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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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safe place to bank. will continue to release a review of criminal and emergency incidents, yuri shevchuk will talk about the latest news. the drug supply channel to belarus has been blocked. the special operation was carried out by drug control officers together with border guards. according to the ministry of internal affairs , a twenty-nine-year-old resident of the lagoi district was detained while trying to enter the country. 1 kg was found in his car. mephidrone and more than a kilogram of hashish. the drugs were hidden in a music speaker. during further inspection at the place of residence a 38-year-old man from mensk was detained. about 500 paper stamps containing a prohibited substance were found in his apartment. according to the information available to investigators, the goods were intended for illegal sale. for illegal drug trafficking, moving them across the state border, the defendant faces up to 15 years in prison. as reported by the state border committee.
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the border patrol discovered a suspicious music speaker at the brest checkpoint, a service dog helped, as it turned out, they were transporting the speaker cache breshchan, fulfilled the order of a twenty-nine-year-old menchan, who repeatedly bought prohibited substances via the internet in poland. the channel's organizer's accomplices in a neighboring country packaged drugs and hid them in household appliances or food. subsequently, the minsk resident received the parcel and made bookmarks with his accomplice. dealer. was engaged in the sale of hashish, lsd, ecstasy, amphetamine and other dangerous substances. this time they planned to distribute drugs in the minsk region through the darknet site. border guards the organizers and accomplices of criminal activities were detained, criminal cases were initiated against them for the illegal movement of drugs across the border and their illegal trafficking. the criminal scheme for selling cars was uncovered by belarusian customs officers. license plates and fake russian registration certificates. ordered via
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the internet from the importer, the attackers installed them on cars temporarily imported from lithuania and declared them when moving across the belarusian-lithuanian border. the next step is to sell a car in belarus much cheaper the same models. when the cars were sold, the owners who fell for the price were left both without money and without cars. all vehicles that were already owned by the new owners were located throughout the territory of the republic.
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the illegal catch itself, almost 38 kg of fish, a sixty-five-year-old man came under suspicion, his car was found next to the reservoir, the suspect denied his involvement in poaching and said that he came to the forest in fishing boots, supposedly to collect birch sap. establishing a social circle defendant, the investigator found out the address of the suspect's parental home, conducting a search in the specified household, employees found an inflatable boat with oars, boots and boots... clothes in which the man was at the site of illegal fishing, as well as a rope and a bag similar to those found by the pond. in addition, illegal fishing gear, a hoist net, and net traps were found in the home. the total amount of damage was almost 6,000 rubles. slonyamsky district department of the investigative committee, in a criminal case has been initiated against a sixty-five-year-old resident of the area. more than 3 tons of people tried to steal the corpse from themselves. from the enterprise
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, residents of slutsk, for this they drove a minibus and even loaded nine pipes made of ferrous metal into it, but operatives intervened in the plans of the swindlers, they caught employees of the organization, which is called sleeping, as the police said, the men planned to sell the iron for scrap metal to earn a little more than 700 rub. as a result , a criminal case was opened against the defendants, they are 42, 45 and 52 years old for theft by abuse of official powers. law enforcement officers seized more than 3 tons of metal in the slides. the truck was stopped for inspection while the body was being inspected. the police found 3,500 kg of scrap ferrous metals. it turned out that the cargo had been collected by a thirty-five-year-old local resident for several months. he planned to hand over the scrap to the reception point at the torseria. an administrative violation protocol was drawn up for illegal business activities.
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this was a project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 at 18:15, take care yourself and have a nice day.
