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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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three skins for us. yana pausyul, at the sun, at the timid hands, at the tips of our fingers, the music is soothing, the aspirational thoughts are opening before us thousands of gifts. music can change.
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the light, the bundles of yana, the great change of us, the music inside our skin.
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review of the most interesting sporting events. tokyo olympic champion ivan letvinovich won bronze at the fifth and final stage of the season at the trampoline world cup. belarusian beauty acting is again the best on the planet. alina gornasko won the world cup stage rhythmic gymnastics in greece. exclusive interviews with athletes. i worked very hard and worked towards this. this is my dream to play for dynamo minsk, it so happened that i scored a goal, the first goal in the major league, i hope not the last, i will work, i think that the game was not bad, it was just a little short of completion, everything must also be taken into account, that the transition of the field, the surface is different, the bright moments are real emotions, this is the playoffs, everyone is fighting, no matter what the score is, so how else can i say, yes, it seems like 4:0, but it was every game is hard, the opponent plays like that, the way you... allow, allow you
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to take the initiative, allow you to use your moments, he always plays like that, all this in sports projects, on the belarus 24 tv channel. on april 1, the president signed the law on responsible handling with animals, in many ways, this law is your merit, so to speak? more than 1,800 comments and suggestions were received, so we can say that almost the entire country has created this law. what other achievements are you proud of for the path you have traveled, the cadence you have completed? if it was even possible to repair a bench somewhere, help with a major overhaul, or solve some other issue, and people returned to their place with gratitude, that was probably the best part, they come from parliament for a high salary, is that true? not because of the money, that's for sure.
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can you say that beauty will save the world? if we reveal this concept as the inner spiritual beauty of a person, that is for me love, the warmth of his heart, the warmth of his soul, empathy, love for people. that's the only thing that saves you, hello, the program say not is on the air be quiet, svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova are in the studio, and today our guest is a deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the seventh convocation, an animal rights activist.
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before that, i was actively involved in charitable activities, including helping shelters and neglected animals, and even then, not understanding the whole situation in the legislation, not particularly immersed in it as a candidate, i just intuitively, by the will of my soul, outlined this topic, well, when i was already was elected as a deputy and studied the entire
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regulatory framework that we have in the country, plus receiving requests from citizens, constant calls during personal receptions and people’s desires about the need to accept this... animals are, let’s say, at the junction of the areas of responsibility of various ministries: the ministry of housing and communal services, agriculture, the ministry of nature, plus local authorities who organize the capture of animals and the maintenance of stray animals, plus the position of human rights defenders is added here, to find a compromise,
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a solution, a standard that would satisfy the interests of all these subjects, it was quite difficult, so i perfectly understand the colleagues who undertook...
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but i would like to focus on some of the most significant innovations, maybe you can tell us what can’t be done now, and what can be done? of course, in general, i want to draw your attention to the fact that the law applies not only to animal companions, our pets, but it also applies to animals that are used in culture, in sports, service animals, laboratory animals, and if we talk about specific requirements, i would like to draw attention to attention of the owners that now you need to clean up after your animals while walking, this is already a... and we always do this, i have no doubt, but there really are various precedents, and even while developing the bill, i was more and more amazed at the cruelty, because that i had to deal with various cases, and citizens turned to me as deputies, and of course i was amazed, probably every time
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more and more, by what, unfortunately, a person is capable of, but returning to the law, i also want to point out that minors can now purchase animal companions only with the permission of one of the parents or legal representatives, this is done so that the child does not bring home a puppy, and the parents are not ready, this is another, let’s say, precedent for getting rid of animals, so here it is so we decided before... to get insurance and children, only with the permission of one of the parents, will be able to purchase animal companions, as well as visit cafes or catering establishments, the law generally supports such a movement as pet-friendly, but asks owners should be warned at the entrance that animals are allowed here, so that people with allergies understand this, take it into account, and also during this year, until january 1 , the council of ministers will develop many resolutions, this is a resolution that will determine the situation : the work of shelters, temporary detention centers for animals, hotels for animals, as well as the procedure for breeding cats and
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dogs in nurseries and breeders, the procedure for walking animals, that is, all regulations will be adopted in soon. and you have already said that, according to the new law , it is now prohibited for animals and companions to visit food stores, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, cultural infrastructure facilities, and physical culture and sports facilities. something to note here. that animal companions do not necessarily include only cats and dogs, there may be domestic rats, yes, you know, i myself am from a rural area, even one resident of ours tamed a black pig like this and went with it to the store, also at he has a pig companion, yes, that is , it can cause allergies in people, and well, it’s clear that large dogs can be left near the store, there are even special parking lots for your pet, this also seems to me
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about the responsible treatment of animals, but he also interests of animals, must also protect the interests of people, and of course this is already talking about protecting the lives of people who have. allergies, unfortunately, even a small dog can get this hair on baked goods there, so i want to contact the owners and ask them treat this with understanding, respect for other people, and perhaps somehow adjust your route so that you can still enter food stores without animals, yeah, and once again, taking advantage of this moment, i want to ask store owners to install , perhaps even special booths , which are now also appearing, where you can close the animal and leave a drinking bowl with water. such rooms for animals, that is, so that
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such special booths or even some of them could be left, well, you already mentioned dog friendly establishment, when you can have dogs, there is such a wonderful cafe in our area, i was in it and i was convinced, yes, this is my dog, and it’s quite decent there, and well, we went there.
