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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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good evening, live panorama. in the studio of ekaterina tikhomirova and we will summarize this thursday. a week before the national assembly, we are entering the final stretch of preparation for how to ensure the work of the people’s assembly. the main issues of the organization were discussed at a meeting with the president. help for those affected by the massive flood. over the past 100 years , the belarusian women's union has sent 10 tons of humanitarian aid to the orenburg region. and we will show how the extremist belsad stole the polish budget in the fight against belarus.
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the obviousness of his presence: who brought out the crowds protesters in the streets? details in the periodic table. more than 300 violations have been identified by trade unions since the start of the sowing campaign. details from the raid with specialists in the material. industry gives impetus to the growth of society, but the global market is now fiercely competitive. i, alexey avdonin, will tell you how to promote your product and make money. simple economics in panorama.
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are preparing for a cleanliness marathon, the funds raised at the republican cleanup will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for child victims of war to create center for patriotic education of youth on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the brest fortress. and now about sports, the minsk volleyball players lost to sparta nizhny novgorod in the third match of the consolation mini-tournament in the russian super league. start of the khl final series, metallurgist vladislav eremenka against lokomotiv. meanwhile, the belarusian metallurgist brought.
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the inviolability of the constitutional system, continuity of generations, civil harmony. holding such a large-scale political event requires considerable effort, this is the invitation of delegates, transport logistics, formation of the agenda, preparation of documents necessary for work, arrangement of places for secret voting, which is provided for by law during elections.
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as they report to me, they constantly met, worked, developed the main documents, but there are a number of issues that relate to the permanent presidium, deputy chairmen, it would be necessary to consult how we will propose to the belarusian people's assembly to form them, in a word, to ensure a normal controlled work process of the supreme national assembly, starting from design cities. without any overkill, so that we don’t waste extra money on nothing, before the meeting room, i talked with many who are directly involved in this, today i would like to hear your proposals for questions in this circle, especially in those areas in which we did not last time we have developed a fundamental decision, once again i would like to ask that there be a very attentive attitude towards the delegates;
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the organizing committee is not headed by the prime minister, as roman golovchenko said, the composition of the members of the supreme council has already been fully formed. first precisely as a constitutional body. it will include 1,162 delegates. they represent different strata of society. 750 of them are determined by election; these are deputies of local councils and representatives of civil society. in addition, the delegates ex officio in the supreme council are representatives of the state administration and the president. government, parliamentarians, heads of the local executive vertical, as well as representatives of the judiciary, including participants and invited guests. today, almost everything is ready, organizational issues have been resolved, technical the issues have been resolved, delegates to the congress have been identified,
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all election procedures have been carried out in strict accordance with the law, and the capital is preparing to host this most important political event for our country. by the way, there will also be a lot of people invited, about 700 people. this was also done specifically so that regional delegations could see with their own eyes what will happen these days and then actually convey this to the residents of their regions and cities. the event is primarily for the belarusian people, so we focused on this, but with taking into account the fact that this, as i already said, is the first meeting in a new status and... on the second day it is planned that the agenda will discuss a number of such important conceptual documents related to international issues, then of course we invited foreign guests, these are primarily leaders of integration interstate associations, which include the republic of belarus, and ambassadors
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of foreign countries accredited in the republic of belarus, representatives of the west, well, there is an embassy, ​​they will want to come, but especially should i invite someone? this is the concept of national security and military doctrine, given their significance, debates among the participants are envisaged. among the delegates are people of different ages and professions,
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these are doctors, teachers, builders, public figures and deputies of local councils, they are representatives of our society who locally see and know which path the belarusian wants to take. people, and therefore, jointly solve much more strategic tasks on a state-wide scale. yulia alferova met with a delegate from the lagoi region. specifically, i’ve been in the village since 2018, not so much, it’s more than 5 years, that is, well, it’ll be even six, but in general i’ve been in the profession since ninety-nine, but that’s already more.
