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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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concerns approaches to determining the status of labor veterans, while the second involves expanding benefits for veterans of the great patriotic war, former prisoners of fascism and internationalist soldiers. we are raising this very important category of our citizens; these are military personnel who were awarded orders and medals for impeccable service in the rear during the great patriotic war. we are raising financial support for this category. together with them we raise material support for home front workers who were also awarded for selfless work, a former prisoner of fascism, understanding their rather advanced age, and today they do not really need to expand benefits from healthcare, so today the draft law includes and will consider such benefits as the free provision of medicines, technical means of social rehabilitation, as for soldiers,
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internationalists, they are also offered benefits in the field of healthcare, such as free medicines, dental prosthetics and sanatorium treatment. today throughout belarus there will be more than a hundred trade union receptions. employees of enterprises can receive a free consultation right on the spot. a number of issues related to labor and housing pension legislation are touched upon. in addition to legal advice. lawyers will help in preparing documents for the courts; if necessary, additional measures are taken. to more quickly resolve issues that resort to legal methods, prosecutors join. citizens come to us with questions regarding the conclusion of a contract with him or renewal, what should he do if a disciplinary sanction was imposed on him, if the bonus was awarded incorrectly, or if he did not receive some severance pay, but should have received it in accordance with the collective agreement. on these issues we are not alone. simultaneously with
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legal receptions , days of legal education and legal culture are held in work collectives, where the most pressing issues are explained to employees of enterprises. since the beginning of the year , more than 3,000 people have taken part in such events. union state, unity through culture, exhibition project.
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this type of art that allows us to show who we are, such a project was born for the day of the unity of russia and belarus to organize an exhibition in moscow, as well as a reciprocal exhibition between our current academicians, that is , famous artists of the russian federation and our honorary...
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monumental canvases, but today this one is in the monumental genre, they have a very large page of their work presented here in minsk. the exhibition will run until april 23 inclusive. brighter together, under this slogan a charity event was held at the children's oncology center in boravlyany. it was initiated by senator dmitry baskov, the country's hockey federation, the dynamo minsk club, and the patriots of belarus. for employees of the patients of their center. parents organized a concert with the participation of belarusian artists, after which the guests visited the wards, where they got to know the children better, discussed the latest sports news and, of course, wished everyone a speedy recovery. this center is very modern, it turns out to be professional and competent support, there are kind people here, but even with everything we understand how morally difficult it is to be here for a long time, so we came here together with the artists of belarus with small gifts for... we
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took part in this action, gave positive emotions, were present with them at the concert, i think that this message should come from every public organization that could come here to give a little hope. there were also gifts: older children received functional sports bottles, and younger patients received creativity kits and construction kits. further , economic news and tv news agency projects are also available on social networks in our mobile application using a qr code. screen. see you at 8:00 on the first button.
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+ 4.1%. belstat reported on the russian economy for the first quarter. belarus is a leader among eu countries in terms of the rate of reduction in energy intensity, etc. increased the import of russian fertilizers to a maximum from december 2022. you are watching economic news, i’m olga kalairova with you, good morning. the belarusian economy is showing positive dynamics. growth rates in the first quarters of the year are ahead of the previous year. gdp for the first quarter grew by 4.1% compared to the same period last year. at current prices, its volume amounted to 53 billion rubles. according to the bilstat report , economic growth was 2.8% in january. in the first 2 months it increased by four. the drivers of the main economic indicator are industry, agriculture, trade and construction. at the end of last year , the economy showed slight growth, exceeding the forecast of 3.9%. belarus is a leader among
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eu countries in terms of the rate of reduction in energy intensity. if compared to 2000, today this figure has more than halved. as noted in the state standard, the pace of the five countries is significant. for example, after us, kazakhstan has the highest rate, about 1.2 times compared to 2000. the relevant department emphasized that the rate of reduction in energy intensity over 10 years is about 10% and corresponds to the global approach. atlanta is developing new types of products, the company has already begun implementing an investment project to produce chest freezers, this is in demand products today there is no serious competition in this segment yet. they plan to start production in... the possibility of producing combined washing-drying dishwashers is also being considered. attention to the use of new approaches in terms of sales and implementation, reducing production costs, increasing wages and maintaining high quality. there is customer trust,
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the task is to strengthen it. and to the current exchange rates: at the auction that took place the day before , the russian ruble lost value in the dollar and the yuan rose in price and as of this morning the dollar was 3 rubles 28 cop. for 10. they give 4.52, 3 rubles, 48 ​​kopecks costs 100 russian and euros according to the national bank 3.49. in february, the eu increased imports of russian fertilizers to the maximum since december 2022. they bought 521. tons for 167 million euros. at the same time , purchases from belgium increased the most by almost five times to 24 million euros. romania imported 10 million. bulgaria imported 5.2 million euros. and germany. imported 20 million worth of russian fertilizers. well, the largest buyer for the third month in a row, according to eurostat, is poland, which increased imports in february to 44 million euros, which was the maximum since december 2021. in response to the eu and russian
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agricultural products, lithuania resumed grain purchases. in february, the country imported just over 12,000 tons, almost 2 million euros. the previous batch arrived in lithuania last summer. increased purchases. latvia bought almost 60,000 tons of russian grain in february for 10 million euros. in general, european countries imported almost 93,000 tons of russian grain worth 17 million euros in february. the price of cocoa beans on world exchanges reached a historical maximum, rising to the level at 11,000 dollars per ton. this is twice as high as the record that stood for almost half a century. analysts note that such a sharp increase is associated with a long-term deficit. raw materials production, which has been going on for 2 years, was also affected by drought in west africa and new regulatory measures by the european union aimed at protecting forests. this was the economic news, i wish you success in your business and good mood, see you soon.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues.


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