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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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and ukrainians who have gone abroad will be denied new passports and other consular services without a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, while deputies themselves, judges, prosecutors, and employees of strategic enterprises designated for exchange will be given a reservation from mobilization. in other words, those who could not pay off and have no friends in power will again be driven to the front. the tightening of mobilization is associated with the gradual advance of russian troops on most sectors of the front, as well as with a sharp reduction supplies of weapons and ammunition from western countries. the new law has already been dubbed modern serfdom in ukraine. he clearly indicates the reluctance of the majority of citizens to voluntarily die for the interests of zelensky and his western sponsors. chairman of the people's republic of china xiding ping received the former head of taiwan ma-yindu in beijing. this is the first meeting between the leader of the prc and the former leader of the party that lost the civil war. commandant in the capital.
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nevertheless, the current communication between the two politicians turned out to be very symbolic. it took place in ahead of the may inauguration of the new head of the taiwanese administration, representing the mainland-unfriendly party that has ruled taiwan for the past 8 years and was intended to send a number of political signals to both taipei and the domestic chinese audience. as experts believe, by opening its arms to the former leader of the island, who now does not hold any significant position, beijing is trying. push the new taiwanese administration towards a more flexible position towards china. in addition, it is obvious that the chinese leadership wants to show its citizens that the path to peaceful reunification with taiwan is not yet completely closed, that there are forces there that are constructive towards the prc. i’ll start today’s program with poems by the soviet-moldavian poet george minyuk from the mid-seventies of the last century. moldova is changing its appearance every day. the sun enters the windows of the young house,
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strokes my palms and leads me into the valley, look how the edge of the former steepness blossoms. from an artistic point of view, of course, it is far from yevtushenko and not rozhdestvensky, but it was in these words are the truth of life. moldova really flourished then. brezhnev did not forget that the path to the kremlin began for him from chisinau. today, moldova, along with ukraine, has become the poorest country in europe. and in addition to this, they also want to drag her into the war, somehow? happened, this will be discussed in today's program. i am glad to welcome for the first time in our studio anatoly anatolyevich bulavka, deputy of the chamber, representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus. hello. good afternoon. oleg bondarenko, director of the fund progressive politics, project manager balconist is with us today. thank you, oleg, good to see you. hello. i also join to our discussion andrei mikhailovich safonov, deputy of the supreme council of the pridnestrovian moldavian republic. hello, andrey mikhailovich. hello, dear friends. by
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tradition, we begin our program with a quick question, which i address to each of the guests present: is a war for transnistria possible this year? andrei mikhailovich, i will immediately give the floor to you. how it seems that this situation is not yet inevitable, but nevertheless, pressure is exerted on transnistria and gogouziv through economic, diplomatic, and political methods. u... but today i don’t see any objective reasons for the start of any military operations, but to discount the potential threat of the outbreak of a military conflict for... far-fetched
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reasons, i think this cannot be ruled out. anatoliyevich, let’s find out the opinion of our distinguished guest from the russian federation, oleg, please. now transnistria is part of a big game, taking into account the fact that there is an open military conflict in ukraine, events in transnistria can develop in any way, unfortunately, this does not depend on transnistria, it depends on many unknown factors. starting from the role of kiev, ending with the position of washington, brussels, bucharest, including, and including , of course, chisinau, and here the game is going on with many unknowns, which clearly says that no, there will be no war this year, i i wouldn’t, because , by and large, there’s already a big war in this the region is already underway, this is already a fact, yes, we have been living in this world for the last more than 2 years, and...
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now the ambassador of ukraine to moldova, mr. danilov, there was news that he was taking with him to chisinau several current high-ranking officials from the ministry of defense , who will be formalized as military ataches, that is, their task is to control the situation from the inside, that is, to be in constant contact with representatives of the presidency, let’s call it that, well, in addition to the fact that they will search for ukrainian men who are...
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representative in chisinau, then first, we need to listen to the statements that he will make in his new capacity, second, what he will talk about at meetings with the top leadership of moldova, since he will convey, as we are used to saying, the general line of the party, and third, on duty, he is obliged to visit regions, very different, including, by the way, transnistria and gogouzia, so those are in place.
