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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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moreover, according to abc tv channel, israel is unlikely to strike back before the end of the jewish holiday of passover, which begins on the evening of april 22 and will last until april 30. in sweden , children were allowed to change gender without surgery. parliament has voted to pass a law that will make it easier for teenagers aged 16 and over to legally change their gender without surgery . the changes will take effect on july 1, 2025. according to opinion polls, 59%. swedes did not support such a law, only 22% considered it correct, but nevertheless politicians could not resist the trends of the new european fashion. thousands of lightning bolts, lava flows and an ash column 21 km high in indonesia, the ruang volcano began to erupt. the airport on the island of sulawesya is closed and about 30,000 people are being evacuated. the cause of the eruption, experts say, may be a recent earthquake. after two natural disasters.
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the world's largest island nation could be expecting a third in the form of a tsunami. this warning was issued in the region. the book girl from belarus entered the top 15 reads in brazil. this is reported by belarusian mit. the action of the fantastic story by the popular brazilian writer blondina franco takes place in our country, somewhere between drugya and braslav. the girl’s secret and the reasons for her connection with belarus are revealed only on the last pages. the heroes have weasels at home. a crow and even a platypus, an important role for the four-meter bear nikolai, and in the fictional world of the brazilian writer in belarus there is access to the sea. and from fiction to the real world, where we continue to monitor developments. details already at 3:00 pm, from my colleagues, stay on the first button.
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a weekly socio-political top show , today our focus is on the work of regional leaders, not only, let’s talk about newspapers, television, telegram channels, what you read or don’t read, what you trust or don’t trust. point the screen of your smartphone at it and go to the youtube broadcast, write all your comments and suggestions, we will definitely consider and discuss them, well, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, you will learn more about what kirill and i are thinking, join us and good evening, hello. well, look, you
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have set the trend of recent times, when any person, pointing his smartphone at the screen, can express his opinion, it will appear here here, in fact, he becomes a journalist, we joked a little over the air that, in principle, we have all people in belarus know how to do three things: play football, cook and , well, make television, because we work on television and... naturally, this story also concerns regional media. it seems to me that in fact, perhaps, here and in the capital it is hard for us to see that the regional media are not deservedly, either forgotten, or respected, or to some extent they, in principle, do not have the same status in our country. which, in fact, in theory there should be. here are some small statistics, as of march 1, 2020 in the country. 41 television programs, that is, in fact, 41
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television channels and 79 non-state, 28 radio programs and 51 television programs, well, how many of them do you know, well, yes, and we have 367 newspapers in our country, in fact, if suddenly there count with your fingers, then we'll call it ten, maybe here.
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it is precisely from the thinking of the consumer that traditional media have a place to exist, they are also not bad, we are not arguing here, they should exist, and these are, in principle, more regional newspapers, but what should regional and republican media do, they need to hit the target in order to reach hearts our readers, our audience, that’s why in the twentieth year we took a big risk, that’s the only way to say it, they really looked at us and didn’t understand what they were doing, and so, well... it’s accepted and so understand correctly who we are working for, yes, for what audience, if we divide the periods of your work before and after your transformation, has the audience for which you worked fundamentally changed, and if so, how, the audience that was , she didn’t leave, yeah,
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i can definitely say this, the audience that wasn’t there came to us, it’s clear, we continue to conquer markets, now we’ve even reached the russian audience.
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topics, so this always causes resonance in the russian federation, but we can reach and to the old roads, for this there is not only a newspaper, because, as you said, kirill, minsk pravda is not just a newspaper, it is a modern media holding, and for this we have i call them micromedia, these are social networks, blogs , information sites that are not always positioned with minsk pravda cover the local regional population, i’ll add a little to the topic about russia, vadim would like to talk to you about this.
