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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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was telling the truth, if anyone thinks that she was lying, i would like to say that today the heroine of our show, jeanette, actually spoke about herself in many details, which really shows her sincerity, but there was one moment when she they asked a question , she said that she would give an answer to it, later, she would come up with it, at some point the heroine forgot about it, apparently, you rarely lie, i’m generally a person, by the way, i’m very straightforward, who knows me, i’d better say, as it is, sometimes i get scolded for this, but then there won’t be any questions, jeanette, we have such a rule, the last word, always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, and today there were children sitting in front of me, so explain how you can be insincere with children, how can you not be real with children? so today in this room i
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had the feeling that i was sitting with all my children, they still look at us as adults, they take an example from us, so our main task is to be honest and real, because if we are let's not, how they grow up, this is already a responsibility, then it will be completely on us. singer jeanette was a guest today on the program 100 questions for an adult, see you in a week. basinkov, participant in the great patriotic war, soviet hero. union, senior
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sergeant, born in the village of vylevo, now dobruzhsky district, gomel region, into a peasant family. during the great patriotic war, he fought with the invaders at stalingrad, on the kursk bulge, in belarus, the baltic states, east prussia, and germany. mechanic-driver of the t-34 tank, 326th tank battalion.
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now the city limits of gomel, on the house where he lived, a memorial plaque was installed. profitable business in the cities, an enviable life in the capital, the countryside, the last century and generally something shameful, all this is nothing more than a modern glossy stereotype that moscow...
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case, since there is no desire to leave back, probably after all from luckily the mission is accomplished. in the old moscow life, from a cup of strong
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black coffee in a new village with healthy herbal tea, in general, here i am already switching to tea, herbal tea, which i collect myself, our guests are also very... man, i liked one phrase, i read on the internet, escape, escape from myself, well, maybe even escape from myself, i just wanted some kind of real, quiet life, in the box there are no traffic jams, no moscow bustle, everything is calm and measured,
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tatyana partly says, this is a minus, but the guests like it, the guests who come to us, they also note that it gives pleasure. immerse themselves in some kind of calm atmosphere and so on, that is , here too we are trying, in general, to help them with this in some way. she and her husband sergei once bought a house in the village as a dacha, i really liked the local landscape, when the default crippled business in moscow, the fishermen decided to start life from scratch, and so as not to regret later, and not done, they moved from moscow to belarus. it was quite difficult for a while. for about a year, it was probably difficult to get used to everything, because the way of life was completely changing. when we arrived here, the first thing my husband and i did was prepare everything so that we could live like in the city, that is, we installed hot water, that is, we have gas heating , immediately took care of
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so as not to be cut off from the world, that is, the internet, that is, we have high-speed internet, that is, we are not completely located in the middle of nowhere. and, accordingly , all the necessary necessities for a normal life, well, our house was about the same as our neighbor’s, a little better, of course, well, it was an old house, we decided to start reconstruction, we built a second floor, strengthened the foundation, today the house is in the scandinavian style, although the owners claim that they wanted to make a swiss chalet, visible from afar, but this is only the beginning, now we are planning to add an extension to the house, a winter option.