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statement by various kiev officials that the 5+2 format for negotiations is allegedly not viable, allegedly it disappeared, died and so further, in the foreign policy concept of both ukraine and moldova there is no rejection of this format; moreover, it is confirmed that today all those participants who were in this format, that is, both ukraine and moldova. thank you very much about that. how, under the leadership of maia sandu, moldova became a stronghold of russophobia? we'll tell you in more detail in our story. self-destruction course. this is how moldovans dubbed the policy of its current leader. maya sandu has been in office since 2020 and is on the verge of the next presidential elections to take place
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this fall, it’s time to talk about her merits or failures, of which there are much more. analysts are already making forecasts for the next election campaign, and for sandu they are disappointing. experts. believes that she risks losing the election to former leader igor dadon in the second round. looking at the current situation and what europe is doing, this is completely negative. there shouldn’t be such a policy in the city, even if it’s against russians or ukrainians there, why? we are one people, we once lived together, amicably, why not do it again was everything okay? political scientists and local media note: sando is losing popularity in the country, which threatens a split for the republic. residents accuse the leader of excessive dependence on the west. calls to follow one’s own path have been heard more than once during numerous protests that most often shake chisinau. politics blames
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attempts to destroy moldovan identity for the usurpation of power. citizens complain about the lack of work, low living standards and other problems, which they blame on the pro-european leader. in turn, sandu found other culprits in what was happening. her rise to power led to an almost complete breakdown in relations between moldova and russia. experts believe that this is an attempt by the head of state to divert the attention of residents from internal problems to external ones. in addition, the politician blames russia for various problems in moldova. this is how sandu tries to explain the difficult situation in the country’s economy and the decline in moldovan living standards.
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membership in the eu and nato instantly developed into russophobia. at least six russian-language channels have stopped broadcasting, significantly the number of educational institutions teaching in russian has decreased, where... a ban on wearing the st. george ribbon symbols z and b, which are used by the russian military in ukraine. the initiator of this innovation was the ruling party led by the west's former member, sandu. this is one of the manifestations of the russophobic policy pursued at the highest level of the mai sandu regime, the same one that, in the 2020 elections , promised all russian-speaking citizens respect for their rights, and after becoming president, included all our russian-speaking fellow citizens to your own blacklist. according to statistics , thousands of people leave moldova every year to work
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abroad because they cannot find work at home. today the republic is, perhaps, the european leader in depopulation over 30 years of independence, more than a million citizens have left here, which is approximately a third of the population. anatoly anatolvich, in your opinion, do you agree with the opinion that certain forces in the west, therefore...
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so to speak, let's pay attention to the map for clarity, for our respected viewers, first of all, yes, please
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, well, of course, moldova is saved by the fact that it is located on the periphery of europe and does not border on russia, because otherwise the risks would be much higher, and that i think is quite possible , already this year, and may sandu, by the way, for the sake of fairness, is far from the most pro-western politician in moldova, i... was last in the presidential elections in 2020 in chisinau in gagauzia, i have quite a lot of good friends, comrades , i love moldova very much, and of course, may sandu would not won, if not for her predecessor, who did not fulfill his election promise, igor dadon, i mean, the former president of moldova, who at the beginning promised stikoroba that he would introduce russian as the second state language. official that he would allow russian channels, he did all this, you know, when after he lost in the first round,
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that is, already an absolute lame duck, and he finally decided to fulfill his election promises made back in 2016 year, and before that he showed himself extremely weak, and to be honest, the return of moldova to this dichotomy by sandu dadon, but this is such a day before yesterday, it is of course very... to assume the speedy admission into nato in the very near future of such
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unrecognized countries as kosovo, for example, such a country, which obviously has territorial claims, problems, like moldova, when and if the question arises, how does joining nato happen, we know, a referendum is not necessary for this, this is a vote in parliament, paz has a majority of votes, well, maybe there with by someone. with organizing and then simply by a decision of the parliament, moldova will be admitted to nato, for example, yes, i’m now taking this very, perhaps harsh scenario, that in this situation, b...
