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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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trade and new industrial cooperation projects in moscow, a cooperation agreement was signed.
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economic programs to assemble airplanes and strengthen industrial cooperation, after the president’s talks in moscow about the economy, import substitution, and investments , the prime ministers already spoke. our columnist olesya vysotskaya will tell you about the main results. the 2023 record trade turnover of $53 billion could be broken this year. in january-february it grew by 2.8%. in addition to trade, close cooperation with a focus on import substitution has been eliminated. 20 out of 25 import substitution projects. are already working, we are waiting for components for them for conveyor enterprises of the two countries, these are axles, gearboxes, gearboxes, hydraulic units. seven new joint projects are also being discussed; in 3 years it is important to implement at least thirty events in union construction. in order to ensure the unconditional implementation of the key agreements of the heads of state, i consider it necessary to accelerate the development and adoption of these plans as a single package. as i said, most of these joint plans approved.
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an unprecedented level of cooperation between russia and belarus in the field of high technology and science; along with manned flights, we are actively engaged in space research.
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instruments somewhere to look at each other, ours, we, belarusians, are very interested in the instruments of public private partnership, which are used today in the russian federation, special investment agreements, and so on, so we are working together on all these instruments, i am sure, after signing we will promote. among the industries for capital investment minsk names tourism and mechanical engineering. aviation is also at the top. we supply units and components to the russian plant, an agreement has been signed jointly. in the production of a light twin-engine aircraft, it is planned to produce 188 aircraft, moreover, the minimum figure that we will have to produce is 50% of this order, or, more simply , we will have to produce 89 aircraft on the territory of the republic of belarus, this is a russian order, that is, an order , we have an order today that will be paid, well, the deadlines are very tight, we must already the republic of belarus, the twenty-sixth plant, will receive the first prototype, which should begin. undergo testing, this is
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a very tight deadline for the organization and technology, and design development, and the acquisition of the necessary equipment to complete this task. microelectronics is here. belarus and uzbekistan are looking for new points of interaction; after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader , a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell us the details: countries we reached a new level of partnership; an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars, ambitious goals, and we do not intend to deviate from them. over the past year, trade turnover has exceeded 560 million, this is plus 12% compared to the level of the twenty-second year and with an increase of three times over 5 years, we sell more than we buy, mutual trade
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is positive, today relations between uzbekistan and belarus has such an unprecedented high character, this is guaranteed by your political will, the political will of our leaders. and on our part, on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs , the appropriate work will be done in every possible way in order to implement the agreements that were reached during your historic visit to uzbekistan. among the key areas of cooperation are timber processing and mechanical engineering of the agro-industrial complex. the population of uzbekistan is growing in particular interest in meat and dairy products and is approaching 37 million. it is increasing demand for food. among the important import items from... the central asian country are cotton yarn and clothing. an assembly plant for belarusian equipment has been created in uzbekistan, and issues of localization of our belarusian trucks, tractors and elevators are being worked out. a number of joint projects are being implemented in the fields of pharmaceuticals and the production of special vehicles. meanwhile, belarus is strengthening its position in
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central america and is working on the creation of equipment assembly plants in nicaragua. what is already known about this? so far, cooperation is at the beginning of its journey, but already with one trial transaction in terms of delivery, we immediately covered the previous ones. export figures are one and a half times, and there will be more in the future. belarusian enterprises are generally committed to developing new markets; new land reclamation machines were presented in nikoraga; our industrialists are ready to continue to surprise with new products. the equipment now changes quite dramatically, sometimes, so we have to separately deal with the support of serial equipment for its release and the development of new equipment. this car literally rolled off the production line in march, the manufacturer assures.
