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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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it was then that the foundations were laid for creating a unique enterprise of its kind. today it is a brand of the republic, including thanks to the recreated technique for making the famous slutsk belts. weaving, woodworking, pottery, glass blowers, cooks, folk, national traditions, regional traditions. in the republic
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were widely used in the revival of local industrial enterprises. in january 1945, the bobruisk factory krasny pishevik already presented its famous product, which had become so popular back in pre-war period, bobruisk zephyr. it was difficult to imagine that the factory, of which practically nothing remained, was being restored.
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naturally, we looked at the raw material base, that there were a lot of trees, a lot of antonovka apples were grown, based on the raw material base, krasny bereg was not far away, where pataka was produced, slutsk was not far away, where sugar was produced, having the main components, so to speak, of marshmallows. the factory was quickly returning. itself a leading position in the production of these popular types of confectionery products. in during soviet times, we produced 62 tons of kanirsky products per shift, only at the level of the first workshop, in general the factory somewhere produced 82 tons per day. the babruisk tradition is preserved, passed on from generation to generation, which means that marshmallows are naturally recognizable. babruisky marshmallow is
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a handmade marshmallow, handmade consists in mixing the ingredients of sugar, natural applesauce protein, in small portions it is all deposited on wooden boards, then the marshmallow breathes for some time, then dries, today's products red food factories are still popular in... deliveries are made even abroad, america, israel, the uniqueness of this product is that it has retained its history of a hundred years ago.
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on the first saturday of january 1949 , belarusian radio announcers were preparing to go on air with a new program, a radio magazine on soviet belarus. he should talk about the most important events in the republic during the week. among the significant ones, such a long-awaited message stood out. during the bastards of the five-year period , the people's gaspadarka of the republic had a student new professions and specialists. 324 thousand workers and employees. the working class of the republic has grown and improved. the people 's gaspadars pay more than 100 thousand for the yago pramyslovastsi, from them the pramyslovastsi 345 thousand, the rural gaspadars - 66 thousand, at the ancestral enterprises of the myastsova pramyslovastsi - 23 thousand chalaveks. practical adnoўleny given ўlevel. geta was there.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today about how
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marketplaces work, what wildberry was tried for and how protect your online shopping? go! market place is an english word that translates as market, bazaar. nowadays , this is the name for online hypermarkets, where you can find different goods from different manufacturers, literally like on the market, only in the case of marketplaces, you don’t need to get off the couch to make a purchase. marketplaces differ from regular online stores in that you can buy everything there, from food to clothes to metal profiles and passon seeds; the online store sells goods of the same type or brand. examples: an online store of building materials, it has everything for... and repairs, there is belarusian, there is imported, but everything concerns construction, or the online store of the olesya factory, there are outerwear and uniforms, underwear, tablecloths, all of this is made from threads, everything belongs to one brand. the place market can sell a raincoat
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from alesya, ceramic tiles, marmalade from the red food manufacturer, and a laptop from horizon. the second difference is that online stores, as a rule, have real retail outlets, marketplaces. only points of delivery of goods, and the third the difference is the geography of sales; for marketplaces it is wider; they invest heavily in advertising and logistics, so they operate either throughout the country or in several countries. important: first, for our legislation there is no difference whether it is a marketplace or a modest online store. in terms of protecting the rights of buyers, the requirements for them are the same. secondly, shops on instagram and telegram, which, except on social networks, have no retail outlets anywhere, operate illegally, departments that keep records of instagram pages simply do not exist, prices these stores are low because they don't pay taxes, but they are illegal, as are the rights of their customers. there are schemes in which the owners
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of marketplaces themselves equip warehouses for goods, arrange delivery, connect buyers with sellers on their websites, and sellers only provide the goods. there are schemes in which... the market takes on only the function of a display window, customers pick up purchases from the sellers' warehouses, which means packaging, assembly and transfer of goods falls on them. how do marketplace owners make money? receive a commission from sales, sell advertising on the main page of the site, they promote products in search engines, that is, you google trousers from the company that paid the marketplace, they will jump above the rest, they insert the product into the advertising mailing via mail and sms. and, of course, they take money for beautifully designed seller pages. the most famous marketplaces used by belarusians: ali express, azon, la moda, xxi century, online, deal and, of course, wildberries. this name has become familiar in the news feed and
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comments over the past six months. willberries is russian marketplace, the management, which did not immediately accept the fact that any business in belarus will work. only according to belarusian laws only in the interests of our citizens. this trading platform appeared with us 10 years ago, to launch it here, the founders registered a legal entity in belarus and opened an online store. wilbury then became a subject of our economy, subject to our advertising and consumer protection laws. but in 2020, business owners began to conduct it through a russian legal entity, and buyers were deprived of the right to pay for orders after inspecting the goods. they began to take money in advance by bank transfer, which was then argued by the fact that the coronavirus spreads through the banknotes. then there were several switches between legal entities. in august twenty-two , wilburys began operating again as a belarusian company, and already in september the site began charging money for returning goods, and this
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shocked customers. when it comes to clothing, the real color and density of the fabric often differ from what we see in the photo. the size chart is dancing, because buyers order several things to choose the right one. the return cost ranged from two to 4 rubles. and losses on it discouraged any desire to buy. example: you found a turtleneck for 40 rubles, ordered four pieces of two sizes in two colors, one of the colors turned out to be not the same as in the photo, one of the sizes did not fit, you took one turtleneck in a decent color and your size and are obliged to pay for return of three more pieces, 3 rubles for each, total 9 rubles for return, that is, for air, this is 25% of the cost of your item, in fact, you pay for the fitting, why not? the laws of our country do not imply, and according to them a person has the right to return an unused item within 14 days from