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information and, well , there must be a media head who can identify some kind of information in the district administration position, develop the right agenda, a compromise between not being. loudmouths and at the same time be able to highlight some pressing issues; without sensitive topics, the media will be dead. sash, you ’ve been closely acquainted with the stv tv channel for a long time, we worked together, you were then in our gomel bureau, we studied with you on your materials, well, i’ve grown up, well , i’ve grown up and my development as a journalist, among other things, i always do. they said, well, when we asked there to film some material, because well, i’ll explain for our
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audience that it is not always convenient for a journalist from minsk there and there is an opportunity to travel, say, to the region, that is, from the point of view of saving time, plus we always knew that the journalist is on site, in the region, he knows it better than we do from here, that is, what are we doing, we’ll call someone there , we’ll find out somehow, it will take a lot of time, ideally , a regional journalist is the person who knows everyone there and him... everyone knows, that’s how much, let’s talk about the present , yes, but first about the past, that’s how difficult it was do mm, critical materials and after these critical materials work within the field, well, speaking personally about my experience, the experience of a correspondent, thank you for your kind words, but i don’t remember a single case when it was difficult for me, because, probably, the question ... in the way you approach work, if you don’t deceive people, if you tell them the truth, then they
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sometimes grit their teeth at you, but they also meet you halfway, and it’s not always possible to build this dialogue with everyone, and for it takes time, today is fast time is changing, look how our media has changed in 3 years, these are drastic changes , we are now in the period of life of correspondents, journalists... our professions are minimal, a guy came to our television studio a year and a half ago, during these 18 months he received one of the main awards for young journalists, he has already completed his career in state journalism, now everything is much better, is it good or bad, you know, there is ambiguity in your words, there is neither good nor bad, such a time you need to be able to negotiate, you need to be able to negotiate, if a dialogue can be built, then work results. for the benefit of our state, for the benefit of our society, if this, if
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people do not hear each other, no matter who they are, in high offices or a journalist with great experience, if there is no dialogue, no understanding, nothing good will come out , that is, there is no difference, in fact, if a representative of the regional media and, say, a representative of the republican media comes to the same person’s office, that is, if he is not in the mood for dialogue, then he ... with neither one nor the other will not to talk, or is there still this moment of, well, status, or what? well, you’re like ours, so why are you going to scold us? let these minsk people come, forgive them, but it’s hard for me to say, i was always perceived as in minsk, because i worked for the capital’s television company, so in my case it made no difference whether alena syrova, kirill kazakov or dobriyan came , that’s why everyone knew that the material would be weighed and where it needed to be. there they will scold you, but where you have to say that the guys did a great job, then so it will be said, kiril, this is very important, there may
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be an error, firstly, regional media, as a rule, receives support from the local budget, if they receive partial or profit, good, but working in the region and on the topics of the region there will be a very incorrect interaction of the most administration with this media, if this is some kind of confrontation, then the question should be b... different, on the contrary, this critical, partnership relationship and this critical agenda need to be jointly identified, there is a problem, we don’t need to give it to our opponents have the opportunity to speculate on this problem, but to pose it correctly, find a response from the reader and solve this issue, this is how the president works, look, have you seen any serious meeting with the head of state, when there is no credit agenda, there is one, but we the goal is not to scold or criticize someone, but to develop a solution to achieve it effectively.
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they just hype on the information they provide, what we, the regionals, are doing, we will talk about the problem, but we will give the answer, what will happen and what will happen when the problem will be solved if there is no water. we’ll tell you when she asks me a question, well, what can i hide, i’m also the editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper minsk courier, so i perfectly understand all your problems, what we’re talking about, and you know what i’m saying, but on the other hand , i understand perfectly well that all the same, the regional press to some extent depends on the authorities, this is absolutely normal, yes, but if here we are in minsk, because we work among
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the big media, plus everyone, many journalists really have great authority, have the right to partnerships. i ’m very afraid that this is not happening in the regions, if you have this, that’s great, that’s very good, because that ’s exactly what they’re trying to achieve, for example, my last conversation was with the ministry of information about holdings, because when holding, for example yours, and larisa, when it unites several districts at once, and the head of the district, he seems to think that this is our newspaper, but on the other hand, i can’t call him on the carpet and scold him, right well, it turns out a kind of independence, you have this independence in shklov, you have it in shklov.