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it will multiply there unattended or simply get rid of it, throw it out into the street, this is where our homeless animals come from, so we probably need to solve the problem at the very source and increase the responsibility of the owners. well, of course there are still cameras in the yard, but nothing prevents the irresponsible from going into the forest, but how is it often happens, that is, we can’t do anything here yet about the minds of such people, there was also an initiative to make microchipping mandatory for all animals, but it was decided that microchipping is only for
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those who are sold by breeders in nurseries, but here we have at first, there really was a rule on mandatory microchipping. and the place where this microchipping can be done, so it was decided to leave microchipping voluntary for now, but the council of ministers will develop a resolution before january 1, where the procedure is written chipping, that is, this will stimulate the creation of additional points where this chipping will take place, including in rural areas, the exact procedure will be described so that people can simply understand how this procedure occurs, and i really hope
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that after that, let’s say so established practice, maybe in a year or two we can... changes to this resolution or even to the law, and this microchipping is already mandatory, sterilization of stray animals, is it mandatory or not in our country, unfortunately, we also cannot talk about the mandatory sterilization of stray animals, because those temporary detention centers indicate that they currently do not have enough financial resources, but this is, let’s say, a recommended norm, so if you have the finances, if you have the this is help, then of course they do it , well it’s clear why.
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categories, let's say, here are potentially dangerous dog breeds, the first is called dogs that require special responsibility and this is a certain list of dog breeds, this includes hunting dogs, especially large ones breeds of dogs, and for these owners of these dogs a priori they need to take courses, but there is a second category - these are dangerous dogs, a dangerous dog will be recognized as one that has caused some kind of damage, harm to life, health, an individual or an animal, this will not necessarily be there is a german shepherd, it could be a labrador, a dachshund, but which one.
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a child in the park got bitten on the face very badly, only after that we oblige, so i ask, why not before? and not before, because it is very difficult to oblige even, let’s say, owners of all dogs, the yorkshire terrier or even the lapdog itself, the safest thing to do is take these courses, and it’s not even advisable, because the courses are aimed at educating and showing how to treat a dog that shows increased...
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it seems to me how many we have already broken spears about this particular point, well, we didn’t show, of course, some very terrible footage or videos here, because everyone
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knows this, just like a dog, they hang, poison, drown, and starve there, but what points would you highlight here what innovations are in the new law? well, in general, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the term cruel treatment itself, according to which cases of cruel treatment are considered, so to speak, has been improved now.
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in one of your interviews you said that as a child you dreamed of becoming either a lawyer or a veterinarian; from your point of view, in which area do ash workers lack knowledge
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in order to achieve their goals more effectively? this is oksana davudenko, chairman of the association of animal protection organizations, what will you answer to oksana? yes, with we know oksana nikolaevna well, she was also a member of the working group, a big one, thanks to her for the question, but if we talk about the field of knowledge, then of course there is a law here. to help them, you need to re-read it several times, in terms of monitoring the implementation of this law, of course, you need to be more persistent, and let’s say, to the police that is involved in considering these cases, i just understand that material evidence is needed, again this area is very difficult, it is very difficult to prove that a dog was offended and it did not will say, therefore , the responsibility lies with us, caring people , to record this, these are either photographs or videos and provide such materials to the incompetent. come to us, and for now we will take a short break, i remind you, our telegram channel don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are in touch,
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we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, this taste, in itself in fact , i have known since childhood, if you have never tried cracklings, then you have essentially never been to belarus, if you hadn’t said that this was oatmeal, i would never have thought that oatmeal in its structure, in this pot it is also very similar to our pig ears, let’s learn more about the historical past of belarusians, people have always wanted bread and circuses. it is for this reason that the residents of magilev once upon a time abandoned themselves in the literal sense of the word and built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different
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parts of our country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, after eating a bowl of this soup, you can eat all day simply don’t eat it, i want to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish, if they asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say, well, here it is, look at the project, the food is anywhere on the belarus 24 honored tv channel...