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good morning belarus. good morning belarus, tatyana matusevich and ekaterina antonova continue to celebrate a new day with you, this is thursday, april 18, right now we are pleased to welcome our sports columnist andrei kozlov, who will probably share interesting sports information, good morning, good morning, hello andrei , hello, by the way, brilliant juggling technique, i think the next selection can be taken, thank you, i’m ready to set records, super, but meanwhile we ended on tuesday. a desperate struggle for the president's hockey cup. in the final, the current champion metallurg and the dark horse of the draw came together - this is the brest hockey club. as a result, the club from the metallurgical capital of the republic of belarus achieved victory, while using only four matches. after the game, the bright, charismatic mentor from zhlobin, dmitry kravchenko, again
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gave us several informational tips, in particular , he gave the players a bonus for winning, exactly three rubles. kravchenko admitted that 3 years ago they started with one penny, and that’s how they got to three rubles, we'll see it now. it was already a small thing, that is, they guessed that it was on this day that bonuses would need to be distributed, what do you think? yes, i think the whole bus was ringing, yes, that’s for sure, maybe on the way back too, you know, the news seems happy, but on the other hand it’s a little sad, because the hockey seasons are already over, now we’re waiting for september, no, friends,
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we now we are not waiting for september, by the way, if someone really loves hockey and is worried that they will miss it for a very long time, because in the khl there have been certain changes in the regulations and now our season will start earlier. there are no exact dates yet, but we’ll probably start at the end of august, in any case earlier, we’re waiting, the belarusian shma national team is playing, by the way, our native national team, and it seems like they’ll even play a match in minsk, so yes, so no one is bored , how i won’t let go, yes, well, we ended the season with a victory at the commonwealth biathlon cup, where the men’s competition was won by belarusian anton smolsky, by the way, he later admitted to me in an interview that until may 15 he would never think about biathlon, and this whole month, of course we will miss our favorite winter sport, but in any case the season was great, the final took place in murmansk in the arctic circle, but the weather was mild, and the spectators in the stands again created a wonderful atmosphere. by the way, the duet of spectators, which we are about to see, was awarded a special
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award, and grandfather frost, our belarusian fan, toured all stages of the commonwealth cup, it was them, they were beautifully awarded, by the way, i can boast of a similar achievement, in my profession , who is the best? main fan were these wonderful shots? yes, by the way, uh, they gave you something for going around all the stages, stages of the cup, i was only given the smoyski cup to support on the air, well, that’s good too, that’s enough for me. let's rest with renewed vigor, take up skiing, yes, well, this monday the footballers of london's chelsea showed that despite their star status, they are still boys at heart. in one of the episodes, and chelsea had already crushed everton 4:0 by that minute, the referee awarded a penalty. col palmer, as a regular penalty taker, went to the point, but he my partner was against it and really wanted to punch.
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such a tennis score, you need to laugh less, yes, but this is us, this is a serious game for a second, yes indeed, but the brazilian football player neymar, who is actually at the end of his career, but still some of his actions end up in the world tabloids, for example, on his daughter’s birthday, he skillfully posed for reels on instagram, but was somehow distracted by his own. smartphone, and there was a real battle in a poker game, probably about the same confrontation
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took place inside neymar, but it seems that draw won, well, i wonder how the girls evaluate this, i think that no matter how dissatisfied the girl would be with her wife, i don’t know what status the mother of his child is in, but she was as dissatisfied as possible, that is, what else did this leak onto the internet, okay, somewhere at home he’s sitting on the couch, i imagine neymar sitting at home in the evening on the couch and scrolling through the feed. instagram, it’s another matter, it’s another matter when it falls into the wider public eye, but it’s not necessary at all if we’re in a circle families, it’s better to put smartphones away, so that this kind of contact is eye to eye, and not phone to eye, well, where is this feeling, where is the soul, well, perhaps a person who handles a sword so deftly can manage everything, i’m everything - for real communication, and we move on, we really listen to you, yes, the german head coach. ha xabi alonza was doused with beer twice that evening, the team won the bundesliga after many years of
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hegemony of the famous bayern, and bayer's spanish coach first got into the shower at a press conference, although the video shows that i tried to quickly sneak away, but failed, then i was caught again in the locker room, i can only imagine how long it took for the aroma of the foamy drink to dissipate, in general, sometimes you watch news like the last three, and i clearly understand that football players and coaches are slightly older children , that’s good, well, yes, if instead of a foamy drink... an extreme combiga is the best, i’ll be there next thursday, let’s do a small story from inside the track, okay, agreed,
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i only have one question, it’s still cold, well this is also extreme, that’s the point, i understand that the more difficult it is here, the better, well , we wish you success and are really looking forward to the story, andrey, thank you very much for the selection of news, but we know that you are strong not only in sports, but also in art, please tell me how you are do you have a great relationship with picasso, they were friends with marc chagall, and is he close to you? and friend marco chagall, my friend. okay, andrey, thank you very much, we wish you a great day, what and why are we talking about picasso, because right now our matvey lichonok will tell let us learn more about this great master. an artist who did not know how to love, but knew how to torture artistically, this is what they say about pablo pecassa, because women who fell in love with a monster sooner or later died. moreover , they died not only morally, but literally, for example, picasso’s chosen one, maria
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teresa voltaire, hanged herself in her own garage, unable to bear the parting anymore, and picasso’s last passion, jacqueline rock, completely shot herself. each such love period ended the same way, a unique set of paintings was created, but the woman died, because pablo picasso abandoned her in fear that she would leave him first. one of the most... brightest pictorial periods was the period of dora maar, an artist mistress who was an aspiring photographer. pablo creates two unique portraits: a crying woman and a portrait of dora mar with a cat. on the second the cat finds it. on the girl's shoulder is surprising, considering that she hated these animals. picasso placed such details in his work when he wanted to take revenge on his chosen one. for example, when the relationship between dora and picasso cooled, he drew a cat. but when the first wife olga khakhlova even began to make a scene for her husband, who portrayed her as an evil old woman with elongated limbs and claws.