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i can say that we are not read if the newspaper, the regional newspaper shock front, today every fourth resident of the shklovsky district receives it. these are more than 5,000 copies, 5,500 copies that are distributed throughout the district, specifically, i know that i read the newspaper, i hear, i listen to people’s opinions, what can we say if we are on tiktok, our regional-scale videos about how much our young specialists receive, how work in agriculture, receive more than millions of views, how can we talk about what we have? they don’t think so, our television has videos, there are programs that are watched, and we work to be watched, there are people there, again, now, if we say that the region is not developing, look how many analytical materials have appeared, and how many programs we create so that they are analytical, so that together with our people we think, reflect, analyze, so
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let’s go a little to the mogilev region let's twist it from the point. vision, well, maybe a little sociology, but who is trusted more? firstly, i liked it, once we were talking with one of the regional journalists, she said the following phrase: today we are fighters of the first world information war, this is the phrase and the fact that today journalists understand that they are on the front line today, that today you need to be able to attack, and not just defend, this is in the mentality of our people, but we are not used to it, it is especially common to insult and fake in the public space, but today we set the tone by according to. our dimension, today the state agenda is formed by truly regional and state media, today they killed all our opponents, and most importantly, i want to support our regional press, today from there, because they have hunger from our opponents, they take the same critical publications, which we actually see today, and the number has increased, and their quality, shows that
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dasha, what is the most important feature, that we ourselves can ask and solve these ourselves questions, so as for sociology,
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with vladimir putin there in the russian federation, then there is still some state level, here are some regional issues, local ones, they are somewhere a little lower in small print, well, in
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general , frankly speaking, you can read about what is happening globally in the country on belti, you can watch television, after all, well, in my opinion, when a person turns to the regional media, he wants to find out some local news. alena alexandrovna, i would say this here, that’s it good in moderation at your level, we are talking today not only, let’s say, territorial media, or local media, they are an element of the system, we need to approach this a little differently, at the top of the pyramid are our republican media, no matter what we say , but based on the information that has just been given to us, by proxy, by trust, by drawing information and so on, this is exactly how it is. regional media is the basis on which the country lives, and it cannot be abandoned in any way, the building will collapse if it is removed the lower part, namely, regional media,
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regional media, they reach every person, because no matter how we say that we are a great country from the point of view of the internet, there are people who do not use it, there are quite a lot of them, and that information that is once posted in the media at the district level , it allows it to reach everyone, this is the phrase, the narrative that is implemented specifically by the media at the district level, and i really liked the phrase about shklov, about the shklov component, 5.500 human looks, yeah, they know about it, that is , they believe them, trust them, and let us have this part, which, by and large, is somewhere around 200 regional-level media outlets, which ones? they weren’t, but they come to every home, they give the opportunity to every person who doesn’t, doesn’t write out soviet belarus, doesn’t write out the star, and we have
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people like that, but who listen to the radio, he reads about himself, he reads about his home , he reads about his neighbor, and this is already a big deal, these are not only informational components, but this there are also educational components, i would like to say here, it is this function that is very important at the regional level, and this... we must not forget, i’ll add a small phrase that today all regional publications are practically present on the internet, through media outlets, through social networks, here let’s say in the magilev region, over the past year the coverage of subscribers amounted to more than 700 thousand people, it is clear that somewhere they overlap with each other, but nevertheless by 78%, thanks, among other things , to their work, new forms, sharp videos, and challenges once and pay attention attention that there is mutual understanding, mutual enrichment, we are talking about regional media, no, they...
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naturally, living in the region or in minsk , a person will take the central media the same belt, but there is news that will never be seen in life, so i vadim about this is what i’m saying, what happens is that dubbing happens. well, that is, of course, i’m a person far from the layout of newspapers, but if kirill corrects me here, that you still need to take up a certain number of pages, and
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instead of... looking for some local news, we open and take it there, well, the most important thing there is the state agenda, well , the president will always be quoted, no one will even scold here, sorry that you didn’t add something there, didn’t show it, so it’s easier than work, give what -this is all general news, so i think it’s local, and some of these nuances, you also need to look for them, but great, here’s alena, you’ve almost answered... those questions that can happen at any moment appear in the audience, those who listen to us, a person creates involvement through the local media, and here it turns out that this is exactly what unites our people, dear friends, there are those who see what is happening in minsk, what is happening in the world, it exists, it is a little bit at the local level in some -it’s passed in the newspapers, you want to see more, you looked at soviet belarus, looked on the internet, but if you
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want to know: how your neighbor lives, to see your face or your mother, grandmother, here it is, this is a concept, a person knows that he is not out of touch, he lives in the information space, and you all help him to feel part of the whole people of belorskogona said that some are not finalizing their work, remaining only on the republican agenda, but that’s just it, it is still being refracted, colleagues, can i add, of course, we are now, i’m saying, i emphasize that we have changed qualitatively, and even that republican...