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the date of purchase, and this does not require any special reasons that the buyer has changed his mind enough. in return they are obliged to give him exactly the amount he paid, and not a penny less. in the case of a return, the person received an amount reduced by the cost of returning the order, which in itself is a gross violation of the law on the protection of consumer rights. if payment was made after fitting, then the company legally unjustifiably withdrew money from the buyer’s card. belarusians began to complain to the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade, also known as march. there, wildberries issued an order to stop taking money for returning items. the owners removed the feature, but didn't last long. before the new year , there was a flurry of orders and on december 9, 22 , there was a paid return of goods. returned, people again reacted with justifiable anger and complaints. on december 13
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, a representative was invited to march. he signed protocol on the violation and a new requirement to eliminate it. i signed it, but nothing changed. after this, the belarusian department drew up a second protocol stating that the trading platform ignored the law. and with these two protocols, the specialists went to the court of the frundinsky district of minsk. why there? because in this. and january 17, each was reviewed according to the protocol. wildberry was fined on both counts, nine for the first and 10 bases for the second. alexander lukashenko is firm in his convictions and decisions, especially when it comes to injustice towards to people. the head of state instructed the state control committee, also known as the state control committee, to sort it out. situation so that it does not come up again, what exactly the guys from kgc told the cunning legal entity
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is unknown, but the notices that the return of goods is paid disappeared from personal accounts, and most importantly - 124,000 belarusians received on their cards the money that was withdrawn from them for returns of goods in the last month and a half. if you decide to first confront the offender via the internet, you need to write to an email. box, which is listed on the marketplace website in the contacts section. the platform is obliged to promote the protection of consumer rights. wildberry, for example, likes to send everyone to a chatbot that cannot answer any serious questions. but few people know that in the contacts section wildberries have an email address that is read not by a virtual blank, but by a living person. correspondence must be saved; screenshots will also serve as evidence of your request. the same applies to correspondence in instant messengers with sellers. if a written appeal remains unanswered, you need to contact your executive committee, there is always
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commissioner for consumer rights protection, if they didn’t help, go to the regional executive committee, then march. many people do not know about the protection system through executive committees and immediately write in march. difficult cases remain there, simple cases are sent to executive committees. if the seller turns out to be uncompromising, you will have to go to court. important: first, it is better to refuse attempts to resolve the situation with... over the phone immediately, such an appeal cannot be used in court, time is running out. secondly, you should not believe the seller’s talk about the lack of money, promises to give it through a couple of weeks, perhaps it’s in the liquidation stage and in a couple of weeks it won’t be worth asking. third, if you file a claim in court for consumer protection, you do not need to pay for it; in belarus it is free, so that everyone can protect their money and rights to quality purchases. the executive committee will help a person file a claim , and this is also free. if
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the marketplace operates through a russian legal entity, you can write to rospotrebnadzor, and if the case goes to court, the person himself can choose where the hearing will take place in belarus or in russia. in general, belarus has the most advanced laws in the eu in the field of online trading; now the eurasian economic commission is working on an agreement that will regulate the general rules of this market. if we are talking about very distant ones. sellers, for example, aliexpress, here lawyers cannot yet protect us, violators are too far away, but with this platform they rarely happen, the platform itself returns money to buyers, don’t bother. over the wishes of unscrupulous businessmen. now let’s fix it: before the laws on advertising on the protection of consumer rights in belarus, all stores are equal. do not delay the exchange or return of goods. the sooner you submit your application, the faster your money will be returned. you need to start communicating with the trading platform not with a chatbot, with email or paper mail. a
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consumer rights claim can be filed free of charge. you need help in dealing with an unscrupulous seller. contact the city executive committee, regional executive committee, mart or consumer rights protection society. don’t be afraid to contact the department and ask questions; answers to them solve many problems. don't be fooled the price of the product, perhaps it will be the cost of your nerves, and do not draw conclusions about such a convenient method of trading as marketplaces based on a negative experience with one unscrupulous platform, because there are many more of those who do not cause any complaints. i'm marina karaman and how to protect yourself while shopping on the internet, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you!
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. territories of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands , germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus , austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish
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satellite express am8. the tv channel signal is broadcast. in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus-24 tv channel and discover belarus. the belarusian economy is experiencing gdp growth dynamics in the green zone. drivers industry and trade. let me remind you that at the end of the twenty-third year, the growth of industrial production was generally the maximum in a decade. a third leader has been added - agriculture. the export potential of belarus is presented in uzbekistan; the usfood exhibition in tashkent brought together almost four hundred companies from 26 countries. belarus is in the top five among foreign exhibitors for comparison to this top five in terms of the number of companies represented at the forum. also included germany, türkiye, russia, china. the launch of a spaceship was, of course, a fantastic spectacle; it was
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impossible to tear yourself away from the screens; it seemed that at that moment the hearts of all belarusians were beating in unison. marina vasilevskaya was chosen to join the main crew. out of several thousand applicants. the unesco monitoring mission assessed the consequences of the construction of the barrier in belovezhskaya pushcha. what conclusion did the experts come to? experts have confirmed the negative impact on the reserve’s ecosystem. belarusian scientists are trying to minimize environmental damage that applied to belovezhskaya pushcha. it is expected that the unesco world heritage committee will consider the mission's report and its recommendations in july at its 46th session. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting ones. for facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on belarus 1 the news is now in the studio. hello. preparations for the all-belarusian people's assembly are at the finish line. there is less than a week left until the most important political event. willingness for the forum of all involved tim.


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