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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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at the same address, by the way, there is a polish cultural center, a polish hotel, the polish association inforum, on the other side of tvp vilna. velmedia journalist edita maksimovich specialized in the activities of information agents, it was edita maksimovich who rented the pavilions in minsk, where belsad filmed his programs, here is a document, this is a rental agreement, where the name of the lithuanian journalist is written.
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euros, and the income from sales of the inforum association in 2020, from which belsad, according to romoshevskaya, rented these pavilions was in no hurry to pay for them in minsk, according to the terms of the contract there had to be an advance payment for the quarter, in fact this happened with a delay in postpayment, there were always difficulties associated with... there with
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the ministry of emergency situations the same thing, that is, we had a condition, the main thing was that not our conditions, but from the administration of totrans, it doesn’t smoke, they always have these hazer cars there and so on, that is, we had such small conflicts, but the most important conflict is yes, it’s payment, payment is constantly not on time, you start there ask, to say that we will terminate it, they will pay, it seems that some period passes, they pay, then they start again, well, that is... well, in the end it is already clear that i don’t know, they prepared, they understood, and even more so they were not in a big hurry to pay , if earlier the terms of the contract were periodically fulfilled and there was some kind of prepayment, then since the twentieth year it has always been postpayment. inforum owed almost 5,000 euros in rent and utility bills, did not pay for the use of the pavilions, were preparing to leave and simply ditch the belarusian entrepreneur, but according to the papers, according to the papers, claims were also not paid.
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this is how they work in the russian space through intermediaries in ukrainian, this is how they work in poland itself, under the nose of the tvp commission, under the nose of tusk. moreover, they are multiplying in the fertile soil of polish-belsat corruption. this is madame galeta, this is a photo. warsaw, and i need the help of my warsaw subscribers. 114 squares, three will be different locations. well, let me remind you one of the main complaints of polish citizens. so-called
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instrument of soft power against belarusians from the budget annually sucked up round sums, no benefit, big waste, as it turned out, waste in the pocket, the public... offered to redirect this money to help young children suffering from cancer, but ramashevskaya, maksimovich, borona and others, and also dikovidsky, apparently more necessary. the list of violations revealed by the audit is longer; from the note it follows that on belsad television there was a systematic waste of public money through an irrational order beyond any control services or equipment without any evaluation, usefulness or rationality, also placed orders. raise serious doubts. the new acting director dikovitsky signed the same papers. from his own words, from his own words, i understand that romashevskaya is hysterical, but he himself would have quit more calmly, after all, she has been hand-fed for the last thirty years.
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between the lines, the publication of the fact and the mouth of the new director, the warning air sits quietly, say less. the document flow recorded many of belsatovsky’s frauds vice. romoshevskaya, but she was not alone. we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse you in the era. an ash tree that grows with its roots upward. approximately sixteen years ago.
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a woman must find that moment when any of her questions will be answered.
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for myself, so that i feel comfortable working with them and they feel comfortable working with me. 2024 has been named by the head of state as the year of quality, but i believe that one must do one’s job efficiently, always, and produce a quality product - this is the main principle of our enterprise, we control the production at every stage. we have about
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nine control points from input raw materials to finished products reaching the shelf. my first education is as a process engineer or bakery. confectionery, pasta production and food concentrates. at the moment i already have three higher educations, in addition to being a process engineer at the moment . i came to the company in 2014, as the chief technologist, the team was new, i had previously worked for 8 years in the same team, and for me it was of course it’s stressful to change the city of residence with a small child. and the child was just over a year old, and i had previously worked with
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chocolate, here i got into flour confectionery, in particular cookies, and, probably, if i had been given a little time to think when making this decision, i probably would not have risked it, these accidents, yes, they are still destined by fate, and it seems to you that this happened by chance, still, probably, despite the fact that everything is written down, yes, everything is described. but still you can change something, you can do something turn in the other direction, so often we are faced with a choice, a woman should be a woman, that is, therefore, for any woman, it seems to me, this is, first of all, caring, within her lies caring not only about her children, about her family, but also in including about her team, what i observe about maria nikolaevna is caring, so to speak, about her subordinates, she...