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elevator manufacturing companies in belarusian pavilion at vdnkh days of the mogilev region, what are your first impressions? this is already the fourth region of belarus that demonstrates its capabilities to russians. this time they relied on industrial potential. the mogilev region specializes in petrochemistry, woodworking, construction technologies, and mechanical engineering. here they assemble mini-tractors for cleaning the streets of public gardens, and also produce unique tires for belaz workers who work in the kusbass quarries. you can eat at the exhibition. not to go for a ride, but to feel the comfort convenience of belarusian elevators. the quality of the mogilev lift mash brand is not only known, but also in demand in russia. a joint venture has been created that produces allied elevators of various modifications, from freight and passenger elevators to hospital office elevators.
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the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh is a business platform for managers of public and private companies, where they can become more familiar with the products of the belarusian regions. this is a good opportunity for... russian regions have also become more active in using this platform for business meetings, meetings at the level of chambers of commerce and industry, they naturally give results specifically for the segment of medium and small enterprises, which do not always have information about the opportunities that open up in one or another... russian region, so with a number of areas we we agreed that we will gather from 50 to 70 companies on the site of our pavilion and hold joint cooperation meetings so that they can collaborate and get to know each other. presented tourism potential
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mogilev region, for example, during the first world war the royal headquarters of the russian empire was located in the city. it is also known that emperor nicholas ii lived in mogilev for a year and a half. with his family, part of the courtyard, officers, senior officials of the embassies of european countries, also part of the exhibition is dedicated to the defense of mogilev during the great patriotic war, in particular to the tank battle on the buinicheskoe field. in addition, visitors to the pavilion can see a model of the restored bulgakov palace. this is an architectural monument of the 18th-19th centuries. in the two millionth electronic digital signature key has been issued to belarus. for what purposes is this product used? the key allows you to perform legally significant actions remotely. in fact, this is an analogue of the actual manual signature, but in the digital world. belarusians actively use such means, given the increase in the number and quality of electronic services, there are already more of them. 560 on a single portal of electronic services, if you look at the dynamics there, for example, in
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the year before last we provided about 76 million electronic services of all different types services, last year 126 million, that is, we see dynamics, this year the beginning of the year shows that we will significantly exceed this figure 126 million electronic services, most of them require an electronic digital signature. the next stage is the introduction of a cloud digital signature, which will not require any additional devices; it is planned to be launched before the end of the twenty- fifth year. thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere and not only on the website of our tv channel bring order to the earth and receive a valuable prize. the national championship cup of cleanliness of belarus starts on april 20. how to become an eco-volunteer and take part in competitions, let’s ask kristina soroka, secretary of the central committee of the belarusian republican youth union.
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christina, hello, good afternoon. so, let's tell you what these competitions are, what is their main goal? the main goal is, of course, to promote respect for the environment and to involve all participants in our cup in the separate collection of waste. the main goal of the cup is to introduce young people to... environmental education, increasing the status of eco-volunteers among young people. the tournament will be held from april 20 to 28 in all corners of the republic of belarus, that is, children in natural areas will collect garbage and sort it. well, who are these guys, who will take part in the competition? this is more than 1,000 public volunteers. association of the belarusian republican youth union, kind heart, guys of all age
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categories from all over the republic of belarus. well, what reward awaits the winner, and how will he be determined? of course it is valuable experience in the ability to separate waste collection in natural areas, each participant will receive exclusive merch and, of course, positive emotions. april will be held in azerbaijan, armenia, moldova, the russian federation and other countries. yes. we know that this year has been announced in the cis.
