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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 18, 2024 11:55pm-12:16am MSK

11:55 pm
denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, smart girl, it must be an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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they didn’t leave any chance, i think she left because no one she doesn’t want to see and doesn’t want to be seen, i don’t understand why you didn’t call me right away, how could you even let her go, did she leave with her husband, does he also not know anything, where is he?
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did not suffer, no one except her, and you are a bastard, who gave the right to insult me, you abandoned a sick wife to die, bastard, what a horror, just a nightmare, yes, you feel bad, no, you’re just
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dizzy, timur, come down, i’ll help you, come on, come on, let’s go, you need to rest and definitely eat, it’s not a problem with me, is it? these are problems, look at the beauty all around, nature is a miracle. you like it here, it’s just a fairy tale, yes, it’s a pity that the sun will set soon and this fairy tale will end. “tomorrow it will rise again
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, it will be day again. and why do you make some kind of special collection for each patient? the disease is everyone has their own way, you want to help, i want, here you go, thank you, don’t rush, as you do it, you’ll do it, you know, you’d better tell me something, but what to tell, well, for example, about your life, tell me, i'm a hundred.
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i sorted out interviews with others, but somehow i didn’t even have to talk about myself, i don’t know where to start, but you start over. how the sky changes color depending on the weather, you don’t find that, forgive me, i’m saying how the sky changes color, yes, i agree, alas, i,
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unfortunately, don’t see anything, but i remember well, i artist, loved to paint landscapes. the sea, the sky, they are of course beautiful, and the fact that i don’t see anything doesn’t make them any less beautiful, let me accompany you, i will be grateful to you, but only on the condition that you look at my paintings, drink tea with me, from it’s hard to refuse such an offer, great, please, i took the complementary food, yes, i took it, of course, you are so well oriented, i went blind, i thought my life was over, of course, i’m so many years old, after the accident i won’t be able to write anymore, but how they say fate does not send trials,
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which could not be withstood, so i learned to live in the dark, that no one helps you, well, of course, my wife helped at first, but not for long... i wanted her, no, don’t think, i don’t blame her, the woman is young, beautiful , you don’t have to suffer with a disabled person all your life, probably everyone decides for themselves, i don’t agree, i just couldn’t do that, it’s a betrayal, well, perhaps, before i would have said the same thing, now i’m looking at it all calmer , i don’t think in such categories, why expect from a person what he cannot give you, unnecessary disappointment, that's for sure, yeah, we 're almost there, the house is at the end of this street,
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let's go. let me help you, no, i do the housework myself, i’ve already learned how to do it on my own, good tea needs to brew a little, let me show you my paintings for now, so choose which one you like best. this, excuse me, here the sun is setting behind the horizon,
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perhaps this is sunset? well, i actually painted the heyday, but it must look like something else. in general, of course, these states are similar, the color scheme is almost identical, so each chooses what he likes best, someone chooses the blossom, someone chooses the sunset. i called this picture before the dawn, i would like to believe that this is the dawn. let me give you this picture. you know, if she had converted a little earlier, she would still be here. hope for recovery, how did you let her go to nowhere? well, firstly, with such a diagnosis , the person decides where to be, and secondly, she didn’t leave alone, her friend, friend, yes, the famous director georg
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deloyan, came to pick her up, so do you know where they went? alas, no, georg didn’t tell me, but i remember he said something about some sanatorium, do you have an address or telephone number? evrga, i have an address, but i can’t give it to you. sorry, i promised. i beg you very much, i need to find inga. well, inga, where were you, walking, i didn’t know what to think anymore, timur and i walked around the entire coast, what is it you have, a picture, i’m sorry, i completely forgot about the time, the main thing is that you’re alive, i was so afraid , what... you feel bad, you won’t believe it, i feel better now than ever, it’s all thanks to
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to you and your friends, yes, miracles happen, if i hadn’t seen your old photographs, i would never have believed that you were sick, that is, i didn’t understand, but that’s what you are... my dear, you ’re completely healthy, that’s true , yes, and i ’m happy to confirm this, no, well, of course we will still watch it, but we can say with confidence that you won. hello, hello, my name is dmitry. i came from st. petersburg. yes,
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one of my very good friends lived with him. inga? yes. she was very sick. she is alive? yes. do you know where she is now? no, i do not know. she, they immediately left like crazy. so inga has recovered? yes, the doctors just threw up their hands, but i knew that she would recover, a good girl, very bright, that’s for sure, go with god, thank you very much, goodbye.
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please, your dessert, thank you, hello, yes, it’s me, why should we meet, okay, i’ll be near the house in an hour. hello, lyozh,
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hello, well, i didn’t expect to see me alive and healthy, why are you doing this, i’m very glad, i wanted to ask for your forgiveness, although i understand that you probably won’t be able to forgive me, you understand correctly, by the way, i i filed for divorce, i hope you won’t mind, i think it will be useful to you too. yes, i heard that my program was closed, yes, it was closed, margarita quit, she now works as an editor on the decimeter channel, and
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oleg sued her son, sorry, yes, of course i can, i’ll come now, see you, well, i have to go , this is the same georg who took you from the hospital, yes, are you working with him now? yes, his friends and i organized a fund to help cancer patients, we will build a rehabilitation center on the shore seas. great, well done, yes, i know, but i have to go, goodbye. agnia is with you again, and you have just
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listened to this wonderful song. the topic of our broadcast tomorrow is indebted to the past, i’m waiting for your calls and stories. if there is something in your past that still torments you, that you can’t forget, share these stories with us and we will help each other, i wish you good night and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, and tomorrow you will hear my again voice on radio voice fm, agnia and the “night call” program were with you. inga dimka, how did you end up here, i heard your voice on the radio, i immediately recognized it, well, of course, you introduced yourself, but not by your name, this is my pseudonym, i guessed, agni - this means i am inga, only the other way around, and if you hadn’t
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turned on the radio, remember, i told you , there is no mood in history. everything is as it should be.
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new markets and new opportunities for the enterprise, updated lines for growth in volumes, we went to the minsk gear plant, there is a large-scale modernization, when it is necessary not only to release a new product, but also to tell a large audience about it, about an important step in promotion of belgospishcheprom products. and food security, guidelines for the agro-industrial complex, mistakes that are important to correct on time, the government has outlined the main tasks. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you. hello. the belarusian economy continues its recovery growth. in the first quarter, gdp increased by 4.1% compared to
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last year. to our strengths, industry, trade and construction are in this. agriculture was added in the year, which as for exports, he also added: prices, which last year lost about 13%, are also recovering. this means that it becomes more profitable to sell your goods abroad, and this requires high-quality goods and modern production lines. large-scale modernization continues at the minsk shesteryon plant, and soon the forging and pressing production will be noticeably updated. the line will be supplemented with robots, and this will allow.
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for the production and processing of body parts, at the moment this new section, which we are about to launch, will receive the result will come to life at our plant as diversification of not only exports, not diversification of sales there, but diversification of our production, that is, we will receive a finished product not in the form of a component, but a finished product, either it will be a gearbox, or it will be a gearbox , well, this will be very interesting. the question immediately arises, yes, is there anyone to work on such high-tech equipment, because statistics tell us that the country still does not have enough workers, what kind of specialists do you lack?


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