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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 7:25pm-7:56pm MSK

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my village kochenovishche is located next to the pripyat river, this is the most important river in belarus, it was once called differently.
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and before the fall in the day, it was once completely different. strumen, we got stuck on the cards, i saw it on the tree, i have it, and then it’s getting closer.
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i’m on the territory of the middle pripyat nature reserve, a lot of medicinal herbs grow here, here’s one called a medicinal cap, it has a tetrahedral stem, it’s a little rough, a very fragrant plant, it’s more specific, why is it called a cap in latin, the initial letter is the alphabet, one of the few herbs is universal, that is, it treats many diseases, very tasty tea turns out to be healing,
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this is our health, i realized so, and my grandmother was a herbalist, i found out later that they are strong herbalists, and my genes passed on, i started collecting herbs, from herbal medicine and duridotherapy, that is, herbal medicine is known to everyone, this is treatment with herbs, that’s all, and duridotherapy is the treatment with energy drinks of trees, leaves, we have all forgotten it, it has faded into the background, so i collect leaves, foliage, there is such a strong collection.
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the main apiary is located here. uli have many modern buildings. now let's see how they are here for winter. the bees are ready, not ready, how much honey is there in them in these frames, maybe you will need to take out the side ones, this is a bee of the carnika breed, an austrian breed, a peace-loving bee is considered hardworking, i reduced the volume of the hive in this way, left some frames somewhere 2 4 6, well, eight, seven can be left. and i’ll remove this so that they are, these bees sit more tightly, so it will be correct when they sit tightly, one to one, then they overwinter better, that is, they need less honey for wintering.
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a modern aluminum retractable ladder, i keep climbing to my hut, where the bees live in natural conditions, we add syrup so that they can overwinter safely until spring. they scared away the smoke first to remove their aggression. they needed to collect a full goiter of honey; they flew away and remained, this way they
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saved themselves. here they are, these bees, polesie bees, these dark ones live here. knows by smell, each person has his own aura, they are the bees who feel this aura, because they have the information field, very strong, powerful, very, they are very smart about insects, very smart, they live on earth longer than we do, so they have developed such literacy in how to behave, here... these are my bees, go, collect syrup, get ready for the winter, the street is not very big, well, they live at a height of about 5 m, there are still five of them on this pine tree, they haven’t
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taken all the syrup yet, so they pulled out the honeycombs, this year they are like this from top to bottom insects will hibernate below. the heights on earth have already gone amazing, intuition often leads me through life in
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all directions, i changed five specialties before becoming this beekeeper, it was like a hobby, and i was a designer, the head of a large boiler room, an engineer, a technologist. and then i gave it all up, left it, started doing the same thing thoroughly, in order to preserve the memory of my ancestors, what they did, to show what we once had, and if there is nothing, then life will not be so interesting, therefore i’m trying my best to preserve these exhibits and that whole corner of life, i’m doing for more than 25 years. collection of these exhibits, there are 45 decks of all my grandfathers and great-grandfathers, bees live in seven decks, that is , how they lived for millions of years and live to this day, people have been engaged in beekeeping since 1539, when there was a census
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for the 16th century, and there it is written like this: the entrance to the poleskaya pushcha to the beet tree, to the budovlya tree in youth and fishing, that is, this was the whole life of ours... people, pole beetles connected with nature, with the river, with water, with bees, with honey, when i was little, this was such a fairy tale to me is told. this fairy tale became reality, the bear tried to climb a tree, they hung three of these called berevna, cue balls, which prevented the bear from climbing the tree, it interferes with him, he throws it away, the third time the bear throws away this deck, it will hit it so hard with a blow, and the bear falls crying, well, i cried, that is , i felt sorry for the bear, and then when i dug up the history, it turns out that we had three rows of bears living here, there were anteaters, we ate them long ago, all our ancestors , then there were redbrown bears and...
