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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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we are celebrating april 18th with you, and this is thursday, by the way, the day before we like to look through the calendar of holidays, so i’m reporting that april 18th is the international juggler’s day, these are now invisible tangerines, and you know why you juggle the invisible ones, because you juggle the visible ones it wouldn’t work out , because this is a very difficult task, it really is a real skill, by the way, and this is one holiday that is celebrated today, let’s move on, we also list the holidays, april 18, though 1800... april is celebrated as radio amateur day in the world, yes and a small spoiler, we will definitely celebrate all of the above together with our special guests, yes, well, now let’s talk about something serious, april 18 is the world’s day of monuments and historical places, this holiday, firstly, calls on all concerned to pay attention to the need to remain unique. peoples
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of the world, and secondly, by preserving historical monuments, we do not allow historical amnesia. well, right now i propose to start our morning with you with the cultural heritage of our country, with a unique song. holy svetnitsa, it’s called, the music of which was written by the chairman of the belarusian union of composers and the most talented author, elena atrashkevich, is performed by the winner of the third season of the country’s mega-scale show, factorby daniil savenya. let's wake up! she was all hardening not for you, but every day i fell more in love, not hearing anyone from your gaze, the earth was floating somewhere beneath me, they were playing with fire, they crossed the line, the pattern. for our
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bodies and hearts the sound of sharp edges, you and i have fallen, i don’t want to be careful anymore, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, your captivity is sweet, i myself i give up, but really, well, don’t let me be afraid. i ’m not afraid to know your love tastes beyond the limits of 18 plus they didn’t say that don’t come near, there ’s danger of the highest degree, but the heart broke and beats through us with trembling, carries us at an exorbitant speed. i
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'm running after you to the ends of the earth, tearing my solid hair into pieces, hold me in your hands, bring me with belts, i can't be careful anymore, i'm not afraid, i'm not afraid, your sweet captivity, i'm fighting myself, someone will judge, well ... and let me know, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, let your love taste beyond the bounds 18 plus, slavic bazaar, vitsebsk, hands higher, higher, higher! you are all with me for me, i
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am not afraid, i am not afraid. i myself am worth your sweet captivity, but the essence is, well, let it be, i’m not afraid, i ’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, i’m not afraid, to know your love tastes beyond 18 plus.
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our creative team has prepared for you today, let's go, why an electric car can... puff and how to act in case of a fire, all the details are in the story by olesya boyarskikh. a fatal man and a brilliant artist. today, with our regular column art of understanding art, let’s plunge into works of pavel picasso. according to tradition, every
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morning we will continue to remember our brilliant compatriots. today the focus is on the critic, poet, local historian and translator, vladislav sarakomlya. we will also find out what is remarkable about the morning of the canteen cook of the wheeled tractor plant oksana kozlova, and we will definitely meet the sports columnist of the television news agency andrei kozlov, the other day he returned from sports burmansk, so believe me, he has a lot of interesting things in his information suitcase, names we will be met today on air, albeit virtually, but it will all take place, and by the way, andrei is not our only guest today, look, april 18 is the world holiday. juggler's day, we already talked about this, tatyana has already tried to juggle with invisible tangerines, if you missed it, she won't repeat it again, then april 20, world circus day, and of course, since these dates coincided, we decided to celebrate both of these holiday and invited the artists of the belarusian state clown circus to visit
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daniil minkevich, and of course, now there will be a small spoiler, this will not just be a conversation with a clone, there will probably be jokes, tricks, perhaps he will juggle something with us. let’s find out that today we celebrate world amateur radio day, and in the third hour we are expecting the honored master of sports of belarus, twelve-time world champion in radio sports, anna semenikhin, to visit us, and if now you have the same question as i do, what is radio sports, then we will answer all these questions a little later, together with us, but for now we are waiting for guests, it's time to write down a new recipe from anatoly moiseev, today our footblogger decided to give up creativity and dedicated breakfast to the classics, everyone loves it, french-style meat. good morning, today we are preparing a dish with a complicated history: french meat. all over the world this dish is called veal in orlov style, as it was invented by the cook of count
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orlov. he was french by nationality, so we call this casserole meat in french. for cooking. we will use pork, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cheese, mayonnaise, garlic and spices. piece of pork cut into thin and wide slices about 1 cm thick. place the meat on a cutting board, cover with cling film and beat each piece on both sides. sprinkle with salt and spices, add chopped. leave to marinate for 5-10 minutes, during this time cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, pour them with a small amount of vegetable oil and mix, cut the onions into thin half rings, cut the tomatoes into slices,