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that is, moldova itself, or the entire former moldavian ussr, what with on the part of chisinau and bucharest, western countries seem more realistic towards romania, because this option allows us to avoid any difficulties with the negotiation process on moldova’s accession to the european union. we are now in an environment of tough geopolitical confrontation, when there are many questions. very quickly, so we cannot exclude the possibility that such players as romania will intervene, well, let’s leave out for now the actions of macron and his french, who threatens to move towards odessa, well, for clarity , a sociological survey was conducted in june 2021, if you
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asked to vote for the unification of the republic of moldova and romania, would you vote for or against. 41.4% for unification, 46% against. nadezhda, i would like to say, in general, there are several examples of balkan countries where there was much fewer people, for example, are in favor of joining nato, i mean the same montenegro or the same north macedonia, there were less than 40% in general for joining, 30%, 25%, these countries are nato members, so unfortunately, these numbers .
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through pensioners, because one of the reasons for concluding the agreement was the situation with chisinau blocking the account of the executive committee of gagauzi , which contained money to increase pensions in
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the autonomy, everywhere they see the hand of the kremlin against the true moldovan democracy led by maie and sandu, and it is not mentioned that moldova is one of the poorest european countries with a rapidly aging population and falling purchasing power, half of moldovan pensioners live below the poverty line recently about... in the program, hello, hello, thank you for the invitation, thank you very much for being with us today, igor, tell me, we we are talking about moldova, about romania, about
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transnistria, about gagauz, really close important regions, what is the mood in moldovan society regarding the idea of ​​unification with romania, which groups of the population support this idea, which are strongly opposed against? thank you for the question, well, firstly, historically, it is worth understanding that this idea has never been popular, and politicians usually pull it out of some old dusty suitcase in order to try before some important events play this card and once again show the external circuit that this topic is quite important for the current... or previous regime, sociology, which is carried out by different companies, as well as so to speak, american and
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local and domestic and european and more there are left-wing views, they give the idea of ​​unification of moldova and romania, or as we call it , the destruction of moldovan statehood in the region, well, a maximum of 5%, therefore. dniester as a territorial unit, the other leaves the decision to the inhabitants of the region, they will be able to choose between independence, annexation to russia or ukraine. the third type
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of unification is possible through the federalization of two states. according to polls, the vast majority of romanian citizens oppose the idea of ​​a merger in general, while in moldova the number of its supporters growing. experts attribute this to romania's membership in the eu. the entire political class is on romanian territory.
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and for this, various technologies are being invented, that is, voting by mail in canada in the united states of america, for this a huge number of polling stations are being opened
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for... and you, as one of the leaders of russian-speaking moldova, haven’t you already developed a desire to try your hand and to take part in the presidential elections, maybe the time has come, i haven’t really thought about it yet, and i’m listening, oleg, it’s time to think about it, i it seems, igor, it’s time to change, yes, andrei mikhailovich, i, i think you’ve heard the answers
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of our respected.
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now there is an exacerbation of geopolitical contradictions, this very bill of the romanian ministry of defense on the possibility of sending troops, it, as written in the explanatory note, was made to suit the situation in ukraine and the situation in moldova, and what is ukraine in the interests of romania? this is northern bukovina with chernivtsi, and this is southern bessarabia with coastal settlements, like...
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today we are talking about transnistria, about moldova, about gagauz. anatoly anatolyevich, please tell me in the case of a full-fledged alignment and creation.
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that the opinion of the people, to put it mildly, is somewhat at odds with the opinion of the ruling elites, and this is important to consider, why? because today we can definitely state unequivocally that people who throw out slogans about democracy, about the legality of something with both hands, do not themselves contribute to this in any way, a simple example, a simple example, evgenia gutsul, how long has she been the head gguuzi, why is she until now, still not a member of the government of moldova, although one automatically, in fact , provides for another state, but this is not happening, and there is not even a conversation about it now, so my opinion, concluding. russia
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and belarus will defend rights. of the moldovan people, a fresh statement by eugenia gutsul that gagauzia will turn to russia in the event of the entry of the moldovan army. but, naturally, we prepared a story about mrs. sandu’s recent visit to gagauzia; mass protests took place in gagauzia in the middle of the week. the region was visited by the president of moldova, maia sando. near the university where she arrived, local residents crowded through the side entrance. they chanted shame after... an eu flag was hung on the building in honor of the arrival of a pro-european politician. clashes broke out between protesting police officers in kamrat.
