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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 5:35pm-6:01pm MSK

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i love condensed milk, and it’s just a holiday that we managed to get to the local plant, you will see with your own eyes how this delicious product and my dream are produced, but first sanitary processing, now we are going to production in the canning shop, and accordingly we need we need to pre -treat and go through hand treatment again. shoe soles, here we have a hygiene station, we are now being processed and passed through, now we have come to the canning shop, now we will look at all the main stages of the production process condensed milk with sugar, let's go further, let's go have a look, now we are in the equipment section of the canning shop, primary processing of milk takes place here, this includes milk purification and heat treatment.
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and from here the normalized milk is directly normalized, the normalized mixture goes into condensation, moisture is removed, milk is condensed, milk is mixed with sugar syrup, in principle, then the finished product is obtained, and how many liters do you get per day to process every day, every day the canning shop can process up to 300 tons of milk, the canning shop has.
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now we are in the packaging department, yeah, here the jars are labeled, placed in a corrugated box, and what is the most difficult thing in the production of effervescent milk, well, i think that brewing a high-quality product is the most difficult, the most, well, in general, all the stages seem to require skill, how many types of condensed milk we have, more than thirty types of condensed milk. i heard that you also have dried cherry, there is such a product, this we developed the product as part of the cherry festival, which is held in our city; using this equipment, a label is affixed to the jar, already a jar. with a label goes to
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be placed in a corrugated box, now we are in the department of packaging in small containers, here we pack condensed milk in doypack bags, this is an alternative to metal can packaging, that is, it is convenient for the consumer, the consumer likes it, well, i think it’s a very good idea, because when i lived in the gonistoil, we were usually only used to jar, but it's so inconvenient.
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this is mine, and this, these are ours, excuse me, read, there should be 24 things, yeah, read, okay, quickly, but we just wanted to try, but we seem to be carried away, but we are already overwhelmed, that’s it, let’s move on, eh then i’ll let you do something else, oh, oh, well, gayla, how do you like it? i think it was a great way to make our trip today. and you? oh, that's great too, now our life will be sweet, and no, you're back, it was an amazing trip, and i'm very pleased, uh-huh, well, well, guys, our journey is still ongoing, we will see you very soon, but for now, ciao, ciao, see you soon, goodbye.
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german newsreels show the drama of the first days of the war, blown-up airfield bridges, burning cities and villages, and the joyful faces of the fascists posing against the backdrop of the ashes of destroyed soviet equipment, footage of the advance of german troops across the territory of the ussr. materials of the interrogation of alexander nelidov. from the white migration headquarters capitan, captured on
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former polish territory, is well aware of the plans of the german command regarding the ussr. he took part in joint command and staff war games, which were being practiced so far... during interrogation , he told fitin that the germans expected to enter minsk 5 days after the start of the war. then the head of the ussr intelligence service could not believe what he heard, and did not want to. but nelidov was wrong by only one day. the belarusian capital was occupied on the sixth day of the war. in the first days of the week of the war, german intelligence officers captured a large number of documents from state security agencies and party archives. in brest, in grodno, they had at their disposal all the documentation of the nkvd administration. in minsk there are archives
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of the government house, part of the archives and documents of the people's commissariat of state security of the bssr. only one abwehr group 107 was at its disposal. appointed diplomat from ribentrop's inner circle. beyond suspicion. olga chekhova, actress. beyond suspicion. janusz,
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radivil. khosh in... he’s a karsikan, perhaps that’s all, but there is no reliable connection with them, there are still agents in countries not occupied by germany. letter train with internees soviet citizens, who were traveling from germany to neutral turkey through yugoslavia and bulgaria, got stuck in the balkans, in serbian nis, in early july. the invitation of the soviet diplomat valentin berezhkov to
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the compartment of baron von bothman, an employee of mid-germany, seemed strange, the assumptions were different, the situation was tense, two high-ranking diplomats. the german colony will be delivered to neutral territory on time and released, while the soviet colony will remain in german-controlled territory. there was no contact with moscow, but von bothman unexpectedly invited him to the table, took out a bottle of reinsky and two glasses from the cabinet. pouring wine, he said in a calm voice: “i have long been looking for an opportunity to talk with you, can i be frank with you, hinted that he represents circles not interested in the war with the soviets.” von botman clearly wanted to say
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something important, the proposal was accepted. the information received from von bothman was really important. the germans could defeat the ussr if the war lasted 2 or 3 months, but if they did not during this time. take over leningrad. the germans needed a blitz shout, but it failed already in the first days of the battles.
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there were fierce battles on the territory of belarus. from the memoirs of pavel sudoplatov, one of the leaders of the ussr foreign intelligence service. for us, who knew that the germans had problems with supplying the army, stalin’s directive to stand to the end in ’41 and ’42, and to stop the enemy at any cost, turned out to be natural and reasonable. the germans faced the prospect of a protracted war. at the end of june '41 , the first security officers also went to the german rear. special forces. they were formed literally in the field in mogilev, where on the night of june 25, together with the belarusian government, the people's commissariat of state security of the republic moved. on the first day of the war , a special one was formed under the people's commissariat of internal affairs of the ussr. a group for organizing reconnaissance and sabotage work through state security agencies in the german rear.