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our country, this enormous trust was shown to me when i was nominated as a delegate, i generally understand the full responsibility for participating in something new, important for solving such important issues in our country, i think that people are waiting for this
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meeting, people we want their life and its quality to improve, this is the quality of roads, the quality of water, this is a shortage. personnel, for example, in schools, in kindergartens, the delay of these personnel, young specialists in the localities, the availability of medical care in remote areas. district ones, that is, we already have, of course, mobile complexes, but i also want to improve all this, i have three children, that is , i had important, interesting bills that relate to large families, students, because my eldest son is already a student , ends, the profession, in fact , it obliges you to communicate with people in general, to somehow delve into their problems, this is pushed me to join the ranks of deputies, yes, i think so. because there are many issues that you cannot solve alone, a lot has been done for the village, a
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lot has been done, but not everything yet, i still want to add something here that would be convenient for people, i am concerned about the issue of civil liability of the population , i’m very concerned, this is also an important topic, so that people have that responsibility in relation to everything, to life, to their everyday life, to the state.
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in ukraine, gubernatorial security officers detained a thirty-eight-year-old native of marina gorki, who intended to take the path of mercenaryism, join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and take part in the armed conflict. in march last year, the suspect already tried to illegally cross the state border into the territory of ukraine, for which he was brought to administrative responsibility. the man began to look for other ways to become a fighter. as the investigative committee reported, citizens of our country every day.
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belarus, also to assist in relocation to the combat zone. the suspect contacted the diplomatic representation of the republic of poland, a preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to the suspect. the would-be mercenary was detained by gubop employees. a criminal case has been initiated under the article of preparation for participation in an armed formation on the territory of a foreign state. but this is what happens in the kitchens of those who manipulate people, calling themselves the media. business, money in politics, nothing more. in poland they do not subside. passions around the extremist belsad channel. the fact publication was published with
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headline: so they were dragging money, tvp are investigating what is happening in belsat. it is reported that in 2021 and 2022, funding for the resource from the polish budget increased by 50%. and the director, already a former director, used the money through the companies of her own subordinates. they talk about one fact, but we will add: documents, names and person. through which functionaries romoshevskaya guza and dikovitsky inflated the embezzlement of the extremist channel, watch today after the panorama a new series of the project “the wrong side of the belsat threshold”. business on politics and systemic waste of the state budget, belsat gasket company. on belsat television, there was a systematic waste of public money, a web of firms of employees of the extremist channel, and how costs were inflated. and greetings from minsk, who were the employees registered for, who rented the pavilions? we had a studio in minsk, we
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rented it from a private company, which also rented it from someone else there. from warsaw to minsk, via vilnius, how is the lithuanian journalist connected with the belsat circle? it was inforum, i don’t remember the abbreviation before inforum, but there are agreements there, so, but... watch on thursday evening. several hundred people continue to protest near the georgian parliament building, but in general, actions against the law on foreign agents are in decline, but they could flare up again at any moment. let me remind you that the bill was adopted by parliament in the first reading, this led to an opposition rally and spontaneous
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clashes with the police , the opposition's speeches are supported by the pro-american... to open a second front. who benefits from the internal political conflict in georgia, who brought the crowds of protesters to the streets. details in the author's section periodic table. a fight
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in parliament and an attempt to approve a draft law. on agents number two. an internal political conflict is flaring up in georgia. double standards, open dissatisfaction with eu officials, and crowds of protesters in the streets. who is the screenwriter and who is the director? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. hello. the georgia foreign influence transparency bill ironically made its presence obvious. ruling party georgian dream re-introduced the project.
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united states of america. for reference, in the united states, the law on registration of foreign agents was adopted back in 1938. in july 2016 , a law was passed on the transparency of ngo funding in israel. in australia, the foreign influence transparency system act has been in force since 2018. on march 27, 2024, the lower house of the french parliament approved a bill on the prevention of foreign interference. in the case of georgia, for some reason a similar law suddenly contradicts the values, the circle is closed, and the rubbery definition of european postulates are bursting at the seams. the crisis against the backdrop of the bill is beneficial in order to organize a change.