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further on the event program is the treatment of rare genetic diseases in belarus, the filming of a film about the legendary partisan and
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belarusian fashion in paris. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. day of fight passed through hemophilia in belarus. this is a genetic disease that causes blood clotting problems. how many patients with hemophilia are there in belarus and what kind of care is provided to them. unfortunately, it is impossible to cure hemophilia, but it is quite possible to control it. over the past 10 years, the life of belarusians with this disease has become noticeably easier; genetically modified drugs have significantly improved the quality of medical care and reduced the number of complications. these drugs are just
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entering the market in western countries. and clinical trials are underway. in some companies, in including in one of the large pharmaceutical companies of the russian federation, we have been selected as one of the centers that works together with them and now clinical trials are being initiated on these new biological products, this is a completely different level of care. our organization is a member of the world federation of hemophilia and members of the european hemophilia consortium. there are great benefits recently that have been achieved with the help of our organizations. with the help of medicine, this is the adoption of new protocols, and organization of networks of thrombosis hemostasis rooms, which are made on the basis of the ninth clinical hospital, the surviving children's oncology and hematology center, and should also be organized in all regional centers of our country. in belarus , drugs for hemophilia patients are purchased
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at the expense of the republican budget and supplied to all regions of the country. in minsk on the basis of the scientific and practical center of surgery. transplantology and hematology opened the first day hospital in the country for patients with this diagnosis. will appear in minsk sculpture dedicated to the flight to the iss with marina vasilevskaya, the first female cosmonaut in the history of independent belarus. what will this composition look like? the sketch for the sculpture is kept secret for now. the author of the composition is people's artist of belarus ivan misko, the ninety-two-year-old master became the first sculptor in the country to conquer the space theme. now our fellow countryman and hero is a frequent guest in his workshop.
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you will be in flight. for 12 days i will be in the workshop, on a work shift, and i will also be in direct contact with you, live this idea. i received this recharge, received approval and am waiting for their blessing after returning to earth. and i’ll meet you in this workshop of mine. therefore, this idea is alive. according to ivan misko, the composition is planned to be made of bronze and granite. the star craftsman sculpted the astronaut’s profiles from life.
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and specialists, the russian side will provide military equipment for operators and artists. filming will take place in belarus at the moskino film park, as well as in the war film studio pavilions. old man minai, organizer of the partisan movement in vitebsk region during the great patriotic war, four of his children were shot for refusing to voluntarily surrender . our designer, natalya minina , presented her clothing collection at paris fashion week. what surprised the belarusian woman? natalya literally turned the european's head. head of its collection of wedding dresses made of linen, environmentally friendly material, 98% hand-made decorative outfits, tulle flowers and beaded patterns, fashion without stereotypes and template approaches - the philosophy of the belarusian brand. if you take it, to shift this to female beauty, then, for example, one hundred percent linen is a natural woman without any artificial injections, there
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are any interventions in her appearance in order to be better. a woman can be beautiful at any age, any height, any size. naturally, i understand that there are many such girls, not all are ideal, not all are tall, not all are slim and not all are young. this year natalya presented her dresses at paris fashion week, in france they made an offer that many designers dream of, to open your own boutique on the champs-elysees, very soon, a sign with the name belarusian will decorate the new showroom.
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television company, the most important program, which is wide, the most important flagship of ours , we have been producing for 30 years - this is the arsenal program, this is why they recognize us, the program by which our viewer knows us, it airs on the belarus-1 tv channel , also our programs anfas and military review are the main programs that go on television, but it cannot be said that we are limited to this, but we are widely are represented on social networks, on the internet, our youtube channel gained 100,000 subscribers last year. we received a silver button, we want to brag among all law enforcement agencies, and we were the first to receive such an award, and we also have quite a lot of other internet projects
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and documentaries that are aired on other tv channels in the country, and i think that our viewer knows us, recognizes us, and most importantly recognizes us from our content. as far as the reportage and television broadcasts were able to produce, over these three decades, well, we understand that this is probably impossible, right? you said correctly, olga, yes, of course, it is impossible to count, because every day our correspondents go to the fields, every day we are at the training grounds, every day there is not one report, there can actually be several of them, in addition to this we produce the information which our viewers see every day on the internet, we provide video information about the military for the main state television channels, that is, if you see news about the military, most often this is video information which we produce in... ntv, so to say how many of them there were in 30 years, well, probably several thousand, maybe several tens of thousands, these are all those stories about our military, about soldiers, about officers,
