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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  April 19, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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svoy muzay, dacha gaspadar tuteishaga maentka, maryli verashchak. paets, yans are so easy to add to the pachuzzi. and it was borrowed, but panenka said to the young man: “i am already borrowed.” due to other difficulties and acquaintance with the mickiewicz, maryla became the wife of count vauzhynets putkamer. there, where they were suffering with the happy couple, where the sad troubles were melting away. i will always be inseparable from you, because i will leave every part of my soul. nyashchasnae kahanne paeta has become a legend. maryla’s image does not stop adam’s image zhytstsyo. yon sustrakaetstsa ў radkah balads, ramantsaў, saneetаў, adtul peratsyakae ў familiar paems. what do you mean there? i named my dacha maryai. marylya was married to the counts of putkamer for a long time, naradzila. mickiewicz was a guest more than once,
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and she got along with maryla and her husbands, the scenes of the revolution because of the getag, and the count, as a nobleman, does not share with anyone adnosin, pagavars with adam and everything koina ladies. in the skin, the adnosins of mickiewicz and putkamera were prickly. maryla's husband asks him for kava. kava ў 19 stagodzi was the favorite drink of the local gentry. i live in my life often... sing your favorite spirits and adam mickiewicz, i confess more than once, without a cup of good kava, i feel like a cap. table and cava, all that is required for a happy meal, is medicinal. the water of tuteyshay kava mitskevich will be remembered throughout life. navat sedzyachy ў kavyarni na beraz seny ў paryzhy, yon budze zagadvat ya relish, і ўslavіts yago on the old days of the famous paemy pan. tadavush, no such as ours, what a pavina in
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other lands, the peremptory statement of mickiewicz, and patlumachyts, what a pavina byts kava ў in the old staravetsky house, where the mokka smelled like burshtyn irdzel, charnel like coal, and chalk was kneaded with honey, and fresh boiled milk was given in abavyazkova. darechs, practicing over the gentlemen tadevush, mitskevich pіў velmi shmat kava, and couples. no one fell into a hole, no such thing. in 1824, godze was pressed to leave his native land. three dzesyatsіgodzi zhytstya, more for yago palovu yon pravyadze on a stranger. adnak, the soul of mickiewicz is not in pain there at all. dze b yon ne zhyў, near st. petsyarburg or rome, paryzhy tsi kanstantsіnopalі, adam i will remember my ancestral ruler, my home, my ancestral navahrudak village. father’s land,
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you are so healthy, we don’t value the mighty, but the passionately patched one, just as your beauty, my native land, is tight on you, here i create your image.
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hello everyone, my name is vika paplevchenkova, are you ready to go on another exciting journey through our native belarus? then let's go! and where did i go? the most attentive, of course, guessed that asipovicha is on the map of our route, how many interesting things awaits us ahead? so today i will be a stationmaster and learn the history of a unique temple. i will see the house from the very
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marshal of victory, master the cymbals, get acquainted with the work of the people's artist of belarus and learn easter eggs. well, first things first, but for now important road information: getting to vasipovich will not be difficult. the first obvious way is the railway. electric trains go there on schedule and regularly. travel time from minsk will be from 1:9 to 2:45. ticket prices start from 3.92 kopecks. up to 30 rub. depending on the class service. also in osipovich literally every half hour. there are minibuses and buses, a ticket will cost from 8 rubles 73 kopecks, and the journey will take 1 hour 40 minutes. the distance from the capital to asipovichiy is 103 km, owners of personal cars will be at the destination in about an hour and a half, if without long stops, of course.
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the story of sipovich is inextricably linked with the railway; in fact, thanks to it , the city appeared, then ros was transformed, finally reaching the scale of... one of the largest railway junctions in the country. the founding date of the city of osipovich is considered to be 17 november 1872, when the lebava station of the rominsk railway was built here in the wilderness of the minsk province. what else could be depicted on the coat of arms of the railway city? let's guess on the first try. of course, this is a steam locomotive. locomotive. m-72623, weighing 120 tons, was manufactured at the sormovo plant and back in 1937 it reached speeds of up to 65 km/h, is now a symbol of the city and was erected as a monument in 2002 in honor of
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the 130th anniversary of the osipovichs. well, we are going further to study railway history. museum would.
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ancient, maybe, i don’t know, something unusual, well, unusual is something that no longer exists, this is a telephone set, the so -called mb, it has a local battery, the railway could not exist without communications, so telephone sets were used, which means , to organize communication between stations, there were two telephone sets, which means that the station duty officer turned the inductor handle and a conversation took place. but how did they know where to go, there are no buttons, they were connected in pairs, only two phones, two subscribers only, that is, they were issued in pairs, yes, well, between stations, and this is only the beginning of discoveries, but what telephone communication is is
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undocumented, so telegraph machines began to be used, the first telegraph machine was a morse telegraph machine, here each letter corresponded to... the telegraph machine was filled with ink and for working with it required lengthy preparation; it is noteworthy, by the way, that mostly men served as telegraph operators. there are collections of communication tools and newer ones. when it was necessary to combine several
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telephone conversation subscribers, it was used switch. the telephone operator was connecting, it was possible to connect several other subscribers, well , about... practically a modern online conference, only without video, but perhaps the history of the partisans occupies a special place in the railway exhibition...