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the participants of the action asked to be allowed to the sanda, demanded to talk with her, but this did not work out for the people. i am sure that no matter where moyasanda goes, everyone will greet her like this, because unfortunately. our, our people live every day it’s getting worse and worse, and to say that people were paid because someone wanted it that way, yes, they blame me, the representatives of my team, no, this is actually a desperate step by the residents of gogolu. they have accumulated a lot of questions and want to ask the president of the republic of moldova. it is curious that sandu had previously canceled her visit to gagauzia, but then decided
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to come. the uninvited guest was not welcome. for comparison, the march meeting between the head of gagauzia gotsul and the russian leader was completely different. evgenia gutsul told vladimir to putin about the pressure on the region from the moldovan authorities. asked for benefits for the region, in particular for agricultural producers, as well as discounts on gas. the president of russia noted that the country will always help gagauzia in socio-economic terms. yes, oleg, please. you know, well, i am absolutely not an expert on military topics, but since i myself have been to moldova and transnistria several times, i know that there are simply a huge number of roads specially built in soviet times on which. which are built for strategic aviation, that is, which can be used as an airfield for anatol antonevich, i think he knows this better than me, and for any military aircraft, i will not continue this military logic further, because i am
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not an expert in this, yes, but probably as if it comes to this, although i don’t know, but by the way i want to support oleg in this direction, for some reason we are dropping the purely military aspect, today... today we are talking about moldova, we are talking about romania, we are not talking about ukraine at all, but a little bit in transnistria, there is one of the largest arsenals of ammunition, including those that ukraine needs today, so maybe the idea of ​​european politicians is to , let’s say, absorb moldova with... everything due , due to this, provide, let’s say, all possible assistance to ukraine in continuing the war. in addition, obviously, the same european politicians are probably predicting that ukraine
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, no matter how long it will last, will lose the black sea they have no right, in this context, why not romania will be an outpost for black control. on the black sea is also an option, i want to hear andrei mikhailovich’s comments because the role of pridnestrovie in the current security crisis in europe is obvious, and indeed, when ukraine is nearby with its desires to destroy and destroy, well, after all, the nervous system is there is not in a stable condition, especially since we understand perfectly well that the battle for odessa is still ahead, and what are the interests of the americans and...
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as reported by the officials of the republic moldova. one of whom, deputy prime minister for reintegration, mr. oleg serebryan, stated in an interview a few days ago that we used to conduct negotiations with pridnestrovie, where on the basis of a compromise we reached solutions to certain issues, now we have taken on the task unilaterally order to indicate what to do, and thus, in fact, the meaning is, he said directly, they left the negotiation process, this is really... an attempt to reconsider the entire peace process of dialogue and it
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is fraught with still very incomprehensible consequences, but the fact that they will be bad is obvious. igor, well, then we come to the conclusion that they will again try to drag the country into a military conflict. eh, you understand, i would, i’m not that much more optimistic, but it’s simply impossible to involve moldova as a country. into a military conflict, because 99% of the population , you can say, of course, are peace-loving, but it’s not that they won’t go to war either for this power or for any other, moldova is generally against war and is not going to with whom to conflict, what there the political elite, may sandu and the rest of her lads are trying to play on these contradictions, because it is difficult for them to get internal. legitimacy and they work only for external legitimacy, making all sorts of
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statements, constantly withdrawing from some agreements in the cis, buying some unnecessary radars, old ones that should have been disposed of long ago in europe, ours pay some millions of euros there, planting moldova for european for european not grants, but european, loans, subsidies, so-called loans, loans, yes, thank you, i forgot the word, yes. getting loans, you see, they have no other choice, they fight for their survival in this difficult world for them every day, they are forced to declare something, say something, because if they do not receive external legitimacy, external support, then just within the country they will lose any elections with a crazy percentage, thank you very much, but you see you have a rather optimistic position, but although... do you think the citizens of moldova are ready to express their disagreement through
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protests, mass actions, if anyway the authorities will try to implement the idea of ​​the western puppeteers, the so-called, some time ago, some time ago, and as practice has shown, they were ready to protest, but after they found themselves in this information vacuum, the authorities are constantly is intensifying the military and... so i think that we must explain
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to people the following: they must vote in elections against this regime, and first of all they must be supporters of european integration, because maia sandu and her regime, from my point of view, are the most anti-european politics, because when may sandu came to power, supporters of european integration were more than 60%, during the period of maysan's rule.
