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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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about 25 products, among which a special place is occupied by the line of dairy products under the osobilivaya brand. this line includes drinking pasteurized milk, a2 kefir, a2 sour cream, thermostat, a2 bio-yogurt, a2 cottage cheese and a2 butter. soon the plant will have another workshop for the production of dry mixtures. a private enterprise of kitchenware is also aiming to expand production. the implementation of all plans will create new jobs and become another impetus for development. polesie region. anton malyuta, alexey petrov and sergey korneev. area of ​​interest. now let’s take a break for a short advertisement about what to do if your salary is not paid on time. stay with us. you know, the hardest thing is to compromise with yourself. you won't deceive yourself, will you? unfortunately yes. you know, in many of our publications. there are materials about
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stars, try yourself in this field, i think maybe you will be interested in this, the stars are different, young lady, do you mind if we now finish our coffee and take a little walk, so to speak, breathe in the sea air, i and it's a pleasure to meet you, maria zemina, coach of our school and a talented figure skater, this is your new partner, we feel good together, we had a wonderful time with you, half a day was just wonderful, now you have your own life. and i have my own, well done, great, now, wait, you and i still have a lot of time, then i’ll definitely be late everywhere, well, it’s okay, the manager, he can afford this once, of course, i understand everything, but how can you twist an affair with this new girl in front of everyone, when your wife was dying, she was very sick, she is alive, watch the series.
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this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. the achievement of the period of alexander lukashenko's presidency is peace, security, independence and sovereignty. despite everything, we were able to save them. now.
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it would be nice if only macron spoke about this, macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are fermenting in european society, in these conditions the emphasis is on military force. we are all standing on the threshold, god forbid, great collective war. and that’s why our president is right when he says that a lot can depend on how we behave. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is an area of ​​interest, we are now continuing about exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the russian one. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 28 kopecks. euro, now at the national bank rate 3.49. for 10 yuaniya they ask for 4.52, 100 russian rubles costs 3.48. the ministry of labor summed up the results of the presidential decree on the timely payment of wages. so in a year more than 5 million rubles were returned. for thousands
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of belarusians, let me remind you that the document was signed in january last year; it expanded the powers of the state labor inspection department to protect the rights of workers to receive their salaries on time, that is. citizens do not need to independently apply to the court or notary, and then to the enforcement authorities; this right is vested in the department of the ministry of labor. moreover, if the violation is eliminated within the specified period, employers will be released from administrative liability. alina lopo, will continue the topic. timely payments have been under close scrutiny for a year now. alas, the issue is still relevant, because in the country there is still...
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a salary in excess of 5 million rubles. in relation to 3,000 workers, enforcement authorities , well, in favor of these workers, it would be more correct to say, enforcement proceedings were initiated to recover over 6 million rubles. that is, well, there are results, because 8.00 people who ultimately managed to help during the year is a lot. for another 1,400 employees, the claims issued by the department are on execution by employers, or the deadline for making a decision on them... this is not timely payment of wages, delay in vacation pay, not timely payment of the final payment upon dismissal, but the decree is much broader than the appeal of citizens as soon as the department
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receives information about the delay in payments from any source of information is the basis for the mechanism of the third decree to be activated. so what should i do if i don’t get paid? the basis for taking measures to establish such facts may be relevant information from law enforcement agencies, the media, or written requests from citizens themselves. if violations are nevertheless recorded, demands are issued without additional verification. previously, in such cases, a comprehensive inspection was first ordered, which of course meant delaying the payment process. now the procedure is faster; in other words, the decree has speeded up the receipt of money by employees. earlier.
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the court, then with the court decision to the enforcement authorities, the department of state inspection does all this for him. if the employer eliminates all violations within the specified period, he will not be held administratively liable. if the requirements are still ignored, the department makes a decision on the collection of wages to the enforcement authorities . it is clear that situations in business are different, sometimes regardless of internal processes, but no one has canceled social responsibility. therefore, the point is not to punish, but to help. even if sometimes you have to stimulate some managers. alina lopoi and gregory krishtofovich. area of ​​interest. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday in the most visible in the economy. see you.
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fascist invaders. since the beginning of the great patriotic war, nikolai nikolaevich , commissar of the second battalion of the gomel regiment of the people's militia, carried out a lot of political educational work among soldiers and commanders. the militia, together with units
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of the red army, courageously defended the city of gomel. on august 18, 1941, the battalion led by nikolai. kuntsevich repulsed two enemy attacks, during one of which the commissar rushed forward with an exclamation for his homeland, for our victory, drawing the soldiers with him. in a counterattack, in the same battle he died in 1944. nikolai kuntsevich was awarded the order of the patriotic war, first degree, posthumously.
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wish we weren't afraid of cosmogrom not this year. and i am blue, the grass touches us, the grass near the house is green, green drama.