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the wisest of all the monster’s mistresses turned out to be marie françois gelot, she was picasso’s model and learned everything from him; when he began to torture her, she simply took her suitcase and silently left. years later, the girl published the book my life with pablo picasso. the book became a bestseller, and his artwork soared in price. so marie created her own brand, although the artist got angry and deprived them of their child inheritance. picasso's last woman was jacqueline roque. pablo was already a millionaire. and his paintings were sold all over the world. with the arrival of jacqueline, the artist begins to experiment with oriental cultural patterns. he imagines his passion in the form of a turkish concubine. later picasso will say: “i think about death all the time, she is just a woman who will never leave me.” picasso dies at the age of 92 in his villa. and no matter how many women the artist has, the number one woman remains his
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mother, maria picasso lopez, who created from picasse genius sincerely. believing that no woman deserves to be near her son. the roof was fixed. we are setting off on an expedition through the corners of our country. we are going to where we can give information to the minushyns. it happened and many times before it fell. let us follow the history and meaty abrasions: we are jumping with you in the ruzhany breskaya region, in one of the largest palace complexes there are 16-18 centuries, residents of the magnate family of sapega. here the tsarva of saint paraskeva of friday, a memorial to architecture, hung out poznyaga baroka. oto ok karavod, hotozh vayavod.
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immediately after the project was aired on tv channel belarus 244. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste is actually familiar to me from here, if you have never tried skwarki, then you have essentially never been to belarus, if you didn’t say it was oatmeal, i would never have thought it was oatmeal in its structure,
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in this pea it is also very similar to our pig ears, let’s find out more about is.
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good morning to everyone once again, you know, in
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the modern world radio is not only a means of communication and media, this is another sport. yes, and today, on world amateur radio day, we are pleased to welcome to our studio the honored master of sports of belarus, twelve-time world champion in radio sports, anna semenikhin. good morning! divide, radio sports is a military-applied sport, it is based on morse code, everything most likely, it’s better that these two words are not built on long, short signals and their combinations, in morse language we learn the alphabet, and then try it as quickly as possible transmit and receive as quickly as possible, that is... write down, that is, it turns out, the point is to convey the phrase as quickly as possible, well, this is a sport of speed, namely a sport of speed, hearing, accuracy and as few mistakes as possible, because
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, of course, you can write a lot there, but it will be right or wrong, that’s another question, well, the main thing here is not to distort the truth, as i understand it, and the message itself, okay, anna, well, it’s actually a very interesting sport and quite rare, anyway we're talking about we heard this, almost for the first time, how did you decide to become a radio athlete? it’s not that there was some kind of conscious desire there in my second grade, but it wasn’t that i dreamed of becoming a radiotelegraph operator there from the age of 3, but they just came and offered to try, well , let’s try, when i came to training, of course, i was very fascinated by the whole atmosphere of mystery, it just seemed to me that i was being trained for intelligence, that something interesting would definitely happen in my life, and perhaps good, now that it...
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it is possible to transmit there a speed of more than 200 characters per minute, our horizontal key allows you to transmit such speeds, with the help of such manipulations i transmit symbols, but human hearing is imperfect, so in addition to listening to what i transmit in headphones, i also i check the correctness of the transmission on the computer, the sound in the headphones is slightly different, it is different from what we just heard, yes, the headphones are already there. morse signal, you just hear mechanical clicks, yes, we are guided by what we hear in the headphones, and you already you can distinguish, this is a short signal, this is
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a long one, and what letter you ended up with, or rather, cannot be distinguished, but i need what i see in front of me, not a semantic text, but i need to transmit it at high speed with a minimum number of errors , which means nonsense text, you see, you see short and long characters, i just see a set. letters that are not connected into words and sentences, for what? so that, for example, when i need to write down this text, it is not possible to select, guess, this is the plan, but how to write it the other end of the wire is deciphered if you transmit the letters freely, and the judges have the same text on the computer and the computer already checks everything, you know, there are even situations when the judges do not accept such high speeds as the athlete transmits, so between the judge and the athlete there is always...