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ungrateful, but i would like to share , i repeated my doubts, in general, the forecast of the matter , my fears in the context of the upcoming elections in moldova, now igor confirms this, maisandu’s rating may again, and this will be a bad scenario, make igor dadon the president of moldova, who will not be elected because he is igor dadon, and because he is against maisandu, but this is of course if if igor kulemsov will not participate in the elections. dadon conditionally wins in the second round, and the west is trying not to recognize this situation through the hands of various ngos, because the west doesn’t even need this dadon there, yes, that means a model of some kind of conditional color revolution is beginning, something like that , here here at this moment
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some romanian comrades may very well be needed, who will find an opportunity there to support the romanians, but as for... transnistria, on the eve of the annual address of the president of the russian federation to the federal assembly 28 february of this year, suddenly unexpectedly, as we remember, for some reason we forgot about it today, an emergency meeting of the supreme council of the prednestrovian-moldovan republic was convened, at which there was an appeal once again, but it was rather in mild formulations, we all it was read to the federation to the leadership of the russian federation and that pridnestrovie wants, one way or another, yes, more integration with russia, in this situation, yes, well, the next step is, in principle , the same appeal that will be considered already by putin, which will be adopted, then we
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know how this is done, yes, a referendum, 90 8% for joining russia, an announcement that... well, for starters, it should be noted that the congress of deputies of all levels, which took place on the 28th february, he proceeded from the purpose of relieving the tension that befell transnistria in the form of, first, an economic blockade, second, a shutdown of our enterprises, and third, a ban on the export of finished products and, therefore , the threat of bankruptcy arises. and social explosion, therefore in this case it is primarily important economic, diplomatic, political assistance, what will happen next, it already depends on the specific development of events, which are now very difficult to predict, but the danger that foreign
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invaders may appear on the territory of the former moldavian ussr, yes, this danger is real today, therefore it is necessary, when thinking about next steps, keep this in mind. this is exactly the unfavorable scenario today, if we compare and talk about the possibility of some kind of military escalation in moldova, well, quite from a military point of view it’s clear that the armed forces of moldova, well, let’s just say, well, a little bit , are probably not distinguished by their strong combat capability, both in terms of numbers and equipment. there is something to compare with, but, but this is the danger, namely, that there will be people who will speak, maybe in english, maybe in romanian, maybe in polish, will position themselves as defenders of moldova, so the danger of such
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a development of events quite exists, today i believe that as much as possible.