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well, this still evokes more respect than whining about the fact that someone didn’t give something to someone, someone didn’t do something to someone, you have to start first of all with yourself. smart and beautiful, she lived in china, switzerland and italy, knows several foreign languages, follows fashion and loves the theater, and then takes and exchanges the prestigious capital for a belarusian village, no one expected this from her, not even her friends. not relatives, we were not born somewhere to live up to expectations, so this is purely my opinion, yes, that is, i think that the main thing is that you find comfort in your soul, who would have thought that the most precious thing in the village, time is worth its weight in gold,
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cheesecakes don’t have time to get to plates, as tatyana calls her husband to the table, bon appetit, breakfast ends with the already famous herbal tea, here. here are linden and caramel mint, i grow caramel mint myself here on our site, tatyana not only grows it, but collects the missing ingredients in the local forests. i'm in at one time i almost stayed to teach at the department of pharmacognosy, that’s why ant herbs are all mine, and to be honest, when i first came here, i was amazed by the abundance of medicinal herbs here, it’s such bliss. you walk and see, please, dandelion, please, burnet, please, ivan tea, fireweed, urtioy, crappie, here at home, honored artist of
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belarus stanislav trifonov is called bareton number one. an artist is a person i don't know, well he can't be satisfied, then it will be interesting to watch, because even the desire to constantly, constantly win the attention of the public is a desire to do. and it’s better, since no one did, that is, in fact , this profession is built on ambition, so to speak, he is beautiful in every image, be it prince igor, tonio, the dutchman, rigaletta or escamilio, flowers, here are colleagues, applause, full hall , everything is sparkling, and you go into the dressing room, take off your suit, take off your makeup, come out, just like that, just like that, literally in two or three seconds to understand. this stage, it is empty again, the hall is empty, it is already dark, and here you are, literally here again - there was prince igor, and you
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are leaving already, this is stanislav trifonov. the hero of the program was awarded the state prize of belarus. i thought, wow, what should i do next, that’s all now, and i was very pleased that this work was, well, appreciated, that it was, as they say, in the public, and so was the state, so to speak. drew attention to my work, very... nice, watch it on friday on our channel. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. the volkovaya river, which flows through volkovysk , is one of the key pillars of this city. actually, volkovye in the slavic-baltic translation, wolf’s neck, hence also wolves. the students are all vsechienko, oleg pavlovich marushkin donated the gift to the art gallery working here, which. was painted by the artist in 1946. is traveling
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an opportunity to try something new? cherena, motherwort, but lafand, this is the first time i’ve seen such a plant. well, this too, this is cordial plants, here we have cardiovascular. so, dear friends, for your attention, a dish of belarusian cuisine in a low-calorie author’s interpretation. and, of course, he will include it.
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the greenhouse with tomatoes on the plot can be seen from afar, there are more than fifteen types of them , almost all of them are favorites, i love some of these fat ones, large tomatoes, well, because we cook a lot of juices and sauces, for pizza, in general , homemade tomatoes are an ideal option such a rich taste, we specially grow it - several varieties, so that for everyone buyer. for any guest, that is , children often come to us, and there are children
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who are intolerant, well, dietetics, unfortunately, of red pigments, we found a magnificent variety, i really like it, it’s called bog, there are tomatoes for canning, easter eggs , look, they are all almost the same shape, and to be honest, i am very impressed when everything is beautiful, when there are little paws in a jar, they are all the same, well, it seems to me that this is very good, this another variety, this is a dream a giant, that is, the first fruits of a giant’s dream, they were about one and a half kilograms, that is, you take things there and wash them, that is, such a convincing comrade, time flies in the greenhouse, lunch is just around the corner, and that means expecting guests soon, it is with this soft homely word, and to a cold official visitor, that she calls all the people who come to the estate, and they most often go for pizza, while tatyana rolls out the dough for 2000, remembering to the very
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first one, the boy immediately took it and photographed it right there posted it somewhere here local social network, all sorts of exclamations rained down, what a terrible pizza, what does it even look like, that’s understandable, that is, i think, well, it’s all a failure, my husband went and was worried. and then they ordered more, more, more, then there were some laudatory reviews, there were so many reviews that the admin began to ban, that is, new ones there... people not only from the village, but also from the city went to tatyana. we had up to 25 cars here in
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one day, that is, it’s true. they say that after this the only one. oops, let's go in, so my soul, tatyana hides, my husband and i came up with a pizzeria for a large flow of tourists, mstislavl is 4 km away, after visiting the churches there you can quickly stop by korobchino and have a snack, it’s no secret, our border is close to russia, and judging by
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last year we had quite a lot of guests specifically from russia, this is smolyan, this is from pochin. and the same muscovites came, well , this year all this audience remained abroad, well, there is a positive moment, well, like everywhere else, there are minuses, there are huge pluses, i am so disgusted and pleased that belarusians became more active, so tatyana managed to break another stereotype, no one believed that they would come to korobchina just to eat, well, not quite simply, tasty, because tatyana prepares her own pizzas. according to italian recipes, but with a belarusian flavor, instead of olives he adds cranberries, instead of pineapple - pear, and as they say, not a single guest has ever left hungry, that’s how this agricultural estate opened, we just had mutual friends, we came here, but how -i liked everything, they started coming here often, and have been spending their days here ever since birthdays, weddings and the most ordinary evenings,
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they vote for tatyana’s kitchen not only with their wallet, but also with their stomach, we can... go there from work, well, we work, the day is hungry, that is, call tanya there, tanya make dumplings, that’s it, there, the main thing is to call an hour in advance, half an hour in advance, so that we arrive, everything will be organized, why go anywhere else, if you can come here, the guests are full and happy, and tatyana has new chores, picking raspberries, this is one of my favorites, look what lovely, this is a wonderful variety, called a tour of raspberries. tatiana spends it with pleasure, it’s immediately obvious that this is the owner’s joy and pride. a berry is just a berry, half a berry. the number of berries and their impressive size are impressive. i love everything big, it’s mega-sweet, secondly, there’s just a wild amount of it, thirdly, the berry itself, well, when you look at it you’re already happy.