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media figures in the country, you - as if there is more trust in them, when our program, which is what you are talking about, has just begun, the project has been coming out for 2 years already, the following concept was taken: we let's take one very famous a person who is trusted 100% and we take someone of our own, today our own people often act as those who are trusted 100%, we cooperate with parliament, with deputies of all levels, we...
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he can represent someone’s stories, and what’s going on there, but he won’t know, listen, well, you yourself, when you proposed conditional topics for reporting, you knew what worries you more at the moment, maybe it seems to us that there’s i don’t know, work industry, and you know for sure that now the whole city is discussing there you will fall from the cat, and then we all have it, but we don’t have it, but we don’t talk about it or don’t know, the pinsk ones are already working well, where do so many bad media come from, well, here we are all talking about how everyone is working, we are talking about that’s what we’re saying, yes, that is, that is, the point is not that how good or bad we are, i won’t even talk about the fact that when we touch on regional topics, here in our program some
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district leaders send letters, why we said this, and i once again remind you about mr. or comrade tikhanovsky, who used this very topic in his political bob. when we start this whole thing to quietly tighten up and lay down, everything is fine with us, everything is fine with us, and even worse, as they say from a sore point, when the stv channel is still like the capital’s television and even though it’s mine republican tv channel, but we keep our finger on the pulse of life in minsk in our region, and recently my colleagues were doing material for the final program, drove through and simply checked how they completed it or how they moved on dead center situation. the problem is work, including the western and minsk regions of the whole country and the main media every day i watch much more than
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our regional and republican ones, because it is very useful for experience, the main problem is the presence of a bunch of reports, if they send any reports services, then for some reason it appears in these newspapers. well, when we were preparing for this program, of course, we wanted to cover as much as possible all levels of the media, all regions, unfortunately, our fourth region did not reach us, well, they are probably very busy, but in general, i wanted to talk to them about the telegram channel, because in my opinion, this is one of the most successful of these...
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and it’s half past twelve and so on and so forth , but that’s it - when we talk about the region, it seems to me that it’s unfair to limit ourselves there only to some such narrowly focused news, yes, that is , it’s worth talking about something different, but what we ’re talking about here is that there are probably different options, different cases, there are telegram channels, there are tv channels, so here’s how to find the one balance, because it’s fair, vadim immediately says, if we...
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please, well, our founders, yes, they asked you, you published it all, but any information, even dry, can be presented in a completely different way, you can making infographics out of boring numbers will make them sparkle in a new way.
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look, we’ve been arguing a lot here about the difference in the approaches there, the republican media and the local media, well, from your point of view, what is missing, is there this very conflict between the local authorities and journalists or peace and blessings of god ? maybe, i can’t speak for all regions of the country, it may be
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different, i myself, not being the editor of a regional newspaper, more than once had to stand in line during the parade, because and not even because it was, well, let’s say the desire of the district head, well, just who - after the issue is published, he will run to the right of the first report, and you are already forced to make excuses, but again, the personality of the leader, the editor-in-chief then comes.