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the result of today’s program, from my point of view, would be wonderful if we all, perhaps this will be said, well, pathetically or
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rather banally, stood for peace, so that there would be peace throughout the world, so that the war would end and so that our countries would get rid of provocative politicians, and i wish you good luck, thank you, thank you very much, i would like to wish goodness and peace to everyone, but nevertheless, i will suggest that the month of 2024 will be the months of what is called a storm of onslaught on transnistria and gogouzia, in the forms before all the pressure that i mentioned earlier, economic, political and diplomatic, in order to try to subjugate both state entities before the beginning of the twenty-fifth year. on october 20 , the presidential elections in moldova will be held, at which they will try to announce the victory of maia sandu
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and that people voted for european integration in the referendum. we must prepare for the fact that a very stubborn struggle lies ahead in order to avoid being forcibly included in the orbit of the influence of the west and romania. let us repeat once again hope that it will work out without extreme, so peace and goodness to everyone. happiness, health, today these are the greatest treasures, dear friends, i am grateful to you, andrey mikhailovich, for participating in the program, oleg, please, i am very worried about moldova, indeed, it could flare up, this year there will be another hot spot, another defrosted conflict on the map of the former soviet union, so that this does not happen, well, maybe it will sound a little idealistic. but i want to support igor, people of good will should be more organized in this situation
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desire for peace and rejection of any confrontation, rejection of any war, and people who oppose this development of events, against maisandou, somehow should be much better organized, perhaps they should find some kind of support. the basis of the future of any state is in the present, unfortunately, today we can state that the present is the older generation, which understands everything and which is trying to somehow resist, so i just want to advise our moldovan friends: work with youth, good luck, success, peace and prosperity. thank you very much to all the participants
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in today’s discussion, and i would also like to end with poetry. this time, alexander sergeevich pushkin, who was in exile in chisinau. this deserted country is sacred to the poet’s soul; it is full of russian glory, sung by the sovereign power. we all wish peace and prosperity to the brotherly moldovan people, but to bring glory. russian, their leaders should not forget, so that they do not have to remind about it in any other way. thank you, this was the program sas is authorized to declare. they want to make moldova a new hot spot in the post-soviet space. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the variety of products on store shelves today gives the buyer
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unlimited freedom of choice, but it is easy to get lost in this variety. a freshly picked, not overripe eggplant should be heavy, the stalk should be green, not wrinkled. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook rice. with tender vegetable filling, i can’t wait to start cooking, it sounds just amazing, let’s figure out how balanced and suitable it will be for a morning meal, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, i’ll show you a couple of exercises that are aimed at warming up, stretching the front back of the thigh, first let's stretch the front surface. now is the time to walk, jog, and meet this day with a full charge of strength. watch
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the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will tell you about progressive experience various organizations in our country. there was also a goal: to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one moment, it all happened gradually. of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region, and the ministry of culture, a decision was made on what exactly to update. an unusual project, firstly, the construction itself in the form of these shet shells, and by keeping it in its place, yes, but with global modernization, we will meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of these the most important organizers and general ideological inspirers of this museum were
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the director of our museum; it was her long-time dream. watch the quality mark project on our tv channel, each of the heroes is special, this is unity, some kind of brotherhood with the guys who had few girls, we were the first intake, in the entire history of the faculty of internal troops there were only six girls who graduated got. everyone has their own unique story, my father advised me to study as a psychologist, a practical psychologist, because he said that from his practice , most people address family issues when i try to analyze why i am so open, and i have so much, so much love
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and attention to other people, what my parents invested in me. watch the belarus project on the belarus 24 tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and will cheer you up. a series of films. pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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basic. the task is to mobilize all resources to increase the rate of agricultural production to 6-7%, as well as to receive foreign exchange earnings of at least $9 billion. this was stated by prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko at a meeting where issues of the agro-industrial complex were considered. this dialogue is a continuation of the conversation that began the day before at the presidential meeting. but in general, the tasks for the entire industry have been set for a long time. today it is important how someone feels about their implementation. the first is a strong food supply and adequate feeding, including the development of a program for providing livestock with concentrated feed. the second is changes in approaches to pig farming, a significant increase in the efficiency of pig-breeding complexes with reaching full
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and economically feasible support. our domestic pork processing plants. third, reformatting plant growing to work in any atmospheric conditions, well, because it’s already done. skomin means constant references to the weather, hot, cold, rain, snow, it’s not like that, it’s not like that, everywhere in the world, the climate situation is unstable, we don’t have any special exclusive conditions here. much attention was paid to the construction of new dairy complexes, the development of one optimal project and its scaling according to to all farms. the sowing campaign is in full swing in belarus, and the area sown with corn and sugar beets is growing. this year they plan to transport about 100.00 hectares of sweet root crops, half have already been sown, in the meantime, the main work remains with corn, this is more than 1,200 thousand hectares for grain and silage, in order to