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always identical, be it syria, moldova, ukraine or georgia. then it turns out that the fruits of constructive chaos, sown by hand from outside, are a rapid decline in the standard of living and security. the protesters’ expectations are not justified; the understanding comes that they were needed only to shout about freedom and democracy, with which the path to total submission is paved. alarm message from turkey, earthquake of magnitude 5.6 occurred in the province of takat, in the central
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part of the country. the outbreak was located near the city of solusarai at a depth of 5 km. turkish media reported casualties, several houses were destroyed. the earthquake caused panic among the local population. the tragedy of february last year has not been forgotten here. then two powerful magnitude 7 aftershocks. destroyed thousands of buildings in southeastern turkey, killing more than 5,000 people. the eleventh day began with the breakthrough of the city dam in the orenburg region, the beginning of the most terrible flood in the last 100 years, despite some decrease, the water level in the ural river near orenburg remains critical. the danger mark has been exceeded by 130 cm. there is a storm warning in the region, a state of emergency, and a federal one. operating mode to receive
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emergency vehicles. the total number of flooded residential buildings in russia increased to 18. in the orenburg region alone, more than 16,500 residents were evacuated. in kurganskaya , 1,400 people left their homes. there is also a regime in place. the belarusian women's union today sent humanitarian aid for flood victims in orenburg, these are cots, mattresses, mattresses, pillows, blankets, as well as hygiene items and clothing. total 10 tons amounting to 45,000 rubles. women from belteleradiocompany also took part in raising funds for the purchase of necessary items. enterprises and private businesses also joined the action. they raised a cry for the belarusian women's union, always.
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to leave, that is, ours, i was once again convinced of how consolidated our people of various directions are, and simply citizens and organizations and government agencies, that’s when some kind of trouble occurs in one or another country or region. already today, a truck with humanitarian aid will go to orsk, then the cargo will be transferred to centers for accommodating people from the flooded areas of orenburg, ozhsk and villages between cities. polish farmers have resumed protests on the border with ukraine. let me remind you that the cause of the discord
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was cheap ukrainian grain, which is pushing polish farmers out of the market. the poles are again blocking the checkpoints in medyka, doroguska, greben, zosen and korczew. protesters will not block the passage of buses, the protest will not affect ordinary cars and...
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economy and develops national industry. alexey avdonin will explain the hidden relationships between politics and economics. author's column, simple economics right now. hello, this is simple economics with alexey avdonin. modern processes in the global economy can be described in the lines of pushkin from evgeny negin, how the state gets rich and what it lives on and why it doesn’t need gold when it has a simple product. now the united states is doing everything to return to its territory a simple product, global industrial production having your own product means having a strong economy and finances. and the latter are bursting at the seams in the united states. external debt is already at 125% of gdp. in conditions of
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imbalance. between finance and goods, official washington is trying to be cunning and is pursuing a policy of strangling industrial competitors, primarily the european union and china. at the beginning of april , the head of the us treasury, jeannette helen, visited the celestial empire. for a long time, she headed the us federal reserve system, a private corporation with the right to print dollars. yelin was indignant at the excessive dominance of the chinese auto industry in the world demanded beijing to slow down its global export expansion. china, she said, growing chinese exports of government-subsidized electric vehicles, solar panels and batteries threaten american jobs and businesses and must be reined in. overproduction in china has growing negative side effects not only for the united states, but for the entire world. in other words, the united states got scared, they realized that they would no longer be able to catch up and overtake china in the automobile industry. and they walked
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following the beaten path, they announced the resumption of the era of protectionism. let us remember that the ideas of strictly closing markets come precisely from the united states; illusions about a free market are purely tools for capturing competitors. so, in 1791, the first us secretary of the treasury, hamilton, you can see him on ten dollar bills, presented a famous report on manufacturing to congress. from now on. the main idea of ​​the united states is to produce everything ourselves, protect its market through tariffs, and subsidize producers. in the middle of the 20th century american corporations became infected with the ideas of globalization and began to move production outside the country for the sake of maximizing profits, destroying their industrial zones, just look at the apocalyptic pictures of detroit, the former notorious capital of the auto industry of america. now the us is trying everything.
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we want to restore it, but time is lost, but not lost for us. belarus and russia have a significant domestic market, preserved and developed production and technological scientific potential, and qualified personnel. the president holding a large meeting on april 9 on the state of industrial development tasks, focusing on global market issues. you see, there is a fierce struggle between western corporations for their product, for their markets. we are belarusians, thank you. according to the visionary vision of the head of state, we now have our own preserved industrial enterprises, universities, scientific and technological centers, our country produces unique goods, units, mechanisms, components, which are now extremely in demand in russia and among our partners, but competition is growing and the battle for its product is in global world just starting, it was simple economics with alexey ovdonin.