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i’ll think about it, wow you, and what to do next, that’s all now, and i was very pleased that this work was, well, appreciated, that it was, as they say, in the public, so the state, so to speak, also paid attention to my work, very nice, watch it on friday on our channel.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is ex-deputy of parliament, public figure, model, maria vasilyevich. maria, well, probably not only this law was in your practice, what other achievements, what are you proud of for the path you have traveled, the cadence you have passed? well, in fact, yes, there were a lot of laws, primarily due to the recent referendum, a lot of laws were revised with changes. constitution, and my commission, in which i worked on human rights , national relations, mass media information, also took a fairly large number of laws, but probably this is the most pleasant, let’s say, feedback from work - it’s not surprising, but work with citizens, because in addition to lawmaking, the deputy is also certainly responsible for the work of his district for working with these voters, so if you were able to even repair a bench somewhere, help
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with major repairs, or...
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there might be some interesting, unique, extraordinary case, you can remember, tell us about your practice in deciding people have problems, they are also urgently expensive, and also connected, by the way, with animal protection, a young man approached me who organized such a zoo in the village, he saved those animals that were abandoned, these were not only dogs, but they were also pigs and old cows that did not produce milk, and people wanted to give them away for slaughter, but... he took them for himself and there was a problem that he could not get there, because the road was always broken after the winter period, and for a long time of course, we talked with local authorities, but we managed to build the road, and of course these videos that he later sent me, how pigs are running around in a pen there, and he drives up calmly on the road, this is one of the most, these are the access roads to the villages - it’s a matter of the region’s funds, yes, of course, the question of redistributing
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funds from literate people to their... after all, both, of course, and there is always a shortage of finances, as local authorities say, but still, i have seen positive, positive experiences, when a person who
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truly treats is a master of his work and treats this this area as his own land, he will never allow the redistribution of these financial resources in an unnecessary direction, so i am convinced that this can still be done, although it is difficult,
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which i had in parliament, of course, the area of ​​​​knowledge that i received, this is extensive, now i already know how roads are built, and how to protect animals, i wanted to apply that experience, the knowledge that i have gained over these more than 4 years, somewhere else, yeah, but we had oleg sergeevich gaidukevich is visiting and he said that on running for a second term is more difficult, because you can promise in the first term, i will do what
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of course, i followed the election campaign, and it was interesting to observe the election programs that were proposed by candidates for deputies, and i will absolutely support that the composition of the parliament very strong, and i am convinced that those people who came to
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the eighth convocation of parliament will make a great contribution to the development of our country, and in no case do i doubt that everything will be wonderful, well, it’s still a pity that your the experience you have accumulated will not be useful like this.
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during my convocation , a youth parliament was created at the national assembly and i am sure that there is always a place for young people to prove themselves and their knowledge, but when you once again read on the internet skepticism regarding the work of the parliament and in particular yours, you internally understand, that people are just not fair to you?
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and during this period it takes a lot of energy, time, and i, as a rather empathetic person, always take everything to heart heart, and here, of course, it wasn’t easy, but like your sympathy after 4 years, it has also dulled somewhat, as has the desire to read comments, or anyway, you know, i think it has only increased and intensified, yes, because that even if there were some negative comments.
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from other districts and constituencies, what do you think, what advice to parliamentarians and deputies have you not heard? but it’s true, yes, when you actively start working either on some topic or with the district, more comments and suggestions from people from other countries always come districts, but in my opinion, on the contrary, it ’s good, it’s an interesting job, you came for this, to help people, this is one of the goals of working in parliament, so on the contrary , i was happy when a lot of people came to me, i had the opportunity to help them , so don’t refuse anyone, and evgeniy even designated hers as not a job in mingor. council, he said that this is serving people, don’t you agree? yes, i absolutely agree, yes, but what should we do here, if you say, you want to help everyone, but there are only 24 hours in a day, but i would like 36, yes, here, of course, time management and proper distribution of your forces are important, and if you understand that the workload is too big, then
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find help somewhere, find support somewhere, deputies always work closely with the local administration, the district administration.
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i managed to implement changes to the law in the criminal code regarding the protection of children from sexual exploitation on the internet, this is a rather complex, difficult topic, unfortunately, very relevant in recent years, including in our country, the statistics are not the most positive, but work in this part has begun, i know that the prosecutor general’s office
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is now finishing the development of this bill, but because it hasn’t been completed yet, here you will probably continue this work somewhere? subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch,
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the program is on air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is ex-deputy, model, tv presenter, public figure, maria vasilyevich. maria, is there life after being a deputy, is this what we so carefully want to find out from you? where can we see you in the near future, because so far you have only said, that you want to try yourself in another field, but don’t give up animal protection activities. i can’t say yet where exactly i will apply all my knowledge and experience, because i’m still deciding, but i certainly want to find the area where i can make the greatest contribution in order to further improve those areas that i have dealt with previously and perhaps some new ones. any suggestions?