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and we fly in orbits, untrodden paths, space is stitched with meteorites, risk and courage are justified, cosmic music floats into our business conversation, some matte earth in the porthole in the evening and early dawn, and the son is sad about his mother... and the son is waiting for his mother, waiting for his mother’s son, and the whole earth for his son, we are not dreaming of the roar of the cosmodrome, not this icy blue, we dreamed of grass, grass near the house. green green grass, this is for centuries, this is forever, this is
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our great history, alexander lukashenko took a country that was poor, hungry, trampled, torn apart, raped by bandits, democrats, nationalists, traitors, spat upon and robbed, and became a powerful ruler. if only he had thrown her with his sovereign hand into the heights, to the stars, to the heavens, and the smile, the tears of marina vasilevskaya, this is what now justifies everything, our life, our existence, this is powerful proof that everything was not in vain, that with we are god, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always one, my name is grigory ozarenok, this is the secret spring of politics, hello, the refrain for today’s program i want to take the words of dostoevsky, you lie vile, they are also bad, great people, they also have vices, but not like yours. you're lying, you're lying,
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every word, every little gesture of yours, every crappy, malicious look, you lie. there are two visions of the world, the vision of heroes, dreamers, ascetics, poets, powerful people, and there is the view of dung worms, dirty pigs, maggots, at the palace of independence. he recognizes his wife as the famous hero of belarus, and also distributes recognitions
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to other, similar characters, and the very same tortured: well, the jumping wife was angry on m ks, what's next? cosmic pallets are no longer considered super-extraordinary, they made i was angry, what kind of hell is this getag for belarus? advertised business jet, who met you? and the brush, and the gold, and for what ? by your mouse nature, it is you who are ready to shove pipe cleaners down your throats, it is you who live only in your bellies, only in the gastrointestinal tract, you, and not... you are slaves. brutes, scum, poor people, blind people, degenerates of fate. freaks, creatures, laborers, slaves, slaves, slaves, slaves. you are similar in your behavior. unperturbed as oaks. you have it written.
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narozhah that you, ravs, slaves, ravs, everything they calculate, they delve into everything, they pulled out with their nickels that the title of hero comes with a phone number and sending you to a sanatorium, and the toad strangles, the toad eats, devours from the inside, twists you, it infuriates you, you lie vilely, lie, here you have more trumpetically jubilant, talking sphincters. flight maria vasilevskaya maria vasilevskaya he did not improve the matter, not in the economy or in the social sphere, medical services did not become any better because of this the roads there in the baranoshensky district were not repaired on their own because of this , wages did not increase and prices in stores did not fall and it seems to me that when the pr people made the decision on such a move, they were guided by this, well, we can’t, europe doesn’t
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give money on the roads, well, what can we do to please the population with roads, no, but doctors are leaving, doctors are resigning, doctors are being imprisoned. can we provide free healthcare at a truly high level for the people? no we can not. what can we do about the prices other than tell them to stop hitting the table with the fist of their hairy hand. we can't do anything about the prices. there is a market, despite the assurances of the chief character in the country that there is no market, it won’t regulate anything, there is a market, it regulates everything, so here they are also powerless, but let’s send our man into space, preferably a woman, well, that’s nicer.
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yesenin, you strange, funny people, lived your whole century as beggars and built temples to god, but i would have rebuilt them into latrines a long time ago, it’s you, you, the inhabitants of toilets, you are lying maggots, you are walking bellies, you are creatures for consumption inside the deposit of waste, lie sublimely, the further, the more, i now doubt this idea that people are born absolutely equal, you know, there are people who are born small, strive for something good, kind, high, when good fairy tales are read to them, they empathize, maybe cry, and there are those who laugh while , how the heroes suffer there, i remember, for example, i was a child there in the cinema or there they watched cartoons, and some of the guys somehow
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behaved inappropriately from my point of view, so one might ask the question, where does this come from, is it their upbringing, or maybe this is my nature, so here it is for me it seems that for many of our fugitives, the fate is insignificant relative to part of society, but it is interesting sociologically, politically, that just yes, that this part ended up on the other side, on the side of the protest, the so-called abroad, many of them, this is exactly their worldview, they wanted to do exactly this here, to create a society, well, i won’t even say consumption, it’s still too beautiful, you know. for them this is a society of all this dirt and baseness, all the worst that could be needed here bring, justify, call it anything, tolerance for differences, everything, in other words, which some of them are experts at, but in fact this is what you are talking about, exactly,
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this is the baseness, the desire for this is all perception. this was invented by the great dreamer, eccentric, cosmist nikolai fedorov, he wanted to resurrect all ancestors to embody all future generations, and since there is not enough space here, we need to build houses for them on other planets for everyone to live joyfully in great justice. tselkovsky, his student. a further korolev, gagarin, lukashenko, vasilevskaya. by the way, have you ever wondered why this is so? we are the first in space, the first to invent a satellite and a rocket, for great things. transformation of humanity, and they, the west, were the first to invent and use the nuclear bomb, truman, in joyful awe, almost...


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