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in a dream i made such an exposition, restored it as it once was, so they hammered in such canopies, made a gable one, put fences on them, took the logs with strong steel, nails, pins, so that the bear could not break his head, by heating these boards, either steel or oak stakes were hammered in, which prevented the bear from climbing a tree, this is... called a blade, a device with which the beekeeper climbed high into a tree, he did not need
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any ladder, he threw it onto a branch , he sat there, pulled himself up and could sit at any height, and in this way he made these carvings in the trees , bees populated the tree, and in this way they took honey, this is a very ancient design. there is an interesting exhibit here, a small cart, a cart like this, just for honey, because there is not enough of it, you can’t ride a horse for honey, because the bees don’t like sweat, they are horse-like, they bite the horse, it runs away and there will be neither honey nor no body, so the man himself took this cart, and here he pulled it through the forest, you see, everything, this...
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into these bees, into this deck. ours were field bees, very aggressive, at one time,
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because for thousands of years they fought with people, with bears, of course, they have a reflex, whoever is furry should be attacked and fried. i remember when i was still young, there were oak trees there, my grandfather’s old ones, my father took the honey from the log, not the salt, and there was an enameled bucket, i remember a little higher than that bucket, the higher one was full. honey, i was maybe a year and a half old, these were my first impressions as a child, connected with honey, with the deck, all the people were connected with this life, with farmers with honey and with fishing, all this is passed on in genes, because this is not one generation, but 5,7, 20 generations connected, and the genes go on and on and lead us as humans, it was my grandfather fedor who planted these five oaks, well, in honor of their... beloved children olya, nikolai, here are stepan, mikhail and maria, i
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think, i think, this is the first oak in honor of olya, here apparently my father, probably older, has the same frosty oaks , now they are no longer there, but the oaks remain, and the memory will last for centuries, oaks are very strong trees, they will carry information, and... great-grandfathers, grandfathers, this spring , target these three apple trees for the hundredth time, they haven’t bloomed for 100 years, my grandfather brought them. from the first world war, when i was in captivity, a vase in hungary, three different varieties, i have never seen such apples, i have a good memory, this is my grandfather’s pine, here are the three apple trees that he planted, and the house that he built, they pulled bricks, two burulak from alpen, a brick factory, which was located on the garen river, then when he calculated how much
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these bricks already weighed, that is, it was 25 tons. these were such strong people who they pulled it along the water, then they built this house, all over the area, and my grandfather made a well in the year thirty-nine , there is an inscription there, well, in the year '39, and there was an inscription on the house in the year thirty-nine, it was built with black paint right here, if it is visible, well, if you open it, here it is 1939. the house was built and this well, i was 12 years old, my father probably started building this new barn, sawed these logs with the neighbors, then when my father began to build the roof, he called my grandfather, an old man
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like this in the village of porosta, we worked with him day by day, that is, i learned from him, more and more didn’t come, i myself went down. i knitted small pieces downwards, i did it all myself and only my father at the top got stuck where it was difficult, let’s go to the map that i made with my friend in black shalominsky, this map was made pre-war, what kind of people lived in our village, it is posted i was on five islands like this... the most important thing is that this little village was right there, then people moved to uh serkhovo then, where we are now, where it’s already called grushishna, people also lived near the river close, this is litkovo, it’s called borogi, and our village was founded in 1385,
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the village was also called nightingales, because people sang, we once had three choirs, a senior secondary and a children’s, people drank in three voices, they did not study anywhere, so i also made a diagram of ceramics, that is, there is such a tract, not far here behind the great cemetery, called a settlement and a settlement, where our people lived, once upon a time, apparently, here is where the ceramics are -from the 16th century, 15, 13, thick, that is this is the warmth of these people’s hands, these are the pots, the zvankas, this is all the utensils for honey, when they plowed... i walked through the field for planting the forest in 2 days, collected it, and placed it in three tiers behind glass, so that everyone could understand, accessible, well, on both sides.
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the founder of the village is pan kachanovich, there is a record in pinsk, here in the museum there is a chronicle of pinsk, thatovich founded this estate of his and there is such a record under these names that he fell in love with the island, that is, in that language in ancient slavic, that is, he liked this island, we are all from here smaravii, we left from there 980.
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motor ship already in the spring, once wheeled, was captained by kaczynowski, such ivan, a unique place, this, i think, is the most unique place, because there is a photograph, this photograph was taken by the american traveler louise boyd, which was compiled by two geographers from warsaw, woman, there is such a rich memory, a memory of people, of this place, today i’m walking and i saw it.