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about that equipment , which the belarusian army receives, this is everything that the belarusian army lives with today, and with which it has lived for 30 years, well, your films such as the border or the brez fortress, soldiers of memory have become the flagships of military documentaries, what the channel is working on today in these days over... vntv has a rich archive, so we use it widely, in addition, our correspondents are preparing a film called survivors, this is a big
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project about children of war, about those who survived the horrors of war, and another project is a time of memory, about monuments, about monuments, which are dedicated to soviet soldiers-liberators, this is something that concerns specifically historical topics, and my colleague and i are also preparing a project “we are a fortress”, in which we talk about... about those new products that are entering the belarusian army, in fact, too such a wide range, each issue is dedicated to a certain new product, well, in fact , we still have a lot of such projects, a lot of ideas, i think that our viewers will be able to see all this on air, but are there military television companies in other countries, do you maintain contacts with them, do you exchange content, of course they exist, and most often we meet with colleagues at exercises, at international games, at some other international... exercises, naturally, we keep in touch, naturally, we exchange content, most often these are our colleagues in the csto , the closest connection, probably, with the russian federation, this is
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the zvezda tv channel, we always exchange content and during some major events we conduct joint online broadcasts on our youtube channel, we also do a joint project like this, here’s your personal experience with what difficulties do you have to face during filming and how difficult is it for a girl like that? this kind of work, probably in our military it’s not customary to talk about difficulties, about difficulties, there are some peculiarities of the work, and it’s probably a little more difficult for girls to understand features of equipment, tactical and technical characteristics, but in fact it’s worth saying that we all cope with this, and the most important thing is that, probably, we are trying to make our content more emotional, more humane, to add a few of these feminine zest, feminine charm, and i think that is why also... the viewer appreciates and sees all this, well, for 30 years now your television company has been, as they say, at the forefront, you cover all the most important, probably, events that are happening
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today in belarus army, is it important? which take place in the belarusian army, and we see it, we constantly talk about what we have already said, we cover all those events, the equipment that the troops receive, we are always together with the army, we always, as you talk about, what the army is going through, what stages does the army go through in its formation, stages in its development, and indeed, if you open or turn on... any of our programs produced by vntv, you will see what the army is like today, it is modern, it is mobile, it is high-tech, and well worth say, we always focus on our reports in public, we talk about those who serve the belarusian army, and well , probably this aspect does not change, these are those who love their job, those who love their homeland and are really ready to completely devote themselves to this profession, well well, thank you for
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the questions about... result-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program etn main broadcast, all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best. total. one chance to show your strength, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, who was the head of the outpost in the brest fortress on june 22 , 1941, if i’m not mistaken, andrei kizhevatov, well, there were many chiefs himself, but kizhivatov led the defense of everything, you’re not mistaken, what sport was old man khatabych from the film old man khatabych a fan of? football,
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let it be, football, of course, this is the correct answer, the smartest and bravest who were depicted on the 100 ruble banknote introduced by the national bank of the republic gather here belarus in the early 19990s, zubor, yes, find the belarusian football club, left, right, right, right - this is the correct answer, naftan football club, look, in the intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. achievement of the period of the presidency of alexander lukashenko - this is peace, security, independence and sovereignty, despite everything, we were able to preserve them, now, of course, the main efforts of the head of our state are aimed at this, thank god, after the twentieth year we crossed out the point when we should strive
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to comply with some democratic postulates, when delegations of observers come to polling stations in order to monitor the elections, already with prepared claims. today there is a devaluation of supreme power in many countries of the world. france is preparing approximately 2.0 people to be sent to ukraine, that is , if only macron would talk about this. macron acts, so to speak, as the voice of those ideas that are circulating in european society. and in these conditions the rate.
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evening prime time news opens on belarus 1, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's talk about the main thing at this
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hour. the composition of the participants of the supreme council has been fully formed, there is less than a week left before the most important political event in the country, the meeting of the president on the readiness of the forum. high water does not let go of the orenburg region of russia; people continue to be evacuated in some dangerous areas. the belarusian women's union helps the victims and sent humanitarian aid to the region.


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