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that the broadcast at 6 am means that you get up at 3:00 , most likely it was not a sleeping owl, because at night, you can say that you miss the drive of live broadcasts, because it’s early in the morning it goes live on air, of course, but that’s the adrenaline. which was broadcast live, it was probably never repeated after that, because yes, even the most difficult ones, when you, when you
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were elected to the deputies, there is a certain drive of your own, your own adrenaline, but still not the same, of course, live broadcasts have their own atmosphere, and i would like to repeat it, of course, yeah, but you ’re probably watching how our colleagues at the drb work, that is, have you noticed any changes, are you noticing evolution, what? more than 4 and a half years have already passed, how i moved away from television directly, like hosting programs and it’s very pleasant to watch the innovations that come to us on tv, in my opinion television has become even more efficient, more mobile, more sensitive in general to some needs of society, very relevant programs, current topics, guests who are interesting to listen to are always on the screens, and this cannot but rejoice.
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blocking it completely, but in general i can say that my attitude towards social networks , in principle, towards the internet, is very strong changed, which it was there in the eighteenth year after the competition, very easy, so positive and certainly very trusting, and i didn’t have any degree of skepticism towards the information that could come to me on the internet, now having already immersed myself in this topic and becoming possible even directly on...
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yourself to organize this information detox, because well, 22 years old, it seems to me that victoria was right, a girl cannot imagine without social networks, but here you had to make such a choice, and you well, they did it quickly, it seems to me right, but in real life there were cases when you were threatened, i think your car was damaged, but how have you forgiven these people already, i don’t know, maybe i’m too...
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he got lost, if it does not create, but destroys, by the way, they found all your offenders, but they never found them, that is, we can only sympathize with them virtually, but your pages still, well, one was blocked, you didn’t try again, i tried i managed to restore it once, but it literally took a week to telegram channels of a certain meaning , information has again appeared that marya vasilyevich was reinstated on instagram again, she is on... and what do you think, our legislative power, now she understands, she is already ready to work with the internet, we are already approaching the next choice with awareness what awaits us, what kind of tsunami in the telegram channel? well, this area is not easy, because it is constantly being modernized, and revision of legislation is constantly needed, during the period of my work in the seventh convocation of parliament, we
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looked very closely at this part, the law on personal data was also revised, and... it is very difficult to protect 100%, because these mechanisms that are constantly adapting to new laws, they are vague, you know, i ’ll interrupt you a little, masha, we are always we protect personal data, at the same time we are obliged to post it everywhere, there’s such a dissonance here that i don’t know how to resolve, well, here i probably don’t want to shift everything to the states and ask them to write us a law that will will protect, here i would probably like to ask citizens.
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thank you, but, of course, there are no secrets, unfortunately, there will be no resonance here, if we talk about some of my routine, then it was i who understood the value of sleep, and of course, the absence of instagram helped me fall asleep earlier, perhaps this was also a big plus, one useful property of not having instagram, you have more time for yes, plus a healthy psyche, because social networks, no matter how often they are used? they rock, well, in general it’s simple - to love life, probably, and to love the world, and if you look at this world with love, with kindness, then your eyes will glow and you will always be young, maria, thank you very much for today’s conversation, thank you for coming to our studio, it’s a shame that this happened only now, but we will meet again and again to see in reality, how will
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the adopted law work with your light hand, well, let all your dreams. about new places, about new work, about new projects, will definitely come true, we will meet with you on other media platforms. i wish you success, happiness, healthy creative development. thank you. despite any external life circumstances, we have always had the wisdom to preserve this love within ourselves and remain human. masha, you complimented our , first of all, love in our hearts and that the pictures were drawn by artificial intelligence, but we, in turn, ask you to leave some kind of good wish for us in our program with pleasure, make your
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way with an open heart, great . thanks to government support , several government programs were carried out in the region.
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in 20 additional years, thanks to scientific research, more than 100 thousand human lives have been saved, so this is part of the country’s national security. 6, who finance, arm, lead the terrorist regime in kiev, do not notice its terrorist attacks, well, because they did all this, first used ukraine, literally wage a war until the last ukrainian, now they will fight the finns, swedes, poles, therefore joining nato for sweden and finland not only does not add security to it, it makes them suicide bombers, that’s lukashenko’s personal courage, his position saved him. the state, which means it saved millions of lives. project markov nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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midday news on belarus 1, studio vladislav bunder, hello, first, briefly about the main thing.


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