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russian problem, believe me, we are not talking about the fact that this is our specificity, they can raise the issue at a staff meeting in any country in the world, first, my colleague says correctly, no one, not a single regional leader will set a task for you, make uninteresting boring media with the wrong photo, that’s absolutely great, why do you need this report, it’s impossible to read, there was a session of the minsk city council recently and one of the speakers had a great seminar, that’s all, but one of the speakers... i say, here you are reading a report on the development of minsk to the deputies and
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no one understood anything, because they were all monotonous lectures, although in general everything was excellent, here on the budget they gave me a color brochure, infographics, everything is clear, generally useful, but one of the speakers presented it all as a boring lecture from 1972, it was a minus, a small one, overall 10, but this small minus, the same right now we are talking about the media, firstly, effective, high-quality presentation of information is very important, because no matter how important... the idea may sound, if it is presented ineffectively, the tv will be switched off or the newspaper will be closed, secondly, that’s right, which means i’m pointing out again please note, we do not have a task for everyone like it, but what is ours, alena was absolutely right, a positive agenda, show the problem, but show how we will solve it, and the most important thing that alexander grigoryich lukashenko does not like is fraud, how many times have we seen when they tried to paint the grass , somewhere there to show... that everything is fine, and then a dead cow lies there in the mud, and it was all
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revealed, and then there are more problems, then people in uniform rode, excuse me, or in a serious position to manage completely different issues, so they are still short-sighted those leaders who want to comb the media very strongly should be the quintessence, which means identifying problems and a constructive agenda, which is why they are now refusing, i’m finishing up on extremist resources, too, the population. tired, just dirt, everything is bad, they won the competition, they don’t want it either, they want a constructive agenda, but they want to talk about what our media has indicated that not everywhere the roads are the best in the world. was holding a large seminar in minsk, and then a story was told that it is necessary to regional newspapers should have a critical
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agenda, and in my opinion, they even named a figure, wait, they showed the percentage, and so, at the last program, when we talked about rural areas. farms, one of the participants , when asked directly, what is your livestock death rate, he answered me: it is within the permissible limits, that is, not an exact figure, within the permissible limits, but here it is, that is, well, this is the approach he told me it’s kind of a little confusing, igor vladimirovich, didn’t it happen that with the increase in this indicator, roughly what is it 20%, well less of course, critical materials simply did not finish this one.
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and there really are no problems that would be worth paying attention to in a regional newspaper, that’s how topics are selected, how your agenda is formed, well, you’re working like a pig, no, well, i’m interested, well, the journalists themselves bring it, some kind of brain assault, i don’t know, or you bring information to them, maybe anything, we monitor the situation, just look at the topics, as if to say, well, the puddle in some area is no longer filled up, we are no longer talking about it, and i’m not just talking about criticism, i'm even talking about good, well, let's do it already.
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about your neighbor, about your leader , or about the person who lives on the next street, maybe this is a little off today, maybe you shouldn’t give it up, you definitely need to write about a person specifically, well, now we’re writing, but forgive me , well, we write about people, not about dogs, not about cats, we have another example, we also have bots, of course, yes, where
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people can contact anonymously, but in their regions, where there are our regional newspapers, which joined us, we have chats. each village council has its own chat, and there people simply communicate with each other, and from there we learn about all the problems and help them solve them, including the chairmen of the village councils, who don’t always like what they write there, but here’s laris, look, again, this is a plus of the regional press, there is a lot of information that editors-in-chief and journalists learn, it doesn’t end up on the air or in the newspaper, because we solve it on the fly, this is true, because there are a lot of things that come, we simply decide so for in order to. then remember about it, but there really is such a story, sasha, you also have 100%, uh, how journalistic is this, because, well, look, we, wait, in this case we are not really journalists, yes, but as far as this is journalistic, well, i think that it’s absolutely journalistic, on the one hand, the media’s
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task is to give the media a platform to speak out, but if i see that the solution to this problem is not worth a damn, as they say , then why? yes, that is, it’s kind of the same 26 minutes news release, they are very limited, there are a lot of things that need to be said in these 26 minutes, if i know that one call will solve this problem just once or twice, why distract people, in principle, and i think that this is quite myself as a journalist from the point of view that we will return to this topic, we will come to this person when it is necessary to show the work that it basically works, you know, that’s the fact that... i can call this the issue will be resolved not because i am a journalist or the head of a television and radio company, because that’s how it works system in this particular area, i'm just demonstrating to the person that it works , you know?
