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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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it’s such an easy job and it’s easy for them to get up, it’s very hard, i really didn’t want my children to go down this path, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes uncomfortable questions, every day you see illness, death, what does it help you to believe in the best? the eyes of my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even... say, a perpetual motion machine, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus
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24 tv channel. i don’t know how i understood when you save a person, well, this is the most joyful thing for the rescuer, let’s say he doesn’t realize it, but you are very happy, tired, maybe swallowed smoke, very physically overwhelmed there, well, the emotions are indescribable, so you did everything right, will you suffer unbearably?
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commander of the fire and emergency rescue unit in the city of novokomlya, the region has two parts, part in the city
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of chashrenka, the second part in the city of nolukomlya , one post in burshki. we are located at the guarded site of lukomskaya gres. lukomskaya station - one of the most powerful in belarus, it was built during the ussr and is still in operation. and in demand. the main task is to service this facility, but we have another plus. subordination of the city and the nearest area - this is a nearby village, we have three guards, three shifts, each guard has 15-16 people, three turns, a fourth is planned, it was being done now, well, this is each combat vehicle, each has a driver, commander and soldiers. well, in our
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armaments department there are four equal types of equipment that help us carry out our responsibilities. my fighting friend, a car, it contains 10 tons of water, and 360 liters of foam, water is mainly used for either cooling some parts or for extinguishing the fire itself, foam for extinguishing cars, this is not shampoo, this is a chemical substance, which interacts with water and due to this foam occurs. on the car there is about a hundred equipment, these are cylinders, compressed air, that is, we can breathe directly in places where for an unsuitable environment, it protects both organs breathing and expression, well, when i came to work
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in this part, this ural was standing on the first move, when javier was there, he practically saved such a thing, other cars didn’t... come, and he was the only one who was an old man, calmly driving through the snow , as if nothing had happened, so no one writes him off, in order to have high cross-country ability, god forbid he gets somewhere, he will get anywhere, of course you have to be physically different. without this there is no point in coming here at all, because there were guys who came to us physically weak and a month later they already wrote a report about their care, well, a rescuer also has a function not only to extinguish fires, but also has related work, let’s say i’m both
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an industrial climber and a freelance chemist, now we’ll do it. the latter are at a height - an injured small child, he fell unsuccessfully , it is impossible to approach him, you have to use climbing equipment, the height is the third floor, about 12 m, here you need to correctly, most importantly and reliably save the person so that he does not fall and so that he gets hurt, for example i broke something there carefully remove it, lower it to the ground and hand it over quickly with help. military discipline, i will say, is the same
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as sports discipline, only in a slightly different format, the sender is like a universal soldier, like in russia, let’s say they have a division, there are firemen and a rescuer. our rescuer must be able to do everything; honored artist of belarus stanislav trifonov is called baretone number one.
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it’s nice that this work was well appreciated, that it reached, as they say, the public, and so the state, so to speak, also paid attention attention to my work, very nice, watch on friday on our channel,
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editors club, this is my first time in minsk, i have been to a very large number of countries in the world, so i come, what do i understand, all the shops are open, please, if you want, city clean, excellent hotel. i’ll tell you more, i’ve never seen such a conveyor belt as i saw here at the car plant on such an organized conveyor belt that there were so clearly a hundred young people working when the state was small.
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the lf duty service can still help you, there are victims, okay, just don’t put them down send equipment, and the dispatcher has a very important role in this, if the dispatcher is competent and qualified, then the success of the extinguishing depends on him, i am given a minute to receive messages about sending equipment, during this time it is necessary to collect the maximum amount of information from the applicant, i must provide high-quality advisory assistance ,
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for example, if this person is in a smoke-filled apartment, or the person is in distress on the water, and there are moments that distract us from solving the main tasks, a drunk person calls and hello ministry of emergency situations, take off i was stressed, it was like this, the first move, the second leaving for the call, “i have no right to hang up, i have to listen to him and solve his problem, even if this person is drunk, but perhaps he has a serious problem, there were two.”
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well, we go to chemical accidents, not to say so often, there is artout, thermometers are broken in small concentrations, children often, and in my memory there was a release of omjak, maybe 10-12 years ago we went out, i would say a lot a lot . poured water to eliminate this, worked for an hour and a half, probably coped with it
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task. our city is located on the shore of a lake. which is in belarus in fourth place in size, well, yes, there are such situations on the water that fishermen go out on boats in good weather and our city is such that the lake usually attracts the weather, the weather can change quickly, and accordingly the fishermen do not they manage to swim to the shore and the boat is overturned by strong waves, well then they kind of call us.