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the reception speed is 300 characters per minute, yes it turns out in a second and five characters, we are humanists, we don’t count so quickly , and if you transmit information, then it’s faster, a little less speed than receiving, i think it’s possible, if you set a goal, to give it faster.
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i think that such a predisposition as a good ear should exist, well, because it happens, of course, that children come, and most likely everyone, well, they are either not interested, they don’t want a corner, or it’s unclear, yes, yes, here, but in basically everything.
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is it better to give it to radio sports? and at the age of seven, eight, even nine, when there is already a little perseverance, there is perseverance, the pen can already write letters, we tried to take six-year-olds in first grade, of course they are so suspicious of me when i tell them i start talking about radio sports, it’s a little difficult for them, no matter how long, how short, the first is short, the second is long, that’s right, and now we increase the speed, increase it, the task is more difficult, tanya, this is for you, well, it’s logical. the first long, the second short, that's right, the third round, we increase, the second short, then there will be combinations, oh, two short, one long, again, let's go behind the scenes, the correct answer, three short, three short, that was , well, that’s it, we didn’t go further, but because we never trained, but in general it’s actually possible train or you just immediately see that
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this person is capable of this...
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april for the selection for the world championships in brest, we wish them great success, so that everything will definitely work out for them, thank you, thank you for coming, congratulations on your professional holiday , i remind you that we talked about radio sports with the honored master of sports of belarus, twelve-time world champion in radio sports anna semenikhna, well, right now our broadcast continues with everyone’s favorite column, people who changed the world. vladislav syrokomlya was born in 1823 in the smolgov farm, bobruisk district, in a poor noble family. he studied at the nesvezh dominican school, then at novogrudok. after the fifth grade, he returned to his parents’ house, began studying languages, translated from french, received a position as manager of the radewilovsky estates, and studied the archives of the nesvezhsky and kopolsky castles. as a writer, cheesecake made his debut in 1844.
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having published the poem “postman”, translated into russian, in a vilna magazine, it later became a popular song when i he served as a post office clerk and moved to the zaluchi estate. the poet wrote several sonnets dedicated to nesvezh, and began work on travel sketches of his wanderings around what was once my outskirts. in the genre of local history historian, vladislav syrkomlya created several more works: minsk, neman from the origins of daustya and others. since 1853 , collections of balat syrakomli began to be published, several of his poems and plays were published: marger, yanka the gravedigger, a hut in the forest, kaspar. the poet studied belarusian history, ethnography and folklore, and used it plots and images in his work, processed and translated belarusian folk songs. vladislav syrkomlya also became a translator of some works by goethe,
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heine, lermontov, nikrasov, shevchenko, and published reviews of literary novelties by belarusian writers and poets. for participation in demonstrations in 1861, vladislav syrokomlyak. he was sent to vilna prison, and a year later he died; streets in many cities of belarus are named after him, monuments and memorial plaques were erected. many belarusian poets dedicated their poems to his memory. vladislav cheesecake, poet, critic, local historian and translator, who changed the world of literature of the 19th century. but we continue and hasten to inform you that tomorrow, april 19 , the premiere will take place at the capital’s variety youth theater. historical melodrama without a statute of limitations, author and director of the production, artistic director of the variety youth theater and winner of the francis skarina medal , vladislava artyukovskaya. the action of the production begins in 1944 with the liberation
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of vitebsk and ends with the may days of victory, when the hero of the work returns home with two daughters. a melodrama about those people thanks to whom you and i now live under a peaceful sky. be sure not to miss the premiere. well now let's go. at the sino-french exhibition in beijing there is an exhibition of the "forbidden city" and the palace of versailles, exchanges between china and france in the 18th-18th centuries. the exhibition, organized by the guguny museum and the palace of versailles, is a key project within the framework of the sino-french year of culture and tourism, which coincides with the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. in exhibitions of 200 artifacts that reveal the history of political connections and cultural exchanges. between the two countries for 100 years, based on the principles of mutual respect, admiration and learning. among them are silver jugs, books, paintings that diplomats gave to each other for a century. but simultaneously with the exhibition , several cultural
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festivals are being organized in the two countries. and this exhibition, which i just talked about, will last until june 30. so, if we know the exposition date before june 30, then how long this fresh weather will last, so to speak, is just outside the window, we’re not sure yet. we can’t say, but we can announce the temperature readings for today. so, what do weather forecasters promise us? for example, in the capital of the republic minsk, +10, +12, cloudy with clearings and dry, in brest up to 10 with a plus sign, also cloudy with clearings, but rain is expected at times, time for cheese, by the way, will be in vitebsk, and it’s a degree warmer there, up to +11. in gomel +7, +9, cloudy and rainy. cheese to have and the atmosphere this afternoon in grodno, it’s no higher than ten. in the city of magelów +9 +11 cloudy with clearings and also rainy. well, by the way, i know that in the folk calendar today is a day called vedul-windy. and it seems to me that this is the case when the folk calendar was not mistaken. the wind today is north, 5-10 m/s during the day.