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as they say, a spring day feeds the year, the tasks this year are ambitious, discipline, technological and production, is important here. farmers work long hours during a hard day. monitoring of compliance with labor safety rules and regulations takes place in all regions of the country. first , a representative of the seeding company.
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from the labor conditions inspector dmitry gorovenko. the first point of the sudden inspection was the mechanical yard of one of the agricultural enterprises in the ostrovets district. no examples there is not much housekeeping here, but there is... when repairing equipment, it was revealed that the use of improvised devices, rather than special equipment, was used. in general, there are many more such examples in the region. monitorings have already been carried out in 122 organizations in the grodno region; based on their results , 85 recommendations were issued to employers to eliminate over 400 violations. well, the main violations, of course, are revealed during the repair and preparation of equipment; we have violations that relate to support. workers with sanitary facilities and conditions. the results of inspections, along with recommendations, are immediately sent to local authorities. also, special attention is paid to compliance with fire safety and sanitary standards. drivers are examined daily for
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signs of alcohol intoxication. if drivers are found to be intoxicated, they are suspended from work. a logbook record of suspended drivers is also kept and logbook records are also recorded. drivers who have passed the inspection. some of the machines are already in the fields, a small part is still under repair, and are about to be put to work, which is important agricultural machinery is fully equipped with fire extinguishers and first aid kits. there are also emergency signs. everything was on time, lunch, special clothing, everything we had, well, in principle, not bad. i wouldn't say it's bad, everything is fine. tell us what they feed you? soup, cutlets. a good worker, a well-fed worker. today on the menu for use. farmers soup kharcho, selts under a fur coat, potato cutlet. special containers and thermoses are used to transport food; food stays hot in them for a long time. belarus will certainly not be left without bread, a necessary we will reap the harvest, but don’t once again blame
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the weather and the breeding and economic sector on a new technological level, what the president is focusing on, today everything is there for this with the proper discipline of highly productive plant varieties , animal breeds, available technologies, and today you can work one and a half or even two times better than we are working without smart agriculture, so the tasks for the twenty -fourth year are much more ambitious than yesterday’s results, we need to produce about 10 million tons of grain, 5 million tons sugar beets and more than a million tons of rapeseed. year, readiness number one sounds just right, by the way, given the difficult situation in the world, which is already affecting food supply. strict adherence to technology and discipline are what will allow farmers to count on tangible results now.
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construction of a dairy complex with a capacity of 777 heads has begun. this year it is planned to introduce it in the month of december, which will entail an increase in our milk yield, and so it is not small and we will partially... small farms, what the head of state sets the task of is to move away from small-scale production. there is much to be proud of as an agrarian, but if problematic issues are not resolved, then all successes will very quickly come to naught; it is easier to foresee risks in advance than to pay dearly for your own inattention later. checks will continue over the weekend in different regions. those who have not yet been visited by the mobile group still have time to give up possession. picky look and eliminate all shortcomings, because even basic, timely instructions safety precautions can save a person's life. victoria sharkova, anatoly dolotovsky, television news agency.
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a large-scale scam in the construction industry in minsk, 10 private companies did not pay more than 5 million rubles to the budget. to artificially increase costs, and therefore reduce taxes, company leaders turned to others for help. they performed various jobs on paper, in fact drew up fictitious documents, cashed out the money and gave it to the customer, who paid the workers part of the salary in an envelope. also detained the organizers of the criminal scheme, over the course of several years, they created over 60 companies for illegal operations. vladimir korolev will tell you the details. i asked to introduce them to people, they introduced me, they said that everything would be fine, but...