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grate the cheese on a coarse grater, spread the chopped potatoes in one layer, a little salt and pepper. lubricate with mayonnaise using a pastry brush, then lay out the pork, lay out the onion in the next layer, grease it with mayonnaise. now it's time. put them on an onion layer, sprinkle the casserole with cheese and cover with a sheet of foil, put it in an oven preheated to 180° for 30 minutes, after half an hour , remove the foil and bake for about another 30 minutes. there are many options for french meat; for cooking they use the ingredients that are on hand, they can be prepared in advance. frying pan or completely raw, but be sure to bake in the oven until crusty, no matter how you cook it, it always
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turns out very tasty, a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit! tv news agency presents. review of popular print and online publications. breakthrough scientific developments, earth remote sensing systems, the first cosmonaut of a sovereign state, a new belarusian-russian project, our country confirms the high status of a space power. the successes of belarus in space exploration are obvious and undeniable. for more than 10 years we have been a member of the club of space powers, where we are strengthening our position every year. the prospects for the development of the belarusian space system have also been determined. station sounding of the earth in the spring of 2024
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, new bright pages have been written into the history of the domestic exploration of extraterrestrial space: the first belarusian marina vasilevskaya visited the iss, milestones in the space development of our country are on the pages of the security council belarus today. in recent years, nutritional scientists have faced a serious problem; the number of diseases associated with nutritional errors. often there are imbalances in the diet, yes. modi's nutritional boom is sweeping social networks, and everyone who is not too lazy is playing the role of guru. gullible consumers of unreliable information frantically grab one mono-diet or another, and in order to make up for the deficiency of nutrients, they buy dozens of miraculous supplements. however, according to experts in the field of proper nutrition, we can get all the nutrients and microelements necessary for a healthy mind and body from ordinary foods, because the ranges and quality of belarusian producers allow you to create a balanced menu for every taste and table.
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the domestic food industry uses recipes and technologies created according to the latest nutritional science. the belarusian menu was examined by correspondents from the newspaper respublika. in belarus , priority is given to veterans of the great patriotic war. each of them is provided with comprehensive support. by victory day, financial assistance is paid. at the expense of the republican budget, transport services are provided free of charge, charity events are held, and all necessary measures are taken to improve medical care and sanatorium recovery. enterprises and institutional organizations constantly provide patronage assistance to veterans. the belta news agency will tell you more about social protection and support for wwii veterans. scout zakhar lenya died 3 months before... he received the title of hero of the soviet union posthumously. in 1965
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, the council of ministers of the bssr gave the name hero. only in the dashing nineties, during the next reorganization, this name was crossed out by someone. who did this, why did they not pay attention to the drinking injustice for more than a quarter of a century. history is silent. but people did not forget their hero; schoolchildren preserved the old banner and looked after their mother’s grave. scout laid flowers at his monument in the village of plastok on victory day. today the glorious name of the educational institution has been returned, but this required a lot of work. who is zakhar lyshcheny, why is it important not to allow similar mistakes to be repeated, read on the pages of the people's newspaper. so, let's start with the fact that...
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grandfather, that he touches the door frame with his head, so sometimes height manifests itself genetically and through a generation, so the first thing is heredity. the second is a sufficiently balanced, adequate diet, and nutrition is not only about food , but nutrition is about providing the body with all the necessary substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, everything. why?
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this is a building material. if in the body something is missing, the body will send building material only to priority functions, believe me, growth in length for a person is not the most important function in his life, so the body will save on this, accordingly, the second factor is nutrition, the third , of course, this is physical activity, according to the laws of biophysics, bones grow in the direction of maximum stretching and compression if the child is involved in sports that... are associated with jumping, pulling up, running, game sports when you need to stretch somewhere, volleyball, basketball, tennis, all this leads to the fact that there is a load on the growth zones, there is irritation of these growth zones, and the child begins to grow more actively, and
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one more thing is hormones, the fact is that in the body there is... . certain hormones that regulate the rate of growth, they are called growth hormone, one of them, if the child has a disease associated with damage to certain areas of the brain that are distinguished by the production of these elements, some hormonal imbalances associated with other diseases or how. a complication of some infections, growth can affect the face of any person, so heredity, nutrition, types of physical activity and various hormonal disorders.