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in some places in the east, gusts will increase to 14 m/s. but nevertheless, no matter how cool these days of april are, you know, everything is compensated by the beautiful views. nature, as they say, once a year the gardens bloom, and you know, in japan there is a special time for admiring sakura, this time is called hanami, then in belarus there is a special time to admire the bright, blooming fields of rapeseed, by the way, it’s already on all the instagrams of the country, such shots are flashing, and on our air, but in the picture you and i see rapeseed blossoming in the river area, yellow flower carpets are spread out in this place, well, as they say, you will drive by, please admire, well... how will you drive by? there are two options: either in a regular car with an internal engine combustion, or in the electric version. let 's talk about the second one right now. here's what to do if your electric car catches fire. yes, the fact is that this happens. all the details are in the story of our correspondent,
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ales boyarskikh. electric cars are becoming increasingly popular among city residents. comfort, efficiency and environmental friendliness do their job. however, this does not mean. that such transport is 100% safe. the statistics on fires and electric cars in our country are not great. for 2024, one servant was recorded. to the possible causes of the fire of this mode of transport include extremely high ambient temperatures, the use of a faulty charging station or cable, or a faulty battery pack. electric vehicle batteries store large amounts of energy in a confined space, and when damaged , a short circuit starts a chain reaction called thermal runaway. this contributes to the fact that the battery generates a large... amount of heat, it is necessary to highlight the types of damage: this is mechanical
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damage as a result of a traffic accident, it can be a manufacturing defect, a malfunction of the battery itself, an external fire caused by the environment. in the classroom of liquidation and emergency situations on electric vehicles, cadets, in accordance with the curriculum in the discipline of emergency rescue tactics , practice extinguishing fires on electric vehicles. now the vehicle is being identified by license plates, then the vehicle is stabilized with stepped stops, and in parallel there is after blocking the victim, the low voltage line is now being cut sharply.
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the final stage is to simulate the extinguishing of an electric car. when extinguishing fires on electric vehicles , the following rules must be followed. if an electric vehicle catches fire, it is necessary to use powder or carbon dioxide extinguishers. it is strictly forbidden to use water, as there is a risk of electric shock. our unit is used for these purposes. barrel grounding, pump grounding, must be maintained a certain distance, use pressurized air devices, use thermal imagers. it is not recommended to extinguish your electric car yourself, since lithium batteries release toxic fumes during combustion and can re-ignite for several days in a row, so after a fire the car is sent to a forty-eight-hour quarantine to prevent repeated fires. for safe operation. it is necessary to visit specialized service stations
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for control and diagnostic work on timely detection of possible malfunctions in electric vehicle power systems. be careful while driving, and do not forget to undergo technical inspection on time. and if , for some reason, a fire occurs, immediately call rescuers by calling 101 or 112. don’t wait for action. they arranged their life in the village in such a way that any city dweller could envy. you have belovezhskaya pushcha right here in your yard, how far is it, well, just meters away, so that it’s opposite the house. today we will walk through real swamps, so swamp, which is near domat, which is again 20 meters away.
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are one of the key points of the support
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of this city, in fact, wolves in the slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, hence also wolves. a student of evsey ovsevich maiseenko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated a painting to the gallery, which was painted by the artist in 1946. travel is an opportunity to try something new. a series, motherwort, but here i am lafand. this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant, but this is also a heart plant, here we have a cardiovascular plant, so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in...
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look in the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel . friends, we returned to the 600 m studio only to tell you that 3 hours of our live broadcast have come to an end , today they helped you to wake up,
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skin crock and tsyabe all the words of thought from afar you are the true winds and the star of the heart that the bastards on the wall of the cyagnika garada for khannya that ў us back. b'ezza, b'ezza, sapraudy, only you adna, adzin, only you, our vigilance nadvaits saprauds, your voices and data you, only once again we breathe saprauds, only you adna,
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adzin only you, our vigilant watchdogs saprauds . your voices are the same, only once our sapraudas have died, only you are alone, only you are ours.
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good morning belarus. morning news for belarus 1. in the studio, vladislav bunder, hello, this is what we will talk about in the episode.


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