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these raspberries are simply beyond all praise. it's getting close to evening, so it's time. let's start with the cake, this is the signature dish of the estate, i always make cakes and they have always become an attribute of the agricultural estate, that is, it is already like some kind of our label, yes, that is, it is mandatory in in the perfumed garden there should be honey cakes with natural honey, with natural cream cheese with berries, this is not the first year that guests come to tatyana for evening gatherings with cake and herbal tea like...
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cakes, cheesecakes, nalistniki, cheesecakes, it seems that tatyana can cook, fry bake anything, and people appreciate it. and it has become a pleasant tradition that people come to visit us more than once; they always have something to offer. while everyone is eager to go to the golden-domed place and consider moscow registration as the key to success, tatyana moves to the village and never regrets his choice. today you can feel comfortable anywhere, but whether this place will become prestigious depends only on you, the main thing is to really want it, to believe in your strength and not to give up, then you will be broken. i hope today went very well for us, i really hope that we will not see each other for the last time, i will be very sincerely glad
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to see you in our estate again and again and again. the television news agency is open access, we have no secrets from our people. according to the control figures for the development of the national economy of the ussr for 1959, 1965, belarus will specialize in intensive dairy production. and beef cattle breeding, meat pig breeding and waterfowl breeding. by 1965 , meat and milk production should
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more than double. livestock breeders in belarus are doing a lot of work to increase the number of livestock and increase its productivity. on the mechanized pocket for pagaloi rychtuetsya grub for a special ration, here ўvakhodzіtsіtsіtsі bulba, cumbifeed, barley flour, trumpets, cassian, fish meal and salt. in the nearby future palesse camp special zoned meat zhivelagadouli. at the end of the five-year period, it would be possible to produce more than 1 million tons of meat, but today the cobrans were not in great need, they had a new life...
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yuts i ўpeўnіnаstі belarusian living waters in tym, which the new people are important for the creative work of yalavichyna. and i’m happy with the meat’s status, but not only with its external appearance, i’m glad. and i’m going to leave the final product, the problems here are true, but there are problems, and yes significant: the widespread use of advanced techniques in pig farming will help quickly solve the problem of a sharp increase in meat production. let's create an abundance of meat products in our country. belarus charmed them at first sight, the first thing in general, probably, when you get to the republic of belarus, you are impressed by
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the cleanliness, first of all, the cleanliness, neatness, now having lived here for 7 years, i understand that this is, in general, the merit of the people, so hospitable well, you don’t always meet people who are ready to give you everything, their soul is so generous. the system allows you to create tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms. complex things in simple terms. technical conditions usually
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mean that if the composition of the product changes, some new raw materials are used. that is, most often, specifications are in order to speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts. so, in the second half of the 16th century. and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. cycle
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films of the pearls of belarusian cinema and of course online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening.
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russia has elected a president for the eighth time, the first time this has been done by donbass and other new regions of the vast country. despite the provocations and the west’s attempt to discredit the election campaign, people went to the polls, thereby demonstrating to all those who disagreed the unity of russia. here true, i didn’t appreciate it or understand it, but this is just different, the regions that do not stop terrorizing ukraine, and these are the donetsk, belgorod, zaporozhye and kherson regions, have broken all the stereotypes of their ill-wishers. the average turnout was more than 90%. what are your hopes for today's elections? the end of the war, the end of the war. everyone's standards are the same everywhere, i just can't
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find anything here that doesn't match. adopted by law. in both russia and belarus we hold elections primarily for citizens their countries. and instead of the discredited meaning of the word democracy and other western props, we have another word - justice. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. about the unique features of the most ancient belarusian temples. on the vault we can.
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here to worship and, as it were , to come into contact with the mother of god, living people are now coming in large, large crowds , such prayer is happening here, but it’s scary to think how many people there are throughout i prayed at this shrine for two thousand years, look at the spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you, hello. preparations for the all-belarusian people's assembly are at the finish line with less than a week left before the most important political event; readiness for the forum of all involved is the topic today.


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