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which, in principle, is unsolvable, so here , uh, of course, we approach depending on the situation, but i can only say that i noticed
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this tendency, if a person does not trust or cannot resolve issues through his local district newspaper, then it will already go to the regional one, perhaps then it will go further if we don’t help, that is, not in every district, let’s be honest, people believe that the newspaper will solve their problem, but there is a number of regions from where... similar questions will not come only because there is a strong, strong editorial board that will close the issue at its level. how are things going with your staff? well, this is probably a sore problem for everyone, i can say how, uh, now the zarya holding has included three regional newspapers, yeah, and we just segregated the content, essentially, the agenda, the analytical agenda, the regional agenda, uh, to some extent the critical one was taken over by the regional newspaper. yeah, local newspapers, firstly, their coverage has decreased, and significantly decreased, but the most interesting thing is that
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there was more local content when we analyzed one of the newspapers, those that were part of our composition last year, it was published in a weekly format on twenty pages, but yes, they immediately raised a cry about how they could cut the newspaper down to eight pages, if we were such a large , respectable publication, but excuse me when we began to analyze the belta here. which completely closes the dawn of god, here, that is , what was already talked about, dubbing, outright dubbing was in progress, it turned out to be original content only three pages, now they write, if we take away the first one, which goes under photos and one, which goes under advertising, they need to create six pages of original content per week, twice as much, and at the same time the region receives not 20 pages, and 24 pages of the regional newspaper, plus 8 district 32 pages. publications and the price are not significantly different, our situation is completely different, for example, we do not reduce the number of pages for our regional
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publications, which are included in our composition; on the contrary, we increase it, and if there initially if there were 30 materials in the newspaper, then there are 70 of them, and the editors manage to do this very well, they have something to write about, there is a lot of news in every district, you just need to pick up your feet and go out to people, that’s all. i started my work on the stv channel in the program metropolitan details, well, the most important thing that is not the local city program, i was taught to work then by ekaterina zabenko, the person who is associated with this city like no one else and now hosts a talk show, in general - it’s a big city, she also said that if you can’t bring any news, then you’re not working well, that means.
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i don’t need to find out, let’s say, there is state news in a printed publication, yes, i only want to know some local ones, i’ll buy something more subtle, listen, well, we should also praise, so i’m happy with the minsk media, here we are regional media in minsk, yes courier minsk, minsk news, evening minsk, what a huge circulation, capital television is regional media, which means the city works well, but we are a rich city minsk, the capital, and somewhere i am andrey krivosheev, my friend, the head of the union of journalists, calls us and says, support the local media, give an interview, i always, when i have time, help any local media, communicate, there are journalists who
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already know, you can, when you can call, so listen,
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doctors, corresponding correspondents, because there are correspondents who are recognizable, respected friends, why are they recognizable, because they are professionals, because they know how to reach out, bring news, reach their listeners, with them communicate, and now we are talking about the fact that you can’t lead everyone with the same brush, in one area it’s better as an option, maybe radio will work better, it’s possible,
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and develop it, but for this, let me finish, don’t go bronze and sit down, i am a great media, do the math, ask science what topics are being discussed, do the appropriate research, travel, run, talk to people, and you will see what needs to be done, and most importantly, do not leave this field, this is a battlefield no matter what we say there, they howl at it with all available means,
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therefore, dear friends, how... i don’t know, within the framework of our program, i ca n’t identify some i didn’t fully answer the previous question about personnel, but i’ll probably start with this still , there are not enough normal, normal personnel, of course, well, this problem here was not born today, this problem has been going on, probably since perestroika times, when this middle age left the editorial office, only old people remained, young people remained, in reality now we
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see again - after all. there are already people who they are approaching retirement age and young people come who are already readers of the same newspaper, they speak completely different languages, that is, after all, no matter how we say it, the printed version remains, but the printed version. this is for people of the middle, older generation, they expect information of a certain type, young people, this is information, this is a problem, young people cannot give them this information, they just don’t mean anything to them , some names don’t mean anything, i have a journalist coming to do an interview with a person - a woman called and said: i have an interesting interlocutor there, she knew the function, i give a task to a journalist, but i see her last name doesn’t say anything, well, can she google it? technology today, you also have a lot of journalism right away, you can google well, another situation is also a young journalist who declares a topic, for example, well, that is, this is another region, this is the outback of the polesian
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brezskaya, she declares a topic for let’s say, well , what seems like a nail number, maybe one day without meat, how it will live and spend, that’s really what your neighbor is saying right now she has a problem in her office about where to put the milk.
2:04 pm
much better, we haven’t had such a department for a long time, i hope that this year we will have everything too, everything will be fine, well , if it happened during the last program, when we were summing up, yes, let me remind you, we were talking about
2:05 pm
the agro-industrial complex, we were stuck on discipline , or rather its absence, is here, but in my subjective opinion, we are talking about quality and sometimes its absence, this year we will repeat this word very often, kirill brought it up at the beginning of the program.


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