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quality control, we have a female team, and until the moment i became deputy general director for production , i only had girls under my command, young ones, beautiful, ambitious, now, of course, the staff has expanded, she has forgiven me over the course of these eight years, professionally, we communicate not only about work, but about some personal topics, we have, so to speak , a tandem, i saw her and angry and upset, but... but many people used to be somehow afraid of her in such a mood, but somehow we
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more or less agreed on our personalities, anything can happen, sometimes i get emotional, not without it, all of us girls like to get emotional, yes periodically, but i try to sort out this question control, but anything can happen, always agree with everyone, you lose the status of a leader, that is, someone leads, but not you, if you always agree with everything, if... the person is wrong, yes, let this be your opinion as a leader , but at this moment you have to say no to him, when they try to pin it on you to do something other than your job, you also need to be able to say no in time, because at a certain moment, having scattered yourself on everything, you may not get anything, a woman in general has a difficult mission, she i have to do a lot, now... any woman can volunteer, there is enough desire here, and of course , family support, without this there is nowhere, because
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to realize yourself simultaneously in the profession, in the family, as a wife, as a mother, the most important thing for me in my life is my health, first of all, because i understand that behind me there is a family, and i have children, i have parents, secondly... this is their health, the health of their relatives, their well-being, i met my wife about 15 years ago, we witnessed a wedding, a little more than a year later, we got married, at 29 years old i gave birth to my first daughter, now we have two children, tatyana and maria, one is 11 years old. second nine, quite often
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my husband takes the children, they go to their relatives at the dacha, and at this moment i just relax, i am alone, i can watch tv series, i can read a book, but the main thing is that i am alone, and this helps me restore all my strength. i have always been wildly delighted by her tenacity, the way she knows how to build relationships with people, clearly understands people, how to communicate with them, she is fair.
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division, everyone knows what they are responsible for is part of his responsibilities, what is part of my responsibilities, that now the children do a lot, and we try to help each other so that it is comfortable at work and at home, so that no one thinks that you need something in your dad’s do i was.
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who wants to live comfortably, i would like my children to live here, which for belarusians is a familiar life, for others it may seem truly exotic, here is lewis.
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gets acquainted with its history and culture, ilyefichepin acquired this estate, already a fairly accomplished, mature man, he was 48 years, by this time he really was an incredibly famous artist, there was already a forest not far from the village, people were afraid of him, they believed that evil spirits lived there, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits , a horse shoe was nailed over the doorframe, and they were very often stuck into the doorframe. knife or serb, watch the travel show, like at home, on our tv channel, head game, show where they fight not with the help of physical force, let him be beaten the hardest, in the fa cup match of the 22-23 season between wrexham and sheffield united, the referee
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showed an unusual red card, her the peculiarity is that it is understandable even for players who do not discriminate. kazan, name the city that did not host the 2018 world cup in russia. saransk, yaroslavl, kazan. yarosla, absolutely true, but activity will also play a role. head game on our tv channel.
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on april 1, the president signed the law on the responsible treatment of animals.
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hello, the program is on the air, say don’t be silent, svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova are in the studio, and today we are visiting a member of the chamber.
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i was amazed at the cruelty because i had to deal with various cases, and citizens turned to me as a deputy, and of course, i was amazed, probably more and more each time, by what , unfortunately, a person is capable of, but returning to the law, i also want to point out that not an adult , now you can purchase animal companions only with the permission of one of the parents or legal representatives, this is done so that the child does not bring home a puppy, and the parents are not ready, this is another... let's say , a precedent for the disposal of animals, therefore, we decided to play it safe and children, only with the permission of one of the parents, will be able to purchase animal companions, as well as visit cafes or catering establishments, the law generally supports such a movement, but they ask owners to warn at the entrance that here you can animals, so that people with allergies understand this, take it into account, and also during this year, until january 1, many
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resolutions will be developed by the council of ministers, this is a resolution that will determine the operating status of shelters, temporary detention centers for animals, hotels for animals, as well as the procedure for breeding cats and dogs in nurseries and breeders, the procedure for walking animals, that is, all regulations will be adopted in the near future. you have already said that, according to the new law , it is now prohibited to visit food stores, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and cultural infrastructure facilities with animal companions.