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if a person is physically developed, he will be able to swim 200 meters on a board until the boat starts. the specific thing is that you have to know what you are doing, because if you do something wrong, then the one who is drowning you can drown you, you must know how to dive under him, how to grab him, how if in case he grabs you, how to free yourself from him if he
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he grabbed you, god forbid, he tries to go to the bottom with you in a panic, you need to go to the bottom, he will let you go, this is human instinct. check where the emergency medical team is located, we are providing first aid to the victim, as i understand, help came to you, as i understand, only the second we will accept the information, thank you, thank you, participants answer only to the second one, ski blanket?
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well, sometimes i’m drowning there and then i forget, of course, because i keep thinking it’s impossible, i can’t forget. kid, this is the most terrible thing, well, it’s just such a feeling when a child dies, thank god that i only had it once, well, that’s the memory that remains, it’s like now, it was an accident, there are
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drunk parents let's go by car. and he just managed to control it there, the head of the family flew away, he had only to drive a couple of kilometers home there, but he would call taxi, i don’t know, i just wanted at that time i just wanted this father, as they say, just to kill him, that’s all. i can’t forget this, i don’t even want to say it, honestly, you know, it’s hard, very hard, the feeling can’t be conveyed, well, it’s just devastation in the body, everything, you ’re driving in silence, everyone is driving, they’re not discussing anything, well, everyone also understands, all sorts of things
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life happens. it’s hard to see, roughly speaking, a dead person there and be at peace, this is not given to everyone, if you show your weakness, mentally, physically, then you have nothing do here.
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they were born in different parts of the world, i came from kazakhstan, from the city. maty, my husband sergei, he was the first to come here for work, he really liked it here, i was born in tselinograd, so to speak, there is a little history there, first there was telenograd, then akmala, everyone found something here for themselves, here is ours favorite stage, our home, i can’t even say that this is work, this is our home, where we give our soul, our creativity. i came and declared, that is, that i want, that i want to have my own team, i want to develop ballroom dancing in our city in the city, each hero has his own unique...
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in the literal sense of the word, they built a theater. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our
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country. i love this soup, all because it is very fatty, rich, and after eating a bowl of this soup you can simply not eat it all day. i would like to immediately note the simply fantastic presentation of this dish. if you asked me what haute cuisine is, i would probably say. well, here it is, watch the project, food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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every year, the ministry of emergency situations holds all-around competitions for rescuers in order to share experience with each other. create a team of the ministry of emergency situations of the republic of belarus to participate in international competitions for the last 4-5 years , each region has been given some stage, each region is trying to make them more difficult, accordingly, even this year there was a region that did its own stage, they themselves did not complete their stage , that is, this suggests that it was really difficult, it was very difficult, because it was very hot, there were a lot of manholes,
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it was very difficult to get through, there were a lot of tires, ropes, everything was warm here, you had to walk carefully, the bullets were going off scale very heavily, there was a ringing in your ears, you couldn’t hear anything... you couldn’t hear anything, you walked by touch, there were a lot of thoughts in your head, the main ones would be faster it ’s over, it would be faster to get to the finish line, the first one is there, let the second one come out, turn it off, the second one comes out, come out, in life, yes, of course, it happens very strongly. there is smoke, you have to go there, there are victims there, and yes, and children can hide anywhere, up to the bed in the closet, i
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have to examine everything, combat clothing has to get dressed in 18 seconds, leaving should already be done by car from the garage in 40 seconds,
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the information was received by the village of koshnirovka residential building, about the victims, as soon as you find out, let me know, we heard the information about the fire, look, we are installing a three-legged ladder, don’t forget tblektriki, seryoga , then put the car on auto on the water source and power the first turn. and...
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our guys, yes, we are going either looking for a hotbed, or victims, an emergency situation, it can turn out differently, why they say that the battle line is written in blood, because on the mistakes of people who died in the performance of their duties, i am a commander and i am responsible for them, they came to me today, young people,
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help, rather help, i understand you, please, let’s take action, every person is afraid of something, of course, yes, only a fool is not afraid of anything, well, if you are ready for this, you are a professional, then in principle what is there to be afraid of, do you trust them?
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in 2002, on march 18, i came here to the ministry of emergency situations, i was 18 years old, my former squad commander , sergei khramchika, took a procession over me and helped me, showed me everything how to do it, hello, hello, this is my first hero, in which i am 14 years old.
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we always help, always be like this and continue to grow, just like i try to do with my relatives. protects herself from her work, as i understand that this is extra stress, when my daughter appears, then you generally appreciate everything, that is , my daughter has probably changed a lot in life, i want to devote more time to my family and friends, and we try to appreciate such moments.


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