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tasks, conducting reconnaissance operations against germany and its satellites. organization of guerrilla warfare, creation of an agent network in the occupied territories. management radio games to misinform the enemy. the military unit of the special group was a separate motorized rifle brigade for special purposes. into this connection by decision of the central committee of the party. germans, austrians, spaniards, americans, chinese, vietnamese, poles, czechs, bulgarians and romanians. the basis was made up of famous athletes.
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report on the activities of reconnaissance and sabotage groups in the first weeks of the month of war in the occupied territories. special message of the bssr to the nkgb of the ussr on the results of operational work as of july 18, 1941. residencies have been created with reconnaissance and sabotage purposes. gomel region. a five -person female station led by an old, proven agent. agent shpilka will be used to communicate with the group, in case of failure
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, a reserve signalman lyusya will be selected, a station of five people under the leadership of agent ulrich with reconnaissance and sabotage purposes, created from youth aged 17-18 years, each station will have its own tasks, in the nkgb and the general staff soon began to send out operational messages. b good in a camouflaged room extending several meters underground, one could observe a picture unusual for the start of the war. an intelligent-looking young man, then opened a silver parcigar, the work of good craftsmen, with a spectacular movement, taking out a cigarette from it, then closed it, clearly dissatisfied with the way he was doing it. getting used to the image of a young writer who dreamed of moscow bohemia turned out to be not so easy.
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nikolai and yuri asked cross questions. under such names in the intelligence center that was located in the swamp, in the lyuban region, two representatives of the intelligence department of the general staff worked. what kind of underground anti-soviet center was created in moscow? why is he looking for a connection with subver? who is included in it? connections in military and party circles? why did they send him specifically? these questions must be answered very convincingly.
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here they received codes from our intelligence officers operating in western european countries, including germany, and these codes were transmitted to moscow. communication agents were received here. arrivals from western europe were instructed and sent back. on their places of work also transported scouts arriving from moscow to the enemy’s lair. the arsenal of the soviet intelligence services firmly included proven methods of fighting the enemy. enemy misinformation, radio games. the task is
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to bring into contact enemy agents who were actively beginning to operate in the ussr. operation failure. abvar's introduction of his agents into his structures. a new stage of a secret classified war began according to the laws of war. a year of quality for our company means, first of all, an increase in the model range for filling the sales markets and satisfying our consumers.
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i came to the minsk atlant refrigerator plant in 2001 to work in the refrigerator assembly shop. as an assembler. today i am the head of the refrigerator assembly department. in 2001 i was 19 years old. i guess i made a decision for myself that i would like to see how a large production works. and, probably, i still wanted to work, to see how our industry was developing. in 2001, we had about six product lines. for today day. about 20 products and almost 100 executions of these products, production over the 20 years of my work here, in principle, it was at least 30% automated. we have mastered a lot of work techniques, but also automatic equipment. the quality of this equipment
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has improved by an order of magnitude since the introduction of this equipment. when a new line of any of ours comes out. product, in any case, it is natural pride both for yourself and for the enterprises, but the most important thing is the team that is engaged in manufacturing this product. in the future, we are introducing an extensive line of refrigerators, this is the primary task, as a manager , the introduction of these new lines of refrigerators, but again, i repeat, this is the automation of the process, when at least 50-70% of us will be automated. production, it will make our life easier, our brand is respected and appreciated by people because this company has been operating for a very long time, so they are ready just for the name of atlanta. already in principle to purchase our equipment.
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only for our viewers we choose best routes. high city, as, according to chronicles, this place was called since the 15th century. and there are many attractions here. i'll try to tell you about everything. this is high and we begin to get acquainted and go on an exciting journey. by the way, previously there were several units in the city, water and power mills, and a little later even electric mills appeared. and many tourists claim that inside you can find the remains of wall paintings. i also met witnesses who wished to remain behind the scenes, but assured that sometimes during during the church service , large wings appear in the chapel. to show how unusual. wonderful, our country. the road between sino and shklovo is very picturesque in places , similar to an english park. this is an entry from the diary of catherine ii.
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there was once a stone catholic shrine here, which appeared on this place thanks to idviga tadeusz agininsky. consider that you have not visited sinoy if you have not tried the spring water. people come from neighboring areas and villages to buy it; they believe it has healing properties. watch the program cities of belarus on tv channel belarus 24. game, head. a show where they don't fight with physical force. may the strongest win. in the 22-23 fa cup match between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee showed an unusual red card. its peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not distinguish colors. what exactly is its specificity? a show where the main weapon is intelligence. maxim, you are the first, but the topic will have to be changed. saransk, yaroslavl,
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kazan. name a city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yaroslavl. absolutely right. however, activity will also play a role. which portuguese? the club is the most titled in the country, i hope that benfica, benfica, absolutely right, in a difficult, extremely difficult fight, wins today, watch the intellectual sports project, head game on our tv channel. we are propagandists, what we propagandize is the state course, yes, that. the need to support the current president, especially in the current turbulent and difficult times, three times yes: sovereignty, independence of belarus, and naturally, the head of state
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emphasized many times that power for him is service to the people and welfare, by welfare, we mean peace and security, from the absence of war in our country to calm on our streets in peacetime , thanks, of course, to the law enforcement system, clean streets, smooth roads, beautiful new residential buildings, for the president now, so that they don’t have a disaster, because after a strong government, the likelihood of this is still slightly more than a statistical error, a propaganda project, watch on the
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belarus 24 tv channel.


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