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once again, good morning everyone, we say to you, ekaterina. we continue to wake up to greet a new day and this day is thursday, april 18, and you know, dear friends, weather forecasters promise us rain, strong winds and up to +13 in the republic, but katya will tell you more detailed information about the cities of our country, katya, say, yes, i will tell, but immediately looking ahead, i will say that today we have precipitation predicted for almost the entire country, the only city where precipitation does not appear on our map this afternoon is the capital, the city of minsk, and today we will have... from 10 to 12 with a plus sign and cloudy with clearings, but dry, all other cities will get precipitation, see for yourself: in brest it will be from 8 to 10°c, cloudy with clearings and rainy, cloudy with clearings there will be precipitation, in vitebsk, there will be up to 11 plus +7 +9 and rain today during the day is expected in gomel, in
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grodno is a little warmer up to ten plus, but precipitation is also possible, or rather not that possible, but not... it will probably happen there, so don’t forget the probe, mogilev during the day today is no higher than eleven plus and also rainy , this is the kind of spring we have, but this is for now, of course we are waiting for everything to clear up in the weather, yes, we hope so, thank you for the forecast, by the way, in the folk calendar today they celebrate a day called fidul-windy, and what- then it tells me that this is the case when the folk calendar was not mistaken, because today the north wind is 5-10 m/s, and in places... in the east of the country the gusts will increase to 14 m/s. yes, friends, but nevertheless, no matter how cool these days of april become, all this is compensated by beautiful views of nature. well, as they say, gardens bloom once a year, and you know, if in japan there is a special time for admiring sakura called hanami, then in belarus there is also a special time, well, not for sakura, but
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for admiring the bright, blooming rapeseed . yes, very soon in all country's instagrams. yes, already, by the way. from time to time such beautiful yellow photographs flash, like these, in these particular photographs we see the flowering of rabbis in the rechtsky district, look at the yellow flower carpets spread out in this place, so as they say, if you are passing by, do not pass by, be sure to stop and admire replenish your collection of bright photos like these, and collect likes, because it will definitely be in trend, and speaking of travel, if you go on... a car or, in particular , an electric car, then you must be prepared for any emergency situation, here's what to do, if suddenly your car catches fire, then... olesya boyarskikh knows the answer, she has the floor. electric cars are becoming more and more popular among city residents. comfort, efficiency and
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environmental friendliness do their job. however, this does not mean that such transport is 100% safe. statistics on fires and electric vehicles in our country are small. one case was recorded in 2024. electric vehicle batteries are stored in large quantities. energy in a confined space, if damaged, a short circuit triggers a chain reaction called thermal runaway, this causes the battery to generate a large amount of heat, it is necessary to distinguish the types of damage, this is mechanical damage as a result of a traffic accident, there may be a manufacturing defect, malfunction battery itself, external fire exposure to the natural environment, for effective and safe extinguishing... of a hot electric vehicle and releasing victims from it, you need to have special equipment and skills, which are practiced by cadets of the university of civil defense of the ministry of emergency situations.
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the vehicle is now being identified by license plate. next comes the stabilization of the vehicle with stepped stops, while at the same time the victim is further blocked. it is necessary to use powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is strictly forbidden to use water, as there is a possibility of electric shock, for these purposes our unit uses
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grounding the barrel, grounding the pump, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance, use pressurized air devices , use thermal imagers. it is not recommended to extinguish your electric car yourself, since lithium batteries release toxic fumes during combustion and can catch fire... repeatedly for several days in a row, so after a fire the car is sent to a forty-eight-hour quarantine to prevent repeated fires. for the safe operation of electric vehicles , it is necessary to visit specialized service stations to monitor diagnostic work, to timely identify possible malfunctions in electric vehicle power systems. be careful while driving, do not forget to undergo technical inspection in a timely manner, and if for some reason it happens... rescuers by calling 101 or 112. we will not
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cause a fire, call immediately , we tell you dry historical facts, we immerse you in an era that is growing with its roots upward . approximately the sixteenth years of the last century, these trees were planted and method of exceptional planting, which...