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we approached the sentry, the sentry examined his tools, but the box with tools had a double bottom, the accompanying person did not pay attention to him, he attached one of the mines to the tank, the mines had a delayed effect for 2 hours, after 2 hours the city of osipovich was flooded with light from the fire, they began to detonate.
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electrical centralization, where the person on duty, means, carries out all the movement, translation in this building, it’s called a switch post, opening signals, at the moment this locomotive is heading towards minsk. well, it’s too early for us to head towards minsk; there’s still a lot of interesting things waiting for us in osipovichi. the temple in honor of the erection of the holy cross in osipovichi is a real monument to folk wisdom. it appeared here after the war, although it was built much earlier. the history of the holy cross church in osipovichi is very interesting; it began long before foundations of the city itself. tell us a little about the history of the temple. information about our temple
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is very contradictory; we find different information in different sources. some sources indicate that this temple was originally built in sborsk. yes. then he was transported to asipovitch. in some, that was built in the village of zamozhye. we adhere more, based on... the stories of eyewitnesses who were still alive, precisely on this version, yeah, the exact date of the founding of the church is not known for certain, most versions indicate that the end of the 18th century, in 1949 year, the temple opened its doors already in osipovichi, the temple was so cold when it was received that those old-timers who came here said that they began to freeze, but... just, the floor was so cold, a lot of
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effort and effort had to be put in, so that the temple becomes as warm and beautiful as it greets us today. an old temple, ancient icons, a temple on molina, no matter what your life situation is, at home, at work, when you find yourself in this temple, then of course, it’s absolutely everything to me.
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also in the temple there are shrines included in state register, and we can only guess about the age of some icons. the kazan mother of god is a very powerful icon, they often turn to her, even during military operations and... ask for children, for health, there are a lot of ancient icons, some have been restored, but the artists, of course, do not touch the icons. they are just updating the attire, what is the approximate age, there are no inscriptions anywhere, there are no inscriptions, but if , after all, the temple was built at the end of the 18th century, initially, maybe these icons are already there, you see how old they are, uh, holy history the church of the exaltation of the cross leaves many
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questions without an exact answer, but one thing is certain, the atmosphere of sincere warmth and spiritual light in the temple. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove the opposite, what name was given to the peace treaty that ensured soviet russia’s exit from the first world war. masha, what do you think? i chose the option of the brez world, the culture of belarus is close to masha, so yes, here is the tenth grade, we just recently passed the exams, now we’re doing well, smart, their larva with an elongated body and lumpy skin resembles a tiny alligator, name these beetles. we were also thinking here, we have several options, please, your guesses, we had a cockchafer,
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we had a ladybug, so we hope we will have three points, they are erudite. any adult will envy whether it is true that an adult normally has four fangs. denis, what do you think? well, i think there should be four of them, if everything is in place, good girl, there should be. an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. who and how science helps make our lives better. the system allows you to generate tables, queries, diagrams, cartograms, complex things, in simple language, technical specifications, usually if the composition of the product changes, some new components
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are used, that is, most often specifications in order to... speed up the release of new products to the market, as well as the most interesting facts: so in the second half of the century , the so-called descriptive statistics was born in germany, it was then called state-led, but alexander ii the supply territory was expanded and the prestigious title of supplier of the highest court was introduced. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel. good morning.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel and say, you woke up today and said, let’s go to town, amazing,
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in this house on rabochaya-krestyanskaya street in 1938. the marshal of victory, four times hero of the soviet union, georgy konstantinovich zhukov, stopped. documentary information about zhukov’s stay in isipovichi is extremely scarce; it is known that at the beginning of 1938 georgy konstantinovich arrived at the headquarters of the 6th cavalry corps in osipovich, having been appointed its leader, and stayed in this one-story building with a domed roof, where it was located before the war. from the military unit, but soon marshal pobeda received a promotion; in june 1938 he left for smolensk. a memorial plaque on the building appeared for the sixtieth anniversary. victory, now there is a residential building here, but here in the regional center of culture
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the most talented and active people sing, dance, create, let’s go quickly get acquainted, but first a mystery, what sounds like a violin, like a piano and like bells, and at the same time? this is a unique dulcimer instrument, just listen, friends! tatyana, i came like a moth to the light. to your music, it’s stunningly beautiful, tell us the name of your band? we have a folk tsembal orchestra in the region of the district center of culture and leisure. well, tell us a little about the history of the creation
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of the team. our team was created back in 1951, and today we are already 72 years old, not bad. what is the repertoire do you primarily perform? our music is varied, we play an original piece for a dulcimer orchestra. so we have applications of various melodies from movies, we somehow put more emphasis on what kind of audience we play for, and for whom we play most often, more often for simple, ordinary people, who are mostly sometimes and not even professionals, therefore they are familiar with the melodies. the cembal orchestra participates in competitions, however, most often online, because such a large-scale composition will not go far for long, and the composition of the group, by the way, is istina zolotoy, teachers of music schools in the city and region. by the way, we have a member in our team who came to the orchestra at the age of 12 as a little schoolgirl, svetlana