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in the twenty-third year, i was engaged in cashing out in russian, and they offered services for withdrawing money, well, understating the tax base, but i simply cashed out, then there is some amount of money that remained, workers’ salaries, some personal enrichment, part of the salary is white, the rest is envelope, and in order to cash out money, construction companies used the services of third-party companies, drawing up fictitious contracts, invoices, and certificates of work performed for a percentage of the amount. according to the department of financial investigations,
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10 private construction companies regularly used the services in minsk, artificially inflating costs and reducing taxes. the organizers of the criminal activity were two citizens of belarus; the group included seven participants in total. in 2021-23 they registered 65 controlled companies one-day companies, and on their behalf provided services to commercial enterprises in preparing effective documents and conducting illegal financial transactions. for the exchange of non-cash funds for cash, for their services the organizers retained up to 12% of the amount of transferred funds by representatives of the real sector of the economy. we come up to me, turn our backs, turn our backs, go, go, go, left to the wall, left to the wall. this is the detention of one of the key persons involved. a large amount of cash is found in the man's apartment. what is this? personal income from shadow business? or the money that he cashed, but did not have time
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to give to the customer, still needs to be sorted out, i had to talk about the criminal scheme, they advised me, word of mouth worked, well , business entities knew that i could provide such a service, they contacted me through messengers with a request to provide this cash withdrawal service, transferred non-cash funds between his organizations, which were withdrawn in equal shares by each organization, and where did you get these organizations? i did it myself, i bought it. the main thing in you won’t get caught in this case, the suspect assures us, you can’t do this alone. shell companies are registered to different people, which complicates the search. by the way, accomplices were looking for finnish directors. i was offered cash out, but at the same time i needed to find people with whom i could create, relatively speaking, false structures. a company that supposedly sells something, something. does it there, does it, money was transferred to them, later
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i cashed them out from these structures and transferred them to the people who, let’s say, there they were driving you in, that’s all the work, you were looking for people, people for these false structures, well , you approached a drunkard near the store and offered him a 300 dollar salary a month to become the director of the organization, that’s all, what amounts are we talking about, did you cash out the board once a week?
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secret chats in instant messengers and passwords, conventional meeting places, an encrypted database for storing information were used. during urgent investigative actions , seals and keys for managing the current accounts of a shell company were discovered. 500,000 us dollars. the organizer of a large-scale scheme was taken into custody, five criminal cases were opened, the financial police are now dealing with all participants in the secret scheme that was carried out several years ago. in addition to compensation for damages, the defendants face up to 12 years in prison. inspections in the construction sector continue now, however, already. it is obvious that other commercial construction
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companies were also working with similar gray schemes, which means that arrests will continue. vladimir korolev and nikolai lashkevich, television news agency. belarus is preparing for general cleaning, republican cleanup, volunteers will work on construction sites, tidy up monuments and military graves, and improve parks. and places of recreation, the proceeds will be used for the reconstruction of the memorial complex for children, victims of the war in the red coast and the creation of a center for the patriotic education of youth on the base... details in the report by anna buikevich. they died, but did not give up, and everything here, it seems, reminds us of the exploits of the defenders of the fortress. today, specialists are restoring the facades of barracks 125, rifle shelf. the historical appearance of the building will be preserved, including traces of the lead linden
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of the nazis. at dawn on june 22, 1941, germany attacked the soviet union, all four of them. now we are on kobrinsky, on the northern fortification of the brest fortress, here on the eve of the great patriotic war various units of the 125th infantry regiment were located, and many veterans of the regiment recalled that it was difficult to leave the building; they simply jumped out of the windows of the barracks, naturally receiving serious injuries, injuries, at the same time, work is going on inside; in the future , there will be a dormitory building here, as well as a room for education.
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we are already finishing the rough interior finishing little by little by the end of the month, maybe early next month we will start finishing work, we are doing landscaping, we are working on utility networks, student teams from all over the country have been working at the all-belarusian youth construction site since november last year, changing each other, and enterprise teams are coming.. . and organizations, for example, today contribute to the common cause. contributed by representatives of the brez regional executive committee, the ministry of defense and the media. it is a great honor for us to be present at this construction site and to contribute with our own labor to the construction of this very important facility for the whole country, because by building this center, we are building our future, we are making a great contribution to our
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future, the future of our children in general, the future of our country . on april 20 , the territory of the patriotic center will again be crowded here... nutrition for youth will become the main location of the labor marathon in the brest region. 35% of earnings funds from the republican cleanup will be sent exactly here. another 35% of the collected amount will go to the reconstruction of the memorial complex for children victims of the war in the agricultural town of krasny bereg, a place that in may 1944 became a storage and transit point for children from all over the area. from here , some were sent to hard labor in germany, others became donors for german soldiers. museum complex in zhelobinsko.
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this was the information picture of this day, immediately after the sports news, we will meet with you have the wrong side of the project, just like the extremist belsad stole.


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