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to touch the belarusian culture personally, and also obligatory, when they built a new house, the task of our guides is to ignite a desire in you ; you had to take four stones from the old one, they were placed around the perimeter of the house, in the four corners , they have already been bet on. rub believed that everything good that was in the old house would definitely go to the new house. travel with the belarus 24 tv channel. we confidently step into a new day and do it to the accompaniment of our music, the music that sounds inside each of... us, she is everywhere in the sun, in timid movements, at our fingertips, she only
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inspires, makes us think and opens up thousands of gifts for us. music can change the world because it can change us. music is inside each of us. and the inner world has already woken up, in any case, this morning tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova are waking up with you, we are celebrating thursday together. yes, and let's continue this day with wonderful, useful news, because tomorrow, april 19 , the capital's variety youth theater will host
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premiere of the historian. melodrama without a statute of limitations, author and director of the production, artistic director of the variety youth theater and winner of the francis skarina medal vladislava artyukovskaya. the action of the production begins in 1944 with the liberation of vitebsk and ends with the may days of victory, when the hero of the work returns home with his two daughters. there was a drama about those people, thanks to whom you and i now live under a peaceful sky. be sure not to miss the premiere, well, right now i suggest. albeit virtually, but let's move to paris, because there the work on the restoration of notre dame cathedral has already entered the final stage. cranes are working on the site and efforts are currently focused on restoring the building's roof. despite the fact that noterdam is still closed, hundreds of people come to see it every day, and stands were built especially for such tourists to watch the progress of the restoration. by the beginning of the olympics , the spring scaffolding and external scaffolding will be removed from the cathedral,
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but work inside will not stop. the cathedral, i think that everything will happen, everything is being restored, early december, then they will open it to the public, they promised to restore it in 5 years , it will be possible to get inside for sure, anyone who has never been, i really want to look at these stained glass windows by the way, they are stained glass windows too were not damaged, but they are being cleaned, they say they haven’t been cleaned for 200 years, why not take advantage of this moment and completely complete the reconstruction, they promise it will be brighter, then a shrine, well, after all , now is the period when you need to wash the windows, but not... in which room, by the way, it doesn’t matter, let's go back to paris and continue to talk about him, to paris in 1900, when you arrived our next hero, he was then barely 20 years old, without money, without housing, and he barely made ends meet, well, now he is in the capital of france a museum named after him, which is considered the most important cultural center, i’m just talking about pablo picasso, perhaps pablo picasso, let’s immediately decide on the surname and place all the emphasis here exactly, look, was he born in
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spain? spanish by birth or french by place choose your own creativity, so there are a lot of rumors about his character and attitude towards people, but his is brilliant. no one dares to dispute his ability to work; now there are about 20,000 of his works, so here is more information about picasso or picasso in our regular column the art of understanding art. an artist who did not know how to love, but knew how to torture artistically, this is what they say about pablo pecassa, because women who fell in love with a monster sooner or later
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died. moreover, they perished not only morally, but in a literal sense, for example, picasso’s chosen one, maria teresa voltaire, hanged herself in her own garage, unable to bear the parting any longer, and picasso’s last passion , jacqueline rock, completely shot herself. each such love period ended the same way, a unique set of paintings was created, but the woman died, because pablo picasso abandoned her in fear that she would leave him first. one of the most... brightest pictorial periods was the period of dora maar, an artist mistress who was an aspiring photographer. pablo creates two unique portraits: a crying woman woman portrait of dora mar with a cat. in the second, the cat is on the girl’s shoulder, surprising, considering that she hated these animals. picasso placed such details in his work when he wanted to take revenge on his chosen one, for example, when the relationship between dora and picas cooled, he drew a cat. but when the first wife olga khakhlova did. began
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to make a scene for her husband, who depicted her as an evil old woman with elongated limbs and claws. the wisest of all the monster’s mistresses turned out to be marie françois gelot, she was picasso's model learned everything from him, when he began to torture her, she simply took her suitcase and silently left. years later, the girl published the book my life with pablo picasso. the book became a bestseller, and his artwork soared in price. so maris created her brand, although the artist got angry and deprived their child of his inheritance. picasso's last woman was jacqueline roque. pablo was already a millionaire. and his paintings were sold all over the world. with the arrival of jacqueline, the artist begins to experiment with oriental cultural patterns. he imagines his passion in the form of a turkish concubine. later picasso will say: “i think about death all the time, she is just a woman
