have oatmeal cookies on the contrary, they are available to everyone, and i want to tell you that oatmeal cookies are, to be honest, the calling card of this plant, yes, and why that because they are the most delicious, it was a huge discovery for me when was. molding from a huge dough into small, small pieces, at first i thought that there would be some kind of process of rolling it out so that it would be flatter, but no, they later explained to me, it turns out that it spreads itself and becomes flat, which we used to seeing him, hello, we've passed the whole line and saw how my favorite cookies are made, i love it, i love it, you know what, i’ll tell you a secret, my wife loves oatmeal cookies, so that they are... hard,
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as she says, so that the tooth crumbles, yes, well, this it needs to go through cooling, then there will be what is needed, what she loves, now it comes out of the oven a little warm, it needs to cool down a little, at the moment there are cookies, they are with raisins, these are classic oatmeal cookies , and so we produce an assortment, you eat, eat with pleasure, and in our assortment we make dried apricots, prunes with peanuts. pavel ate like this for five or six, well, guys, this is an oat region, there the hand was reaching out.
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i don’t want to read how much i sat down, let there be a secret between us, a lot, call the gym, wait for me. just one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941. if i'm not mistaken, andrey kizhevatov. well,
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there were a lot of bosses. you're not wrong. what kind of sport was the old man khatabych from... watch in intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. each of the heroes is special, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys, there were few of us girls, we were the first set, in
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its entire history , there were only six girls at the faculty of internal troops who graduated and received education on an equal basis with men. everyone has their own unique story, father. my advice was to go and get an education as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because that he said that from his practice , most people deal with family issues, when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love, attention to other people, what my parents invested in me, see the belarus project on tv channel belarus 24.
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was as an export product, we supply boton bread mainly to the russian federation, well also america, israel, yes, it can be stored frozen for six months, after defrosting, all properties are retained, then, and i didn’t know how to store the bread, it turns out you can put it all in the freezer, that’s really good. our program lasts 26 minutes, but kayla filmed exactly 10 videos, she filmed, filmed, filmed, saying that angel’s grill smelled like bread, i don’t know this, but that’s what they say, so
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if this is so, then i will face like an angel, great, right? so where are we now? this is a bread area, the product comes out of the oven, it is quite hot, so we have gloves, yes, 98° in the center of the crumb, let's work, 98°, there is boiling water, pavel just looked at it like that, everything is fine, calm down, where, yes, take it, come on, when we took the hot bread, put it. in the trolley, in these containers, i don’t know, it feels like you were picking up some child in your arms, really, you were so afraid of dropping him, he’s so fragile, it’s very hot here, just like, here the temperature is good, and there the stoves work constantly, you need to be in this atmosphere, i’m not
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used to such temperatures, so it was a bit difficult for me, well , probably about 70°, it was so very hot. listen, what kind of bread is this? have you ever seen anything like this? well, meet me, this is bread with sunflower seeds and grain, a triangle of bread, this is the shape, i saw it for the first time, i’m only used to this round baguette, loaf, but a triangle, i see you want to try it, okay, go ahead, it’s just like a watermelon . you can take it like this, yes, that’s right, i always dreamed of doing this, you see, i
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closed the gestalt of childhood, i broke the bread in half and just stand there and eat it, just from the oven, pavel, but we can treat our cameraman, look, if you want, take it. try delicious delicious, oh, i told you, unfortunately, we can’t treat you, uh-huh, but it’s delicious for us, and we see here rye bread, yes, yes, this is rye bread, and what is this, this is a metal detector, and that is, if it hits...
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what, but i really like its special taste, in our country, unfortunately, we can very rarely find burnt bread, again, it is not popular, we have more wheat, white, a-ha, here everything has already been decided, but we are used to it at home only with a scabbard, i see that you are just right... fapalanu yes the weight should be 450 g, we have what 450 450 g, well now
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i’ll try, i need things quickly like this, i don’t need much, i don’t need much, i need to add this, that’s it, yes, and there’s still not enough, there’s still not enough, let’s add from here, get it, and get it if it’s not enough, yes, if not enough, 440 will not work. and now i’ll try, i couldn’t pack a single one, when a woman is so 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 they are already so trained, and i ’m still trying to figure out how to do it correctly, it’s not my job, for this i’m not was born, and she’s already doing so much, i’m still living, it’s a lot, oh god, it was, i’m a little bit moments, i was already nervous. i wanted to cry already, because i didn’t have time, i’m stressed now, oh, four, oh well, okay, 450,
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450, finally, let’s do it, it worked out when they already... packed the bread, like that, they now we were quickly on the other side, there was one girl, just think that only she does this, hello, what is your name, my name is kylie, today i will be your company, let's get started, tell me how you did it correctly, three eight, three times eight, like that, eight times, yes, how long have you been here? you've been working, you'll be 5 years old in august, does she have any jewelry? soon, is this difficult? it happens, yes, it happens, no, since how long
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have you been teaching like this, quickly, with time, with experience, everything comes, as they say, friends, my back already hurts a little, yes, my back, especially when they’re already starting, i’m carrying treasures, no, it’s all done, no, friends, the bread is packed, i’ve put everything together, so bon appetit, we did it for you with love, everything, thank you, let’s do it, well done. signora kayla and signor pavel, share your impressions of this day? first of all, i want to say thank you for i was invited because this is the first time in my life, i saw how bread is made, and not just by hand, but how
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it is produced, how so many people work, how difficult it is, i also did test work, because. in belarus, the topic of protecting personal information has a constitutional basis; the state creates conditions for the protection of personal
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data, personal security when using it, and to ensure that this is exactly so. a specially authorized body has been created, the national center for the protection of personal data, its activities are primarily aimed at preventing violations of legislation and the rights of our citizens in this area, because everything that gets into the virtual environment largely remains there forever, so the center pays great attention to forming an attitude to your personal information as a value that needs to be protected. which needs to be protected, that the personal information of other people needs to be respected, and the center also takes measures to provide the necessary tools for the job organization, so that what is really needed is collected, while life does not stop, but so that cases of violation of the personal rights of citizens in this area are
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minimal, because the protection of personal data makes it possible to realize...