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there is already talk about protecting the lives of people who have allergies, unfortunately, there is no bakery products can get this hair even from a small dog, so i want to appeal to the owners and ask them to treat this with understanding, to respect other people, and perhaps somehow adjust their route so that they can still enter grocery stores without animals, and once again, taking this opportunity, i want to ask store owners to install perhaps even special booths, which
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are now also appearing, where you can... open the animal and leave a drinking bowl with water, i think you said that this is another one of the initiatives that is also being developed and will be implemented are such special booths or even some kind of rooms for animals, that is, so that they can be left, well, you already mentioned the dogfrendly establishment, when you can bring dogs, here in our area there is such a wonderful cafe, i was in it and was convinced that this was my dog. yes, it’s quite decent there, and well, we usually went there in the mornings, that is, no one was indignant, there are not very many visitors there, but probably even such an initiative there are opponents, what i’m talking about she said that the difficulty of passing the bill, that different opinions are a double-edged sword, but who loves animals, who doesn’t, and of course there are diametrically opposed positions here, so finding a compromise was the most difficult thing, then victoria says that even in in the house chat discussions, it seems to me that there are still more animal lovers than i oppose them.
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stimulates the creation of these animal shelters, but unfortunately, now, first of all, i am developing this bill, trying to solve the problem from the very beginning, then there is a way to force the owners not to get rid of it, if the owners treat their animals responsibly and do not allow the facts of its release, where it will breed unattended or simply get rid of it, throw it out on the street, this is where our homeless animals come from, we probably need to decide about.. .
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and citizens sent their comments in that part, including that while they are not ready for microchipping, this is an additional financial burden, plus we must understand that the law is being written for the entire republic, that’s the same. another complexity of this law is that, let's say, everyday life, customs, attitudes towards animals in rural areas and in the city, they are quite different, and for the residents... the area does not even have, let's say, the resource and place where this can be done chipping, so it was decided to leave chipping voluntary for now, but the council of ministers will develop a resolution before january 1 that will describe the procedure
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for chipping, that is, this will stimulate the creation of additional points where chipping will take place, including in rural areas, the exact procedure will be described so that people can simply understand how this procedure occurs, and i really hope that after that, let’s say so on... because it seems to me that for you there was so much criticism of this law , it’s important to make a move in general, yes, let ’s start with something at least, because 20 years
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is, of course, too long a period, well, let’s talk about dangerous ones, for me, well, all large dogs are dangerous or personal, their owners are now obliged to undergo special courses and receive. id, that's right, yes, we have it according to the law, there are two categories, let’s say, here are potentially dangerous dog breeds, the first is called dogs that require special responsibility, and this is a certain list of dog breeds, it includes poitzov dogs, especially large dog breeds, and for these owners of these dogs a priori they need to take courses, but there is a second category - these are dangerous dogs, a dangerous dog will be recognized as one that has caused some damage, harm to the life, health of an individual or an animal, this will not necessarily be there. german shepherd - it could be a labrador, a dachshund, but which, simply due to its nature, shows aggressiveness, and in order, let’s say, to protect citizens and prevent this kind of harm from being caused again by this dog, we oblige the owners after this dog
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has caused some kind of then bodily injury, take special courses so that they understand how this dog should be treated, how it should be raised in order to prevent this from happening again, there is no need to take such courses to prevent this from happening. those owners who have potentially dangerous breeds of dogs, well, i remember this case, you all remember the dachshund, but a child in the park was bitten very badly in the face, after that only we oblige, so i ask why not, not enough, because it is very difficult to oblige even, let's say, the owner of all the yoksky terrier dogs or even the lapdog itself, the safest thing is to take these courses, and this is not even advisable, because the courses are aimed at educating and showing how it is necessary... they can attack there, well, from their practice i speak husky yes, that is, he is small, but his character, and just his character
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, but again, yesterday i was a participant in such a conflict, my neighbor has a big american quito dog, that is, there is such a huge dog, such a calf, and his owner is quite puny and he... to me it seems that when he sees us, he deliberately lets the dog go on a long leash, he wants to see how it will behave, and i told him yesterday that you know, if you want to see how it happens, well... a fight, a fight between dogs, then i don’t recommend it to you, because i say, yours will most likely parvet mine, because yours is larger and younger and how will it end, well, that is, not always, of course the owners are adequate, yes, of course, the law, by the way, i also want to point out, prohibits setting animals on animals and animals against people, well, he doesn’t set them on, but it seems to me that he is interested in seeing how it will look, because his dog is showing aggression, well, the new law is also aimed at protecting.