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who will never leave me.” picasso dies at 92 in his villa. and no matter how many women the artist has, the number one woman remains his mother, maria picasso lopez, who sincerely created a genius out of picassa. believing that no woman deserves to be near her son. pablo picasso followed in the footsteps of his father, who also painted, by the way, the first word, according to some sources, pablo picasso pronounced a pencil, a russian person will say it like a little person will say a pencil clearly, no, well in french, yes, and it sounds like cryon, it’s clear that maybe children at this age grunt somehow, but that’s something it turned out similar, but... if after all he is italian, we return to this, as it would be in italian, he is a spaniard in any case, by birth, i won’t tell you in spanish, but in italian, but i think , which is consonant, yes, the pencil will be lamatito, perhaps it was a little easier to pronounce, in in general, we can argue a lot about this man,
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but we found out for sure that matvey lichonok decided that by origin he was more of a spaniard, so in his plot he emphasized his surname in this way, picasso, well, right now, friends , let's really move to italy, since we were talking about it, because the poldi piezolli museum in milan is hosting an exhibition where, for the first time in 450 years , eight surviving panels of pietro della francesco's augustinian altar were reunited. poleptych, then there is a painting consisting of a large number of fragments, created in the 15th century for the main altar of the augustinian church in borgasans polcro in the orets region. there he tried for less than 100 years, and then he was dismantled and moved to another church, since such images are simply simple. went out of fashion. initially the work consisted of thirty parts; eight have survived to this day. they are in five museums in europe and the usa. attempts have been made in the past to collect the remaining panels in one exhibition, but for some reason reasons this was not possible. now the curators
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hope that the new exhibition will attract the attention of art historians and help find the missing elements of the altar image. well, this exhibition will last until june 24. in general, there is still time, so. you can also visit this exhibition, very soon, precisely on april 20, that is, on the coming saturday, the traditional republican voluntary action let’s grow the forest and at once will end, this year, from march 23, anyone could plant their own tree, and by the way, you still have i have a couple of days if you suddenly if you want to take part, but for some reason did not have time to participate in the greening of the republic, we tell you the algorithm of actions, anyone can take part in the action one day at a time... anyone interested, this is the most important thing that you must remember, for this you just need to contact the nearest forestry enterprise or a forestry department, where they will provide you with planting material and indicate a site for planting forest crops, and in this way each of us can participate in
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decorating this world a little. well, right now we invite you to take a walk through our for the virtual museum to remember how our fellow countryman, poet, local historian, critic, vladislav syrokomlya, changed our world. vladislav syrokomlya was born in 1823 in the smalgov farm of bobruisk district, into a poor noble family. he studied at the nesvezh dominican school, then at novogrudok. after the fifth grade, he returned to his parents’ house, began studying languages, translated from french, received a position as manager of the radivilovsky estates, and studied the archives of the nesvezhsky and kopolsky castles. as a writer, cheesecake made his debut in 184. fourth year, having published the poem “the postman” in a vilna magazine, it was translated into russian and later became a popular song when i served as a postal worker at the post office. having moved to the zaluchi estate, the poet wrote several sonnets dedicated to
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nesvezh, and began work on travel sketches of his wanderings around my once outskirts. in the genre of historian of local history research, vladislav cheesecake created several more works. minsk, neman from origins to. mouths and others. since 1853 , collections of balat syrakomli began to be published. saw the light several of his poems and plays: marger, yanka the grave digger, a hut in the forest. kaspar karlinsky, a poet, studied belarusian history, ethnography and folklore, used its plots and images in his work, processed and translated belarusian folk songs. vladislav syrkomlya also became a translator of some works by goeta, heina, lermontov, nikrasov, shevchenko, and published reviews of literary novelties by belarusian writers and poets. for participation in demonstrations in 1861 , vladislav sarakov. was imprisoned in vilna prison, and a year later he died, his