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they walked so small, the road was only on water, my grandfathers swam, they all swam along the road, they went for bread, for everything, here it was river, we swam here in boats once, once in the spring, we had constant floods in the spring, we had water coming in, it was there for the whole month of may, so we swam in boats, here in the spring, we sailed straight there, the whole swamp... .. it's called a flower to patch, that is, a solid flower, that is, it was hard to go by boat, a solid yellow decoration, and then
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the floods stopped, there was no water, and there were no those flowers, pull to where you were, well, where your foundation lay. life, and that the city is like our transitory housing, by the way, this is a city, any city destroys us, it’s not intuitive. i don’t want to be there for a long time, it’s all traction, asphalt, concrete, all these are cars, gases, and the village is in the eyes of any civilization, that is, human, all these aols, villages, villages, villages, without them, uh, humanity is finishing again , that is , all the villages are disappearing, the nation is heading towards extinction, unfortunately. it is very important, of course, that my children and my grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren came to this place in this village, i
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hope that it will not disappear like nowhere, something will remain, a chapel, some of our houses are made of bricks, so that they are drawn, drawn here, we are in the village, in the central part, not far here on the right side. the church, which was built in 1782 by the parishioners, thanks to the artist josep drozovich, who was in our village in the twenty-sixth year, such a unique drawing of this beautiful church has been preserved. in this place, where we have now restored this chapel, there was a priest’s house, and then there was a school in 64... i studied in the fourth grade, here at this the building was a school, they began to study our church, then i did this, i was 10 years old,
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then intuitively, i came home with a briefcase after lunch, took all the books out of the briefcase, returned to this place for school, then not to school, but walked to church and collected church books that were lying all over the floor and carried them, hid them in the attic,
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i once installed such a wall with a sign, but even then i did not know the exact date, then when i dug up more ancient history i learned that our trees founded in 1378. this is the grave of a priest, apparently one of the first of our village, we dug it up here by chance and raised it, in this place there was
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our church. i found such an interesting philosophical cure, it’s written like this: if you find a job you like, you don’t work a single day, i haven’t worked for 26 years, i’ve only been on vacation twice for 10 days in 26 years, and i’ve been on such interesting trips such super cool ones in washington, new york, i traveled through europe, that is, i don’t have days off, that is, i
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have been working day and night for 26 years. i’m so glad that my stomach, it was that we live, every day - this is heaven on earth, that is, it is a holiday, every day is a holiday on earth for each of us, so we must be aware of everything, work as hard as possible into the world of our bodies.
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there is less than a week left before the first meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly, preparations for the event have reached the finish line, readiness for the form was discussed today at a meeting in the palace of independence. in the sovereign history of the country, this is the seventh all-belarusian meeting, but this year it will be held for the first time in a new high status, constitutional. this is spelled out in the updated basic law. now the supreme national assembly is the highest representative body of the people of power.
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he will determine the strategy. the development of society and the state, to ensure civil harmony, the inviolability of the constitutional order, the president demands the impeccable organization of the work of the supreme council. dear comrades, there is a week left before the start of the all-belarus people’s assembly, as we agreed with you last time, we will gather the day before and once again discuss in detail the organizational problems that need to be discuss to ensure. effective work of the all-belarusian people's assembly, the home stretch, the organizing committee was created, as they report to me, they constantly met, worked, developed basic documents, but there are a number of issues that relate to the permanent presidium, deputy chairmen, it would be necessary to consult how we will propose the belarusian people's assembly to form
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them, in a word... to ensure a normal controlled work process of the supreme national assembly, starting from the design of the city without any overkill, so that we didn't spend extra money on nothing, until the meeting room. the composition of the supreme council has already been approved; it will include delegates representing different layers of society, a total of 1,162 people, 750 of them are determined by election, these are deputies of local councils and representatives of civil society. also included in the supreme national assembly are the president, parliamentarian, representatives of the executive and judicial authorities. the all-belarusian people's assembly will be held on april 24 and 25. the state border committee of belarus and unicef strengthen cooperation, prospects for interaction discussed in minsk. during a working meeting between the leadership of the civil procedure code and a representative of the un children's fund in belarus, the parties agreed on the importance of protecting the rights of minors, regardless of their rights.


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