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treatment it has been improved now any action and even inaction that led to exhaustion, the death of the animal will be equated to cruel treatment, including violation of maintenance requirements, that is, insufficient food, insufficient air, or simply not releasing the animal there and keeping it in a cage permanently, as we saw there the incident was in in karelichi, when breeders kept their pets in bad faith, all this would be cruel treatment, in addition, in the course of...
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there is also administrative criminal law, in what cases does criminal law occur? well, that's all the court decides, if it sees that, let’s say, a citizen acted completely recklessly, then it equates this to criminal liability, if there was death, then this is even more so and prior to criminal liability, you said that you worked on this bill for a long time, you probably studied the international experience, what you can say, who you should look up to, what examples inspired you, the most advanced ones.
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maybe it will be less humane to put a dog with a crop in the cold outside in winter and it may simply freeze, but in general, of course, many countries adopted similar laws much earlier and have already revised them several times, taking into account law enforcement practice; we mostly paid attention to this. mash, well, we are dog lovers and cat lovers, we really hope and expect that the law will still work, it will start working, but before we go into the groove, we want to ask you a surprise question, attention to...
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about the field of knowledge, then of course, here the law helps them, you need to re-read it several times, in terms of monitoring the implementation of this law, of course, you need to be more persistent, and let’s say, to the police who are involved in considering these cases, simply understanding that physical evidence is needed, again , this area is very difficult, it is very difficult to prove that a dog was hurt and it won’t tell, therefore, we, caring people , have the responsibility to record this, this is either a photograph or a video. and provide such materials
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to incompetent authorities. let's take a short break for now. i remind you of our telegram channel say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest new interesting guests to us. we are connections. we get to know you. with architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. the temple at mosary - geta dastatkova lakanichny, navat prasyaknuty spirits.
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everything about the intricacies of their work, our uniqueness is that we present more democratic genres, more understandable, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, we were pioneers in order to pay tribute to the veterinary profession and those specialists who work every day they care about the health of animals, it’s not for nothing that they say that “artists should be like children, naive, so they can stay in this childhood age, but it’s not strange that the role of mr. poppins gave me the impetus to think about whether i’m too old.
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on the air again, don’t be silent, our guest is the ex-member of parliament, public figure, model, maria vasilyevich maria, well, probably not only this law was in your practice, what other achievements, what are you proud of for the path you have traveled, the cadence you have passed? well, in fact, yes, there were a lot of laws, first of all, due to the recent referendum, a lot of laws were revised due to changes in the constitution and...
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him and to change his point of view a little, therefore, well, such a job, you have such a disarming smile, it seems to me that as soon as an excited person came, they tried use all methods, masha, well, we
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have talked with many current deputies in the past, well, we always, as they say, have 25 again, roads, education, medicine. there may be an interesting, unique, extraordinary case, you can remember, tell me from my practice of solving a problem for a person from the same road, and , by the way, it is also connected with animal protection, and the young man who organized such a zoo in the village turned to me, he saved those animals that were abandoned, it was not only dogs, but these were also pigs, old cows that did not produce milk, and people wanted to give them to slaughter, but he took them for himself and there was. the problem was that he couldn’t get there because the road was always broken after the winter period, and we, of course, spent a long time communicating with local authorities, but they managed to build a road and of course. these are the videos that he later sent me, how pigs are running around in a pen there, and he drives up calmly on the road, this is just one of them, these are
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the access roads to the villages, this is a question of the region’s funds and, of course, a question of redistributing the funds of the literate in their use, because after all, natural conditions, climatic conditions set their own conditions for the performance of certain works, local authorities must take them into account and must, let’s say, predict when it is right to allocate certain funds.