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streets in many cities of belarus are named after him, monuments and memorial plaques are erected, many belarusian poets dedicated their poems to his memory. vladislav syrokomlya, poet, critic, local historian and translator, who changed the world of literature of the 19th century. well, now we invite you to travel to china, because there you can observe an unusual phenomenon these days... yes, blue tears have appeared again. let's tell you what it is? these are nocturnals, a species of bioluminescent marine dinoflagylates. it is precisely because of these inhabitants that the sea the surface exudes a blue glow during waves and other vibrations. thousands of tourists have already come to see the sea glow. experts warn that the phenomenon is quite dangerous, because toxins are often formed in dinoflagilate cells. which tend to accumulate in the tissues of mollusks and rockfish, which leads to
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poisoning of animals that feed on them, as well as people if they eat their food, so it’s beautiful, yes, beautiful, but you still need to be at a distance from this beauty , yes, it turns out such a dangerous beauty, and by the way i i really hope that people who just wet their feet in this sea will not suffer in any way, because in this video we have seen this many, many times, and you know, since we are talking about beauty, then you know, tomorrow everyone. .. menchan and guests of the capital, the central botanical garden invites you to a closed collection background of beautifully blooming pylargoniums. visitors will see about 150 species of plants, varied in color and shape, which will add vivid impressions and create a spring mood, of course, the aroma of the leaves. what does he remind us of? i think there's something for everyone, but in order to renew this smell, this aroma in your memory, of course, go to the collection fund, learn everything empirically. look , inhale the aromas, enjoy, yes, april
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is the time of flowering, but very soon the time for berries will come, summer is just around the corner, so our zoo experts decided today to understand the benefits of berries and fruits for our physical fitness, let's take a look. good morning, i’m ekaterina, a healthy eating expert, let’s look at the myths about sweets. your meal is not complete without sweets, replace them with fruits or berries, such sweets have only one benefit, or is it a myth. myth number one: due to the sugar in their composition, fruits and berries are harmful, just like sweets. fruits and berries are not only tasty, but also healthy due to their fiber content.
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sweet because they contain a lot of sugar. for the most part, everyone's favorite fruits are sweet, but this does not mean that they are harmful. all fruits have a different glycemic index. this is a measure of the effect of carbohydrates in foods on raising blood sugar levels, on a scale of one to 100. the higher the glycemic index, the faster your sugar level will rise. but not all sweet fruits are equally harmful. keep an eye out... these are apple, avocado, green banana,
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cherry, grapefruit, kiwi, nectarine, peach, orange, pear. but it’s better to avoid overripe pears and bananas, mangoes, grapes, melons, all fruits and dried fruits in chocolate and syrup. leave only the healthiest sweets in your diet; here are fruits and berries. go with a bang.
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my virtual greetings to everyone, connections nastya rudskaya, your guide a world of positive news, you will find out in the next 5 minutes. how old is the youngest patent holder in belarus, what should every applicant know? 20-24 why did scientists and cultural figures from different countries gather in mogilev? a nine-year-old menchan girl became the youngest patent holder in belarus. daria khatskevich designed a book holder. the third grade student gave her invention a name. the design is worn around the neck and allows the owner to read a book without using his hands. daria actively uses her industrial design herself. after making sure the holder is secure, books, the girl turned to her parents, who helped the young inventor design the same holder, but a little larger in size
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for her grandfather. daria khatskevich received many awards for her invention. and already on march 20, 2024 it was officially registered. industrial design patent number 5201. registration for centralized testing has started in belarus. from april 9 to april 22, registration of applicants to participate in centralized testing takes place. the application can be submitted online by filling out the electronic form on the website republican institute for knowledge control or offline, by personally visiting one of the registration points, having a document with you... the registration process for participation in centralized testing is considered completed only after receiving a pass. the applicant can receive this document at the registration point, also with an identification document, no later than april 22. it is also clarified that the pass should be collected at the registration point
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where the application for participation in the tc was originally submitted in person or at that point registration, where the applicant plans to take a centralized test. in case of applying for participation through the pre-registration system. the eighth international forum on traditional culture as a strategic resource for sustainable development of society will be held from april 15 to 19 in mogilev. participants in the event will be scientists and specialists in the study of folklore and traditional culture from eight countries: azerbaijan, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan. russia and uzbekistan. the forum program is rich and varied. in it included the holding of an international scientific and practical conference, the opening of various exhibitions, the exhibition of elements of the intangible cultural heritage of the mogilev region, as well as a visit to the fair exhibition, a treasure trove of folk traditions of the mogilev region.