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yakovlevna. and now, not a word about age, we are only talking about creative experience. 58 years old, behind the hammer, just be honest, how did you do it? here are the symbolists, these are my students, sitting. and there are also students of my students, so i hope, i think it’s too late for me to change, such dedication to one’s work not only admires, it literally inspires me to new achievements, i have the most a responsible mission, as i understand it, to create an environment, i’m worried, this is all good, of course, but i’d like to try it on the cymbals, we’ll get the opportunity. class, as the eastern sages say, be afraid of your desires, they tend to come true, but we are not afraid, we rejoice, so, well, i have
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an idea about this instrument, a small one, but i have it, it’s like one step forward towards, a discovery, well, dulcimer player, i’m a beginner, so let’s play a simple melody from note c, the main thing is to find it. in short, i don’t see anything, it’s very interesting, but - it it’s like i’m seeing double, but the more difficult it is, the more interesting it is, really, excuse me, we get there, i’m still learning, drown it out, beautiful, very, very. thank you, that’s it, come to us, i will come and promise again and again, but for now let’s listen to how the professionals play,
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yes, the soul sings with happiness. i would listen endlessly, our route continues, and in osipovichi there is an art gallery of the people's artist of belarus vladimir stalmashonok, where truly unique canvases, portraits, graphics and watercolors are stored, a mixture of techniques in the structure, deep motifs, images meanings, the art gallery named after vladimir stalmashonok in osipovichi opened in 2006 . not at all by chance. maria, tell us how the artist is connected with your city. well, firstly, we are in the gallery of vladimir
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ivanovich stolmashonok, and this is his gift. that is, we didn’t buy, we didn’t even ask, it was his decision, although he was born in minsk and lived there for a very long time, traveled, returned, but he considers asipovich his small homeland, because all his relatives are wicked, well, here he is believed that he was belarusian and so rich, by the way, this can be seen in his work, there are a lot of interiors of village huts and relatives, it occupies such a dominant position together with belarus, his native country, famous figures, perhaps everyone who has traveled to the capital at least once is familiar with the work of this artist metro to... moscow victory square station, on victory square he made a stained glass window on the moscow mosaic, the fashion house also has his work, on frunze there is a house of a writer, he is still buried there, his is still there work, that is, in addition to easel painting, he is also a monumentalist ; his decorative creativity is very clearly represented, there are a lot of stained glass windows, mosaics, wood carving, he studied a lot in different places, so he could work on wood and with glass and draw, he it uses all this
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and somehow compiles such a synthesis. it turns out, and you can even watch it. another interesting fact: despite all the depth and seriousness of vladimir ivanovich’s work, his paintings are loved not only by adults, but also by children. and children are just so interesting innovative solutions are very much appreciated, because they are such non-standard children among us, and yes, for example, this work here is multifaceted, stand back, look at what you see on it, people, a house, windows, and if you turn your head a little to the right, you you see the face, this is a very nice job.
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he has his own everything from the canvas, which he primed himself, to the frame, which he put together and painted, somewhere it will be with ornaments, somewhere it will be, you see, like this, upholstered in metal, somewhere it will be with carved and painted flowers , that is, this and a painting and some kind of philosophical research, a scientific and also an artistic vision, and also a performance, all together, he is such an artist, he constantly experimented, he has a lot of graphics, again relatives, children, famous ki... people in belarus, that we have a large series, it is mainly exhibited on public holidays, it is dedicated specifically to the sepovites, he painted a lot of our portraits, partisans, underground fighters, heroes of the soviet union, sepovchans and residents of the region. the exhibition in the gallery changes to to give some paintings a rest and others to see the light of day, so it’s worth visiting the gallery more than once. i am so impressed that it is simply impossible to leave osipovich empty-handed. and valentina will help me with this.
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hello! hello. look, based on the set, i have zero guesses as to what we'll do, but it looks nice. how does is called? this is called pysanka. this is one of the types of traditional painting used on this egg, painted and in rituals. and it was very often used at easter. that's what i wanted to say that i only observed something like this on easter, but so that there is something on them. did you use wax or what do you do it with? we've all probably seen, these are just plain red eggs, and onion peel, and we paint it, when it's completely painted, it 's called krashenko, so, this is called pysanka, it's written with wax on a raw egg, light white, then i'll tell you secret, but i’ll show you how it’s done, and in the old days we also had scrap jars, it’s
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the other way around... this is our colored egg that we’re used to seeing on easter eggs, yes, the pattern was scratched, we remembered the difference, now let's get to the most interesting part, so, we will need a raw egg, wax, fire to melt it, and here an armalamp or pesak will be perfect, all from scrap materials, remove the pencil, and so from the comb, there are such carnations, i’ll tell you that they are round here, so it’s convenient to write, but carnations are inconvenient, it scratches. the droplets turn out to be uneven, we dip them, you see, a droplet accumulates, you see, we’ll just apply this droplet to the egg and pull it up, that’s all without markings was done, here we put a point, then you will get them a little smaller, a little more, but that’s the beauty of the dynamics, in general we’re here...


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