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prepare high-quality feed at the victoria agra farm in the soligorsk region, the area with corn has increased, in total over 1,300 hectares, prepare the soil and add organic matter. it's early spring, the timing of child orientation has shifted 2 weeks and we are 10 days early. we started a sugar beet network, the sugar beet area was 275 hectares, last year we had 500, but we made a move to reduce the area in order to obtain higher quality, more highly competitive products in terms of sugar beet, we reduced the area and focused on the feed supply for livestock. herbaceous forage is another important stage now in the farming of self-annual crops; in addition, chemical treatment is carried out on the fields with winter crops. against weeds, they also contribute nitrogen fertilizers. the arshan flax mill has completed the third stage of large-scale modernization; in total, about $200 million was invested in updating production, which made it possible
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to increase the processing capacity of short-fiber fiber by one and a half times. the former factory of art products was also reconstructed. now the most modern sewing equipment in belarus is used here. as part of the modernization, the company launched lines for bleaching catonized products. fiber, which made it possible to obtain innovative import-substituting products, which today no one else produces it in our country, the new product is a substitute for cotton and can be used both in the textile industry and in medicine. the orsha flax mill is the largest textile enterprise in europe, occupying 8% of the world market. about 18 million linear meters of fabric and more than 3.5 million piece products are produced here annually. belarus. suspended the treaty on conventional armed forces in europe, today the bill was passed in the house of representatives, the document was submitted to the lower house of parliament by the council of ministers for in agreement with the head of state and prepared to ensure our
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national interests, as well as in response to the decision of nato countries to suspend the treaty. we believe that we are adequately responding to the emerging military-political situation on the external perimeter. the agenda of the first session of deputies of the new convocation includes 10 issues, one of the most important
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concerns the strengthening of social guarantees for veterans, a whole package of benefits is provided for them, preferences also apply to former prisoners of fascism and soldiers internationalists. on april 20 , a republican cleanup day will be held in belarus; employers are required by law. the cleanup can take place at workplaces; in the case of cleaning the territory or putting things in order at burial sites, it is important to follow the rules. persons who do not have the appropriate qualifications should not be allowed to perform work with increased danger, that is, an ordinary person cannot be given a chainsaw and require him to cut, for example, tree trunks. women cannot be involved in work where it is legally the use of women's labor is prohibited, for example, in the production of masonry. women should not be involved in work where it is necessary to carry weights
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exceeding 7 kg. the money raised during the cleanup will go to three projects: part of the funds for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of war in the village of krasny bereg, also to the republican center for patriotic education of children and youth in the brest fortress and memorials in other areas. we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. there was a master in russia veterinary sciences evseenko, who said, medicine heals people, heals humanity, we also train pharmacists, this is our only university that trains specialists in this profile. we suggest spending one day with specialists to learn all about the intricacies of their work. the fact that we present more
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democratic genres, more understandable, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we were pioneers in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who take care of animal health every day, not in vain they say that artists should be like children, naive...
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they didn’t work in the hall, but this mill was built taking into account the fact that the business should work all year round. i’m from a village project, watch it on belarus24 tv channel. the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers worldwide. the world has access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and... inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air,
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watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. nikita, do you believe in fate, this is the event that changed your life 180°? i probably believe in fate, more like a guiding star, that every person has his own star, his own guardian angel who guides you and protects certain things, and... and the event that changed my life by 180°, probably , happened just when i was in the eleventh grade, and everything was going to the point that i would enroll as a biologist to become a chemist, this is it, and i’m an artist, good evening.
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my guest first appeared on stage when he was 10 years old, since then there have been all sorts of things in his life, ups and downs, defeats, victories, but he i never doubted that he was on the right path and would never give up the business he chose as a child. today my guest is singer nikita fominykh. nikita, good morning, good morning, nikita, who? in the family, i was the first to notice your musical abilities, if you go straight to your memories so deeply, then my grandmother noticed my abilities, and this was just such a tradition, we always had many guests in the house, they put me
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four, five years old on a chair, and i he sang there, told something, broadcast immediately with from childhood itself. don’t remember your repertoire? and i remember the most important song from my grandmother, it was my grandmother next to my grandfather, for so many years, for so many years together, all my life i participated in various festivals and competitions, when i was already in the tenth, eleventh grade, and i had a chemical and biological major , i graduated from the lyceum, and my parents hoped that i would enter either a medical university or a biology department. bgu, yes, and it so happened that - when i graduated from school, i told my mother, if i pass the test the way i studied, i i studied very well, i had almost nine certificates there, then i’m going down this path.


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