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eleven-year-old briton john thinis was recognized as the oldest man a few days ago. world, john calls luck the main secret of his longevity, because he has never followed a diet; now he often treats himself to dinner, which consists of the popular english dish fish and chips, that is, fish and chips fried in a large amount of oil. it is worth noting that throughout his life , the man relied not only on inner luck; in addition, he devoted a lot of time to walking, and the briton also completely abandoned... cigarettes and alcohol. on april 4, john tinniswood was awarded a certificate from the guinness book of records. 5 minutes of your company flew by unnoticed. nastya rutskaya and the program wow were with you news. we meet tomorrow at the same place, at the same time. bye bye! total. one chance
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to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22, 1941. if i'm not mistaken, andrey kizhevatov? well, there were many commanders, but kizhivatov was in charge of the entire defense. you are not mistaken, which sport was old man khatabych from the film old man khatabych a fan of? football, let it be, football, of course, is the correct answer, the most smart and brave, who was depicted on the 100 ruble banknote?
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the live broadcast of the good morning program continues and we, ekaterina antonova and tatyana matyseevich, welcome everyone who has just joined us, and let's continue to scroll through our morning news carousel, both literally and figuratively. yes, all mogilev residents and those who will be in this wonderful city on may 1st. please note that free carousel rides will be organized on labor day, of course, in mogilev. this initiative will be part traditional action trade unions to children. and now without a few details. flat skating will take place on two sites at once: in the city park podnikole, where children will be able to jump on trampolines, and in our
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famous amusement park on pushkinsky prospekt they will be able to visit the most popular carousels, namely the trampoline, chamomile and swans on chamomile, which i personally grew up with, i’ll tell you honestly, be sure to come for a ride, but more detailed information , as always, is in sidi, so look for it, as i understand it, tanya, on may 1 you are going to mogilev, yes, unfortunately, i will no longer pass into the age category to... ride for free, oh well, don’t be upset, you know, labor day, adults, they really want to relax too, they have their own entertainment, it seems to me that this is best suited going out into nature, and of course, my favorite pastime is cooking something tasty, so here ’s how to choose the right grill grates, so to speak, the most popular product in stores right now, our purchase will tell you, today we’re choosing a garden swing if you live in in a private house or you have a summer house with a garden plot, then a more comfortable place. for outdoor recreation, it’s hard to imagine, what should you pay attention to when buying so that the swing lasts a long time? now
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we’ll tell you everything: swings for the garden can be free-standing, portable, hanging and for children, start with the dimensions: the size of the swing directly affects how many people can fit on it at the same time, if two or three people will rest on the swing, then the width should be up to 2 m. before purchasing... pay attention to the area where they they will stand as long as people are needed, all swings have a load capacity from 210 kg to 320 kg. decide on the frame material. the most reliable option is metal. most often, swings are made of stainless steel with a protective coating. these structures do not require special care and are resistant to ultraviolet rays and temperature changes. there are also cocoons made from metallang. and they take up less space than a swing, the top material must be moisture resistant, because the swing will most likely stand for the entire season, and
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the main thing when it rains is that they do not allow moisture to pass through; the legs of the swing can be ordinary, like those of a table, or in the form of arcs. the first option needs to be installed only on a hard, flat surface; the legs of the arc provide good stability and do not dig into the ground. as for the base of the seat, most often it... the swing should be removable. some swings have a reclining back that can be used as a bed. swing with mosquito net, also, so that it can be installed in the evenings and does not penetrate insects. concerning. spring mechanism, then steel springs will be the most reliable, almost all structures come with a stent that protects from direct sunlight,
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but you need to understand that if the structure weighs little, the awning will become... because of which the swing can tip over. have a pleasant and high-quality purchase. in general, when going to the dacha, the first thing you need to do is to properly rest, relax, swing on a swing, and only then start barbecuing. by the way, we will definitely return to this topic a little later, but for now let’s find out what will happen is it comfortable for us to ride on a swing today, what kind of morning was it like in terms of temperature? in general, if you ride on a swing, then let’s go with the current. day, but not in the early morning hours, because it’s quite fresh in our republic right now, let’s move on to the numbers, i ’m voicing them to you, please don’t freeze, look, in the capital right now +1 +3 cloudy with clearings, by the way , so far there is no precipitation in our country almost anywhere, but during the day the situation will change, let’s move on in brestey right now it’s up to five with a plus sign and dry, but during the day there will be precipitation, vitepsk will also be rainy during the day, while