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that roads are still an indicator, yes, this is the face of the area, maria, but was there ever such skepticism on the part of those who approached you, your voters, well, you’re young, what can you decide there, where will you help me there, and at that moment you were even more angry and said, oh well, now i’ll show you what i’m capable of, well , maybe yes, in the initial stages i noticed it somewhere, noticed it, first of all , probably this is the internet, where people don’t are shy and can leave comments. but they say that she’s young and what experience she has and what she can definitely do, it only spurred me on, thank you very much to them for the strength
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that they betrayed to me, this gives me even greater responsibility, and of course i didn’t want to let down those voters who they believed me, uh-huh, why did you decide not to try your luck again in the deputy chair, did not run for a new seat, still i want to say a big thank you to the school that i had. in parliament and of course, the scope of knowledge that i received is extensive, so i already know how roads are built, and how to protect animals, i wanted to apply that experience, the knowledge that i have gained over these more than 4 years, somewhere else, yeah, but alex sergeevich gaidukevich was our guest, and he said that it’s more difficult to run for a second term, because you can promise in the first term, there i ’ll do this, that and that, you just elect me, for the second -
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campaign and it was interesting to observe the election programs that were offered candidates for deputy, and i absolutely support
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that the composition of the parliament is very strong, and i am convinced that those people who came to the eighth convocation of parliament will make a great contribution to the development of our country, and i have no doubt that everything will be wonderful, well, it’s still a pity that your experience that you have accumulated will not be useful in the eighth convocation. there will be a lot of young people in the belarusian assembly, i think that has absolutely nothing to do with this, but in the seventh convocation there were representatives of youth, now there is one, then
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there were three, there is no trend here, our youth, in fact, today have the opportunity to occupy many positions in different areas, in local councils, how many of them are there today in district councils, in regional councils, in city councils, that is, to evaluate the system authorities, you can’t evaluate one parliament, you have to look at it as a whole, we agree, i absolutely agree with oleg sergeevich, indeed, you don’t need to focus only on the figure, which is the youth representatives in parliament, this is still not the only indicator. and here i am working all these years, i really often crossed paths with very talented young people, during the period of my convocation , a youth parliament was created at the national assembly and i am sure that there is always a place for young people to prove themselves and their knowledge, but when are you on the internet again? you read skepticism about the work of parliament and in particular yours, and you internally understand that people are simply not
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fair to you, what do you feel? now i admit that i read much less, probably wisdom some have accumulated, but they will always be dissatisfied, there will always be people, maybe somewhere offended or who want to somehow lift themselves up, while putting others down, and therefore, of course, these comments need to be filtered in your mind, not always accepted personal account, pay attention to the fact that there is a moment of some constructive criticism somewhere, if of course it can be found.
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it takes a lot of energy and time, and i, as a rather empathic person, always take everything to heart, and here, of course , it wasn’t easy, but how much sympathy you have after 4 years, it also dulled somewhat, as did the desire to read comments, or anyway, i think it only increased and intensified, because even if there were some
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negative comments, i don’t know how it happened. but all the time i had in my feedback some kind of warm love for people, maybe it was some kind of psychological barrier, that i just don’t want to let some kind of negativity into my field, just with love and such warm wishes people really dealt with it. mash, well, you worked with such experienced people meters elders, it seems to me that this is very honorable and responsible, the chairman of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation.
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we have news that your colleague in the modeling business at beauty contests, bozhena yaremic, has become a deputy of the minsk city council, maybe you have some wishes for her, so that you immediately warn your colleague about what you would advise her on focus attention? we know each other personally, i would like to publicly congratulate her once again on her election and wish her all the best. great success, but we they really look like this too , she came from the sphere of such model beauty and is also young in her age, and here i want to warn her so that she does not stop and not, let’s say, stifle her potential, her ambitions, her own fire of this youth, and she really put her energy into implementing
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initiatives that are important to her, so that even if there are some comments that we discussed today.
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and there people are also engaged in receiving citizens and considering applications, so i i always found support with the people i worked with and was never left alone. for us, april is the month when we live with passions in the national assembly, yes, the entire belarusian assembly, now on the eve we are meeting, what can you say about this body of democracy, here is its evolution, you are observing now, i am glad that you in general, you say that there are a lot of requests from citizens, this means that...


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