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where we study, what kind of education we receive, this is information about our health, political views, membership in trade unions, and separate genetic personal data, that is, a lot of information that characterizes us, by the way, came into force several years ago the law on the protection of personal data, which has fundamentally changed for us for citizens, the law has collected on...
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the law has provided every citizen who today has the right to request personal data of a person, his personal data, yes, according to this law, what responsibility
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is provided for those who discloses personal information without having the right to do so. the law says that you can work with personal information on two grounds: either there must be a legal basis, that is, the right is provided for by law, or accepted. in its development by another regulatory legal act, or the consent of a person, therefore, those bodies and organizations have the right to request information in cases where the rules of law provide for this, for example, for purposes related to the organization of law enforcement activities, it is possible to process personal data for the purposes of employment, there is the corresponding act, saying...
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the song of iradzim is frozen, maybe everything will change, but the yans are not fallen, you won’t know the smoke of the spring and the spring. only this life will not be for hours, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk language words, monthly expressing on the grass, and nyakhay zhytstse not velma sand, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is radzima, there is a budze song, a budze song. irotima live.
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their homeland is sunny kazakhstan, a beautiful country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature; fate brought them to belarus.
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i came from kazakhstan, from the city of almaty, my husband sergei was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here and... in general, it was his idea to move to belarus, he invited me to fly with him, and we we looked at the city, traveled around, we already had a lot of friends here, because a lot of people fly here from kazakhstan, kazakhstan is a very sunny country, there is always a lot of sun, in winter, in summer, you are always wearing black glasses, when i arrived in december, i i look out the window in the morning, i say when in general, when the sun rises, when... when will it be day, and it turns out that the day is already in full swing, and for me, of course, it was a little strange that it’s very, very gray, now i for example, i don’t notice this anymore, i’m already used to it, but it seems to me
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that even now it has changed a little. the climate has become sunnier than 7 years ago, when we first arrived here, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is in general , the merit of the people, because the people themselves, belarusians, are very clean, when a person ends up in another country, yes, first of all he says: oh, well done, they clean up so well here, but... here people just don’t litter, yes, they clean up after themselves, let’s go somewhere, we arrived, everything is always clean, it’s very, very pleasant, naturally, we came to the old town for a walk, we were also impressed by these european streets, it’s like you’re in prague somewhere, i really liked it, and on my first trip i came to bolshoi theater of belarus for the ball, we were so impressed, i said, okay, let's
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move. i came from kazakhstan, the city of astana, and i was born in tselinograd, that is, there, so to speak, there is a little history, first there was tselinograd, then akmala, after that they made the capital of astana and how it was that i came from astana, i felt. 18 years old, i was finishing eleventh grade, i remember well, it was the second quarter, it was winter, just before my birthday, we had already been preparing to move to belarus for a year, it was very difficult for me, because i had my own dance group , i had my own friends, probably, maybe, i certainly don’t really remember, there was some kind of first love, and of course, it was very difficult for me to move, so i come to belarus, to the grodno
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region, the beautiful city of lida. certainly, after astana, to be honest, i was in shock, immediately in tears, i remember well how we arrived in minsk, left minsk, i really liked minsk, i think, oh, great, cool, that means lida will probably be great - it ’s the same, and we drive on, we get on the minibus, go to lida, we arrive, we go out to the bus station, i remember well how i looked in one direction, i looked in the other direction, i immediately had tears, i say, mom, how could you come here from such a big city to such a small, very small city. as for the difference exactly kazakhstan from belarus, there were moments when there weren’t as many shops here at that time, as there are now, for example, but there is still a trading house, when we got there and i just saw that in the window there were still glass ones shop windows, and there is our prinyoma newspaper.
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i’m already working, i want to say that i already told my parents, we talk on this topic very often, that well, i want to say a big thank you to them, we will tell you about the progressive experience
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of various organizations. our country was and the goal is to create not just a museum, an atmosphere, all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually, of course, we went under the strict leadership of our district and region, the ministry of culture, it was decided that it was to update the unusual project, in -firstly, the structure itself in the form of these shed shells, so...


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