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cloudy with clearings without precipitation +2 +4 in gomel it’s up to 70 with a plus sign, also no rain yet, but in the daytime the situation will change, i remind you that in grodno everything is stable, i would like to say that there will be precipitation both in the morning and in the afternoon +3 +5, right now in grodno, in mogilev this morning +2 +4, while it is dry, but during the day everything will change too, it will be rainy here today, i warned you, but the situation is so damp and snowy, strong wind and up to +13 today across the republic, but you know, this is actually good, in particular. for gardens and for trees, because throughout the country in april , seedlings are traditionally planted, for example, in gomel on tuesday they laid out a police alley in honor of the 105th anniversary of the formation of the department of internal affairs of the regional executive committee. 50 young beautiful kleons have now been planted and are showing off at the administration of the central district of the city. well, in our capital, during the beautification month, over 11 thousand trees and more than 78,000 shrubs were planted.
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what beauty will it be when this is all will it survive? blooms, in general we can definitely say that every year our country becomes more and more beautiful. another fact that we also cannot help but notice is that our dawn is getting earlier and earlier. look, today the sun rose over the republic at 5:58, which means a few minutes before the start of our live broadcast. how are things going this morning? we will find out from our next heroine, oksana kozlova, right now, in particular, we will find out whether she has time to see the dawn. my name is oksana kozlova, i work as a cook of the fifth discharge in a cold workshop, i wake up at 5 am, my morning starts very early, because the working day begins at 6:20, but i live nearby, i walk to work, i wake up, feed my beloved cat, drink
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a cup of coffee, go to work, my working day starts at 6:20 - i read the menu, which is prepared for us by the production manager, and from the menu i begin preparing my dishes, in particular these are cold appetizers and salads, at the moment i am making preparations for breakfast, spreading the filling on the loaf, weighing it, because what do you have each sandwich has its own weight, i have loved to cook since childhood, there was not even a doubt to get another profession, i really love cooking, and i can cook for a long time, a lot, and i get some kind of pleasure from it. my task is to feed a person deliciously, so that he eats with pleasure, gains strength and goes on to work, and it is also
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important for me that the dish... looks beautiful, aesthetically decorated with something, i always like to decorate like this, our team is very friendly and diverse in age, the older generation will always help advice, my work is important for society because people come to our canteen during their lunch break, relax, and gain strength. and then they have more strength, energy and continue their working day. i love my job because it makes my country's mornings good. we wish oksana a wonderful continuation of the day and, most importantly, a delicious day. well, this
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concludes the first part of the live broadcast. dear friends, we want to remind you that... today , april 18, is world juggler's day, and april 20 is world circus day, so we decided to combine these two holidays and invited the artist of the belarusian state circus, a clown, to visit. minkevich, a small spoiler, there is no waiting for us, no, just an interesting conversation, yes, this is a little later, well, today we celebrate world amateur radio day, and we are waiting for a visit in the third hour of our live broadcast by the honored master of sports of belarus, twelve-time world champion in radio sports, anna seminich will also find out what radio sports is, so we recommend not to switch with you, we see you immediately after the news block, see you on air, strength.
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we all rush after miracles, but there are no miracles, not nothing. what is the earth under heaven, where is the roof of your house, where is the roof of your house, and if suddenly sadness comes to you, then sadness does not mean anything when you know that under the sun there is the roof of your house. there is the roof of your house,
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any moment of grief, every single one will disappear, as soon as you remember the stars. blue over the roof of your house, over the roof of your house, the world is full of joy, happiness, but the edge. one mile in total and it’s so wonderful to return under the roof of my house, i will cover my house.
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on thursday, april 18 , i, vladislav buntar, will tell you about the main events in the morning. hello, watch the episode.


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